Se BY EEA ERAN FR RATA RL Rit EXTEN. NE FORGE A LLCS RRS NE Rut sunnduiitnknl oss 14 -- PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 11th, 1964 St. John's Presbyterian Church Ladies Aid Hold The Ladies' Aid Society of St. John's Presbyterian Church met at the home of Mrs. Louise Patterson, Bigelow St. on Tues. June 2nd with an attendance of sixteen. As this was the clos- ing meeting until Septemberl, a bountiful pot luck supper was enjoyed, followed by the meet- ing. In the absence of the Presi-| dent Mrs. N. Williams, the Vice President Mrs. L. Hunter was in the chair. After a brief expression of gratitude to the hostess and a welcome to those present, the meeting opened with Hymn 417, Jesus Lover of My Soul. Following the scripture les- son from Psalm 1, read by Mrs. A. Lawrence, Mrs, H. M. Bun- tain led in prayer. The roll call was responded to by a verse urging all to "Re- joice", The secretary Mrs. D. Christie read the minutes of the May meeting, which were approved. Pot Luck Supper Three members volunteered to help prepare the next man- ager's business dinner when the date is arranged. Collection of $8.50 was offered. The floral group for June will be convened by Mrs. A. MacMaster. A motion was car- ried that our Society cater for | a wedding in October, A motion by Mrs. John Mur- ray was seconded by Miss Mar- jorie Williams that the L.A. be prepared to sponsor some spe- cial suggested project for the renovation of our Church audi: torium to be carried out during August. A motion by Mrs. Lawrence was seconded by Mrs. I. R. Bentley to the effect that the funds remaining in the bank account of our past Fireside Club be donated to the Board of Managers for the Building Fund. Carried. from the Chapel of McDermott- luctantly withdrew, bearing their empty dishes as a remin- der of a sumptuous supper of "second" servings. Deaths REYNOLDS, Silas Charles--- At the Port Perry Community Hospital on Sunday, June 7th, 1964, Silas Reynolds, beloved husband of Mabel Fishley and dear father of Ralph, Black- water, Grace (Mrs. Gordon Cherry) Scugog, Iva (Mrs. V. May) Havelock and Dorothy (Mrs. Glen Hood) Scugog, in his 97th year. Service was from the Chapel of McDermott- Panabaker, Port Perry on Wed- nesday at 2 .p.m. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery. WEBSTER, William E.--At the Oshawa General Hospital on Friday, June 5th, 1964, William Webster, beloved son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Webster and dear brother of the late Annie Webster. Service was The treasurer was authorized to pay all outstanding bills for wall paper, paint, labour, also . Panabaker, Port Perry on Mon- day at 2 p.m. Grove Cemetery. Interment Pine bathroom chest for the Manse, New business items dealt with a bake sale to be held Sat. a.m., July 4th, at the church at 10 o'clock. Posters dre to be prepared, and the bake table will be supervised by Mrs, O. Watson and Mrs. A. Lawrence. All group leaders are to notify The first meeting of the au- tumn term will be held on Tues., Sept. 1 at the home of Mrs. S. Beare. After the closing hymn #601, "Hark, hark my soul!" the Lord's Prayer was repeated in their members for baking. unison, followed by the Mizpah WE NOW CARRY A LINE OF PORT PERRY STAR CO. LTD. Office Supplies IN OUR OFFICE Drop in and see what we have to offer. Benediction. Then the ladies re- 985-7383 Drink Lots Of I Every Day OUR MILK IS DELIVE BEST AND MOST DAIRY FARMS IN RED FROM THE PROGRESSIVE THIS AREA. AIRY Ih Greenbank W.I. The Greenbank W.I. will hold its monthly meeting this coming Wed. evening, June 17th, 8.30 p.m. in Greenbank Hall, Motto: Progress moves on the wheels o Roll Call: A CET f Industry. I wish someone would invent? Hostess: Mrs. W. Stone, Mrs. M. Truax, Guests: WN Pickering an Iyrtle, Brougham, d all ladies of the ! community are welcome, a Commerce offers a com AUTOMATIC SAVINGS All you do Is authorize to a special Savings RIA ~new furniture, A PERSONAL LOANS. .. avallable for any g eave y for sa the Bank of Commerce. business of banking for youl i ------ SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES. .:the safest our valuables--for less than 1%¢ a day, our bonds/or stocks withthe Ban -keeping. Enquire soonl These are just some of the many services offered 3, For full details, nearest branch. Let the Bank that Bullds si Are you making the most of all these Banking Services? Your local branch of the Canadlan Imperial Bank of plete range of banking serve Iges. Here are a few examples: AAA. 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