Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 9 Apr 1964, p. 6

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oe . ah bY mir tl 6 -- PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 9th, 1964 Port Perry Council News Minutes of a Regular Meet ing of Council of the Village of Port Perry held in the Munici- pal Office on Wed., March 25th, 1964 at 7.30 p.m. Present: From Council, Reeve J. J. Gibson in the Chair; Depu- ty- Reeve John Orde; Council- lors Robt. A. Kenny, Ivan Par- kinson and Bruce Beare. From the Planning Board-- Messrs. N. W. Heayn, Howard Gibson and Garnet Porter. On Motion the minutes of March 10th meeting were adopt- ed as typed. HEARING re complaints on closing of Elgin Street. Mr. W. T. Harris appeared before Council on behalf of Misses Morwena & Eunice Harris and he objected to the closing of Elgin Street. He stated that the Munici- pality of Port Perry has the right to close the said street but subject to any compensation which might be claimed by the owners of adjacent properties and that if the said road allow- ance is sold, the owners of pro- perty abutting the proposed parcel of land to be sold have the first right to purchase it. Mr. Harris pointed out: 1. That two lots could be sold fronting on Elgin Street. 2. The water service leading to the Misses Harris' property crosses the said section of Elgin Street. 3. There is a natural water course down Elgin Street in this particular area. 4. A solution might be arrived at if a strip of land is re- tained along the South side 'of the road allowance to serve as a private driveway for the Misses Harris. It was explained by Council that they have a prospective buyer for the road allowance to erect a new home but after hearing the objection to the closing of the Westerly portion of Elgin Street, it was decided to leave the matter as is and let the persons concerned ar- rive at an agreeable solution. ~~ AMENDMENTS for discus- sion re Parking By-Law #1216. Councillor Kenny reported to Council that he felt that Two- Hour Parking Signs should be erected on 'Perry Street, from Queen to Mary and from Queen to North Su. Council approved of this re- commendation and the Clerk was instructed fo prepare the _ necessary amending 'By-Law. PAYMENT to Sweetman's Sales & Service re purchase of Half-Ton Truck--$1,835.97. The truck having been tried and found to be satisfactory, the Clerk was instructed to pay the said account. PASSING ACCOUNTS-- RESOLUTION--Moved by R.A. Kenny, seconded by I.W. Park- __inson that the folloiwng-State- ment of Accounts be hereby au- thorized for payment: General Dept. .......... $2,685.29 Property & Parks... 126.72 Welfare Dept. .......... 206.20 Street Maintenance.. 441.24 Truck & Tractor Ac. 45.40 Winter Works Proj. 0-364 (Const. of new Fire Hall)...... 180.29 Waterworks ...Dept. 96.54 Carried. $3,631.68 LETTER from Mrs. W. R. Stephens, Sec'y of Arena Board, dated Feb. 10th, 1964. \ "The Executive of the Port Perry Arena Board are in fav- our of forming a "Recreation Committee" in Port Perry to take advantage of the Govern: ment Grant set down by the Board of Education." Extract from Minutes of the Port Perry Community Memori- al Arena Board dated March 12 1964. "Reviewed the steps taken previously concerning the mat- ter of formation of Community Recreation Committee, the visit of Mr. Frank Willock, Commun- ity Programmes Branch, De- partment of Education (Ont.), and the joint meeting with other organizations in the town council chambers." The problem seems to be the lack of qualfied leaders to sup- port this program locally. Decided to leave this matter in abeyance. Filed. LETTER from the Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves dated March 10th, 1964. RESOLUTION--Moved by J, Orde, seconded by Bruce Beare, that the Clerk be instructed to forward the fee of $20.00 for membership in the Association of Ontario Mayors & Reeves." Carried. MEMO--Chief R. J. Cameron would like the dog by-law amended. Council approved of amending the dog by-law as follows: To provide a minimum fine of not less than $5.00 for the first offence and not less than $10.00 for the second offence and each subsequent offence. LETTER from Port Perry, Reach & Scugog Agricultural Society requesting a grant. RESOLUTION -- Moved by John Orde, seconded by Bruce Beare, that the usual grant of $200.00 be given to the Reach & Scugog Agricultural Society. 'Carried. MEMO -- County of Ontario Debentures--$1,300.00, 51 %. Filed. MEMO--Fines for month of February, 1964--$417.00, Muni- cipal share--$197.49. Filed. LETTER from Mr. Ralph Taylor, dated March 18th, 1964. "Being the only distributor of Supertest Fuel Oil in this area and also being a resident and taxpayer, I feel that the $50.00 fee asked for should not apply in my case. The only difference between myself and the other resident fuel oil dealers in town is that my product is hauled from Osh- awa storage, Possibly. it would be in order to have an assessment of the business part of my property and a proportionate business tax charged from that. I hope that this explanation will clarify my position with the Council. I shall await your reply." "Council decided that Mr. Tay- lor should pay the $1.00 license fee, the same as other dealers in the Municipality and that he be assessed for business tax, the County Assessor to be ad- vised accordinly. LETTER from Mr. Wm. G. Manning, County Clerk-Treas., dated March 28rd. "We are enclosing a Notice of a Public Meeting at the Twp. Hall, Sunderland, Ont. on Tues., April 7th, 1964 at 8.00 p.m. for the purpose of discussing the Agricultural Rehabilitation and Development Act. Kindly ad- vise the members of your Coun- cil of this important meeting." Filed. "LETTER from Mr. Charles H. Brignall of Brignall's Port Perry Area Ambulance Service dated March 24th, 1964: "I have operated the ambu- lance service for a three month period and to date have an- swered a normal number of calls for this time of year. Upon observing the enclosed | sheet showing the operating ex-| penses and the actual charges collected that 1 feel that I will wit . ARLE PRL BY nd he RT LF AEE TEEPE : URN Lay ung \ p CARNAL A elt ALA 5 . PIERSON ERM LRT SENS find it necessary to discontinue the service at the end of March unless some concrete support is shown. The retainer of $200.00 and past obligations have been met to the best of our ability. Upon discussing this situa- tion with the doctors, the hos- pital board, also a cross survey by phone of the actual residents, we still feel our stand on this matter is justified. I would be willing to talk on a per capita basis of possibly 30c. per person, which would leave your balance for the year at approx. $600.00. We have decided after checking the rates in all surrounding towns that we will not make any increase at the present time. With the protection this ser- vice provides when sickness or accident strike, I feel this is cheap insurance. I urge you gentlement to take a more serious look at this situ- ation, and give the matter your utmost consideration at this immediate time. Thanking you, I remain. RESOLUTION: Moved by Bruce Beare, seconded by I. W, Parkinson, that this Council agrees to subsidize the Brignall Ambulance Service to the value of $4.00 per call for all calls in the Village of Port Perry, pro- vided he first raises his rates as recomended by Port Perry Council and the Port Perry Chamber of Commerce with a maximum subsidy of $500.00 per year being allowed. The motion was DEFEATED on a Recorded Vote: For--Bruce Beare I. W. Parkinson. Against--J, J. Gibson J. Orde R. A. Kenny. RESOLUTION--Moved by J. Orde, seconded by R. A. Kenny that Mr. Charles Brignall fol- low the recommendation of Council and increase his ambu- lance rates to a satisfactory level, after which Council would be pleased to discuss a subsidy with him, Carried. LETTER from Mr. Melvin James, Ash St., Port Perry, Ont. dated March 21, 1964. : "This past week a team of land surveyors have been work- ing on our street, apparently with the purpose of showing the theoretical road position of In our case, our home appears to be built so close to road al- lowance as to infringé upon this area. Since we have lived and paid taxes on this property for twenty-five years, we are of course, concerned as to the plans being considered for this area. We, therefore, respectfully ask for a letter from your Plan- ning Board, briefly outlining your intentions regarding the development of this area." Council felt that this letter should first come before the Planning Board and see what recommendations they have in dealing with the matter. Meeting adjourned on Motion, to meet again on Monday, Apr. 13th at 7.30 p.m. Carried. INTRODUCTORY OFFER * * * IF YOU BUY THE NEW 1965 SOU CLAIRTONE SIGNET-- (THE DI!) BEFORE APRIL 25 --YOU WILL SAVE $50.00" IT HAS THE FAMOUS PROVEN ALL-TRANSISTORIZED SYS- TEM UTS THE LATEST CLAIR- TONE AND | S BEAUTIFUL .00 BEFORE APRIL 25 Bald AFTER APRIL 25 *$499.00 INCLAIRTONE | stereo for the informed buyer SEE IT = = = I | z A AAAI \ \ i RTE FLT oh io i i | hi i | | Jil: AUN STTTTTTEN SUNRNRAN SERN Y 1 pani in AAI 11711) HIE; 1 the Clairtone Signet has: a b-year guarantee rocker-key controls ag a Garrard ATH changer 6 speakers -- 3 per channel built-in' FM multiplex FM stereo indicator light silent listening and is finished in oiled walnut it is 58" long, 15" deep and 26%" high # vppeated retail prise ; HEAR IT McDermott - Panahaker Lid. PORT PERRY N MANY OTHER MODELS ALSO AVAILABLE <i

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