iva gn RY A Fr NSE RAC BEE A UV IA Lt Rad PLA BL 2A 20 el EA BH PI I FL EEE] EM LE LES i EE a BASEBALL- PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 4th, 1964 -- 6 Cannington vs SONYA NDAY, JUNE 7, 2:30 p.m. Manchester News On Sunday, June 7, Church 'Serivce here will be withdrawn due to the Annual Guide, Brow- nie, Scout and Cub Parade at "Grace Church, Scugog, 11:15. The U.C.W. will meet at the home of Mrs. Lorne Thompson :on Thursday afternoon, June 4, at 2:00 p.m. Quite extensive landscaping is being done at the Municipal Hall. The lawn has been leveal- ed, re-sown, shrubs planted and -a base made for a flag pole. ~ A goodly number from this area attended the Scandinavian luncheon at the Anglican Chur- 'ch in Port Perry on Wednes- day of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Christie, Mr. and Mrs. John Christie, and Dr. Don and Mrs. Christie visited in London over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. F. Green, Tor- onto were at their summer home here over the week-end. Miss Catherine Christie was called to her parents home in Baltimore, Md. due to the ill- ness of her father, Dr. Christie. Many friends here, hope for his speedy recovery. Following the Dance Recital in Port Perry on Saturday even- ing, Mrs. Crosier entertained in honor of her granddaughter, Brenda Taylor, who celebrated : seven little friends on the occa- her eighth Birthday. Relatives were present from Stouffville, Toronto, Sunderland, Sudbury, Blackwater and Manchester. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks at- tended a luncheon and presen- tation for 'Miss Kathryn Bur- wash at Henry St. High School in Whitby on Saturday evening. Miss Burwash, a former teacher of Fred's is retiring after teach- ing thirty-nine years. Miss Edith has improved her house with a coat of paint. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Williams on the gift of a little son on Saturday, May 30th in Oshawa Hospital. Mrs? Clinton Midgley spent Saturday with her daughter, Mrs. Norman Meek, Sandford. Miss Debora Dyke entertained sion of her ninth birthday on Saturday. The children were given a special treat when Mr. Dyke took them to Toronto to see a show, "Fun in Acapulca" and "Who's Keeping the Store". Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lamb, Mrs. Hattie Moore, Miss Mar- lene Lyons and Mr. Douglas Moore enjoyed a motor trip through Algonquin Park on Sunday. Mrs. Bill Lamb and daughter Anne visited Mrs. Lamb's par- ents at St. Catharines, Saturday. ' Ht SZ ET il MEN 3 NE 21st Is DAD'S HAPPY DAY Remember Him With A Gift From DON CARNEGIE fie flee > ---- WEAR Ashburn News Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Burroughes and family, of Brooklin were 'Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Suth- erland, Debbie and Neil, Utica with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ash- ton on Sunday. Pleased to report Mrs. M. Sparks able to return home on Friday after a week in Oshawa General Hospital. Rev. K. A. and Mrs. Heron, sons Jordan and Jeffrey of Pet- rolia, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs." Eg- gar Heron. Mr. and Mrs. E. Batten of Thorton's Corners were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Batten. Mrs. H. Ashton and Mrs. H. Lade of Myrtle spent Saturday with Mrs. Norman Smith, Scar- borough. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Heron visited relatives in Lancaster on Sunday. Rev. Wm. Perry,B.A.,, B.D, of Kitimat, B.C. who will be attending the 90th General AS- sembly of the Presbyterian Ch- urch in Canada to be held in St. Andrew's Church, Toronto, will be guest speaker in Burn's Church, Ashburn at 11:30 a.m. on Sunday, June 7th. The Young People will hold a Mission Service on Sunday evening, June 7th, at 7:30 p.m. when Rev. Perry will speak and show a film entitled "Kit- imat, Port of the World." Every- one is cordially invited to at- tend these services. Utica News Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Walker attended the Twilight Meeting held at Maple on Friday p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Calder of Kintor and Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott and children of Toronto were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crosier. Mrs. Collins, Mrs. Fralick of Scugog, Mrs. Swinson of Osh- awa and Mrs. Blakley visited Mrs. Delia Harper on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Morris of Tor- onto and Mr. and Mrs. Man- sell Gerrow and family visited at Mr. Herman Walkers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hogarth and family of Burlington visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ken- dall recently. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence But- son visited with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Geer on Sunday. A large number of friends and relatives attended the Thompson-Bright wedding rec- eption in the Community Hall and enjoyed the evening with dancing. Last Echre of the Season will be held in Utica Hall, June 6. KRAFT Cheese Whiz 59c. os For Home or Cottage Flush At Your CARLOAD Food Market Prince Albert Sani Corn Te. INST. MILK 31h. KELLOGGS Flakes 12 oz. Pkg. 2 - 55¢. CARNATION Phy. 1.03 Stuart House Foil Wrap 2¢ Off 12" Rolls 2 - ble. 53RD ANNUAL Will Be Held In Community Park, Brooklin Saturday, June 6th, 1964 HEAVY and LIGHT HORSE CLASSES BEEF and DAIRY CATTLE CLASSES LADIES and CHILDREN'S CLASSES SCHOOL EXHIBITS -- FLORICULTURE HORSE RACES -- SOFTBALL GAME KLIN CLARE VERNON, President BRUCE LEHMAN, Sec'y-Treas. DRAW WINNER OF LAST WEEK'S Mrs. Arthur Newman FREE DRAW ON $5.00 "WORTH OF GROCERIES With $5.00 Order or Over PORK Giant Pkg. Powered Detergent Small Link ® This Week's MEAT Features eo Fresh Grade 'A' a = For Frying, Roasting or Barbecueing 2%: - 3%: 1b. Avg. Wght. CHICKENS TE 3 FRESH SLICED LIVER SAUSAGE ....... & 1.29 JUBILEE Ib. Tray Pak ( Mm ( 89 MAPLE LEAF 1b. Pkg. WIENERS ....... & MAPLE LEAF 7. Dig, } : BOLOGNA .... hx 2 \:] L AD PRICES EFFECEIVE THIS NA WEEK-END, WED. - SAT. 8 FOOD MARKETS JUNE 8 - 6 Ee, A A