2 Be NA Re ST TE Ne He Ea MET Lo PL a Mgt ee a or, mau, Sn Ho Sr Ch i ian; <h a Ne a SL hn - my pray : RR de Ye Ra TEN Hw Nt A Ten LR ETAL 4 aN Sy Yaa Fars EET eo etd SS eg NE APR An hc TB Od Sn Mr 12 -- PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 23rd, 1964 Hospital Elect Board Members At Annual Meeting Held Recently The annual meeting of the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry, was held at the hospital on Tuesday evening, March 24th, 1964, at which time reports were given by the chair- man of the various committees, as well as reports from the Me- dical Staff and the Superintend- ent of the hospital. The following indicates the activities of the hospital during the past year: -- 1963 Admissions: Adults & Children ............ 822 Newborn ....eeiiivnnneeennnn. 80 POTAL ...coovniiivresian 902 DISCHARGES 1963-- Adults & Children ............ 786 Newborn .....ceveeiivirinnnnnnns 78 DEATHS ....cooovvviirrrrecvrrrreeennne 27 * ok x PATIENT DAYS by Type of Accommodation Charged: -- Private Rooms--168 pat. days Semi-private--1915 pat. days Public Ward--3630 pat. days TOTAL adult patient days 5713 Newborn patient days--459, kok ok OUT PATIENTS treated at the hospital .................. 422 No. of Operations performed in 1963 (In patients 281, Out patients 256) ...... 537 No. of Laboratory procedures ................. 3850 No. of X-rays ...eeeennee 2240 * * i No. of Employees as of Dec. 31, 1963--48 Full time reg. nurses--6 Part time reg. nurses--12 Full time other employees--26 Part time other emp, -- 4 * * * Two highlights of the hospital year were the Hospital Tea and Open House on Hospital Day, 1963, which also marked the 11th Anniversary of the open- ing of the hospital, and later in the year the presentation of a suitable plaque to those res- ponsible for the establishment of the Hospital. During the year piped-in oxy- "ALEK TRICIAN "s*vs IF YoUD LIKE T0 SAVE A LOT OF LEGAL TENDER, 'I SHOULD BE YOUR CALL US FOR PROPER WIRING (A 8 Sep u:df= CONTRACTING-REPAIRS ELECTRIC HEATING 985-7174 -PT. PERRY | ELECTRICAL MENDER'} | gen and suction was provided throughout the hospital. As with all projects our Hospital Auxiliary assumed one-half of the cost of this installation. At the annual Hospital Meet- ing the following appointments were made to the Hospital Bd. by the four municipalities con- cerned, as follows: -- Twp. of Reach--Harry Phoenix Twp. Scugog--Joseph Dowson Twp. of Cartwright-- Merrill Van Camp Corp. of Port Perry-- Chas. Reesor County of Ontario-- Allan Crosier ok x The annual Hospital BOARD MEETING was held-at the hos- pital on Tuesday evening, April 14th, 1964, at which time the 1964 Officers and Committees were appointed as follows: Chairman of the Board Harry Phoenix Vice-Chairman--Chas. Secretary-Treasurer-- Mrs. Doris Watson Committees Management Committee-- J. Dowson, M. Van Camp, A. Crosier Finance Committee--C. Reesor, M. Van Camp Property Committee-- M. Van Camp, J. Dowson, A. Crosier & Dr. Rennie Public Relations Committee-- J. Dowson, C. Reesor. - GREENBANK PREACHING MISSION Rev. Gordon Hunter, B.A. B.D. of Asbury and West United Church, Toronto was the Mis- sioner at a Preaching Mission held last week in Greenbank United (Church, Reesor This type of meeting, design- '| ed to help deepen the life of the local Church is finding ready acceptance across the country, and many who attended the Greenbank Mission found it a time when their faith in God was revived and strengthened. On Thursday evening Rev. 'Mr. Hunter spoke to about eigh-| ty young people from Port Perry, Wick, Brooklin, Epsom, Pinedale and Greenbank. Mr. Hunter's challenging and spiritual messages were great- ly appreciated by'all those who attended. Special music was provided by a male quartette of George Beare, Aylmer Rennie, Wm. | Stone and Gordon Ward, the Greenbank Church Choir and Larry Johnson with the saxa- phone, CAWKER BROS. Sliced Bacon - Ari 59° Wing Steaks ........... "7% BONED & ROLLED 'Prime Rib Roasts ...... "79 FREE Town DELIVERY Every Morning Until 11 0'Clock. eRe JH ~ LY RUE BY 43 EN A le 1 SEE EFS |v ce UE a, AAR Hf Girls Parficipate In Hockey Tournament At Uxbridge Arena A week ago last Saturday, the Uxbridge girls hockey team closed their season by hosting an all day tournament. Eight teams competed for the honours as the arena shone with pulch- ritudinous pucksters. In the evening a Hockey Queen was chosen and presented with a ra- dio and a bouquet of roses. The 'judges had a hard time decid- ing but the winner was Carol Holmes 'of Newmarket. An- other hard decision was who was to be the most valuable player. The title was awarded to Nancy Bernhardt of the Ux- bridge Legionnaires. In the morning series, Ux- bridge defeated Port Perry 7-0 and in the second game Rich- mond Hill lost by default to Orono. The third game saw Cannington blank Newmarket 6-0 and the last morning game went to Don Mills by a score of 7-0. After these four games there was a 1-hour break during which the Hockey Queen ent- rants were taken in a motor- cade through town, Mayor Nellie Kydd officially opened the tournament at 1 o'clock and also dropped the opening puck. The first afternoon game saw Port Perry beat Richmond Hill in a hard fought contest by a score of 1-0. Lone goal- scorer was McCartney. Uxbridge beat Orono 9-0 in the next game as the Legion- naires outshot the visitors 61-0. In the 3rd game Newmarket beat Keswick 5-0. The last af- ternoon game had Don Mills against Cannington and the lat- ter won 1-0. The next game was a con- solation final between Newmar- ket and Port Perry, which New- market won 10-1. There was a 11-hour break while a queen was chosen and then the long-awaited final be- tween Cannington and Uxbridge with Cannington winnig in a hard-fought contest by a score of 2-1. It was a fight to the finsh and both teams are to be congratulated. ; The Port Perry Girls Hockey team appreciate the time spent by referees Paul Espie and Don Hurst, the referees, time keep- ers, all parents who supported and transported them to out of town games and anyone who helped during the season. If you are in Need of JOB PRINTING Call PORT PERRY STAR ! Special service bulletin for Mutual Life policyholders Have you bought a home since you ought your Mutual Life insurance? If the answer is "Yes", you've bought something we] you're mighty proud of and you have a right to be. : «After all, a home. is probably the biggest invest- ment you'll make in a lifetime. You spent a lot of time choosing the right location, style and size. Those things were important because you bought the home for your wife and family too. And you'll want to make sure that they will go on living there even if you are not around. Your Company, The Mutual Life of Canada, can arrange a repayment yy plan to guarantee that your family will have a - debt-free home. Call your representative or mail the coupon below for further information. | ee et ay The Mutual Life | ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA | HEAD OFFICE: WATERLOO, ONTARIO; ESTABLISHED 1869 I am interested in learning how I can provide a debt-free home for my family. NAME... | STREET. CITY. ivissarsnnessnnen PROVINCE. COLE ELL EL CL LTT ITTY] ML-84.6 WRTTHY, ONTARIO. REPRESENTATIVE: HERB G TRAN 136 GARDEN STREET 668-5968 re