# & 4 3 % 5 A i AS Sdn Cay An 0 ao A a 14 -- PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JULY 2nd, 1964 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnson and Mr. and Mrs, Graydon Tay- lor of Oshawa, also Mrs. Ethel Gall of Uxbridge visited with Mrs. Delia Harper on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Mervin Storie and girls have moved back to their home in the village. Mrs. B. Duff of Whitby and Mrs. Hogarth of Napanee call- ing on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ken- dall on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Mountenay and children of Oshawa visited Mr. and Mrs, Larry Kendall. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Geer, Doug and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Slack attended the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Butson in Port Perry on Sunday. Mrs. Armstrong and son. of Locust Hill calling on Mr. Wm. Philp. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kendall and Mr. Wim. Philp visited with Mr. and. Mrs. Roy Hart on Sun- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Geer and family and Mr, and Mrs. Chet. Geer attended Decoration Ser- vices at Uxbridge, also the Geer Picnic. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Hodgson of Oshawa visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bailey Sunday even- ing. A large number of friends & relatives celebrated the twenty- fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. George Beare in Utica Hall on Saturday even- ing, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mitchell of Kinsale visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchell on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mitchell visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henry in Whitby. Dymond Not Opposed To Health Plan A denial that he is opposed to the recommendations of the Royal Commission on health services was voiced recently by Dr. Matthew B. Dymond, Ont- ario Health Minister. Dr. Dy- mond spoke of the recommenda- tions at the monthly meeting of the Ontario Riding Young Pro- gressive Conservatives Annual Meeting held at Hotel Genosha, Oshawa. The speaker said that it had been claimed 'that he was against the proposals. "I have not oposed the medical plan," he said, "I am critical of only one point, that the 1971 target ddte is too ambitious." Dr. Dymond stated that more doctors, dentists, nurses, etec., would have to be trained before the plan was fully put into ef- fect. "This is not a plan which need frighten any doctor, pa- tient or hospital," he added, "nowhere in the recommenda- tions is there any suggestion of full socialism and state control. "If set in motion this plan would be a model to the world," the health minister stated. I UTICA NEWS 1964 Fair Dates Announced Dates of the 1964 Fall Fairs have been released and follows here: Barrie ...... Sept. 80, Oct. 1 to 8 Beaverton ........ Sept. 17 to 19 Bobcaygeon ................ Oct. 2, 8 Fenelon Falls ................ Aug. 22 Lindsay ............ Sept. 23 to 26 Markham .................. Oct. 1 to 3 Oakwood ................ Sept. 21, 22 Orono ................ Sept. 10 to 12 Oshawa ................ Aug. 20 to 22 Peterboro .......... Aug, 12 to 15 Port Hope ............ Sept, 18, 19 PORT PERRY ...... Sept. 5 & 7 Richmond Hill ................ May 16 Sunderland weatinavise Sept. 15, 16 Sutton West .......... Aug. 6 to 8 Toronto (CNE Aug 21 to Sept 7 Toronto (Royal Winter Fair) Nov. 13 to 21 Uxbridge ................... Oct. 9, 109 International Plowing Match, "Petérboro -- Peterboro County ........ October 7-10 Manchester News " Mrs. V. Schnappe, Buffalo is spending a few days with her sister and brother, Mrs. Jo. Bain and Mr, Earl Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Smurth- waite visited her sister, Mrs. Meta Holtby for several days last week. Kenneth Torrens, Kingston is with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. F. Johnston. Miss Muriel .Lamb, R.N., Kingston, was with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lamb over the week-end. There will be a baptismal ser- ice at Church Sunday morning and Memory awards will be pre- sented to S.S. pupils. Mrs. Clinton Midgley will en- tertain the U.C.W. on Thursday afternoon, July 2nd at two o'- clock. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holtby and daughter Migs Particia, at- tended the McLean - Moore wedding at Smith's Falls last Saturday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John D. Christie on the birth of their little son on Sun- day, June 28th. Ashburn Public School Report Grade 5 to 6-- Paul Bradley; Bonny Middle- ton; Bryce Lynde; Darlene Cappell; Bill Reid; Diane Cappell. Grade 4 to 5-- Jean Gardner; Stephen Daw; Tom Humphrey; Leslie Lynde Bill Hopkins; Kenneth Sandi- son; Michael McGann; Peggy Middleton. Grade 3 to 4-- Kyle Gaudaur; Brenda John- ston; D'Arcy Hollingsworth; Paul Kroes; Patti Reid; David Sanderson; Gordon Johnston, Grade 2 to 3-- Nancy Richardson; Josephine Cappell; Danny McGann; Gordon Humphrey; John Rutledge; Rebecca Godda. Grade 1 to 2-- Barbara Humphrey; Heather Richardson; Kimberly John- ston; Martha Hollingsworth; Ronald Ashton; Jo-Anne Lynde; Allan Lane; Geoffrey Wilcox; Johnny Kroes; Judith Godda. Mrs. Bland, Teacher. James Sabyan Heads Y PC's James Sabyan, of Oshawa, was elected by acclamation re- cently as the president of the Ontario Riding Young Progres- sive Conservatives Association replacing John Vivash ,also of Oshawa. The annual election was held during the annual meeting of the association at Hotel Gen- osha. Twenty-four YPC's at- tended the gathering with 13 guests. Keith Norton was elected 1st vice-president; Joan Rowland as second vice-president; Earl Bailey as third vice-president and Eric Swanick as fourth vice-president. Joanne Rospond was elected to the corresponding secretary's post and Wayne Moore was elected as recording secertary. Peter Horlick was elected as treasurer. All the posts were filled by acclamation. A. V. Walker, MLA, joined Michael Starr, MP and Dr. Mat- thew B. Dymond, MLA, as an honorary president of the asso- ciation, Far Ahead in Career Opportunities: THE GRAPHIC ARTS INDUSTRIES ' T-- one ---------------- a ----