Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 Apr 1964, p. 13

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& } as Ae SITAR Sasa Sl 10 Sifisd SEO 45 o PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 16th, 1964 -- 13 Strongmen Display Talent Local Carnival Pictured above are three of the strongmen who took part in the annual Figure Skating Ice Revue sponsored by the Port Perry Figure Skating Club, and held last Friday evening in the local arena. The complete program was a huge success and a large crowd attended the affair. All local talent was used in the program and all who took part are to congratulated for their fine efforts. SEAGRAVE NEWS Mrs. E. Butt leader of the South Group of the U.C.W. was in charge of the devotions .at the meeting in the S.S. Room on April 8th. After a call to worship by Mrs. Butt, hymn 182 "0 Word of God Incarnate" in- troduced the theme "The Bible". Mrs. B. Wanamaker offered a prayer. Mrs, Bertrand read the Bible lesson from II Timo- thy 3:10-17. Mrs. E. Clements then gave a topic on "The Bible". A lot of her material had been ob- tained from the Lindsay Branch of the Bible Society, and was very instructive as well as in- teresting. She first tested our knowledge, or lack of knowledge of the Bible with a question and answer period; She then gave us a history of the writing and various translations. One out- standing statement was "The devil doesn't worry about a dusty Bible". Mrs. A. Bruce contributed a reading and Mrs. N. Hurst read Mrs, Lillian Dickson's last let- ter from Formosa. Hymn 214 "Saviour again to Thy dear Name" closed this part of the meeting. Mrs. Cliff Short, President, then took the chair, and thank- ed the South Group for such a fine worship service. The min- utes of last meeting were: ap- proved as read, and the roll call showed 26 members and 1 visitor present. The Corres- ponding Sec'y read some corres- pondence. The treasurer gave her report. The visiting com- mittee reported 256 homes con- tacted. Mrs. Abraham reported the washrooms had been finished but needed aonther coat of var- nish. It was decided that this should be applied now. She also gave a review of the visit to Fairview Lodge. A statement was given on the catering for wedding. Spring Tea details were worked out, the ladies . were asked to price the baking offered for sale, when it is brought in, Mrs. MacTaggart to sell flowers and plants. It was agreed when catering hot " plates should be $1.76, cold plates $1.60. A mumber from "each group were asked to make a record, by actual count, of all 'the equipment for use around the church. Mrs. L, Nicholls reported for the Hospital Auxi liary. The cards for sale and coffee maker were on display. Mrs. A. Bruce conducted a couple of contests while refreshments were being prepared, Mr. and Mrs. Orr Shunk of Belleville, and Mrs. Ken Lee of Peterborough were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bright. Mr. Bob Nodwell had the mis- fortune of having his wrist cut badly when working on the night shift at General Motors. An artery and tendon were cut and he was taken to Oshawa Hospital, where he is at pre- sent. He hopes to be home soon. We hope so too. The community were present in large numbers, when Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Crosier of Sunder- land, celebrated their 50th wed- ding anniversary on Waednes- day, April 8th. Having lived in 'Seagrave for many years and been store-keeper 'and post master here, as well as church treasurer for a number of years, they still seem a part of our community. many more years of wedded happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MacTag- gart of Little Britain, were Sun- day visitors with Mr, and Mrs. J. C. MacTaggart. Mr. Clifford Short, S. School Supt. and Mesdames Clements, G Stone and H, Eagleson at- tended the New Curriculum Study Group at Cannington on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Wana- maker, Billy and Neil were present at the Prince Albert Anniversary Service, and later were guests of Mr. and Mrs, E. Martyn, SOFTBALL (Continued) gue which could be developed in about two weeks when a meet- ing will be called in Stouffville, A meeting of the Minors will be called every second Sunday from now until the season be- ging to ensure all is ready to supply the town of Port Perry with another good softball sea- son. : It was also approved to send We wish them | the Hope's I.G.A. Pee Wee team to the Woodstock Pee Wee Tournament on Sat., June 20th. Last year our boys advanced to the Semi-Finals before losing out 2 to 1 to Preston. The - Minors will also hold their Second Annual Booster Night and Parade on Saturday, July 11th, Plans for this will be discussed at the next meet- ing. The members were notified that the Insurance claims have been paid and that the school board have been 'approached to see if the ball diamond at the Public School could be repaired. The next Minor Meeting will be held on Sun., April 26th at 7.30 p.m. at the Arena. Former Port Perry Resident Honoured At Surprise Parly On Saturday evening, April 4th, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Ree- sor, celebrated their first wed- ding anniversary by entertain- ing at a surprise birthday party for their grandmother, Mrs. Thomas J. Blight, 'at their new home, 27 Forestbrook Crescent, Agincourt, Ontario. Although the birthday party was somewhat belated (Mrs, Blight celebrated her 84th birthday on March 21st) the happy get-together and family re-union was a complete sur- prise to the honoured guest. The attractive lace - covered tea table was centred by a dainty floral arrangement of spring daffodils and flanked by a large pink and white birth- day cake and a rose coloured Easter bonnet anniversary cake. Mrs. Blight received several "extra" birthday gifts, among which was a beautiful bouquet of red sweetheart roses. Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Blight and 'Mr. and Mrs, William A. Blight, of Oshawa; Mrs. Fred E. Ree- sor, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Reesor and son Larry of Port Perry; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Couves, of Greenbank; Miss Ruth Couves, of Brampton and Miss Eleanor Mulloy, of Tor- onto, Mrs. Blight has four grand- sons and two great - grand- children, all were present, ex- cept her oldest grandson, Mr. James T. Blight and family who were in London at the time. BLACKSTOCK NEWS By Mrs. Olga Hill The annual dinner of the Dur- ham Shorthorn Club was held in the Recreation Centre, Black- stock, Wednesday, April 8, 1964. 110 guests partook of a delicious hot beef dinner, served by the Blackstock U.C.W. ' Among the guests from a dis- tance were Mr. and Mrs. R. W, Gardhoute, Milton. Mr, Gard- house is President of the Cana- dian Shorthorn Association. Mr. W. L. Elliott, Guelph, Secretary of Ontario Shorthorn Club; Mr. E. H. Stoltz editor of "Short- horn News"; Mr. J. E. Moles, Farm Supervisor of Ontario Hydro Commission was guest speaker. Mr, George Carson, Orono was M.C. Mr. Roy Philp, Port Hope introduced the guest speaker Mr. J. E. Moles, who in his opening remarks men- tioned his early connection with Shorthorns, «having assisted with the show herd of Mr, Ken Deacon of Unionville. He said Agriculture was now one of the most efficient industries. One farmer in Ontario produces enough food for himself and 28 others. He contrasted this with the efficiency of Russian Ag- riculture where one farmer merely produces enough for himself and four others. Hae urged all connected with Agri- culture to tell their story in every way possible, since many city dwellers do not appreciate the size of the job the farmer is doing. Mr. David Beath, Oshawa, Vice-President, thank. ed the: speaker. Mr. Gardhouse speaking briefly had a very optimistic word regarding the future of the Shorthorn Breed. He spoke of the series of bull sales in Western Canada, where in practically all instances the av- erage price received was consi- derably higher than in previous. years. Other items on the program- me were Community singing; A reading by Mrs, J. Gibson, Orono and a piano duet by Mary and Dwight Bradley, Hampton. Prizes were donated by Cana- dian Tire and Western Tire, Spring Gange/ Bowmanville; Farm, Newcastle; George Carl son, Orono; David Beath, Qsh- awa; Gloria Dale Farms, Port Hope; Ontario Shorthorn Club and John Carnaghan, and were won by Gloria Philp, Port Hope; Leslie Taylor, Burketon; Bar- bara Daughan, Cold Springs; Helen. Gardhouse, Milton; Mus. Cecil Mills, R.R, Bowmanville; Carl Avery, Raglan; Howard Trewin, Burketon, R.R.; Nor- een Waye, Toronto; Sheila Al- lan, Newcastle; Annabelle Rick- ard, Bowmanville; Murray Car- naghan, Blackstock; Alice Tay- lor Burketon; Mrs. Gibson, Or- ono; Isabelle Wright, Black- stock. Mrs. Hector Shortridge was hostess on Saturday evening when a number of the ladies of the North Village gathered and spent a social evening in honor of Mrs, Lewis Fitze, who will be moving to Midland after her sale on Thursday. During the evening Mrs. Fitze was pre- sented with a picture and a table lamp. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner and fa- mily on the death of his father Mr. Charles Turner. Several of the neighbors and friends at. tended the funeral in Winches- ter Saturday. . Mrs. John Hamilton and Mrs, Ashmore called on Mrs. G. V. A. Scott in Oshawa hospital Friday. Mr, and Mrs. Allan Rahm and family, Port Perry, were Friday evening dinner guests of Mr. & Trs. John Rahm on Allan's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Gra- ham spent the week-end with relatives in Fenelon Falls and called on her aunt Mrs. Camp- bell in Bobcaygeon hospital. Janis Dorrell entertained 14 little girls of her class in school at a party after school Monday, her 8th birthday. B Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright. spent the week-end with rela-: tives at Bancroft. Mr. Earl Dorrell returned - home from Florida Saturday looking very well. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Fletcher and girls, Tillsonburg, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Kyte and family. Sympathy is extended Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Archer on the death of his sister Mrs. BE. Ro- bertson, Minden, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Bill Cox, Bow- manville, were Saturday visitors and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mar- tin, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Reeser, Claremont, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Lucas, Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Eric Stainton, Bow- manville Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Orr Venning. Miss Sandra Higginson, Glen Ross was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mr. Harold Swain, Mr. Weir Swain, Toronto spent a day with the Swain fa- milies during the week, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swain spent Monday in, Toronto, guests of Rev. and Mrs, M. Sanderson. There was a fair attendance at the dance in the Recreation Centre Saturday night sponsor- ed by the Big 4 Guernsey club with music provided by Roy Godfrey's Orchestra. A buffet lunch of cold turkey, salads and coffee was provided. Mr. and Mrs. Bev. Toronto, Dealy, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Ken Dung. . moor, Beth and Bryan, Feat He Ld A Le - » < a, ET . Snr a a ow Ppt Fe A ea a EE he ai, Me 3 Tm ly Vn 3

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