Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 10 Oct 1963, p. 12

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12--PORT PERRY _ STAR, THURS. OCT. 10th, 1963 Wed recently in Emmanuel College Chapel, University of | Toronto, were RICARDA EVELYN MATHEWS, daughter | of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mathews, Toronto and JAMES « ARTHUR KIGHT, son of M Port Perry. EPSOM NEWS Thirteen tables of Euchre were played at Epsom Euchre Club on Friday evening. The usual good time was enjoyed by all. The winners were as follows: For the ladies, 1st Mrs. Mable , @ soos : Py S "A ; od a» A \a + ot a IN Tied up in a social whirl? Keep your guestswarm ! Feed your fire nothing but 'blue coal'--the coal that is blue | colour marked so you can be | sure of safe, dependable, | - low-cost heating. It's a warm | ------ experience. ns | 'blue coal' Reesor Fuel | and Lumber PORT PERRY 985.7951 H{-one.-- However the . | Cooper at Brighton and her | Aunt at Bellville.' on Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stew- | for the week-end, -. . r. and Mrs. Clevdfand Kight, Leach, 2nd Mrs. Olive Lane, Low, Mrs. Reed Cook. For the: Gentlemen, 1st Mr. George Cal- bery, 2nd Mr. Gordon Taylor, Low, Mr. Reed Cook. There will be another party on Fri, Oct. 18th. Everyone welcome. Ladies please supply lunch. Several ladies from the com- munity enjoyed a jewellery de- monstration at the - home of The Blackstock Women's In- stitute had as guests on Wed- nesday night, five ladies from Purple Hill & nine from Prince Albert. The meeting opened by singing the Ode and all repeat- ing the Mary Stewart Collect. The President, Mrs. Smith wel-' comed the guests. Secretary and Treasurer gave their re- ports. Decided to take the bus trip to Toronto ,Wednesday, Nov. 6th to area convention, The resolution was given the second reading and discussed announce- | ments were read re Solina Ba-| zaar Oct. 28rd, Golden Plow Bazaar at Cobourg Oct. 19th, | Durham County World Safety Council at Orono Oct. 4th, Sr.| Training School for desserts at | Orono Oct. 7 & 8th. ha As the November meetifg is to be withdrawn this year due; to the bus trip that day, it was | drawn to the attention of the | ladies that the December meet- ing will be on the first Friday | evening, rather than the Wed- | nesday as the children are to be invited and the roll call for that meeting to be A Gift for the Children's Aid. Mrs. W. W_ Van Camp pre- | sided for the following pro- gramme. The motto "We owe to the Middle Ages the two worst Inventions of Humanity-- | Romantic Love and Gun Pow- der", was read by Mrs. Wilbert | Archer. Mrs. and three . daughters, Patsy, Joan and Carol sang "Whisper- ing Love". A piano duet was rendered by Mrs. G. Hanter and Mrs. B. Snelgrove. Mrs. A. | Martyn gave a reading "When Dad was Young". Mrs. C. Newnham, Mrs. B. Jeffs, Mrs. A. Martyn, Mrs. B. Smith and Mrs, G. Hunter accompanied by- 'Mrs. Snelgrove sang a three part selection entitled "Cleanse Me". Mrs. Les Beacock gave a comic reading "Father's cut down Trousers". Mrs. Van Camp expressed the thanks to visiting ladies for excellent pro- |. gramme. Meeting closed with "The Queen", followed by a Mrs. June Russell one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs, Percy Jeffrey and Ivan of Scugog Island visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. M. Bailey on| Sunday evening. | We usually average five wed- | dings in a year in our School Section, but so far this year not wedding bells are now ringing triple time as three of our young men have! decided to take the big step and | brides have chosen dates in the | near future. : ; We are sorry to learn that George Jordan was taken to Port Perry hospital last Wed. Mrs. G. Jeffery spent last Wed, with her daughter Mrs. Moore in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs, Wayne Fudge of | Vancouver called on Mr. and! Mrs. Lloyd Payne one day re- | cently. Donnie of Toronto, Murray of Uxbridge and Ross of Water- loo were all home with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Prentice for the week-end. Mrs. R, Armstrong and Tom- my accompanied her brother Howard and Mrs. Gourlie on Sunday and visited Mr. & Mrs. Miss Jean Graham visited her sister Mrs. R. Munro on-Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H, Kerry at- tended Trinity United Church |: Anniversary in Uxbridge, then were dinner guests with Mr. & Mrs. Earl Howsam. All enjoyed Dr. Hunter's mes- | sage." "Dr. and Mrs. Hunter | spent tlie time between services on Sunday with their friend Miss Vera PFrentice of Brook- dale. --- Mr, and Mrs. G. Jeffery spent the week-end at the home of his brother Kenneth and Mrs: Jeffery at Parry Sound and at- | tended the Schell - Jeffery wed- | ding at Mac Tier on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Graham of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Midgley of Port Perry called art on Sunday. On Saturday Mr. Howard Baker and Miss Violet Stear- man of Brampton called on Mrs. A. Christie and Miss Darlene who was home from Bradford Mr. and Mrs, Ray Britton of Toronto was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs, A. D. Christie. i members of the W.I. | tickets had been purchased, de- Penny Sale, sponsored by the Historical Research group, with generous donations from all' After. all posited and draws made; lunch was served by the groups and a social hour enjoyed. 45 ladies attended. The first regular meeting of the Hi C. was held Sunday even- ing in the Christian Education Centre. .. Rev. Romeril showed very in- teresting pictures of Germany, Australia, Switzerland and Italy and started a series of talks on "Getting to Know You". Plans were made for the group to attend the Youth Rally at Northminster, .Oshawa, Oct. 27th and hear Doctors Kenneth and' Pearl Prior of Africa. An excellent congregation at- tended the Communion service in the United Church Sunday morning. The choir sang an Anthem -- "While I .Sip with Thee". Rev. Romeril chose as the theme for his very thought provoking sermon "Strangers Yet" from the text "There is one among you whom Ye Kno Not". 5 Rev. Canon 'Douglas, Patter- son. L.P.H., Toronto, was the special preacher for the Har- Mrs, Buckler and Mr. and Mrs. McGregor of Oshawa called on Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brawn. Mrs. Ethel Wilcox of Picker- ing called on Mr, R. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hill, recently. Mr, Keith Wilson attended a Musical Concert at Massey Hall on Saturday evening. ' Mr. and Mrs. D. Asling enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ash- ton and Richard with a wed- ding Anniversary Supper on the occasion of their third anniver- sary Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Keith Ashton, Richard and Miss Beth Ashton called on Mr: and Mrs. John Le- hane of Columbus on Sunday evening. Mrs. Middleton of Whitevale visited her daughter Mrs. H. Geer, Mr. Geer and family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. LL. Brawn call»d on Mr. and Mrs. H, Hubbard one day last week. ra Misses Linda and Lorie Buc"ell spent Friday night with their BLACKSTOCK NEWS Henry Wotten! -guests of Canon and Mrs. Ash- "Taylor Te AS Soe --. On Sunday afternoon Myr. and grandparents Mr, and Mrs. H. Ashton, | vest Thanksgiving service in St. John's Church Sunday morning. | Holy Communion was admins- | tered. The church was appro-! priately decorated and an ex- cellent congregation attended. Twenty-five members attend. | ed the Town and Country Club | meeting in the Christian Educa- | tion Centre Friday evening. A | film on Peace "The Way the | Wind Blows" was introduced by! Miss Beryl Hibbs and followed by a discussion. The Devotion- al was given by Ralph Larmer. Lunch of Pumpkin pie, whipped | cream and coffee finished off al pleasant evening. | Sincere sympathy is extended Mrs. Freddie Cowling on the! death of Mr. Cowling Thursday. | A great many friends called at the Morris Chapel; Bowmanville or attended the funeral Satur- day. Several from here attended the funeral of Mr, Charles Samells of Scugog, from Me- Dermott - Panabaker Chapel on Saturday. Mrs. Gerald Warne, Geoffrey Douglas and Allison of King- ston are spending a little while at her parents, Mr. and Mus. John Hamilton, until their new home in Kingston is completed.. Dr. Harry Sanderson 'and Timmy, Oshawa, and Mrs. Brack of Toronto called on Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Marlow to an- nounce the birth of a new sister | for Timmy--Jane Catherine. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Swain and | Brent, London, spent a couple of days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Swain. : Mr. and Mes. Lloyd Wright and family were Saturday sup- | per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Noel Morton and. boys, Oshawa. . ~Mr. and Mrs, John Hamilton are away on a trip to the Lau- rentians. Rev. and Mrs. Canon Patter- son, Toronto, were week-end more. | Mr. and Mrs. Stan Payne and | Geffrey, Searboro, and Mr. Rus- sel Spinks, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hodge and boys and Mrs, Ira Argue on Sundav. | Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McLaugh-| lin, Toronto and Mrs. J. Forder, | Nestleton were Sunday supper | guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy | Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylor, Scarboro and Mr. and Mrs. Roy | were. Friday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Taylor and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Norman MeNal- ly, Colborne, spent the week- end with Mr. and: Mrs. Carl Wright. Mrs. Austin Beacock is visit- ing Mr. and Mrs, John Mew and family, Toronto, while Mr. Bea- cock is in Mount Sinai hospital where he is to undergo eye sur- gery Tuesday. Messrs. Fred Trewin and Oliver Smith are away to Port- vill, Penn. on a business trip. | $8.00 per season. { skate for ! sometimes more, this gives them 44 skating sessions, which a- Skating Club The warm reception received by our members as they knocked on your door on Saturday with their candy and soap has start- ed our new season of skating with much determination to make this one of the best years in the history of the Club. When registration day opens about the end of Oct. we are in hopes of increasing our mem- bership.' The P.P.F.S.C. is open to all residents. of Port Perry and the surrounding area. There are no restrictions and no age barriers, just the desire to skate, whether to learn how to do a spiral or just ordinary skating. Several mothers are on hand to supervise and play the records. Any mothers or fathers willing to help in either capacity is made most welcome, Mr. John Wild, our club Pro for many years, is returning to us again. He is a gentleman, and a family man with good re- commendations. As well as teaching in Port Perry Mr. Wild will be Club Pro at Unionville, Aurora and Tam O' Shanter. Any member of our club wishing to have private lessons may do so by speaking to Mr. Wild on opening "day. - As usual there will be two | days of skating this year. On Tuesdays from 4-8 and Friday from 4 until 6.30. Members who take full advantage of all this ice time may do so at very little cost per night. Our rates for Juniors is only We always 22 weeks at least, mount to less. than 20¢ a day. The family rate of $25.00 is very popular, and permits: the whole family to skate and attend group \ lessons for approximately 55¢. Why not plan now to become a member of the Port Perry Figure Skating Club. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin MeGill and Mrs. L, Burgess, Lindsay were Friday callers and Mr. and Mrs. Morley Anderson, Bow- manville were Sunday callers with Mrs. Alma Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ferguson and Mr. Roy Ferguson visited the Grant Fergusons, Toronto, on Sunday. " Mrs, Gertrude Stephenson, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Stephen- son, Patsy and Gary, Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rahm, Paul and Carol were Sunday supper guests of Mrs. Cecil Hill, Dr. and Mrs. McArthur -at- tended the Henry - Dempsey 'Wedding. in Toronto Saturday. - Mrs, Nelson has moved to Martyn's north apartment. , TE ANNUAL : : : : 7 : . : Cream Producers' Meeting . The annual meeting of the Ontario County Cream Producers' 'Association will be held in the Depart- ment of Agriculture Office, Uxbridge, on" TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, at 8.00 p.m. GUEST SPEAKERS--Mr. R. W. Morrison, Secretary-Manager Provincial Cream Producers' Marketing Board. Mr. W. J. Wood, Director, Provincial Cream Producers' Marketing Board. . All Cream Producers Welcome, Lucky Draw. Prizes -_ MAKE UP Sea Soon } ---------- sr | Club Bayview WHITBY DANCING EVERY SATURDAY EVENING. ! v : i La at Free Lunch. ¢ } Se EE do a oC ENT a A PARTY er a eA SN re---- JA ¥ oy LR \ ' «

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