BROOKLIN and Reports Given At Special Meeting OF Brooklin Council A Special Meeting of the Council of the Township of | Whitby was held in the Council | Chambers, Brooklin on Thurs- day, February 6th, 1964 at 8.00 p.m. with Reeve John Goodwin, Deputy Reeve John Dryden and | Councillors John Batty, Don Ro- berts and Fred Sturch present. | The meeting was called by the Reeve to hear reports of an urgent nature from the Roads: Committee and the Parks and Arena Committee. Committee Reports-- 1. ROADS -- Chairman John Goodwin reported that the Road Committee has met with Mr. R, E, Sims of Geo. L. Totten and Associates Ltd. and is now pre- pared to recommend the sub- mission of an application as prepared by Mr. Sims to The Board of Transport Commis-' soners of Canada for the Hop-' kins St. - C.N.R. overpass and approaches. Also recommended by- the committee was that Mr. Sims be retained to-ascertain if a satisfactory settlement can be reached with both Lasco and Mr. Wm. F. P. Smith in this matter with the understanding that no definite committments will be made without further direction of Council. On Motion by John Goodwin, seconded by Don Roberts the re- port of the Roads Committee was adopted. 2 PARKS & ARENA Chairman John Batty reported that his committee has held two | or three meetings with the Minor Hockey Association re- garding the amount of financial support which may be granted. to the group by the Council] from the Park and Recreation levy." The recommendation of: the Committee was that support be given, to the amount of $450. as Councils have done for iv eral years. Reeve Goodwin supported this limitation as he felt that the township should not be the ori- ginal or sole sponsor of Minor Hockey and that the" $1,800.00 requested to complete the sea- son was far too much to expect for this purpose. This minor hockey is too local in nature for greater support as several other teams throughout the township have to look after their own ice | the Consulting Firm of Geo. L.| , Totten and Associates Limited, | time without help from the! township, Examples are Mr. R, | Weatherall's Almonds team and the St. Paul's Separate School and Westminster United Church teams, Councillor Sturch agreed that most other minor hockey teams in the township are self-sup- porting and do not ask for help from the township. Councillor Roberts suggested that this group haven't made much effort to help themselves but if $600.00 is spent on ice time--$150. for school skating and $450. for minor hockey it | would simply be carrying on as | in the past and Deputy Reeve, Dryden supported this thinking | as well. On Motion by J. Batty, Sec-' onded by J. Dryden the report of the Farks Committee was adopted. Resolutions 1. Moved by John Dryden, Seconded by John Batty that the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the applica- tion to The Board of Transport Commissioners of Canada, as prepared by Geo. L. Totten & Associates Limited on behalf of this Corporation, for the recon- struction of the Hopkins St./ C.N.R. Grade Separation Strue- ture and Approaches. 2. Moved by John Goodwin, Seconded by Don Roberts that represented by Mr. R. E. Sims, | P. Eng. is hereby authorized to' negotiate with Lake Ontario : Steel Company Ltd. to acquire' the necessary lands in Lot 22, Broken Front Concession for the reconstruction of the grade separation and approaches at' the Hopkins St./C.N.R. inter- i section and also to negotiate with Mr. Wm. F. P. Smith ta! | settle, in advance, any claims for damages which- might arise from the construction .and use of the new grade separation and approaches. 3. Moved by. John Batty, Sec- | onded by Don Roberts that Whitby township grant Mino: Hockey Association $450.00. * kX REGULAR MEETING A Regular Meeting of the Township of Whitby was held in the Council Chambers, Brook-'! lin on Monday, 1964 at 17.35 p.m. { John | John ' Fred Sturch, John Batty Don Roberts present, | payment by Resolution #5. |» in the day. | drants has been discussed with Mr. T. Armstrong, O.W.R.C. Engineer and arrangements 'made for Mr. Vipond to pro- "inspections. .row's report for January was i of $32,000. for Arena Purposes DISTRICT February 10th, with Reeve Deputy Reeve and Councillors | and Goodwin, Dryden Parks & Arena-- Chairman John Batty report- ed that in view of the change in the overall insurance cover- age of the Arena he would ask permission to retain the two policies now presented for re- newal until the complete cover- age is placed. It was agreed that this be done. Councillor Roberts asked about the possi- ble use of local sub-committees for the various parks this year, even though no great use of this system was made last year. Chairman Batty agreed to consider this question at the next meeting of his committee. Accounts were approved for Councillor Don. Roberts re- | ported on the Water Committee Meeting which was held earlier Inspection of Hy- the Committee, Mr. Vipond and ceed with the inspection imme- diately as well as carrying out a regular spring and fall in- spection without further direc- tion. A hydrant pump is now keing supplied by O.W.R.C. and will be of help in doing these Any repairs ete. found to be necessary will be reported to the Water Commit- tee at the next meeting--pos- sibly within the next 3 weeks. The report of the Dog Contro! Officer for January was read as follows: 7 dogs picked up, 3 dogs destroyed, 13 days board and 2 dogs claimed by the own- ers. On Motion by F. Sturch, Sec- onded by Don Roberts Mr. Yar- received and filed. BY-LAW-- Moved by Fred Sturch, Sec- onded by Don Roberts that a By-law to authorize the issue of debentures in the principal sum be read a-third time, as amend- ed, numbered 1883 and passed, and that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. RESOLUTIONS-- Moved by John Dryden, Sec- onded by Fred Sturch that the PORT PERRY STAR, THURS., FEB. 20th, 1964--7 Reeve and the Treasurer be and they are hereby authorized to issue cheques on the account of the Township of Whitby in fa- vour of the several persons whose names appear on Welfare Accounts Sheet No. 2, number- ing 1 to 11 inclusive, amount of accounts $437.00. Moved by John Dryden, Sec- onded by Fred Sturch that the Reeve and the Treasurer be and they are hereby authorized to isrue cheques on the account of the Township of Whitby in fav- our of the several persons whose names appear on General Ac- counts Sheet No. 2, numbering 1 to 49 inclusive, amount of accounts $6,326.05. Moved by Fred Sturch, Sec- onded by John Dryden that the Clerk notify the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority that regarding floodplain map- | ping we would like every tri- | butary of every Township mapped. Moved by John Batty, they are hereby our of the several persons whose names appear on Arena | Accounts Sheat No. 2, number-' ing 1 to 4 inclusive, amount of accounts $448.60. Moved by Jchn Dryden, Reeve and the Treasurer be and they are hereby authorized to issue cheques on the account of the Township of Whitby in fav- our of the several persons whose stream in the | Sec- | onded by Don Roberts that the Reeve and the Treasurer be and | authorized to! issue cheques on the account of | te Township of Whitby in fav- | Sec- | nnded by Don Roberts that the' names appear on Water Ac- counts Sheet No. 2, numbering 1 only. - Amount of accounts $16.10. Moved by John Goodwin, the Reeve and the Treasurer be and they are hereby authorized to issue cheques on the account of the Township of Whitby in favour of the several persons whose names appear on Road Accounts Sheet No. 1, number- ing 1 to 31 inclusive, amount of accounts $12,614.99. Moved by Fred Sturch, onded by John Batty-that the Clerk be authorized to advertise for a Dog Control Officers for the Township of Whitby, to commence duties May 1st, 1964. Meeting at 9.15 p.m. adjourned Pleasant Valley Rest and Nursing Home A rest home of distinction | in a beautiful country setting. New buildings, facilities, excellent food, care, dining room, tray service. Private rooms $5 & up daily. Uxbridge, Ont. 852-3544 Feb. 20 modern Personalized "Just for You" entertaining accessories -- dinner napkins, cocktail napkins, coasters, matches and playing cards -- printed with your name or initials, add a personal and festive touch to youp parties: They do so much, yet cost so little, and are always socially correct. Before your next party, drop in and see the complete samples of Personalized "Just for You" entertaining accessories, stationery and thank-you cards at PORT PERRY STAR CO. LTD. The difference hetween hoping ...and having is a PERSONAL LOAN from CANADIAN IMPERIAL SPAN] Gel a ele] "| sel 2 A new car for your family? N ew appliances for your home? Get whatever ou need now--with a Personal Loan an Imperial Bank of Commerce. Low interest rates. Life- insured for your protection. Conven- tient repayments. See your helpful Commerce branch manager today. Over 1260 branches to piss you Seconded by Fred Sturch that: Sees Sod So 5 fo pr i eas 0 4 Nu me ral: a) ho Aad ew a. A ow --. i 5 i a5) Rl LIP pe A mY fa * 5' we ~e Dyin ly PN LG ee nT Fos Rg Tr hy on a 2 io i =r Ld