Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 May 1963, p. 1

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% THE PORT PERRY STAR 1 © H . =U 2 p; SERVING PORT PERRY, BROOKLIN and SURROUNDING AREAS EL SC HE - SE -- -- or "Authorised as Second Class Mail by the Post Office Dept., Ottawa, for payment of postage in cash" PORT P'I° RRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 16th, 1963 $2.50 Per Year, Bingle Copy 17¢ va LL ------ wis "= | Rural Deaner y of Oshawa More Than 200 | at Open House | Catholic Women's league | Deanery of Ose y [Lelebrates 10th. Anniversary A . - : The Church of the Immaculate | Six Charter Members were present "Conception Catholic Women's League | at the meeting: Mis. FE. Coyle, My celebrated its 10th brithday on Tues- | Geo. Bell, Mrs. id Donnelly, Miss M The weather was just perfect, on! Mi. Herbert Brooks, of Port Perry, | oxygen und suction equipment which day, May 7th in the Parish Hall. | Harrison, Mis. W. Harper and Mrs Sunday, May 12th, for the successful | the chairman of the first Hospital | will be installed in the near future. _- Twenty-one members attended with | S. Naples. Past Presidents of the Open House which was®held at the | Board, reminisced briefly, on the A very interesting and instructive b their newly elected President, Mrs. | C.W.L. are Mrs. S. Naples (2 years); Community Memorial Hospital. struggle and intensive planning that | tour of the hospital was conducted by lo ' Whitficld in the chair. The meeting | Mrs. Geo. Bell (3 years); Mrs. Le. The opening ceremonies were held | went into the formation of the build- | the Nursing Staff. It is unbglievable opened with prayer. Members were | Clare (1-year); Miss M. Harrison on the spacious lawns of the hospital, | my of this splendid hospital and was | to see and realize the amount of up- % £3 reminded of the C.W.L. Convention | (2 years) and Mrs. L. Amell (2 yrs.) where approximately two hundred | gratified to see the wonderful results | to-date modern equipment that has pit to take place on May 23rd, with 80 Ars. Bell aand Mrs. Donnelly had vuthered to celebrate the tenth anni- | that have been obtained. been procured during the past ten J banquet in the Royal York Hotel at! 3 | versary of the local hospital. Mrs Mo B. Dymond, the president of | years for this local hospital. The 6.30 p.m. Tickets for the Draw for | organized a programme of games and The Invocation was given by the the Women's Hospital Auxiliary | men and women who have been res- 1 the Fall Bazaar are already made up | these were entered into and enjoyed Reverend Mr. B.S. Linstead, ofr the. brought greetings and also had the ponsible for this achievement deserve AW " ' and will shortly be issued for sale. | with great zest. Prizes were won by United Church, Port Perry. Mr. | pleasure of making a presentation to a great deal of eredit and should be 0 Mrs. Donnelly collected membership | Mrs. Hoogeveen, Mrs, Moase and Mrs. The Rural Deanery of Oshawa, held Rev. Do Latimer, Rv Sharp, M. Harry Phoenix, of Greenbank, Chair- | Mr. Joseph Dowson, of Scugog, on| proud of their accomplishments Fie fees for the year and was happy to | Mumford. a Christinn Sociology Seminm on Flint, Conference leader A Waaleoek, f mun of the present Hospital Board | behalf of the Hospital Board. Mr. The delightful t , 1 by welcome a new member. i The attractively arvanged supper Monday, May 130 AY thie tine the Armstrong Rural 1 mtroduced the guest speakers. Hon-!| Dowson has the outstanding record \ on oo oo " ot ne Cn With the business disposed of Mrs. | table was graced by an anniversary | discussion centred mound the Modern | Middlezrow Archdeacon H. Clever | bute 3. 12, yond, Md. Mino uf Titing the uty origina Hetibey off was, i SRimah, wit : N . the Geo. Bell took the chair and gave al cake beautifully decorated with the | Uphan Industrind Culture and its im- | don, Rev, G. Nicholson. I G. Omgley. | te of Hen us Ontario, brought the Hospi) Foard =) Seivihy ol Members of the awsifiany phrtisipat. brief history of the C.W.L. in Port | crest and motto of the league "For |W. tondwwan, U. Shepherd | antaten os aro Sid cui oh present executive. During this fing in serving refreshments. The ne Perry. The Council was organized in April, 1953, the first meeting being God and Canada". The flowers and table decorations were carried out in pact upon the people and its relation Front I. Ware, 10 WI . +X Herbert, aller, 0 0 to the role of the Christian Church. had worked wintulated the Board of Munagement, who down through the past years, Board for po | so hard and willingly to Chairman of the about seven ti he served as years. He was duintily arranged tea table was en- hanced by a handmade crocheted tea held in May following with sixteen | the colours of the league, purple and Reading 10 tu tight, Back sow. Photo by 1 Hughes | brine sor ) . presented ith i sllved tony Suitably cloth. "Lhe birthday cake was flanked members. Today the membership is | gold. Mrs. S. Naples, as the league's wing: the hoxpital service to this inseribed mn fecognition of his faith- on cither side by tall tapers of blue twenty-eight. Mrs. Bell gave an ac- | first president, had the honour of . community Mr. Michael Starr, ME. ful pve and untiring efforts for! nd white and the beautiful floral cone of What ha Bor, Beearplihed | cutting tho ards Cor Same are Walter Kerp Heads Potato Club of wig) ube Sri resting | the benefit of the hospital and the centrepiece made a fitting background. » in the past ten years and expressed | go to the hostesses of"thé evening, a. i ! ¥ ne and expressed ia RLY. Presiding over the tea table during # her hopes and good wishes for the | Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Donnelly, for a - ol Pens ure 1k Bing present to fun the Murs, Dymond, who uso has no ten | the afternoon, were Mrs. John Dia- years that lie ahead. very wonderful party. A number of Ontario, County Pota- Anyone interested in joining this | kk a Sell coop hosyiend, year record for the Auxilinry, present-fnond, Mrs. Charles Reesor, Mrs. to Growers met in the Department of | high yield Potato Club for 1963 5 oe Ca Wig? oo 5) Slave. file 4 oe mtnbers with oy cheque | Joseph Dawson, Mrs. Harry Phoenix, a Agriculture Office, Uxbridge, on | should send their application together oy 3 : Arhanes he a aot tli ! As the fest instalment of Mrs. Merlin VanCamp and Mrs. Ro- T LL ) | with a £3.00 member ti ip to the De. |" perintends nt of the Hospital spoke the allocation promised to help fi |). Kenny. OWNS 1] C 00 S Friday, May 3rd, in connection sith . cei ee bretly and expressed their views on nance the new project being under- . i partment of Agrienlture Office, Us. | - - - So . % ie y . ea PP » ; the reorganization of the H00 Bushel | bridge, by June 1st. the past ten years [taken for the hospital, namely the } I'he Board members, Messrs. Phoe- ¥ . a n Potato Club. This club was organ- | The officers and committee for | - Sls iy frecsor, Dowson, Diamond, Yen i ized in 1945 and has carried out al 1962 are as follows: LI bin hig , or were on hand 14 0 i IgI0US d y successful competition each year.! Chairman Walter Kerry, | gare otors Staf Finish § The Women's. Auxilinry wish to v Twenty-three potato growers complet- Port Perry, #1 | thank those who ted 0 the The elementary schools of Reach & interesting and picturesque film on | ¢d ths high yield club in 1962. Vice-Chairman Joh Meyer. I . Wishing Well and to all who helped Scugog Townships presented their | "The Great Barrier Reef. The winner of the 1962 competition | \ Bophye | Train Il latest Methods a eee this hay wpe! annual Religious Education Rally in| The program closed with prayer by | was Mr. Ches. Lunney, Zephyr, with | Secretary Treasurer WL. Fair, uch an outstanding success. Port Perry High School Auditorium, | Mr. Ferguson. an estimated yield of 321 bushels per Uxbridge i 1d on Wednesday evening, May 8. The Bible Club merits our appre- | acre. The average estimated yield, Committee Members | Fhe Service Personel at Beare Mo. Special checking of ens as to safety A special thank you is extended to iy. Rev. C. R. Nelson, Miss Moen, find | ciation and support as it carries its | for all twenty-three growers in the | Walter Kerry, Port Perry, #1 | tors Ltd. have had avery busy winter eur es for safe driving. thie Seoul and Cub Mothers' Ausilh- ? Miss Edwards share in the teaching | work into our schools. The parents, | 1962 competition was 494 bushels, Bill Lockie, Zephy, | senson, attending the many training . ary for the use of the chairs and . of Religious Education in ninety class- | the girls and boys, and the teachers| Contestants may use any recom. | Walter Savage, Ushaidge, #1 | courses made available to General | Further-to the above courses, cach | china. Although™ the by-law of this ¥, rooms where they are welcome visitors | would thank Mr. Nelson, Miss Moen | mended potato variety they wish, and | Albert Hockley, Claremont, #1 ! Motors Dealers service departments | man in the service department at | organization does not permit their yt a ' each week during the school year. and Miss Edwards, who so faithfully | they may use any means at their dis- | Murray Crone, Mount Albert, #2] and service personel, by experts at Beare Motors writes an examination | CAvipment to leave the Scout Hall = In the absence of Mr. Nelson, Miss | and efficiently have brought the | posal to sceure the highest posaible.| John Meyers, Zephyr tthe new Technical Training Centre at! on service procedures each month, premises, an exception was made, as their contribution to the support of f the hospital. i DC Oshawa, Clark teachings of the Bible into our cluss. rooms. yield from the one acre they have en- | tered in the eompelition, Norm Meek? Sandford Moen proved a very competent Mist- Stan Lunney, Zephyr. This is in conjunction with the Tech- ress of Ceremonies. She was assist- and is hy the Len has completed 6 day nicians Guid i=sued © ed by pianists, Mrs, Rice and Miss so eotieses, in Deleorson Plectrion) Sys Mechanical Training Department of [Among the distinguished guests : Kanardy, and Mr. Ferguson of the Senior Citizens 0 e to Passes Exams tems and Automatic Transmissions, | General Motors Products of Canada, | were Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Creighton, : 3 executive of the Bible Club. and a2 day course in New & Used | |g. of Oshawa. Mr. Creighton has been 2 Miss Moen's welcome to the guests car servicing. w great indpiration and help to the a was followed by prayer by Miss Ed- : Chas. Lown has completed 5 day These past. few weeks Chas Lown ho ital board during the past ten ; - -wards.. The _pupils joined in singing. ove - 0 } ew d n ay ) courses in Deleotron Electrical Sys- | wid Len 4 pl have heen studying years and his kindness has been Di various songs learned in the class- x tems and Carburetor Tune up and a under the watchful eye of Mr. Jock preatly appreeinted. } i room. Several pupils recited memory The regular meeting of the Senior The Guide and Brownie 2 day course in New & Used ear ser Melntyre of the Hnnp-Oy Tool Co. ) Var verses, developing the theme, "How | Citizen's Club was held in the Port | Mothers" Auxiliary ....... $46.00 [ vicing. Cl . - pen metracted in the opera: i He vv _ a. La . | .. il . : on of the new Anal-O-Scope for ex- ; God Calls Us". > Perry Municipal Building. Owing toi Second Donation from the Jim! Adderley has completed Bday pert vipine ditiosing i now The Professor ny Primary children depicted in song | illness and bad weather conditions | Scout und Cub our es in Carburetor Tune up and electronic inatrnent quickie. Weatos i and picture, the "Story of the Crea- | there were not as many present as | Mothers" Auxilinry ....... 4.50 Automatic Transmissions both Power- troubles that Cause n pe A ite Co tion". Léksons during the year were | usual. | Blue Ray Chapter, glide and Hydramatic) and New and rd EL Tn - NA me 0 hased on these subjects. Phe con . re J astern Star... 32.25 Used car servicing, 2 day course. Ce 2 ot iia [] ' Ten school cohipeted in tin Duplor The se coil vice-preside nt, Mrs. The Club members have also pur- Corn Ehehion oe ted aves you time and money. X ridge 7, > d dD | Thomas Cullen presided over tho | thased some stacking cli oss Hutchinson has completed 5 Len Clark, Chas. Lown and Ross az Sword Drill. Betty Woods an onhy meeting in the absence of the presi | ny day courses in Deleotron Electrical | jjgtehinson have all completed full - 4 . Card, representing Epsom School At the last cuchre party which was Svatems : { Carburetor Tune Le . . Hey, Kids, have you heard the y it ' N dent. A cordial welcome was extend- ! . . . , , Systems and Carburetor Tune up. training in the operation of the mo- NG ry Profocens be roel 4 were the winners. Since Epsom | weld in the Catholic Church by the cr | news yet? The Professor is coming y : : ed to several visitors. Lew Burnett has completed a spe-| dern RACEALIGNER front end : . BI i School has won the banner for four ] | Club there were nineteen tables play- einl 2 duy course In Lubrivation and) 43 . 4, Suse Sreeniiod i to Uxbridge on Monday, May 20th. eh) » consecutive years, it now was pre-| During the business session, dis- ing. The committee in charge of this oe OR : alisnent eqnpment, Just instatiod ind gr, on he opening the annual Ux- ! (SF L) % sented to the teacher, Mrs. Medd, to | €Ussions and plans were completed | guecessful evening was Mrs. George yey department of Beare bridge Kin Club's annual Spring Meet ; Y be held permanently by the school. or the preparations of the ho hall. | Bell, Mrs. Wm. Day and Mrs. Lorne " " Hotere Ad and Horse Show. \ he i eports were received, stating that Duff. The prizes were donated b i i > 3 . . LY . The choir of pupils from Greenbank, he electric hod bee on I ¢ y 1 d e 1S - Following his duties at the official i "oll * Prince Albert and Scugog Island, di- | the © ectrical work had been complet. | Nps Archie McEachern; Lawrence's Boer: oe . . Don he iwi : . ti rected by the Music Supervisor, Mrs. ed and a space heater has been instal- | Dyyg Store: Bruton's Drug Store; Convention Voucher Winner i ng, " hill he Rifadl ih ious Ae Sandison, rendered two delightful | '¢d- The Building Committee report | Bentley's Jewellery and several mem- e& ~ ) op ig? in i of ny hie i! a ifvi _ en © ry : - : i » s from this district. Ju wambers. ys Re itring, onessrs. Lorne Lait, bers of the club. The door prize was J d Mr. Herbert Bueklund, ®ell-known Winner of the lucky diaw at Beare Since "The Professor's" time. is il In the Senior Sword Drill, where rva one.and Charles Coombe have | won by Mrs. Hilda Long. Re. local philatelist, is attending the | Motors Ltd. on May 11th was Mrs. | Ii ited, h i 0 id - riven a great deal of their time an The Euchre hrize winners wero ! #2 | glk Bool 3 lid. Mma) gs Mrs. | limited, he will only be at the Fair RIV twelve schools were represented, given a g 1 heir ime and Fhe Euchre prize winners were: | Convention of the Royal Philatelic | Jim Bowers. The prize is a $10.00 | for 1 ho il { : have worked untiringly in their ef-| 1¢¢ Jadies- Mrs. Herbert Howard . ; ! . : our, until 2 p.m. So, come Gi) Trudy Brawn and Carolyn Emmerson st adios rs. Herve. Jloware Mary Louise Burnett, RN. hus Society of Canada, being held at Nia- | Voucher for the IGA Food Market. carly, and don't be disappointed LA i of Prince Albert School, were success- | fort to complete the renovations of 2nd ladies Mrs. Milton Howsam successfully passed the nurses rvegi- | gara Falls, Ont. from May 16th to! i. ) ) ' Lo 3 "ful in winning the trophy that was | the old Legion Hall. It is anticipated | Consolation Mrs. Gladys Steele suecessTily: piss en ree | 18th in the She vation Brock Hotel. xi $ eT : Mu hill I . Cruise _ " + Sher: . Co { accepted by their teacher Mrs, Dob- that js est Baetive ban" able to} 150 Men's Mr. Howard Bailey | stration examinations written in | | P 1 lin girls' club, and has been very nc- He 3 ) re . "_ 5 Tori x) i % . Vo 4 vw | . : rs " . * 19 son. Each winner in the Sword Drills | P¢ ok he re i nd. he 2nd Men s Mr. Ernest Healey March, 1063, Mwy Lou is a 1962, Mr. puchlun o an Honorary Lite] | rovincia tive in 4-H homemaking club work, . 30 \. received a Bible. . Big. ndeed, very sorry to hear | Consolation- Mr. Fred Middleton, graduate from the Oshawa General member of the Society and in addi- | bavine tecaired 3 tr Bo iy : of Mr. Coombe's unfortunate accident T) t le for thi ; {tion is a Fellow of Canadian Philn- | ! Rp receive op County nours Hy i :: D ' " Ug J we r " + . » " * SR f The awards for the best note-books | © : : : we net proceecs for this evening ly, ital School of Nursing. certificate. She is an assistant 4-H Aa bd i in breaking his leg and wish for him | ymounted to $39.00, I telie Society of Great Britain. a, Lge were given to Rachel Duclas, Carolyn 2 'spesdy' socovary : club leader, and is employed as a NN " a) A spe > 'Y. Th Emmerson, Bonnie Regler, Jill Stone | ® #P¢edy Stes Ax Gomud secretary. REI a and Steven Cochrane The Rummage Sale as previously FH Miss Moen then presented a most | Planned has been left over until early Forest onserva ion eek ay Co Provincial camp will be held at A Yi , in June. It was suggested that a Neil Raines, a member of the Port | Geneva Park Lake Couchiching the Ni a 60th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Albert Timms of Man- chester celebrated their 60th Wedd- ing Anniversary on Friday, May 10, 1963. They received many of their friends and neighbours at their home. Congratulations. were received from Her Majesty, The Queen; Hon. M. B. Dymond, Minister of Health; Hon. Lester Pearson, John Diefenbaker, John Robarts, P.M: of Ontario, also . many gifts and cards from friends far and near. Mr. and Mrs. Timms Pot Luck Supper be held sometime in the near future. The members are enthusiastically working for the official opening and several willing workers are having a cleaning bee this week. They hope to be ready by the bth of June, The executive are very pleased with the donations that have been pouring in and wish to acknowledge 'with sin- cere appreciation the following :-- A buffet to put the china in by Mrs. Ernest Healey An electric hot plate by Mr. Boker Tea Towels by Mrs. Emma Webster Six chairs and a double sink by Canada is'a forest nation. It may therefore, that a spe- cial be designated as "Forest Conservation Week". This is the case, however, and His Excel- lency Major leperal the Rt. Hon. George P, Vanier? Governor General, has proclaimed the period May 12-18 as such, Over 80% of Canada's million square miles of productive forest is owned by the public, Containing over 170 native species, this treasure house provides 3,200 million cubic feet of timber annually. It is the seem strange, week should of jobs for 300,000 Canadians, and the basis of a flourishing tourist indus try. and 'those many other lands visit it by millions to enjoy its beauty and that of the wildlife and water nestling within it. The Ontario Forestry - Association, and its sister associations in the Cana- dian Forestry Association, feel that a specinl week is necessary to focus public attention on the forest wealth surrounding us, They point out that too frequently we regard it as an in- exhaustible resourse and fail to give it the care it deserves, We:-bulldoze Our citizens from important management programs underway and all is not lost by any means. But every individual must play his part to use our forests wisely so they may continue to provide their many blessings. "Harvesting the for- est crop is a part of forest conserva- tion. And last year there fires in Ontario is unpardonable. were 1,621 forest alone. forest Conservation Wook, in view of the above, is surely timely and deserving of the utmost consideration' Abusing that crop by.wasteful | cutting or neédless burning, however, Perry Junior Farmers, and Marilyn Downey, a member of the Brooklin Junior- Institute, have "been selected to represent Ontario County at Pro- vineinl Leadership Training Camp in 1963. Neil is president of the Port Perey: Club this year, and vice-president of the County Association. 'He has bedén an active 4-H club member for sever- al years, and is presenyly a 4-H dairy club leader with the Sunderland dairy club. Neil farms with his father near Blackwater. Marilyn is secretary of the Brook- first week of September, with repre." sentatives from most counties in the province attending. Allan Ross, a member of the Beaverton Junior Farmers has been awarded the United Nations bus trip for his achievement in 4-H and Junior Farmer work. Allan is a past presi- dent of the Beaverton Junior Farm- ers, and has been quite active in sev- eral county activities. Allan farms with his father in the Beaverton area. The United Nations bus trip visits New York City, and Washington on a one week trip in mid September. n Jive 55 déscondanta. Mra. Mileon Howsam: . __ !soures of wood tor ten Yorand und, | it born #2 = po oT - er ---- SLE ST oe a a N 1 ROLLER SKATING STARTS JUNE 157 | Tho, Metrs Weekly | waren fon

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