Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 24 Jan 1963, p. 8

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o--1HE PORT PEKKY S51 AK, THUK JANUARY 24th tue il was instructed to acknowledge Mr. R. own ouncl ews FE. Sims' letter and requested that (Continued from Front Page) Mr. Ro Go Baker meet with Council oa 'hruary th, 1963. ing approval for the work. Left foi February hol AGRE TI 3 TW ) : ey the attention of Councillor, Mr. John LETTER from Jack HL. Perry, Pe- Orde troleum Distributor dated January 4, MEMO Mr. James Wyatt being 1963. admitted to hospital Feb. 27/63 -1t "We do not supply fuel oil to Port was decided that Mr. Bruce Redman Perry and feel you may have us mixed fill in as caretaker. up with Mr. Ross Hill of Canadian LETTER from Mr. R. E. Sims re Petrofina Limited who works out of Ontario Construction Safety Act, the same office." Filed. dated January 3rd, 1963--The Clerk LETTER from Mr. Harry Short, Sec'y of Port Perry Minor Hockey: "We would appreciate it if the Council could see fit to make a dona- tion to the Hockey Club in such form as paying for part or all of our ice rental time for this particular night, Any way in which you wish to help will be appreciated. ) We would also appreciate it if our Proclamation such us the one enclosed." RESOLUTION -- That a letter be sent to the Minor Hockey Club ex- Reeve would issue a CASH SAVER! CASH SAVER! You Save 13¢! ROSE MARGARINE : ots: 5 You Save 7c! - 3¢ Off Pack 10e Off Pack - 2%-lb. Canister 78¢ : DOMESTIC SHORTENING 31. CASH SAVER! You Save 27¢! - 2¢ Off Pack Government Inspected (iiUM DOG FOOD 10:99. CASH SAVER! You Save 10¢! 4 For Deep Frying or Liquid Shortening (4 MAZOLA CORN OIL CASH SAVER! You Save Ge! - Orange Pekoe RED ROSE TEA BAGS CASH SAVER! You Save Ge! Bargain Lovers Special! Marked 79¢ Package GIANT SIZE BREEZE v-ckese 7 3 0s] 1-1b. Pkg. 15-0z. Tins 32-0z. Tin 83. Pkg. of 60 79: I'rozen Food Feature! You Save 21¢! -- YORK MEAT PIL:S 4 for 85c¢ FRESH BAKED! Westons or Sunbeam - Reg. 39¢ Maple Guest Cake 35¢ MAPLE LEAF RINDLESS BACON 75° Cryovac Halves - Sweet Pickled (OTTAGE ROLLS 49: MAPLI LEAF - Maple Leaf Mild Seasoned Tasty Wieners 89c Sliced Bologna 39c Well Streaked Maple Leaf 2-1b. Cello Pkg. Fresh 1-1b. Pkg. 2% to 3 lb. avg. 16-0z, Saran Pkg. GOLDEN HOUR CANDY SPECIAL FILLERY Asioned TOFFEES 3 © YOUR CHOICE 10-OZ. CELLO BAG _ For Better Health -- California -- Large Size ORANGES 69: Fresh and Tender - No, 1 - Bunch Luscious B.C. - Extra Fancy Anjou Pears 5for 39<| BROCOLLI Crisp, Florida packed, No, 1 - poly bag Celery Hearts Ontario Hot House 25:|RHUBARB 1b.29. 35c * Cherry - Blueberry You Save Ge - Saico Brand You Save 4c! SAICO TUNA FISH Pink Seal FANCY PINK SALMON 59c You Save 9c! You Save Ge! Feature! Pea or Vegetable WEEK-END FEATURES | You Save 14c! - Pure Raspberry - E. D. SMITHS JAMS 310r89¢ Instant Puddings 3 pkgs 35¢ MANDARIN ORANGES 23c HABITANT SOUPS 4for69c 9-02. Jars P -- ROYAL 11-02, Tin P 7-02. Tin 39 Tall Tin 28-02, Tins Reg. 98¢ - Reg. 89¢ - HEALTH AND BEAUTY AIDS Marked 79¢ Super Size EPSODENT Tube 79. TOOTH POWDER EPSODENT Tin 35 Marked 77¢ Instant Spray AIR -WICK Aerosol Tin 717 CASH SAVER! - LUNCHEON MEAT Kam 2:79: You Save 23c! Mapl 12-0z. Tins ote Tent Maple Leaf FEATURE! . You Save 20! Tenderflake Lard 19¢ FEATURE! - You Save 90! ~. 30 Off Pack Cheese Sli 1-1b, Pkg. 8-02. Pkgs, ces 2for57¢ Dowson's Food Market pot per for 1963. plaining that, while the Council ap- preciate the efforts that are being made for our Minor Hockey players, at the same time the Council are not' allowed to make donations in accord- ance with the Municipal Act." RESOLUTION That the Village | of Port Perry, proclaim the week be- ginning January 26th as Minor Hockey Week." Carried. LETTER from the Dept. of Muni- cipal Affairs re Arthur G. Brunton subdivision agreement: "In due course, we shall expect to reccive the plans of subdivision from the Ontario land surveyor prepared for approval and registration and also to hear further from you regard- ing a subdivision agreement." The Clerk was instructed to send a copy of this letter to Harris, Harris and Wallace so that this subdivision can be completed without further de- lay. LETTER from Pitts Insurance Co. Ltd. dated Jan. 4, 1963: "Your Municipal Council may now wish to consider a group accident in- surance plan for the protection of members while they are travelling and in the performance of their duties on behalf of the Corporation." Filed. The Ontario Good Roads Associa- tion to have Convention February 25, 26, 27, 1963 at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Ont.-- Membership Fee for period Jan. 1st - Dee. 31st, 1963-- $15.00. RESOLUTION --- That the Munici- pality of the Village of Port Perry pay the $15.00 Membership Fee to the Ontario Good Roads Association for the year 1963." Carried. LETTER from the Ontario Water Resources Commission dated Jan, 7 1963 re icing of water stand-pipe, Mr. Clair MeNenly having already been advised of this letter and the steps to be taken in order to prevent icing in the water tower. LETTER from the Dept. of High- ways at Port Hope dated January 10, 1963 re 1963 road estimates by-law. 11,000 for Maintenance 5,000 for Construction ol Left for the Road Committee to make a study of Road requirements RESOLUTION----That subscriptions to the Municipal World be taken out for Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, Councillors, Town Solicitor and Clerk for the year 1963." Carried. RESOLUTION -- That the Clerk- Treasurer be authorized to make the necessary deductions from the per- manent employees of the Village -of Port Perry for the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement Fund and also the necessary amount from the Vill- age of Port Perry. REPORTS-- (a) Councillor Bruce Beare re- ported on the next Mutual Aid Fire Meeting to be held. in Port Perry. It was felt that the Mutual Aid policy be discussed, particularly with regard to those Municipalities own. ing fire trucks and not being members erase BIRDIE of the Mutual Aid. (b) Councillor Ivan Parkinson complimented the Chamber of Com- merce in connection with their house numbering job and felt that street signs be put up for the rest of the Village streets not named. ADJOURN ---On motion Council Ad- journ until January 26, 1963 at 9. a.m. Carried. To Conduct' Conservatory Examinations ~~ KENNETH HARRISON Kenneth Harrison, member of the teaching staff of the Royal Conser- vatory in Port Perry on Jan. 28 - 29, A Bachelor of Music from the Uni- versity of Toronto Kenneth Harrison studied with Ernest Seitz, Healey Willan, Charles Peaker and Bela Bos- zormany-Nagy. He holds associate- ships from the Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto and the Royal Canadian College of Organists. A native of Toronto he has been a member of the Conservatory teaching staff since 1947. A talented conductor and accomp- anist, he has acted in both capacities in Toronto performances of oratorios such. as Handel's "Messiah", Haydn's "Creation" and Mendelsshn's "St. Paul". An experienced examiner and adjudicator, he has served on the Con- servatory's Board of Examiners since 1948. He is organist and choirmaster of Islington United Church, one of the largest suburban churches in the Tor- onto area, where the choir is noted for their performances of Oratorios and special services. Mr. Harrison is Choral Director for two of the St. Joseph's High Schools in Toronto. ) This and That (or a hodge podge of little or nothing) By Sobien Twackle My friend Percival Thistlewort tells -_-- CAWKER BROS. Devon Sliced Bacon - I's .. .. 69° Boneless Pot Roast Beef .... 49" Wing Steaks ................ 79" ¢ BEEF QUARTERS FOR LOCKERS eo FREE Town DELIVERY every morning until 11 o'clock Meet Your Best Friend He's the Man from Investo or secure retirement. He'll obligation. Just call or write: G. S. (Stu) Financially . . . be your best friend financially. He'll show you how to turn modest but regular savings into a useful cash reserve for future opportunities, emergencies grow richer through Investors investment programs designed to fit your ambitions and your resources, Find out about the great variety of Investors Syndicate programs available to you. There is no 329 Cochrane, 'WHITBY investors "Su" Dunbar 8... able and willing to show you many ways to DUNBAR Phone 668 - 8631 OF CANA 16 syhdicat® Head Office: Winnipeg « Offices in Principal Citles PA, LIMITED senior resident's of Port Perry the other day and she was bemoaning the fact that I had not written a column for some time past. This lady as- serted that the reading of the column was the one bright spot in her week and I figure if 1 can bring joy to at least one person, my time is well spent. Percival has been making a study of the records since 1893 and predicts that the ice will go out from Lake Scugog on April 19th at twenty three minutes past two in the afternoon. Percival's wife, Marigold, being somewhat of the arty type, and hav- ing made an extensive study of the situation, predicts that a top ranking theatre critic from 'Toronto, within the next few weeks, will attend 17 performances at the Crest, Royal Alex and O'Keefe theatres and will be out- standingly critical of 16 of these shows. For myself, I would hazard a guess that 84.3% of the viewers watching the 'Network' program would prefer to see the show originate from the studio, with the 'cross Canada' ele- ment, rather than from the Toronto nightclubs or such, as is currently the case. I have been watching 'Ben Casey' Dr. Kildare, The Nurses and the 11th Hour recently and in between, have been reading medical journals and Wow! am I sick? Was recently reading a news item taken from a Russian paper, which reported that a noted Russian athelete, one Ivan Skyvitch had broken all world records on the 100 yard dash, the 1,000 metre swim and the 10 mile marathon and all this while battling rain, cold, snow and mountains. Un- fortunately, the report continues, Ivan Skyvitch was captured and returned to Russia. It's all a question of relativity, As in the case of the tiny mouse, who, together with a large elephant, crossed a very rickity and narrow bridge. Said the mouse, when they got to the other side. "Gee, did we ever make that bridge shake". My friend Percival tells me that ten lucky people very much enjoyed the turkeys they won as a result of par- ticipation in the Lions Club Christ- mas draw. Apart from the pleasure given to the winners, the draw was a success from the Lions Club point of view and the money raised (all of it) will go to help some needy person or persons in the future. There are plans to make this draw a bigger and better annual event, Our respected and esteemed Mr. Herb Buckland (he with the itchy feet) is now back in Port Perry after a flying trip to the West Coast, where he spent Christmas. My friend Perci- val wishes he had some of Herb's stamina. Percival's wife, Marigold says it is good to hear that one of Port Perry's Pirst Ladies, Mrs. Woods, is now home, after her stay in hospital, and we know that all will wish Mrs, Woods nu complete and lasting recovery, Fort Perry was well lit this Christ- mas. (I refer to the Christmas de- corations) A great many people spent a deal of time & energy in the decor- ation of their homes and the lights gave a gay and cheerful brightness to the festive season. With Percival's co-operation, an- other column will follow within a short time. --Sobien Twackle Nb CLLEL ELLE TTT ETT TT TTT FT TTT epee : "EXAMINE THE FACTS" ] 5 .A DISCUSSION ON § Modern Social Life - in PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL Wed. Jan. 30th, 4 fo 9 pm. - All High School Students are invited to take part. m DR. MARGARET ARKINSTALL and DR. JOHN MCINTYRE will lead the discussion. u SUPPER WILL BE SERVED FREE OF CHARGE i at 6:00 p.m. in the School Cafeteria. E FILMS WILL BE SHOWN EEN NAAN EEE ENN NENA EEE EEE EES UXBRIDGE PH. UL 2-3661 ROXY UXBRIDGE PH. UL 2-3661 n n i THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JAN. 24, 25, 26 > N THE MRISCH COMPANY presents ELViS PRESLEY, Ril GAR EY, LAHAD COLOR nDELUXE Reteased thru UNITED ARTISTS -- CARTOON .-- One Week Only-0One Show Nightly J Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer presents Samuel Bronston's Production 12 ' TONY LUBER TECIIRALIA ------ \ ail "T TECHNICOLOR - THE GREATEST PICTURE OF ALL TIMES Preceding the overture of this picture, excerts from "The Messiah" will be heard. The management request that the audience please stand during the singing of the Halleljah Chorus, Admission for This Show Only : MONDAY, JANUARY 28th to FEBRUARY 2nd Starting at 8:00 P.M. -- Doors Open 7:15 P.M. | Adults $1.00 - Students 75¢. Children with Parents 35c. PLEASE COME EARLY 2

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