Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 18 Apr 1963, p. 4

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4--THE PORT PERRY STAK, THURSDAY, APRIL 18th, 1968 THE CHURCHES ANGLICAN CHURCH CHURCH OF ASCENSION Rev. BE. W. Fuller, B.A, B.D. S'I'M. Sunday, April 21st-- 11.30 w.an.--Holy Communion PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH KE. 8. Linstead, B.A., Minster Rev. Sunday, April 21st-- 10.00 a.m. Sunday School i1.00 a.m.--Jr. Sunday School 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. H. M. Buntain, B.A, Minister Sunday, April 21st-- 10:00 a.m.--Morning Worship 11.00 a.m.--Sunday School. The United Church of Canada SCUGOG Pastoral Charge Rev. C. C. Gilbert, B.D. Sunday, April 21st-- 10.16 a.m.--SCUGOG 11.10 a.m.--MANCHESTER 11.16--HEAD Sunday School 1.16 p.m.--PROSPECT PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor--J. H. Brown Sunday, April 21st-- 9.60 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.--"What God Expects" 7.00 p.an.--"Gifts of the Spirit" Monday, 7.00 p.m. - Young People Wednesday, ¥ p.m.-- Prayer Meeting EVEYONE WELCOME - \ ar LSS uaa as Birth MEDD -- Harold and Marie Couch) wish to announce the birth of a daughter, Deborah Marie, 8 Ibs, | 0z., at. the Oshawa General Hospital on April 1st, 1963. (hee In Memoriam SCHELL -- In loving memory of dear mother and grandmother, Mau die Schell who passed away May &, 1943. Oh, what would | give to clasp your hand, Your dear kind face to see Your loving smile, your welcome voice, That meant so much to me No one knows the silent heartache, Only those that have such can tell Oh the grief that is borne in silence For the one I loved so well But some sweet day we'll meet again Beyond the toil and strife, And clasp each other's hands once more, In heaven, that happy life. Lovingly remembered by daughter Blanche, and grandchildren Marlene and Gayle In Memoriam PARRY -- In loving memory of a dear husband and father Wm. Parry who passed away April 17th, 1959. There is a family who misses you And finds time long since you went. We think of you daily and hourly But try to be brave and content. And we breathe a sigh of regret For you were ours and we remember Though all of the world forget, Wife Ila and family. FOR TYPEWRITER RIBBONS see The Port Perry Star "ELECTRICAL , WORK THAT 5 TROUBLE FREE, INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL (A 8 pd d= CONTRACTING -REPAIRS ELECTRIC HEATING Coming Events Smorgashord Supper Myrtle United Church, SATUR- DAY, APRIL 20th, beginning at 4.00 Adults $1.60, Children 6-16 $1.00, Apr. 18 pean 2-6 Cooking School Will he held in the basement of the United Church Port Perry on Wed, Hoe May 20th at 8.16. Sponsored by Moffats and under the auspices of Unit 8, U.C.W. Watch for further mnouncement, Buffalo Bus Trip Anyone interested in taking a bus trip to Buffulo on Wed., May 8th call 0985-2277 or 986-2304 before May Ist. Apr.1¥ Annual Easter Tea AND HOME BAKE SALE In the Parish Hall of the Chureh of the Ascension on Saturday, April 20, 2.30 to 5 p.m., under the auspices of the senior W.A. ' Boy Scout Paper Drive SATURDAY, APRIL 27th ln Port Perry and Prince Albert. All papers should be neatly tied or in boxes and placed at sidewalk by 1.00 po. special pick-up in Manchester aren or papers missed on diive, phone Gerald Nelson, 986-2426. Daffodil Tea BAZAAR AND BAKE SALE In Seagrave United Church Parlors on Saturday, April 27th, 2.30 to 6 pau. Sponsored by Seagrave U.CW, Apr. 2b Steak Dinner In aid of Intermediate Hockey at the Flamingo Dining Room on Sat. April 27th nt 7 p.m. $60.00 door prize. F10.00 peg Contact R. Wana- Carnegie Apr.26 Softhall Meeting The Port Perry and District Minor Softhall Association will hold an Open nieeting on Sun., April 21st, at 7 p.m. at the Port Perry Arena. All inter- ested Coaches, Umpires and Softball fan are invited to attend. President--Carl Luke. Secretary--Vin Walker. Rummage Sale Don't forget the Spring Rummage Sale at the Parish Hall, Church of the Ascension, Sat., April 27th, 1963 at 2 pm April 26 Court Whist To be held in the Scout Hall on Thursday, April 18th at 8.30 p.m. Lunch and Prizes. Admission b0c. Proceeds for Port Perry Guide Camp- ing. Iveryone welcome. Sponsored by the Guide Mothers. Guide Mothers' Meeting The regular Meeting of the Guide Mothers' Auxiliary will be held on Tuesday, April 23rd, at the home of Mary Baird, 392 Sexton Street, at 8 p.m. We hope to see all members present and would especially welcome any new Guide and Brownie Mothers. C.W.L. Euchre Will be held in the Parish Hall of the Catholic Church on Saturday, April 20th at 8.30 p.m. Door Prize, Admission 60¢. For plate. maker, Beare Motors or Crest Hardware for tickets. Cancer Canvass Cancer Society to hold Canvass Commencing Monday, April 22nd April is Cancer Month--an all out effort is being made to raise funda to assist in stamping out this dread diseasa, which is taking so many lives. Local Campaign Chairman, Mrs. Sam Cawker, announces a door to door canvass of 'Port Perry, will be conducted hy some twenty volunteers for the Port Perry Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society, commencing Mon., April 22nd, to cover every home in Port Perry. The fight against Cancer is every- 985-7174 - PT. PERRY body's fight! Please give generously! Mrs. L. F. Richardson, Presbyterial UCW president, presided over two very profitable leadership training workshops held reecntly for Oshawa Presbyterial United Church Women. The northern section met at Black- stock on April 1, and the southern section met at Ebenezer on April 4) the programs being almost identical, "Workers for God" was the theme. Mrs. Ray Scott, a member of the presbyterial leadership development committee, used the theme for the basis of her morning worship service and Mrs. S. G. Saywell, conference leadership development chairman, built her afternoon worship service upon the phrase, "rightly handling the word of truth". Fach worship period was inspiring. A very effective addition to the morning worship was a solo, "Open Mine Eyes", sung by Mrs. Harold Mec- Laughlin at Blackstock and by Mrs. Lloyd Down at Ebenezer. Mrs. Neil Malcolm and Mrs. Allan Down, respective presidents of Black- stock and Ebenezer UCW, expressed a wari welcome to those assembled. During the morning, four simul- taneous conferences were held, with each leader bringing a short report to the re-assembled audience at the close. Vice-presidents and unit leaders met with Presbyterial vice-presidents, Mrs. H. M. Kyte, and Mrs. I. Munday, respectively. Some suggestions were (1) The vice-president is 'in training' for presidency, and should also be a chairman of some committee; (2) unit leadership ought to lead to vice-pre. sidency; (3) keep study programs in units short and interesting. Mrs. W. C. Ives, chairman of Pres- byterial committee on co-operation in Christian education and missionary education, with Mrs. C. Haddon, chair- man of the same committee in con- ference, as her guest at Ebenezer, brought out a number of interesting points. Soclal Action Mrs. H. A. Turner, Bowmanville, with Mrs. M. E. Leask assisting at Fhbenezer, led a conference on "Citi- zenship and Social Action", including a filmstrip, "How Free Are You?" which provoked much discussion. Mrs. Turner summed up the work of the citizenship department in these words, "Make our women aware of, informed about and involved in the needs and issues of the community, the nation and the world." Miss Milicent Luke, Presbyterial chairman of committee on steward- ship and recruiting, in reporting on her conference, said, "Stewardship is the consecration of all that we have and all that we are to the service of God and of His children. Following delectable dinners, greet- ings from the host churches were giv- Leadership Training Programs Unite Preshyterial U.C. Women en by the Reverend Philip Romeril at Blackstock, and by the Reverend J. P. Romeril at Ebenezer. Courtesies were extended by vice-president Mrs. I. Munday at Blackstock and by vice- president Mrs, J. L. Pegg at Ebenezer. Mrs. J. Scott, Presbyterial literature secretary, did a thriving business throughout the days in books and pamphlets on UCW work. During the afternoon, Mrs, Doug- las Oke, preshyterial supply and social agsitance secretary, spoke about, and answered many questions on the many needs for new and good used clothing. Mrs. J. LL. Pegg taught a hymn, "Workman of God, O Lose Not Heart". Mrs. H. T. Fallaise, preshyterial program planning chairman, in her afternoon talk gave much helpful in- formation as she answered the many questions that had been placed in the question box. A demonstration mission study con- cluded the program. Mrs. Fallaise led a symposium on the last chapter of the current missionary study book, "On Asia's Rim". Those assisting were Mrs, H, "H. Breckenridge, who spoke on, "The Church in Communist China", Mrs, J. L. Pegg on "Relief and Rehabilitation in the Far East Areas", and Mrs. H, A. Mellow on "What is the Church Doing in These Areas?" Mrs. Richardson expressed her thanks to all who had helped in plan. ning and carrying out the program, after which the leadership days were closed with a fitting unison prayer. Preshyterian W.M.S. The Easter meeting of the St. John's W.M.S. was held in the Church Hall on Tuesday. The special Easter service of worship was conducted by the President, Mrs. Louise Patterson. The printed meditation was read by Mrs. George McPhaden, who also later sang beautifully the solo en- titled "Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?" The guest speaker was Mr. Buntain, the min- ister, who spoke on "The Steadfast- ness of Jesus". The meeting closed with the singing of the hymn "Re- joice, the Lord is King", after which refreshments were served, . OIL IN CAN BOTH JOBS CHA chainsaw. No longe by leading chainsaw A high quality, one-han GORDON A. PORT PERRY YOUR (Essen 13 RIGHT WITH T THE FIRST AND ONLY rE EE New Esso Chainsaw Twinlube was specially developed to lubricate both the chain and the engine in your do the job, Esso Chainsaw Twinlube keeps chainsaw engines in top condition and provides a tough, long last- ing lubricant for the chain. Field-tested and approved Twinlube today from your Imperial Esso Agent. NEW Esso PISTOL MATIC GREASE GUN' [al operated grease gun complete with 12" flexible extension hose, Yours now for only $ 00 {wilh A Corton IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED ADA THAT WILL DO' IN YOUR CHAINSAW INSAW r do you need 2 different oils to manufacturers. Get Bsso Chair.saw d Greats Cartridges) PRENTICE 986 - 2572 --_-- HE TIMES Catholic > . Women's League Port: Perry CW.L. met in the Parish Hall Tuesday evening, April 9th for the regular monthly meeting which was also the Annual meeting. Mrs. Hubert Schillings, Spiritual Con- vener, opened the meeting. The busi- ness period was conducted by the President who announced 100 new chairs and 2 tables had been pur- chased for the Parish Hall. After all conveners read their annual re- ports the President thanked 'all the Ladies for their co-operation during the past two years before turning the meeting over to the nominating Com- mittee. Mrs. Ed. Donnelly, Mus. Glenn Moase and Mrs. Ted Kroes as- sisted by our Director Rev. Father Andrew J. Marynen for the Election of Officers. The new Executive are as follows: Past President--Mrs. Leo Amell President--Mrs. Frank Whitfield Vice-President--Miss Marj. Harrison Secretary--Mrs. Ted Kroes Treasurer--Mrs. Leo Amell Rev. Father Marynen then installed the new officers and presented the new president with the gavel. All enjoyed a contest and a social half hour with Mrs. H. Schillings and Mrs. Wm. Middleton Hostesses. Of Many Things by Ambrose Hills TEACH THAT LIFE IS SHORT My children find school a real delight. They learn a great deal, too. tremendous admiration for their teachers, However, I have one com- plaint, It seems to me that our children shouldn't be given such a beatuiful Pollyannish view of life. They ought to be taught . .". . it ought even to be drummed-into them . . . that they are going to die soon, that death waits inevitably, and stands pretty close at all times, What, after all, is the difference between us and the animals? We know that we are going to die; they are unaware of it. With good luck a youngster in Grade One has 70 Junes to go. Think of it, only 70 beautiful months of June. Or, if he ever wants to go down to Kew in lilac time, he has only 70 Aprils in which to get it done. There are 100 pennies in a dollar, and you know how fast they go! Like an ice cream cone melting on a warm, eager tongue. There are many of us who will never quite catch on to all this until we lie in a hospital bed with tubes down our gullets, or an oxygen mask helping us puff out another sick breath or two, with loved ones stand- ing by. That's when we will look up and wish we could say some of the good things we ought to have said about how we love them; but we never realized how fast it was going. So we live our lives like zombies, half alive, half aware, as if .Junes and Julys came in carload lots and never ran out, So let us change our education; let us teach the facts of life and death early, while there is time. And for those of us who didn't get that word, those with only a dozen or so Junes to go, let's wake up and use them-- all of them. I don't know about you, Buster, but I am going out and expand these cramped lungs--and maybe get a bit I have | J} OTHELO ON TELEVISION 1s a leading soprano with the Cana- Canadian and international operatic | dian Opera Company and Mr. Cassil- stars perform in a two-and-one quar- | ly is with the New York City Centre ter-hour production of Verdi's opera, | Opera. The CBC-TV production, Othello, on CBC-TV's Festival series, | featuring many well-known operatic Monday, April 22. Pictured here are | names, a chorus of 64 voices and a Ilona Kombrink as Desdemona and | full symphony orchestra, is sponsored Richard Cassilly as Othello in a scene | by the Trans-Canada Telephone Sys- from the production. Miss Kombrink | tem, 385 "Join The Legion All You Veterans! Have you fought the foes of Freedom, in the air, on land or sea? Home or Foreign, East or Westward, Holland, France or Italy? We don't ask about religion, nor if you were in "the line." Comrade, for the sake of comrades, join the legion; now's the time! SBOE , - "e, - be ot * Oo od poh Do you shirk a bounden duty? Is it that you do not care? Have you lost your pride of service? Is the burden hard to bear? "You've a duty; then perform it . . all for one and one for all JOIN THE LEGION, ALL YOU VETERANS, for divided we shall fall. ---The Legionary - CONTACT: -- JIM HADLEY, Membership Chairman Branch 419 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION, Port Perry Or any the Branch OPOPOPOPOPOPOPOPOPOPO BORON BOROPOROPOPOBOPOPOPONOEOROPORIBINIBOBIROSIPOBIBOPIROR OP OPONC OE R00S000080E0S0E080E000800080E0SOPOOE0E0E0ECEOSOSO0EOROEOPO0E0E0EOSIS STS 0, 0%," 3% o%- 4 PICICIOIOICROSIROIOIIROIRCIRIROECROSOSOSOICECACE CEE ICORTATITECACIT TATED Ta 28585830 PEARS WE SERVICE - WE SELL 1. Electric Heating 2. Hydro - Hot Water Tanks (also Rental Tanks) J. Electrical Controls 995.2473 WES LANE MAA a a a aa a a a a a a a a a a a a as a ag OEE Ero rrr El Lr Lo OO OL 385 - 2473 of wind in my hair, too, while I stil} have some hair! AAA AAA aa a aa o a OEE GAR DL DD Plumbing - Heating - Electric G4 a RC RRC PIPPI 906600 eed Lawrence's exall (Ine Cent Sale Thursday, April 18 to Saturday, April 27 Over 400 Reg. 59¢+--BACHELOR SHAVING CREAM 2 for 60¢ items on this Spring Sale Reg. 69¢--A.8.A. REX TABLETS 2 for 70¢ Reg. 49¢--GAUZE BANDAGE 2 in. 2 for 50¢ Reg, 69¢--REXADENT TOOTH PASTE 2 for 70¢ Reg. $4.49--Vitamins & Min- eral TABLETS 2 for $4.50 Reg. 59¢--ADHESIVE TAPE 14 in. x 10 yd. 2 for 60¢ Reg. 98¢--M:31 ANTISEP- TIC SOLUTION 2 for 99¢ Reg. 25¢--WRITING PAD FOLD-OVER 2 for 26¢ Reg. $1.98--Halibut Liver Oil CAPSULES 2 for $1.90 DIAL 985 ~-- SHOP EARLY FOR BETTER SELECTION -- A. M. LAWRENCE - 7c Rexall Store ~ 2231 PORT PERRY 3b 3 v 0 oo

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