WV 3. L2] my PIP A Sh PP rw e eR i - P2RT § PERRY Volume 99 THURSDAY, JANUARY 9th, 1964 Number 15 Council Authorizes Purchase Of New Pump For Well No. A special meeting of Council of the Village-of Port Perry was held in t heMunicipal Office on Thursday, January 2nd, 1964 at 7.30 p.m. Present were Reeve J. J. Gibson, Deputy- Reeve Robt. A. Kenny, Council- | " lors John Orde, Ivan Parkinson and Bruce Beare. From the O.W.R.C.: Mr. Tom Armstrong and Mr. C. W. Perry. Purpose of Meeting-- To discuss: 1. The Waterworks Budget for' 1964 which covers that portion of the waterworks system which is partly under the jurisdiction of the 0.W.R.C. 2. To discuss the rehabilitation of Well No. 2. 'Mr, Perry" explained the policy of the O.W.R.C. with regard to the financing of a project; that payments are made quarterly and each quarterly payment is analysed under four headings, which are as follows: Debt retirement. Appropriation to reserve for contingencies. Interest charges. Operating charges. : Mr. Armstrong defined the O.W.R.C. project in Port Perry as consisting of a deep well, with pump and watermain tc connect with the town's system at the corner of Lilla and Secu. gog Sts. The Proposed Budget for 1964 was given as Follows: Contingencies .......... 45.00 $2,075.00 Moved by Bruce Beare, sec- onded by John Orde. That the Budget of $2,075.00 as present. ed to Council for the year 1964, by the O.W.R.C., for Well #2 be accepted. Rehabilitation of Well No. 2-- Mr. erry reviewed conditions at the Well No. 2; that the : water output had dropped seri- i ously and it was felt that this was due to the Byron Jackson pump needing repairs or else the screen was rusted so as to not let sufficient water into the well. (Copiimisg 8 age on page 12) On January 21st * Three men are likely candi- 'dates for County Warden J. Sherman Scott's office when County Council meets Jan. 21. They 'are: Russell Francis, Reeve of Thorah Tawnship; Wilfred . Gould, Reeve of the Town of Uxbridge; and Neal Francis, Reeve .of East Whitby Township. Mr. Scott, due to his defeat in the Pickering Township Elec- 'tions cannot be in line for re- election. Traditionally, the po- between the northern and south- ern municipalities of the County. Since Mr, Scott represented a southern municipality, Picker- ing Township, it seems likely Power ......... ACEI AR $1,400.00 Chemical ............. ne 130.00 General Supplies FH 50.00 Equipment .............. . 200.00" Maintenance and Repairs .............. 200.00 Insurance & Taxes.. 50.00 that the North will get the nod tihs year. 'Warden Elected | sition of Warden has alternated: Young Skaters Place Second In Championship Port Perry can well be proud of the skill and showmanship presented by Anna and Richard at the Central Ontario Sectional Championships, Stepping from Novice to Senior in one year, and still placing very close to the winners Susan and Paull Huchnergard of the Upper Can- ada Skating Club, Anna and Richard are certainly to be con- gratulated. The crowd of around 600 voiced their admira- tion and approval by a"tremen- dous applause as they concluded their number, by far the great- est ovation of the night. The future looks exceedingly good for this pair. It is thought if their progress con- tinues, they could be making a strong bid for the Ol iinins of 1968. ts Congratulutions to Ania and Richard, and to the club pro, Mr. John Wild who spent many extra hours training and re- hearsing. COMMUNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PORT PERRY Week ending January 4, 1964 Admissions gress. 14 Operations ............. estagioees 6 BINS neds atiniiiio 1 Discharges ..........ccorrenne. 14 Patients Remaining ...... 18 Mother And Son Doing Well The little *"fellah" who appears to be contently sleeping in his mother's arms was only 8 hours old when the above picture was taken. Robert Blair, tiny son of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Fel- stead, Blackstock, was the first 1964 baby born in Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry on January 2nd, at 11.45 p.m. He weighed 8 lbs., 4 ounces. When he arrives home he will be met by five sisters and six brothers, who no doubt will shower him with all kinds of .affection. Mr. and Mrs. Felstead certain- ly should have no + baby-sitter problems. --Star Photo Inaugural Meeting Held InReach Reach Township council held their inaugural meeting in the Township Hall, Manchester on Monday, January 6th. Rev. David Harris, Greenbank ad- dressed the council and offered prayers. Present at the meeting and also addressing the council and ratepayers was Dr, M. B. Dy- mond, MPP. Alex Johns, -clerk-treasurer was in charge of the councillors taking the oath of office, and after a brief meeting where the following standing committees were appointed the meeting ad- Fire Committee: Morley Bruce, Larry Doble. Cemeteries: Allan Crosier, Larry Doble. Representative to Conserva- tion Authority: Chester Geer. Warble Fly Control: Chester Geer. Finance and Road Committees will be represented by the com- plete council. Total Fire Calls Down In 1963 According to statistics re- journed. Council Members Enjoy Luncheon | After Inaugural Meeting Immediately after the completion of the Inaugural meeting nday in Reach Township Hall, Manchester, members of the coumeil met for a luncheon at Conway Gardens. The Star pho- tographer took the above Picture after the Tuncheon and stand- ing from left to right are Alex Johns, clerk-treasurer, Chester i Geer, councillor, Allan Crosier, députy-reeve, 'W. Earl Martyn, reeve, Morley Bruce and Larry Doble, couneillors. leased from the Port Perry Fira Brigade, fire calls dropped con- siderably in 1968 in comparison to the previous year. Total amount of calls answer- ed in 1943 were 44, compared to 65 for 1962. : Broken down in two categor- ies, the brigade answered 27 out-of-town calls and 17 in- town calls in 1963 compared to 49 out-of-town and 16 in town ' for 1962. | Tri Awarded | Ontario Water Resources -Commissionhas announced the awarding «of more than $750,- 000 worth of construction con- "tracts for water and sewage | works. - Largest ¢ontract for $563, 168--went to Dunker Construc- | tion Limited of Kitchener, for construction of a water pollu- tion control plant for the Town of Elmira. Tripp Construetion Limitéd of Port Perry will con- struct a trunk sanitary sewer for the Town of Thorold for $166,125. We) o