AA A EA A AS AeA GAY ANT WY TARRY OT IT a Wh wa UR SIAL whey pi SRE RR RATA MU ARTE Pata LEAR: Sed 38 FRSA HERARARRATE XL ai J SERRA FSP BERR 6 -- PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 4th, 1964 Schedule For New Softhall League Formed Mon., June 8th-- Pee Wee--Port at Clar. Stouffville at Markham Bantam--Stouff. at Mark. Clar. at Port Perry Midget--St. John's at Port Tues., June 9th-- Bantam--Udora at Stouff, Wed., June 10th-- Squirt--Port at Claremont Stouff. at Markham Pee Wee--Mark. at Stouff. Bantam--Seagrave at Clar, Midget--Port at St. John's Mark. at Stouffville Thurs., June 11th-- Pee Wee--Claremont. at Port Bantam--Markham at Sea. Port at Udora Midget--Markham at Port Mon., June 15th-- Squirt--Stouffville at Clar. Pee Wee--Port at Markham Bantam--Port at Claremont Udora at Markham Midget--Stouff. at St. John's Tues., June 16th-- Pee Wee--Clar. at Stouff, Bantam--Seagrave at Stouff. Claremont at Udora / Wed., June 17th-- Pee Wee--Mark. at Clar. Squirt--Mark. at Port Bantam--Markham at Port Midget--Port at Claremont St. John's at Markham Thurs., June 18th-- Pee Wee--Stouffville at Port ~ Bantam--Stouff. at Seagrave * Midget--Claremont at Port Mon., June 22nd-- Pee Wee--Stouff. at Mark. Bantam--Seagrave at Port Markham at Claremont Midget--Clar. at St. John's Stouffville at Mark. Tues., June 23rd-- 2 Squirt--Clar. at Stouff. Bantam--Clar. at Stouff. 'Wed., June 24th-- Squirt--Port at Markham Pee Wee--Port at Claremont Markham at Stouffville Bantam--Port at Markham Stouffville at Udora Midget--Clar. at Stouff. Thurs., June 25th-- Pee Wee--Claremont at Port Bantam--Udora at Seagrave Midget--St. John's at Port Mon., June 29th-- Pee Wee--Stouff. at Clar. Squirt--Stouff. at Mark. Bantam--Claremont at Mark. Stouffville at Port Midget--Mark, at Clar. Tues., June 30th-- Pee Wee--Port at Stouff. Bantam--Seagrave at Udora Mark. at Stouffville Thurs., July 2nd-- Pee Wee--Markham at Port Bantam--Port at Seagrave Midget--Stouffville at Port Fri., July 3rd-- Squirt--Port at Claremont Pee Wee--Clar. at Mark. Bantam--Udora at Clar, Midget--Port at Mark. St. John's at Stouffville Mon., July 6th-- Squirt--Claremont at Port Pee Wee--Stouff. at Clar. Bantam--Seagrave at Mark. Udora at Port Midget--Mark. at St. John's Stouff. at Claremont Tues., July 7Tth-- Squirt--Mark. at Stouff. Bantam--Port at Stouff. Wed., July 8th Pee Wee--Clar. at Mark. Port at Stouff. Bantam--Stouff. at Clar. .Midget--Claremont at Mark. Thurs., July 9th-- Pee Wee--Mark. at Port Bantam--Mark, at Udora Clar. at Seagrave Midget--St. John's at Port Mon, July 13th-- Pee Wee--Port at Claremont Stouff. at Markham Bantam--Stouff, at Mark. Claremont at Port Midget--St. John's at Clar. Tues., July 14th-- Squirt--Mark. at Stouff. Bantam--Udora at Stouff. Wed., July 15th-- Squirt--Port at Clar. Pee Wee--Mark. at Stouff. Bantam--Seagrave at Clar. Midget--Port at St. John's Markham at Stouffville Thurs., July 16th-- Pee Wee--Clar, at Port Bantam--Mark. at Seagrave Port at Udora Midget--Mark at Port Mon., July 20th-- Bantam--Port at Claremont Udora at Markham Midget--Stouff. at St. John's Pee Wee--Markham at Clar. Tues., July 21st-- hk Squirt--Stouff, at Clar. Pee Wee--Clar. at Stouff. Bantam--Seagrave at Stouff. Clar. at Udora Wed., July 22nd-- Squirt--Mark. at Port Pee Wee--Port at Markham + Bantam--Mark, at Port Midget--St. John's at Mark. Port at Clar. Thurs., July 23rd-- Pee Wee--Stouff. at Port Bantam--Stouff. at Seagrave Midget--Claremont at Port Mon., July 27th-- Pee Wee--Stouff. at Mark. Bantam--Seagrave at Port Markham at Claremont Midget--Clar. at St. John's Stouff. at Mark. Tues., July 28th-- Squirt--Clar. at Stouff. Bantam--Clar. at Stouff. Wed., July 29th-- 1 6000000000080 8000 180000080800 080000000004 $200 000000000000000000000000000000000800000004 LUMBER . | a -~ BUILDER'S 10000 0000000000000 0 0004 RR 200000 and REESOR FUEL & LUMBER ws SUPPLIES PP PPE eI Ir este te tester reteset sttsstsnss vessessesesny nedy, Port Perry, coin purse do- Tie PRE RE TILIA TC ASSET Squirt--Port at Markham Pee Wee--Mark. at Stouff, Port at Claremont Bantam--Port at Markham Stouff. at Udora Midget--Claremont at Stouff. Thurs., July 30th-- Midget--St. John's at Port All Squirt and Pee Wee games start 7 p.m., 15 min, grace, 8.16 deadline, 10 run limit per inning --last complete inning decides game. All Bantam and Midget games (except Seagrave, Udora & St. John's) start at 8.30 p.m., 16 min. grace, 10 p.m. deadline, last complete inning decides game, 4 innings required. Pee Wee--Port at Markham Claremont at Stouffville Bantam--Udora at Claremont . Midget--Port at Markham Home team supply umpires. (Balance Schedule next week) * * EJ Contact Officers Port Perry-- Carl - Luke--985-2560 Vin Walker--985-7126 Stouffville-- Alec Robinson--640-3684 Chuck Harrott--640-1614 Claremont-- Randy Carruthers 649-2134 Mrs. Redshaw--649- Markham-- Len Henderson--294-3112 Jim MecGregor--294-1631 Seagrave-- Don Hurst--985-2938 St. John's-- : Bro. David--852-3351 (Tor) EMP. 40556 Udora-- Bruce Wagg. Rebekah Euchre Very Successful A very successful euchre was held by some members of May- belle Rebekah Lodge of town and district, convened by Sis. Hazel Crawford, in the new May 23rd--when 28 tables were filled. Guests were welcomed af the door by Sis. Alpha Samells and Sis. Pearl Gerrow. Happy to have so many Senior Citizens present, : : Winners of euchre prizes were High Lady Mrs. VanCamp of Blackstock, winning a beautiful plate donated by Sis, Evelyn Redman, Scugog. High man-- Mr. Morley Moase, Port Perry, Rebekah's from Foot of Island. Low Lady--Sis. Luella Ken- nated by Bro. Bill and Sis. Ethel Mark; Low Man -- there. were 8 tied, with Mr. Art Brunt of Enniskillen - winning the draw, a mail clipper, key chain, this too was donated by Bill and A draw was held on a turkey donated by Bro. Merle Dowson, won by Mrs. Jessie Robertson. Chickens donated by J. J. Gib~ son & son won by Mrs. Orval Stone, Port Perry; Mrs. Art Brunt, Enniskillen; Mr. How- ard Mackey, Port Perry; Mr. Ian Robertson, Newmarket. A Chinese Auction on a braided rug donated by Sis. Norma Jeffrey was won by Billie Calberry, Port Perry. Port Perry. Insulated cups do- nated by Sis. Clara Dowson were won by Billie Calberry of Port Perry. Another Euchre being planned Pros | Pee Wee--Claremont at Port oF Bantam---Udora at Seagrave - } | competing against thirty-four .Oddfellows Hall on Saturday,| Socket Wrenches, donated by| Ethel -Mark of "Ideal Dairy". | Towels donated by Sis. Anne Levinson won by Mr. Staples,| Thanks to all who helped. for Saturday, June 6th. = » ARERR PES AN EN EE Ser Nf ANE ba OR FBS SAE ik ITT a Eb ART AGA BRA BAGO MS RY RRC TIOHCAS SE ER eh Ad BALE FA RAT AR ry Crd AEE RA BRA Rh LO RO LEY Fy "Sealy SAN Rw .. Hilltop Herald By Jody Eade On Friday, May 22nd was the an- nual cadet in- spection, The in- specting officer from the Ontario Regiment was Col. Warnica. Demonstrations by First Aid teams, F. N. Rifle teams, Girls Physical Education class and the Band were well demonstrat- ed by the cadéts. Presentations of cadet troph- ies and special awards were pre- sented to the following: Best senior cadet officer Grant Tum- monds, best senior cadette offi- cer Georgeen Burnett, best ca- dette Patricia Aldred, best ca- det . Andrew Hatschinski, best junior N.C.0. Kaye Jackson, best senior N.C.O. Roger Pick- ard, best junior cadette officer Jeraldine Cooper, best sjunior cadet Grant Williams, best sig- nalers Ed McCaig and Bill Dia- mond, best cadet troop No. 1 commanded by John Hayes and best cadette troop No. 7 com- manded by Janet Cooper. On Saturday, May 23 some boys of our school attended a track and field meet in Alliston different schools in all. In the different events the following boys placed as fol- lows: Seniors -- Bill Diamond 1st in the high jump, and Larry Davidson 8rd in the 100 yd. dash, 4th in the 220 yd. dash and 4th in the running broad. Intermediate -- Bill Draper 4th in the pole vault, Junior--Arn- old Heayn 4th in the 440. Some of the girls also attend- ed a track and field meet at Newmarket competing against nineteen schools. Intermediate - --Marilyn Fralick 8rd in the 60 yd. dash, Barbara Taylor 4th in the running broad. Junior-- Pat Aldred 1st in the shot-put and Betty Medd 4th in the 60 yd. dash and 5th in the running broad. Relay teams both in- termédiate and junior placed bth. On Friday, May 29th an elec- tion was held to elect the new members of the Student Coun- cil for the next school term. The new members are: Pre- sident--Bill Draper, Vice-Presi- dent--Dean Smith, Secretary-- Margaret Vernon, Treasurer-- Marianne Vernon, Literary So- ciety President -- Mary Baker,. Vice-President--Pat McLaugh- lin, Girl's Athletic Society Pre- sident--Catherine Nelson, Vice- President--Jerry Cooper, Boy's Athletic Society President--Jim MacMaster,' Vice - President-- Gordon McMillan, Press Repor- ter--Gayle Wright, Social Con-- venors -- Susanne MacMaster and Grant Williams, Pianist-- Barbara Holtby, Year Book: Editor--Susan Roach. MONTHLY PAYMENT Guaranteed Investments EARN 514% $10.00 A Month For 5 Years Amounts To $686.40 VICTORIA and GREY TRUST CANNINGTON - LINDSAY WHITBY ~ YOUR OWN PHONE BOOK LISTING NOW! : THE NEW DIRECTORY WILL BE PRINTED SOON! Please help us to make sure that your name, address and telephone number will appear in the new telephone direc- tory exactly the way you want it! Check your own listing in the present directory now=and call 'your Telephone Business Office if anything should be changed. EXTRA LISTINGS (at very little cost) CAN BE USEFUL! - .For instance: BUSINESS: Home numbers of key people in your office, listed 'under your firm's entry; other HE MSR r n to find you; numbers Eh . You can be reached after hours. HOME: Names of relatives or other people permanently stay- ing at our home; an extra line =a 'Junior Line' for teenagers, for example. For any questions, corrections or additions, please call your Telephone Business Office! ' 1)