Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 Apr 1964, p. 5

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ND FOREN yy Sas RTE Eu} : , Fo 5 Ay Et Flies 3 El SEINE 3 A ~ Jehovah's Witnesses Will Attend Christian Assembly In Whithy Anderson High School in Whitby will be a busy place this week-end. It will be the centre of activity for more than 500 witnesses of Jehovah who will attend their semi-annual Christian Assembly. The local congregation of Je- hovah's Witnesses will be among those who will assemble in the High School auditorium for three days, April 17, 18, 19, for intensive Bible instructions. "All the sessions are open to the public", said Mr. Nixon, the presiding minister for the local group. He further stated that special arrangements have been made to call on all the local re- sidents inviting them to attend the key Bible Talk on Sunday afternoon at 3.00 p.m. entitled, "Facing Up to the Urgency of Our Time". Mr. Nixon when asked why the witnesses assem- ble so regularly, said, "Family members find real joy in occa- sional reunions, so it is true with modern-day Christian wit- nesses of Jehovah who are members of a very large family. Christ made this clear when he told his followers at Mathew 23:8, "All you are brothers." The bond that ties us together is much stronger than blood relationship." He went on to say, "When we gather at these assemblies we receive refresh- ing instruction from our heav- "enly Father through his Word the Bible, and we look forward to his promises of seeing this "earth restored to a paradise in this very generation. "We are greatly encouraged by these assemblies," he further stated, "The World events that are fulfilling Bible prophe- cies prove that the day for Je- hovah God to vindicate his name is drawing very near. This is all the more reason for all members of God's great family of Christian children to come to- gether in assemblies to take in instruction." Mr. Nixon said that « [ this would be the last assembly for the group until the District As- sembly in Lindsay. Ten Teams May nier League T Nonquon's Valley soft- ball fans are in for another year of fun and excitement, and a few surprises again this year too. For the Seagrave folk, the Angels have already lined up twelve exhibition games, plus playing in a possible ten team league. This in terms of games will see a possible 15 games at home, as well as on the road. For those who followed our Angels last year, are in for a lot of excitement and fun this summer, With the summer season clos- ing in fast, we can look for- ward to seeing these clubs mov- ing in to do battle, in either exhibition games or league games: Oshawa Fernhill Park, Cobourg, Bowmanville, Mill- brook, Toronto "Fairbanks" of the Greenwood Recreatioh Park Centre, 'Oshawa "Eastview" Park, Stouffville, Claremont, Udora, Uxbridge, Uxbridge CYO, St. John's Training School as well as Port Perry. Stouff- ville and Port Perry Pee Wee All-Stars will also take part in Bantam league play. For fun and excitement, ac- tion galore, drop in and cheer the halo's on, you'll be in for a lot of surprises as well. The Seagrave club are also looking forward to the Bantam Tourna- ment in Preston, Ont. on June 27th. Angel's first practice comes on Sat., May 2nd at 2.30 p.m. Everybody welcome to try out. The Squirts open their work-outs on Sat., May 16th at 2.30 p.m. Anyone interested in coaching these boys, would ba appreciated. It's an experience you'll never forget. Sat, May 16th. A A 0 --------------- CENTRAL ONT. COUNTY DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE For the Year Ended December 31, 1963 Revenue Legislative grants ...........ceonen «$289,676.94 Municipal tax levies--requisitions ...... 848,196.37 --supplementary taxes ......... 2,806.99 Tuition fees--other gchool boards ......... 84,107.39 ~iNAIVIGUALR ..ivvcriirierriniinnn 343.00 Rebates .iniiniiniiiii. FREER A i 105.00 "Sale of school equipment .........cc.cernirenn 808.50 Sundry cece 190.49 TTT ET ER $626,234.68 Expenditure : Cost of instruction ......... iri reir iiss 830,307.49 Instructional supplies .............. vnrnennenned 29,466.64 Administration .......cciniinnennes, 20,999.29 Plant operation and maintenance ....... 56,687.43 "Auxiliary agencies mine 1,928.17 "Evening classes iene 2,706.00 Transportation ...... sissies. 01,898.00 Debenture payments .....i.. ensnininnee 10,378.90 Capital outlays coum wenn 17,044.81 Interest on temporary loans ......... 6,677.66 Taxes rebated iii 6509.27 Sick leave ...... sari ar bisite wee 2,186. Gymnasium and auditorium rent ' rh R50 Excess of Revenue over Expenditure .... $ 12,676.82 Norman Alexander, Sec.-Treas, Scout Mothers Hold Party St. Patrick's Decorations set the theme for the Annual Spring Party of the Scout Mother's Auxiliary, held Monday, March 16th at the "Flamingo Restaur- ant", After a delicious turkey din- ner with all the trimmings was served to 31 ladies, Mrs. Luella Kennedy led in the singing of several Irish songs to the ac- companiment of Mrs. Donna Van Camp at the piano. Several lively games followed and a "Word Separation Quiz" was won by Mrs, Gwen Taylor, far ahead of the other contest- ants. . Mrs. Howard Hall denied watching much T.V, but she won the T.V. contest quite easily with her knowledge of T.V. Titles. Several games of "Bingo" were played with an assortment of prizes being won. A "Thank you" extended by President Ruby Williams to Joy Ballard, Jeanne Goode and Don- na Van Camp, for their work in convening this splendid party, brought the evening to a close. PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 16th, 1964 -- § Mrs. Robert Vernon Addresses Audience At Skating Carnival Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I know you do not wish to listen to any long drawn out speech, but I do feel I must acknowledge the help people outside our club have given us. First, our sincere thanks to Mr. Cole and his gymn squad from the P.P.H.S. Our Dumbo elephant creation was made by two club mothers with the very capable assistance of Miss Cathrine Christie. This help was very much appreciated. A real masterpiece. The next salute is to Mr. David Godley, who taped the music for our program, thus eliminating many delays. The master of ceremonies for to-night's show has been Mr. Norman Powell, past president of the club, Our sincere thanks Norm. Mr. George Spencer and his right hand man Ron Mapes not only have given us good ice, but helped in many ways. And now as President of the P.P.F.S.C. it is my pleasure to announce an account of $50.00 has been opened at the Royal Bank in trust for Anna Forder and Richard Stephens. I feel sure everyone here to- night was delighted with their skating ability. After a few brief weeks of rest Anna & Ri- chard will be back skating in preparation for competition at the Canadian Championships to be held at Calgary mext winter. Anyone wishing to assist in the promotion of these two Port Perry teenagers may do so by leaving their donation with Mr. Draper or myself. Alma Vernon, President P.P.F.S.C. WE NOW CARRY A LINE OF Ho a Office Supplies IN OUR OFFICE Drop in and see what we have to offer. PORT PERRY STAR CO. LTD. CATELLYI'S Ready Cut or Long 16 oz. Pkgs. INSTANT $1.59 MACARONI SPAGHETTI 2 - 3%. CHASE & SANBORNS COFFEE 20¢ OFF 10 oz. RED ROSE WHITE On Sale This Week End WED. - SAT, APRIL 15 - 18 At Your CARLOAD FOOD Mkt. PRINCE ALBERT Garden Patch Croice Cut 15 oz. Tins Wax Beans .. 8 - $1.00 TEA BAGS ..... 7% 60's Reg. 200's FRESH SLICED FRESH MEATY ANADA'S FINEST ° STEAK or ROAST BURNS FULLY COOKED BONELESS DINNER HAMS ORK "HOCKS v Ld . P so YE de KLEENEX .. 2 - 31 ROUND or RUMP 1b 19 87 b. 33 libs 37 LIQUID DETERGENT Buy 1 Get 1 Free Winner of last week's Draw Mrs. Howard Garvey FREE DRAW on a, Casserole & Warmer with a $5.00 order or over 19c. Daily 8.30 a. m.to 9.00 pm. Tuesday 8.30 a.m, to 1.00 p.m. STORE HOURS FREE DELIVERY PHONE 985-2402 +

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