Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 20 Feb 1964, p. 12

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RB : > < Sad oh os hat ope B= ¥ Ci 2% S v a B : poate wage! RL A out ar ag 12--PORT PERRY STAR, THURS. FEB. 20th, 1964 By Jean Jeffery We offer our sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Houghland and family in the loss of his grandfather Mr. Robt. Pickard. Mrs. Edwards and sons Dar- Cry, Christopher and Eric are home at the parsonage, We hope wee Eric continues to gain strength and wish a speedy re- covery for Mrs. Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. G. Jeffery visit- ed Mrs. Katharine Cawker of Port Perry on Saturday. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Wm. Asling is not well and hope she will soon be well again, ' Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ash- ton, Beth and Alan and Miss Joyce Strong visited with Mr. and Mrs. Horace Searle on Wed. evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Preece of Uxbridge visited Mr. and Mrs. Alan Card and family on Satur- day evening. Dr. P. Asling and Mr. J. Clarke attended open house at the School of Dentistry at Tor- onto University on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ashton! and Richard visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cumming in Toronto on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A, Card visited Mr. and Mrs. Goslin on Sunday evening. : Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ascling visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Gorrell of Eden, also Mrs. Asling's fa- ther Mr. J. Ryall on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Martin Zylstra and family of Brooklin visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Asling, Dr. Pat Asling, Mrs. Ross Evans and Mrs. Elmer Wilson attended the New Curiculum Workshop of the United Church at Newmarket on Saturday. "EPSOM NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Walter Artym- | ko and family of Milliken visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geer on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kendry visited his uncle and aunt Mr, and Mrs. George Brown in Toronto on Sunday. Sunday School at Epsom will be held as usual at 10.830 a.m. this Sunday. This however will be a very special service known as Bible Club Sunday, with the Rev. Mr. Nelson and Mr. R. W. Edwards~ conducting the Ser- vice. The offering will be do- nated to the work of the "Bible Club", whose teachers go out, reaching some two thousand school children in this area every week with the message of Bible. The children in this area are very dear to the heart of Rev. Mr. Nelson and IT am sure the pupils and ex-pupils will want to hear his message, - Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cole of Ravenshoe were dinner guests on Sunday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Powell. We are pleased to learn that Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Powell are enjoying the lovely weather of Sunny Mexico and we do hope Mr. Powell's health will im- prove. Saturday evening Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Prentice and sons Don- ald of Toronto, Murray of Ux- bridge, Ross of Waterloo and Miss Gail Spence of Toronto were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sharpe of Toronte.- WINTER CARNIVAL OF § "BARGAINS : THIS WEEK-END ONLY § BAG OF SOAP -- 15 CAKES ........ooovvrrrrrns 88c. ® eer " BATH SALTS -- "Jeanette" 5 Ib. ................ 88c. - BOBBY PINS, Solo Plastic-Tipped, % 1b. - $1.25 Value ...ocoovvveerrreererererrerenereriane . 89c. = DISH CLOTHS, 16" x 16" asst. Colours, 2 for 29c. A] FACIAL TISSUES "Snow White" [ 400's, reg. 29¢C. ....occvvvvvnnneneennn. 2 for 49c. =m HEATING PAD, Heatmaster $4.95 value .... $3.95 E HELENE CURTIS SPRAY NET, 6 oz. ....... 7c. ® IDASAL, 300's, "I.D.A." PAIN TABLETS....77c. £ MILK OF MAGNESIA "LD.A.", 16 oz. ........ 43c. - MINERAL OIL, I.D.A., 40 oz., reg. $1.39 .... $1.09 x NYLON STOCKINGS, Micro-Mesh, un 1st Quality Seamless, reg. 79c. pr., 2 for 99c. ; TOILET TISSUE, various colours, reg. 2 rolls 29c, ...........ccoeuuen... 8 for 88c. nm - TOOTH BRUSHES, L.D.A. 1st Quality, reg. 35c. each ..........coeeeeennee.. 3 for 88c. VAPOMASTER VAPORIZER, 1 gallon value $6.95 .......cccovvvicnnnnnnininssnnsiissens $6.49 WASTE PAPER BASKET, Plastic, "Cut Crystal" Effect ..........c....... $1.88 'BRUTON'S LD.A. Drug Store PORT PERRY Phone 985-2511 Jesus Christ and the Holy KAT IVEF I, HAE, SCUGOG NEWS Mr, and Mrs. W. Hall of Filmore, Sask. visited a day! recently with Mr. and Mrs. M. | McClaren. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Gray, of Leaskdale recent guests 'of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. O. Stone, of Port Perry visited with Mr. and Mrs, J. Demara recently. Rev. Gilbert and Mrs. Gil- bert spent a couple of days in Ottawa last week. Mr. and Mrs. D. Moore; Mr. and Mrs. E. Prentice, and Mr. G. Flewell spent an evening with Mr. and Mrs. B. Pearson of Uxbridge recently. The sympathy of the Island people is extended to the rel- atives of the late Mr.Crozier. Mr. and Mrs. E. Pearson and Mr. and Mrs. Broadbent and family, of Oshawa visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Aldred. ' Mr. and Mrs. R. Kerry and Grant also Mr. and Mrs. S. Thomas and children of Green- bank, Misses Clara, Heidi and Sandra Kreig recent guests" of Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. McLaren spent Monday in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. G. Venning, of Port Perry were Saturday vis- | itors with Mr. and Mrs. Eden. Two student teachers, Mr. Kerr and Mr. Kirby of Toronto at the Head school this week. | The Head teachers -and pupils wish to thank the parents of the children who provided transpor tation for the Valentine skat- | ing party. A lovely time was had by all the children. Mrs. M. Fralick and family in Toronto on Sunday visiting with Mr. Fralick. | Mr. and Mrs. J. Demara re-| cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hope in Uxbridge. The Scout and Cub banquet | is to be held at the Church in. Prince Albert on Saturday. | Church Service at 10 a.m. on Sunday. A nice congreg- | ation last Sunday. GRACE U.C. W. The February meeting of the Grace U.C.W. was held on Wed- nesday evening in the Church parlours. Fifteen members were present. Mrs. "R. Cawker, 1st vice-Pres., occupied the chair. She opened the meeting with a poem. The Lord's Prayer was repeated by all present. The Devotional in charge of Carol Boneshansker, who read a poem, "My Bible and I". The Scripture Lesson, II Tim. 3, verses 10-16 was read. A most interesting paper was given. Roll Call, Minutes, Offering. Correspondence and the Treas- urer's reports were given. A business session followed. Lunch and program commit- tee for the March meetingto be Mrs. J. Demara, Mrs. G. De- mara, Mrs. E." Edgar, Mrs. Y. Edgar. The meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. Bonesh- anker. "Peaches" to have some- thing for Easter. ~~ Program -- Reading by Lil Moore, "Johnny Entertains", also Reading by June Crozier, "The Stove Pipes". Contest by Camille Crozier. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. A lovely lunch was served by Camille and June Crozier also Grace Charrie. Use the CLASSIFIED SECTION cof THE PORT PERRY STAR PHONE: 985.7388 Prince Albert News On Sunday our minister, Rev. Linstead was not with us due to the dedication of a new wing! recently built joining Orono Church. Therefore the young people of our midst arranged and delivered the worship hour. Presiding at the pulpit for va- ious parts were Beth Hunter and Don Beacock after which Mildred Martyn impressed all with her interesting and touch- ing message. The junior choir also excelled themselves ren- dering two numbers accomp- anied by the organist, Mrs. B. Snelgrove. Martyn. At Sunday School, two tea- chers, Mrs. B. Smith and Mrs. R. (Dorothy) Hope read a suit- able story. Birthday pins were given to Terry and Donna Mid- dleton. The Supt. Mr. E. Mar- tyn expressed regret over the Jeff family moving from the Offering gathered ; by Mr. R. Hope and Mr. Bruce son conducted business, Min- | utes read by Mrs. Dorothy Hope also a letter from Ok Jo Hu. | Thank-you note read from Mr. | Sager and family, and Mrs. C. Newnkam. Mrs. O. Kennedy re- | ported on finances which are | entouraging. It was suggested {discussed and carried that a 'helpful sum be voted towards a needy family. Various styles of crests were on display sent in by an eager "hockey fan, Mr. Carlisle McGill. Finally a design was chosen to be ordered for the sweaters. Tickets are in circulation for St. Patrick dance at Bayview. Contact any member for some if you wish an Irish night away from home. Other busi- ness matters settled. Mrs. Bea- cock read a poem, "Our Club". Program conducted by Mrs. O. Kennedy. A tasty lunch prov- ided by Mrs. R. Hope and Mrs. F. Middleton. Congratulations are due to Linda Hunter and Susan Gard- iner in their honour standing in the recent piano examin- ations and the same to Gordon Williamson in theory. Saturday evening, twenty-five folk were entertained playing euchre and bingo at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Beacock. village. The Jeffs proved them- Mrs. Ida Banks, of Oshawa selves efficient workers of the!visited recently with Mrs. E. school. McKerihan. The G.N.S. Club met at the] Mr. and Mrs. G. Hunter were home of Mrs. M. Pugh. Repeat-|in the Peterborough area on ing the Lord's Prayer.in unison | Thursday attending the funeral started the meeting after which|of an aged aunt, Mrs. Gray- + the president, Mrs. J. David- stocks. _ NOTICE - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF A BY-LAW INTENDED TO BE PASSED BY THE REEVES AND COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF PORT PERRY: The proposed by-law as set out herein is a draft only and does not take effect until all other conditions of the Municipal Act R.S.0. 1960 Chapter 249 have been complied with when the by- law will be submitted to the Reeves and Council of the Village of Port Perry for final reading and assent; The publication of this by-law and the notice of intention, set out in the by-law are being proceeded with; TAKE NOTICE that the Reeves and Council of the Village of Port Perry will meet at the Council Chambers in the Village - of Port Perry in the County of Ontario on Wednesday, March 26th, 1964 at 7.30 p.m. and there and then will hear in person or by counsel, solicitor, or agent, any person who claims that his land will or might be prejudicially affected by this by-law and who applies to be heard; BY-LAW No. MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF PORT PERRY A By-Law to stop up and close part of a highway in the Village of Port Perry. WHEREAS the Reeves and Council of the Village of Port Perry deem it in the public interest to close up that part of Elgin Street lying west of Ella Street, as shown on Caleb Crandell's Plan of part of the Village of Port Perry registered in the Registry Office for the Registry-Division of the County of Ontario as Number 22 and more particularly described here- inafter; AND WHEREAS no person is being deprived of the means of ingress and egress to and from his or her land or place of re- sidence. 3 AND WHEREAS that part of 'the highway to be stopped up and closed has not been used for vehicle traffic. AND WHEREAS Notice of this By-Law has been published once a week for four consecutive weeks, namely February 20th, 27th, March 4th, 11th, 1964, in the Port Perry Star, a weekly newspaper published and circulated in the Village of Port Perry. AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Village of Port Perry, in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Act has duly caused Notice .of its intention to pass this By-Law to be posted up for at least one month in six of the most public places in te immediate neighbourhood of the part of the highway in question. THEREFORE the Corporation of the Village of Port Perry, enacts as follows: The following part of a highway, street or road allowance as shown on Caleb Crandell's Plan of part of the Village of Port Perry, registered in the Registry Office for the Registry- Division of the County of Ontario as Number 22 are ay closed and stopped up: All of Elgin Street lying to the west of the westerly limit of Ella Street and more particularly described as a parcel of land with a frontage of Sixty-Six Feet on Ella Street, with a depth of One-Hundred and Sixty-Six Feet. THIS BY-LAW shall take effect upon the date of the final passing thereof. DATED at the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontari this 18th day of February, 1964. y.0 ario, JOHN F. RAINES, Clerk Treasurer.

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