= & Fas ¢ 1 & ie | [¢ £53 © BLACKSTOCK NEWS The General U.C.W. meeting held in the Christian Education Certre Tuesday evening was an especially interesting one, and wus attended by 41 ladies and 3 gentlemen. The president, Mrs. Neil Mal- cclm opened the meeting with a poem "Sunset". Mrs. Ralph Larmer gave a splendid worship on. Citizenship. The jfesident exiended a hearty welcome to all visitors. During the busi- ness period brief reports were: Feard from all departments The Literature Secretary was au- | thorized to order the Book shelf | dnt Packets for Explorers and Mecsengers. The Over and Above gifts was brought to the, attention of the, ladies. - Also the Bible Workshops 'at Five | Ozks, Oct. 22 - 24 and Nov, 19- | 21st, The Regional meeting at | Price Albert, Oct. 31st and the Sweet Adelines Oct. 23rd. As well as the which are being knit, Mrs. Tong of Hong Kong is asking for pants for toddlers and covers for quilts. a Mrs, Romeril "presided fon the programme and invited the panel to chairs at tables in front - of the room Rev. Romeril, chairman, introduced the panel. Mrs. Barbara Pollogk of Osh- awa Radio CKLB; Mr. Warren Barton, Reporter from Oshawa | Times; Mrs. H. E. Ashmore of Blackstock Anglican Church and Miss Beryl Hibbs, teacher of Cartwright High School. A very informative and inter- esting discussion on "Censor- ship" was presented by the' panel. Mrs. Dalton Dorrell expressed the appreciation of all present. to the panel. Rev. Romeril! closed the meeting with a brief | scripture passage and prayer, | enjoyed. Guides, Brownies and Cubs commenced their fall regular meetings last Monday evening and the Scouts on Wednesday | evening. All these groups will be meeting each week from now | ' Sunday morning when 40 pupils | on. Twenty-four members of the Hi C enjoyed a Bowling party at Port Perry, Saturday even- ing, then returned to the church for hot dogs and the election of | officers, which resulted as fol- lows: President--Bonnie Mount- joy; Secretary -- Carol Rahm: Treasurer -- Elizabeth Thomp- | son. The first regular fort- | nightly meeting will be held in | the C. E. Centre, Oct. 6th at 7.30 p.m. s The United Church was beau- tifully decorated with multi- colored leaves, bronze mums and | fruits and vegetables for the! Harvest Thanksgiving service Sunday morning. The choir rendered an Anthem "Give | after which lunch was served by Thanks onto the Lord" and Rev, Afghans, the Anna unit, and a social time! Romeril delivered an impressive | ARN» ui Styled by A.W. BROCK DEPARTMENT STORE Coats with agg phim a ; by IRVING POSLUNS take lots of active wear . for added insulation! 0 SEY } TRVING POSLUNS Dashing designs every little girl will love for their weight- less warmth. Rich fabrics that with luxurious quilted linings ".B.. Rich suedella; three-quarter , coat opens to reveal a complete exciting Fall shades, sizes 8 to A. Brass-buckled pockets add intevest to this smart, three- quarter length coat of all wool + » +» laminated for weightless warmth and quilt- lined. Sizes 8 to 14x. $22.95 { : AEREREERERNEEOFIEENNENANOENESENEEE ER ARR EN A EE ER EE ERE EEE NE REN CDE length coat, quilt-lined for extra warmth with diagonal pockets. = = Sizes 8 to 14x. .... $23.95 C. .Black and white hounds- tooth check, topped by a black Borg collar. Three-quarter length with warm quilt lining, - -- - .- Sizes 8 to 14x. $29.95 D. Our JUNIOR DEB suedella Borg liner, spilling over onto the convertible hood-collar. In- credible warmth! Sa Sizes 8 to 14x. ........ $29.95 All styles in a wide range of 14x. { from nursery to kindergarten; 7 | joy and Mrs Cecil Hill are PORT PERRY STAR, THURS. OCT. 3rd, 1963--3 , . | l'hanksgiving sermon | ¢ | . Promotion Day service was | held in the United Sunday S. on | SYTHE BEST OF BOTH recited memory verses and were | received inta higher classes--6 | from kindergarten to Primary; 11 Primary to Junior; 9 from Junior to Intermediate and 7 from Intermediate to Senior. Mrs. Wilbert Archer visited the Elmer Archer's, Whitby on Wednesday. Rev. P. Romeril and Mr. Earl | Dorrell attended Presbytery in Oshawa Wednesday, Mrs. W. W. Van Camp is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ron Drinkwater, Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mann- ing, Guelph, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mount- | Joy and family. TOP QUALITY ESSO HEATING EQUIPMENT (on easy, 5-year, hudget terms) Mrs. Chas, Cox, Mr. and Mrs. | Gordon Cox and Wayne, Cleve- | land, Ohio were Saturday dinner guests of Mrs. George Craw- ford and Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Thompson, Peterboro, called on Mrs. Alma Fowler Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Milliard Fallis, Oakville were week-end guests of her sister Mr and Mrs. J. A. Johnston. Mrs. Harry McKee, Norwich, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ferguson and Roy and Mr. and Mrs. Noel Morton, David and Robbie, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cameron, Bowmanville were Sunday guests, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Archer and family and Mr. Stuart Mil- ler, Whitby were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Archer and Mr, Dever. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Rut- ledge, Bancroft, spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mount- | | HOME HEAT SERVICE AT NO COST TO YOU BURNFIELD BALLARD Plumbing and Heating 985 - 2491 Port Perry CHECK THE CLASSIFIED ADS visiting relatives in Norwood. Mr. and Mrs. Orr Venning attended the Walkins' Confer- ence in Lindsay, Wednesday. PLUMBING HEATING | WIRING | WES LANE PLUMBING - HEATING - ELECTRIC Phone 385-2473 Port Perry | (Acousticon International) "HARD OF HEARING 'our 62nd Anniversary | SPECIAL 515050 compete 10% DISCOUNT on all other Models. FREE HEARING TEST and DEMONSTRATION in Your Own Home With NO Obligation See 'And Try Acousticon's Wonderful NEW MODERN HEARING AIDS Just Phone or Write Acousticon . OF PETERBOROUGH 330 Water St. RI 2-2528 Your Satisfaction is Our Guarantee of Success J. WESENBERG, C.D., Manager