OT -- en 'Y 4 t's (= wd El = PRT § PERRY THURSDAY, 'NOVEMBER 21st, 1963 Number 9 Receives Lions Club's 4H Grain Trophy George Smith, R.R. 2, Port Perry was a spe- cial guest at dinner meeting held by the Lions He was presented with the club's trophy for winning the 4-H Grain Chab project sponsored by the Lions Club. (Club on Monday night. from left to right Frank Honey, chairman for the project presents the trophy to George Smith. Next in the picture are Doug Keyes, assistant agricultural representative, Ontario County and Aubrey Buchner, Port Perry High School teacher and leader of the project. --Star Photo "ONTARIO HEART FOUNDATION Chapter Formed In Port Perry On the initiati of Mrs, Fleanor E. Hunter} Field Co- ordinator for Eastqrn Ontario of the Ontario Hegrt Founda- tion, a Chapter of this organi- zation has been formed in Port Perry. Mrs. Hunter tells the Star she has had wonderful co-opera- tion 'from Port Perry profes- gonal and business men and re- cently the following accepted to hold executive positions in the - organization formed here. Honorary chairman, Dr. M. B:. Dymond; Chairman, Grant ©. MacDonald; 1st vice chair- man, W. T. Harris; 2nd vice chairman, Storey Beare; Pub- lic relations, Gordon Thomas; treasurer, J, Draper; secretary, Mrs. J. Christie; medical' ad- Reach & Scugog Nominations Sal, Nov. 23rd Nomination meetings will be held this Saturday in Reach & Scugog Townships. In Reach Township nomina- tions will start at 1.00 p.m. in the Township Hall, for reeve, deputy-reeve and three coun- cillors. To be elected are also two members of the Township School Area Board. If an election should be ne- cessary, ratepayers will go to the polls on Tuesday, Dec. 8rd between 10.00 a.m. and 7.00 p.m, In Secugog nominations will be held 'in' Scugog Town Hall also on Saturday, Nov. 23 be- tween 7.00 and 8.00 p.m. for reeve and councillors & School Area Board, witb necessary, e Sith Ww e held on Saturday, Nov. 80th be- tween 10.00 am. and 7.00 p.m. - Nominations in Port Perry will be held on Monday, Dec. 2. visor, Dr. John Diamond. The Heart Foundation has two prime objectives, Mrs. Hun- ter said, raising money for re- search and education of the! public, February is Heart Month ac- cros Canada and U.S.A. when funds are raised to further re- search and aid in fight against heart disease. Sometime during Heart Month, Port Perry and sur- rounding area will be having a door to door canvass. Mrs. Hunter emphasized, that On Wednésday of last week Foundation was formed in Port Perry. from every dollar collected 86 cents goes directly for research. Excellent films and speakers are free of charge available for organizations interested in making use of these facilities. i The first meeting of the re- . cently formed organization was held in Port Perry High School . on Wednesday a week ago. | Present on the occasion were Mrs. E. Hunter and Mr. A. E. | Barron, vice president of the Ontario Heart Foundation who | was guest speaker on the oc- casion. a Chapter of the Ontario Heart 'In the above picture are members lof the executive and in back row from left to right N. Aldiled, Executive Meniber; G. Thomas, public rela- tions; S. Beare, 2nd vice pres.; G. McDermott, executive mem- ' rived and opened the doors they } were met by bellowing smoke, § ' heavy '| veiled before about 75 specially Fire Brigade -pending on the weather condi- -be-.completed--some-time-in--the Explains Tactics Smoke Startle When firemen were called out about 9.30 a.m. on Satur- day morning and arrived at the be £8 Fire Hall they didn't have to G88 go far. It was right in the Fire Hall, and when the first firemen ar- enough to trucks out of sight. However, it was not as bad as it first looked, Someone who had been cleaning the fur~ nace had forgotten to put a couple of pipes back in place, which resulted the smoke fill- ing the Fire Hall rather than entering the chimney. As one fireman said: "Let's not burn down the old Fire Hall before we have the new one built." keep The Port Perry Council in their last regular council meet- ing O.K.d the building of a new fire hall on the corner of Crandel and Clark Streets. be Work on the property is to : started this week and de- tion during the winter, it is expected that the Fire Hall will spring. To Ontario Reg. New military tactics were un- selected members of the Ont- ario Regiment at Oshawa Arm- ories Thursday night. The militia members were told that their regiment would return to its original role as an armored group, but this time | it would be using new tactics and methods especially aimed at nuclear-age warfare. A taste of things to come was offered in a lecture delivered, by an officer of the Eighth Canadian Huzzars, a regular armored regiment based at] Camp Petawawa. With the aid of scale models he demonstrat- ed new formations for combat movements especially those! concerning the new Mark Six Centurion tanks, : i This latest model Centurion tank is at present being brought into service with Canadian troops in Germany. . A spokesman for the Ontario Regiment said until recently the unit had been drifting away | from its original armored role and had been. concentrating more on national survival tech- niques. been given a new part to play. | Very soon, he said, nearly 70; per cent of the militia unit's training time would be spent in practical training as an armor- ed group. ~ the Now the regiment has' - Highest Award To Eunice Roach Eunice Roach, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Roach of Manchester was the happy re- cipient of the .Gold Cord, high- est award a girl can obtain through her guiding career. She is the 10th girl to re- ceive 'this honour through a 15 year period of guiding in Port Perry. Se was presented with the cord on Friday, Nov. 15th in the Port Perry United Church. --Star Photo i -------- Pt. Perry Ladies Win Bonspiel Mys. Clara Martyn's rink of Port Perry obtained the high- ° est total score during a dist- rict ladies' bonspiel held in: Oshawa on Wednesday, Nov. 13. Competing against clubs from Oshawa (2), Whitby and Bow- manville, Mrs. Martyn's rink scored 363% points. ' In second place was Oshawa Curling Club with 35% points. Members of the Port Perry rink were: Ruth Draper, lead; Margaret Cornish, second; Ca- mille Crozier, vice skip and Clara Martyn, skip. -- ber; Seated: G. MacDonald, pres.; Mrs. J. Christie, sec.; A. E. Barron, vice pres., Ontario field co-ordinator for Eastfrn Foundation; J. Draper, treasurer. taken was W. T. Harris, 1st vice pres. of the o rt Koundation; Mrs. E. Hunter, Ontario of the Ontario Heart Absent when picture was by ~--Star Photo