ky YI q Jaa ) 7 > SE Wy A, vk GE EE i Classified Advertising Rates For Sale, Wanted, Cards of Thanks, Coming Events, etc.--3¢ per word, minimum .60¢. Second or additional insertion .2¢ per word, minimum 40¢. In Memoriams, $1.00 per insertion with four line verse. Additional four lines, .25¢. Billing charge of 25¢ if not not paid by Friday following publication. Classified display .90¢ per column inch. Other rates on request. Telephone -- 985-7383 Open daily, Monday through Friday, 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. Closed all day Saturday. Classified deadline 6:00 p.m. Tuesday. IN MEMORIAM ENGAGEMENT REDMAN--In loving memory of my dear husband, Harold Edward Redman, April 15, 1959. I love him as no tongue can tell, How much I loved him and how well, God loved him too and thought it best To take him home with Him to dwell. Always loved and cherished by his wife Joyce PARRY -- In loving memory of William Parry who passed away April 17, 1959. He is gone but not forgotten Amd as dawns another year In our lovely hours of thinking Thoughts of him are always near. Ever remembered by The Family CARD OF THANKS I wish to extend my thanks and appreciation to all my friends and neighbours for their kindnesses, cards, enquiries and to the U.C.W. Seagrave, for the - box of Fruit and also Dr. Kwan of Oshawa while I was in Osh- awa General Hospital, George Bright ~ "We would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our many friends, and rela- tives for lovely cards, personal congratulations and beautiful gifts received on our 50th wed- ding anniversary, April 8th. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Crosier We wish to express our gra- titude to our neighbours and friends who came to help at the time of our barn fire, and af- terwards at the bee, to those who called, and to the Ladies who sent baking. Thanks also to the Sunderland Fire Brigade and Reach Tanker who respond- ed so promptly. George & Aileen Davidson & family Mrs. R. J, Weir wishes to thank her relatives and friends for their kindness, gifts, and flowers while she was in the Community Memorial Hospital. A special thank you to Dr. John Diamond and the nurses and - staff of the hospital. I would like to thank all my friends for the lovely birthday party given to me on Saturday, "April 11th at the Scout Hall. Lynda Short Sunderland 8 ring 8. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard W. Beadle wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Linda Kathleen to Donald Clarence Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence An- derson, Oshawa. Marriage to take place May 2nd in Port Perry United Church. COMING EVENTS EUCHRE at Scugog Township Hall, Friday, April 17th at 8.15 p.m. Sponsored by Cub Mo- thers Auxiliary. April 16 OSHAWA & DISTRICT Branch of the Canadian Diabetic Asso- | ciation Annual Dinner will be held in St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Wilson Rd.,, 1 Block North of King St. East, Osh- awa on Wed., April 22 at 6 p.m. Guest Speaker Dr, Nancy Simp- son, Toronto. Tickets $1.76 Adults; $1.00 Child. For fur- ther information and tickets contact Mrs. Grant Bright, 985-7497. EUCHRE to be held at Senior Citizens' Hall, Port Perry, April 25 at 8.15 p.m. Everyone wel- come. Admission 50c. Proceeds go to Can. Diabetic Assoc. Lunch will be served. SPRING. BONNET TEA, Ba- zaar and Home Baking in Sea- grave United Church, Sat., Apr. 25th from 2.30 until 5.00 p.m. Sponsored by U.C.W. Apr.23 THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Port Perry Figure Skating Club will be held at the 'Muni- cipal Building, Monday, April 20th at 8.00 p.m. SCOUT MOTHERS' AUXILI- ARY -- The April meeting of the Scout Mothers' Auxiliary will be held Monday, April 20th at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Ellsworth Kemmedy, Cochrane St. It would be so nice if some of the Ladies who ventured out to our dinner party could come to our meetings too. A TEA AND BAKE SALE will be held on Saturday, May 9th in.the Municipal Hall from 2.30 p.m. - 5 p.m. Sponsored by the Women's Hospital Auxiliary. All contributions gratefully re- ceived. FOR SALE HOGS, serviceable age and younger, First litter sows. Also good general purpose black team. Fred Milne, Blackwater, FOR SALE WANTED GOOD BUILDING LOT, West side of Lilla St. 985-7062. Apr. 23 SERVICEABLE YOUNG BOAR -- 985-2749. MAN'S BICYCLE and 3 Black Labrador pups. Phone 985-7030. HAY -- D. Hart, 1 mile west of Epsom. 852-3912. REFRIGERATOR, good condi- tion. Phone 985-7101. Office Equipment Typewriters, Adders, Cashiers, Duplicators, Cheque Writers, Comptometers. Three hundred new and used. We buy, sell, rent, service. Hamilton Office Equipment; 137 Brock South, Whitby, Ont. MO. 8-5849. TF CEDAR FENCE POSTS--Any size or quantity. Phone 985- 7888. April 30 | from 985-7168, BUNGALOW---New, three bed- rooms, modern kitchen, hard- wood floors, 4 piece bath and vanity, oil heating. Good loca- tion, Union Ave. S. Call Grant Jeffrey 985-2239, April 80 GORD'S MARINE MERCURY OUTBOARD Sales & Service Winter Storage & Overhauls TEST DRIVE The Hus-Ski-Snow Traveller, CLAREMONT -- PH. 649-2007 Boats, Motors and Trailers Terms -- Trades Jan.23/65 CERTIFIED and Canada No. 1 Alfalfa & Grass Seed. We also handle Robson & United Hybred seed corn, full line of seed grain. Swain Seed Cleaner & Dealer Blackstock 986-4331 . Apr. 80 GOOD BUILDING LOT, West side of Lilla St. 985-7063. . : April 16 SET OF 2 TON SCALES-- nearly: new, $60.00. Apply James Smitherman, Phone 985- 2026. April 30 1958 - D700 DODGE Dump Truck, 1968 Tractor Massey Ferguson 202, 260 hrs. on trac- tor, 2 trailers for hauling trac- tor, plus open P.C.V. Class F, Apply E. G. Kennedy, Port Perry. 985-7982. ~~ April 16 'SEED OATS--Commercial No. 1, Power cleaned and treated. Clare Vernon, R.R. 2, Port Perry. April 16 HAY FOR SALE -- 985-7707. Alvin Bruce, April 16 LAWN CHAIRS, Picnic Tables, bird houses, etc. 985-7767 in evenings. : WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY a small electric cement mixer, 985-2412. April 16 WANTED PIANO WANTED -- Medium size Upright. Phone days-- 986-2281 or Evenings 985-2676. QUOTATION WANTED for ex- cavating and building a cement block basement. Particulars GUITAR TEACHER, for small group. Phone 852-3851. WORK WANTED CLIPPER BLADES--Sharpen- ing & repairs. Cattle clipper blades sharpened $1.00 pair. Sheep blades--50¢ pair, 24 hr. service--work guaranteed. Cattle Clipper Service 37 First Ave. Box 590 Uxbridge, Ont. FRONT END LOADER and Cultivator work, reasonable rates. 985-7888. Apr.30 WALLS CLEANED, cellar, ete. gardening and repairs. Phone 985-7045. April 30 HELP WANTED SINGLE HELP WANTED for Dairy farm, good working con- ditions, live in, near Port Perry. 985-2734. April 16 CLEANING WOMAN, 1% days per week. Phone 985-2826. WOMAN WANTED for house- work by the half-day. Phone 985-2781. 'WANTED TO RENT Perry Star. HOUSE or Apartment with three bedrooms, unfurnished. Box 82 Port Perry Star. Apr.16 2 OR 3 BEDROOM HOUSE-- Reasonable Rent, near school in Port Perry. Box 81, Port April 16 COUNTRY HOME with garage or shed, also garden space. 985-2379. TWO OR THREE bedroom home, all facilities, possession first of June. Call 852-3610, Uxbridge. APARTMENT--3 rooms, heat- ed for a lady pensioner. 985. -1 7956. PASTURE WANTED for 15 to 20 head cattle. Harvey Graham 986-4866. TO RENT | HOUSE, new, modern, large living room, kitchen' ,tile bath- room, 2 bedrooms, laundry room, finished recreation room, fully electrically heated, garage, op- tional, lease arranged. Located at 103 Toronto Street, Uxbridge. Phone 852-6204. LOST 'conditioning. LOST--2 tires, 16 inch Good- rich ~ Deluxe, tubeless, white walls. Phone 986-2826. Reward. BLACK LEATHER WALLET containing valueable papers in vicinity of Doupe's Store, Prince Albert. Finder please leave at Box 654 Post Office or 278 Rosa St. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-- : NEW BUNGALOW IN UX- BRIDGE---Brick veneer, 3 bed- | rooms, coloured bathroom with Oil heating with air- Asking $13,000 or best offer, Phone 852-6860. MISCELLANEOUS vanity. £ wo ak RHE Soi ; AVON NOW IS THE TIME To look into the Avon Oppor- tunity, Write today for Inter- view. P.O. Box 512, Oshawa. pas 4 at 2 a Mechanic Wanted G.M. DEALERSHIP Pension and Health Plan -- 40 hour week -- Contact BARRIE MELLOR 852-3331, Uxbridge Alex Williamson MOTOR SALES LTD. MISCELLANEOUS ATTENTION Lady GOLFERS --Anyone interested in playing in a ladies league call 985-2661 or 985-7548 before April 30. April 23 FRENCH-CANADIAN boys & girls, well recommended, seek English-speaking homes in sum-- mer vacation as working or pay- ing guests. Write or call VISITES INTERPROVINCI- ALES, 113 St. George St., Tor- onto 5. (WA 3-5878). Apr.23 H. PEEL RAMBLER Sales & Service Port Perry 985-2592 We have a good stock of new Rambler cars on hand, Come in and have a demonstration. Used cars for sale: ~ 1963 Rambler Sedan - Classic 1962 Vauxhall Cresta 1961 Dodge Sedan, Radio, automatic. 19569 Meteor Sedan ' 1948 Fargo 3% Ton Pick-up 19566 Volkswagen Van hardtop 1966 Chev. Coach 1966 Ford Fairlane, Crown Victoria 1964 Chev. Coach, automatic and radio. G FOR A BETTER DEAL -- TRY PEEL! Brock Motor Sales You are invited to come in and view the 1964 Chevrolet Cars and Trucks -963 Olds. Super 88 2-door hardtop, fully equipped 1961 Chevrolet Impala 4-door hardtop, 6-cyl., radio 1960 Chevrolet V-8 sedan, radio automatic transmission 1959 Olds. 4-door hardtop, radio power steering, power - brakes, automatic 1960' Corvair 4-door sedan 1968 Olds. 98 4-door hardtop, fully equipped 1958 Pontiac 6-cyl automatic 1958 Ford 2-door, 6-cyl. standard 19568 Dodge automatic 6-cyl. sedan 1962 Chev. 1-ton chassis & cab 1961 GMC 3-ton dump, H.D. 1958 Chev. 8-ton chassis & cab New Chevrolet cars and trucks in stock for immediate delivery. | Buy your used car from a new car dealer! For a Better Buy! Better Try! BROCK MOTOR SALES A General Motors Chevrolet- Phone 235, Sunderland, Ont. ¥ i al i CRAY pd hes VERE SR Pe ar 3 5 ar kal Re Ea hy / J 4,