Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 13 Dec 1962, p. 7

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ROOKLIN NEws For Coming Events -- News Articles -- Advertising -- Church Activities A Regular Meeting of the Council of the Township of Whitby was held in the Council Chambers, Brooklin on Tuesday, November 27th, 1962 at 7.30 p.m. with all members present. On Motion minutes of Meeting #256 were adopted as printed. 'Carried. Deputations & Interviews Mr. H. 8S. Carter, Building Inspector was in attendance and advised Council that although he had received a letter from Mr. Kempthorne agreeing to pull down his condemned house he had not as yet complied and asked Council's direction as to method of proceedure; direct labour or tender. It was the feeling of the Council that if Mr. Kempthorne was not suc- cessful in getting anyone to demolish the house that same should be handled by open tender. Mr. Carter also informed Council of the building which was being erected at Eyers Hatchery, North Myrtle, which was non-conforming use, and asked Council what action they would recommend. Council felt that the advice of Plan- ning Board should be accepted which was for Mr. Eyers to apply for re- zoning, which would give the people of Myrtle a chance to voice their opinion. Councillor Roberts asked Mr. Car- ter if something could be done about the drag line racers who were appar: ently using the streets of Meadowcrest for a race track. Mr. Carter prom- ised to check into this matter. Correspondence 1. From Mr. Ernest Marks Q.C. on behalf of his client Mrs. Sylvia Eb. bers an application for an amendment to the Township of Whitby zoning by- law No. 1784 to cover.4.64 acres of Lot 84, Concession 2, from Residential and Greenbelt to Agricultural. Councillor J. Dryden advised that this matter had been before Planning _ Board and that the Board had recom- mended rezoning. : "This was finalized by Res. #1. 2. From the Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities, memo dated November 13th, 1962, requesting that any resolutions they wish considered and discussed at the 1963 Annual Con- vention be forwarded to the Secre- "tary-Treasurer any time before the end of the year, but not later than February 1st, 1963. It was moved and agreed that this item of correspondence be filed. 8. From Property Owners, Kendal- wood-Kingston Rd-Garrard Area, a resolution requesting that Council and Planning Board take into considera. tion five different points when con: sidering the site plan of the pro- posed shopping centre. This was discussed and covered by Res. #4. 4. From, Cobban, Woolley and Dale, Solicitors re: Twp. of Whitby By-law #1860. Mr. Dale advised that they have al- ready discussed with Mr, Little, ob- taining written marketing and traffic reports from Municipal Planning Con- sultants Co., Ltd. He has indicated that he would be pleased to prepare same immediately but mentioned that he would have some formal request from the Township, and asked if Council could direct the Clerk of the Township to request Mr. Little ta prepare the necessary reports. Mr, Dale confirmed that his clients would be responsible for the fee of Munici- pal Planning Consultants Co. Ltd. for this work. This portion was covered by Res. #2 Mr, Dale then stated that the Board was concerned with the lack of writ- ten arrangements respecting services, partictlarly water. Prior to entering into the agreement to buy the property this matter was investigated and dis- cussed with the P,U.C. of Whitby, who apparently indicated that the Town of Whitby would be in a position to sup, ply water. The Ontario Municipal ' Board expressed some concern about the lack of any written agreement respecting water, and that the Board would not consider approving the By: law without some written indication that satisfactory arrangements could be made, and requested the Council to contact the Council of the Town of Whitby with a view to supply the re- quired water and to enter into a writ ten agreement. This was discussed and covered by Res. #8, he also mentioned that his clients are now in the process of ob- taining a drainage report. Mr. Dale stated that they had writs ten a report to Mr, Kennedy, Chair- "Carried; CT ---- To WHITBY TOWNSHIP COUNCIL man of the Ontario Municipal Board indicating that they are hopeful that written reports sufficient to dispel the Board's doubts respecting the re- zoning of the property would be filed with the Board soon, and that Mr. Creighton was also in the process of writing Mr. Kennedy indicating his impressions of the hearing and con- firming that the written reports re- quested by the Board are in the pro- cess of being obtained ,and will be filed with him for consideration, This was discussed and covered by Res. #5. (Recorded vote) 65. From the Ontario Municipal Bd., Memorandum dated November 9th, 1962, enclosing a copy of a report ad- opted recently by the Board and hav- ing to do with applications for ap-: proval of sidewalks under Section 8 of the Local Improvement Act. It was Moved that report be filed. Carried. 6. From Mrs. T. G. Heaton, Letter of November 26th, 1962, regarding the Stone Cairn erected as a memorial to the late Dr. Robert Thornton at Ken- dalwood and Highway #2, and asked if the Township of Whitby would take the responsibility of maintaining the Cairn in perpeptual upkeep. It was moved that a letter be sent to Mrs. Heaton outlining the possi- bility of the Shopping Centre going in and that when this is settled they will have a better idea of where they stand, and will advise. 7. From Dwyer Heights Home- builders Co-operative Ltd., request- ing Council to take over snow re- moval of Jeanne Court and Hazelwood Drive, and enclosed cheque in amount of $1.00 to cover. It was agreed that request be granted, and the Road Superintend- ent be so advised. 8. From the Department of Muni- cipal Affairs, letter dated November 16th, 1962 outlining procedures con- cerning Five-percent transactions un- der Section 28 of The Planning "Act, replacing those promulgated in the circular of October 30th, 1962. It was moved that this item bo tabled for the next meeting so that Council might have an opportunity to study their copy of procedines, 9. From Whitby District School Board, copy of Minutes of Meeting of October 2nd, 1962. Moved that Minutes be filed. Carried 10. Letter of Nov. 2nd, 1962 from the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada, re: Thickson Road Cross. ing, C.N.R. paragraph 4, which stated that it was recommended that the proposed improvements should be such that protection would not be re. quired at the present time and that the existing electric bell and danger sign could be removed, and advised that upon receiving a resolution from the Township of Whitby in support thereof, the Board would authorize! the removal of this protection. This was discussed and covered by Res, #1. Committee Reports FIRE COMMITTEE--Chairman F, Thompson reported that the report of October 18th, 1962 from the Canadian Underwriters Association regarding recommendations necessary to im- prove their classification was discus- sed with the Committee and Fire Chiefs and agreed that no change be made. This was covered by Res. #8. Mr. Thompson advised Council that an inspection of Mr. Humphrey's drain was made on October 30th and that the County Engineer had given Mr, High \ Humphrey authority to empty the drain down the North side of the County Road. He was also to secure price for drilling under the road and refer to the Road Superintendant. New Business Councillor J. Dryden reported that the ditch on the south side of Cassells Road was still in bad condition and asked why this had not been taken care of. Following' discussion this was final ized by Res, #9. Mr. Dryden also advised Council that the culvert on the south side of Rossland Road was being undermined and requested that this be brought to the attention of the Road Superin- tendent. By-Laws Moved that a By-law to amend By- lJawwv Number 1784 of The Corporation of the Township of Whitby as amend: ed by By-laws Numbered 1794, 1800, 1826, 1827, 1849 and 1850 be received, read a first and second time and be referred to a Committee of the whole Council, read a third time, numbered 1857 and passed, and that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. Carried. Moved that a By-Law to strike un- collectable taxes from the tax roll be received, read a first and second time, be referred to a Committee of the whole Council, read a third time, numbered 1858 and passed, and that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. Carried. Resolutions 1.Moved that the Council of the Twp. of Whitby recommends that the application for rezoning part of Lot 34, Concession 2, owned by Mrs. Syl. vin Ebbers from Residential and Greenbelt to Agricultural be accepted and the Clerk be authorized to take the required steps and make repre: sentation to Ontario Municipal Board ! Carried. 2. Moved that the Clerk of the Twp. of Whitby be authorized to instruct Municipal Planning Consultants Co. Ltd. to immediately prepare written marketing and traffic reports to sup- port the proposed re-zoning of the site covered under By-law No. 1850, the costs for same being guaranteed by the principals represented by Cob- 'ban, Woolley and Dale. --Carried.- 3. Moved that the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to contact Whitby Council and P.U.C. to arrange a meet- ing re supplying water for the pro- posed shopping area, By-law No. 1860. Reeve Heber Down and John Dryden acting as Committee for Council. Carried. 4. Moved that acknowledgement & assurance of consideration of the re- quest of the property owners in the Kendalwood-Kingston Road-Garrard Area, relative to the proposed shop- ping area be forwarded to its repre- sentatives. Carried. 6. Moved that the Council of the Twp. of Whitby do hereby direct the Clerk to draft a letter on behalf of the Council to Mr. J. A. Kennedy, Chairman, Ontario Municipal Board, stating their disappointment .at the | Board's decision to By-law No. 1860, and declaring said Council's willing- ness to obtain the written reports re- quired to have the above by-law re- considered. The motion was put and carried on a recorded vote of 6 Yeas and 0 Nays as follows: YEAS--Reeve Down, Deputy Reeve Lovelock, Councillors Thompson, Dryden and Roberts. NAYS--None. ANNUAL MEETING Ontario County Soil & Crop ~~ Improvement Ass'n IN THE Jrover HALL, UXBRIDGE December 17th, 1962, at 10.30 a.m. SPEAKERS. Mr. Doug Parks, Director, Soil & Crops Branch, Parliament Buildings, Toronto Mr. Ken Fallis, Soil & Crops Branch, Toronto Reports will be given on the various field crop demonstrations carried out during the year. Free Lunch at Noon H. L. FAIR, 2 Secretary-Treasurer. Everybody Welcome RUSSELL MORRISON, President. ; Fuel Oil, 6. Moved that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to advertize for tenders for gasoline (#2) Diesel Oil, Stove Oil and Motor Oil for the year 1963. Carried. 7. Moved that the Council of the Twp. of Whitby concurs that protec. tion will not be required at the C.N.R, Crossing on Thickson Road when the proposed improvements have been completed and supports the removal of the existing bell at that time. Carried. 8. Moved that the Clerk is hereby authorized to notify the Canadian Underwriters Association that the Fire Committee of the Twp. of Whitby has made a study of their recommen- dations relating to fire defence class rating, and at this time it is the de- cision of Council to remain in our pre- sent class 6 rating. Carried. 9. Moved that the Road Superinten. dent be directed to clean out the diteh on the south side of Cassells Road to allow proper drainage. Carried. 10. Moved that the Council now ad- journ to meet again on December 10 at 1.30 p.m. Carried. Adjournment 10.32 p.m. Raglan News The annual Christmas Party of the UCW, was held in the new Christian Education Hall with the President Mrs. Leonard Slute in the chair. Mrs. Slute opened the meeting with a Christmas reading, following this Hymn 61 was sung. Scripture and prayer were read by Mrs. Bill Pear- son. The Secretary Mrs. Lorne Slute read the minutes of the last meeting and the Treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Harold Bray. During the routine business session of the meet- ing it was decided that the U.C.W. would serve lunch at the Auction Sale at Carl Avery's farm. Mrs. Slute expressed her appreciation for all those who helped in making the we- cent Bazaar such a tremendous sue- cess, because of this, a generous do- nation could be made to the Build. ing Fund for the Christian Education Hall. Following the Benediction, the Grandmothers entertained thelr daughters for a festive noon-time luncheon. On Sunday evening, Dee. 9th, the culmination of months of hard work and sacrifice, was seen in the Service of Dedication at the new Christian Education Building, Raglan United Church. The Minister, Rev. R. H. Love, assisted by Rev. R. C. White from the Oshawa Presbytery, con- ducted the Service. Following the Hymn, "Angels from the Realms of Glory", and the Call to Worship, Rev. Love----officially knocked on the door of the new building, then led his con- gregation into the Christian Educa- tion Building. With words of pride and humility, Rev. Love welcomed all those present. The Chairman of the Building Committee, Mr. J. Kelling- ton presented the keys to Mr. R. Brawn, Secretary of the Board of Trustees, who in turn gave them to Rev. Love. Speaking as President of the U.C.W., Mrs. Leonard Slute gave a short address of Dedication. Mr. Norman Birkett expressed the thanks of the Building Committee for the de- termined efforts of all those who had made the fine new Building a reality. Hymn 568, "The Day Thou Givest Lord, Has Ended", was sung, and Benediction was pronounced by Rev. R. C. White. At the completion of the Dedication Service, lunch was served by the members of the U.C.W., with Mrs. R, H. Love and Mrs. Leonard Slute pre- siding at the tea table, The Nov. Meeting of the Boy Scout Ladies Auxiliary and the Parent's Committee took place in Raglan Unit. ed Church, with the President, Murs. Lois Luke in the chair. Because of ONTARIO COUNTY the importance of the guest speaker, Provincial Field Commissioner W. J, Harpur, the Group Committees from Columbus and Raglan, and Leaders had been invited to attend. Their response was gratifying. Following the unison reciting of "Our Prayer" and the Guide and Scout Law, Mrs, Luke gave a warm welcome to all those attending the meeting. Sec'y's report was given by Mrs. J. K. Law- rence. Murs, J. Bright gave the Trea- surer's report for the Parent's Com- mittee, and in the absence of Mrs. E. Manns, also read the Treasurer's re- port for the Ladies Auxiliary. The Chairman of the Group Committee, Mr. W. Pearson, asked if the Ladies Auxiliary would provide much needed scarves for the Scouts and Cubs. The Annual Boy Scout Conference was held this year at Orillia, and was at- tended by two Auxiliary members, Mrs. June Bray and Mrs. Helen Law- rence. Mrs. Lawrence reported an in- formative and pleasant day, where much can be learned about Scouting and Auxiliary work. It was decided that the Ladies Auxiliary would send a donation to the National Building Fund, in Ottawa. There will be no Dee. meeting. Mrs. Luke introduced the special guest, Mr. Harpur, who in his easy and informal way told of the respect for Scouting throughout the world, and how Scouting improves a boy. Mr. Harpur said the same ap- plied to Guides, and Brownies. Mr, Harpur's talk did much to encourage and strengthen the faith in Guiding and Scouting, of all those who listen. ed to him. Mrs. Joy Bright expressed the sincere thanks of everyone. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer There were 11 members present and 8 visitors. The President of the Raglan Avea School 8.0.S., was hostess for the Nov. meeting, at which 27 were pre- sent. Following "The Lord's Prayer", Mrs. Solomon welcomed all, and in particular 4 new members. During the business session it was agreed to present the Grade 8 Graduating Class of '62, with their pins in January, at which time it is hoped the new School will be in use. Mrs. Florence Auld represented the teachers of the Rag- lan Avena School. There will be fur- ther announcement regarding the January meeting. Following the singing of "God Save the Queen", lunch was served. At a recent Parent's night, in Rag- lan Hall, the Raglan Brownies en- rolled 5 new girls; Dorothy Lucyk, Connie Simpson, Heather Simpson, Betty Bray and Kathy Luke. Brown Owl, Mrs. Mary Pearson, and Snowy Owl, Miss Maple Brown did the hon- ors of inviting the girls into the en- chanting world of the Brownies. Four "old" Girls, walked up to Guides, they were Carol MacLeod, Patsy Bray, Nancy Bray and Sharain Slute. Be- fore her entry into Guides, Carol Mac- Leod received her Golden Bar. Fol. lowing the official and regular duties of the Guides and Brownies, they en- tertained their guests with soma Campfire songs, On Dee. 18th, from 6 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. the Brownies will have their Christmas Party, during which time they will delight the village of Rag- lan with their house-to-house Carol Singing. When they are finished their round of activities, they will meet at Mrs. Roy Browns' for wel. come refreshment. The Raglan CRA put on a very suc- cessful dance at Club Bayview re. cently. 1st Raglan Scouts and Cubs, and 1st Raglan Guides and Brownies are now privileged to have the use of the new Christian Education Building of Raglan United Church, for their meet- ing place. There is gratitude in the hearts of all the parents, Leaders and the boys and girls, for the warmth and security in this Hall of the sponsor ing Church, Federation of Agriculture Sponsors CIA CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION e Farm Family Liability (liability to employees an optional extension) ® . Accident and Sickness ® Automobile ° Urban Fire CIA "= eralors Insurance Association ETHEL NOTTINGHAM -- Phone Brooklin 656-4832 Myrtle, Ontario eo FARM FAMILY LIABILITY (Liability to employees an optional extension) eo ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS e AUTOMOBILE Nec. 18/63 ¢ URBAN FIRE ff Basie Ly Wl TAS ood po Pe AE Vg Tuer oF rer Agr & OW pS 3 4 MEAS A Le FER ME Ta 2:4 rR IT aA eas Le 2 Potitys PATS ie Te AEA WAN 2 ES de Bo EN Aa A SA Ag wo g Ey 2 Et ad {FE TH . Vo a 37 AEE DU LOD : : 57s Adal printer bodes a pr ad ahd RESUS BBE AL SEIEAARRTH NT CTA, amas, A ---- 18 PAH AH its wv THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURS.,, DECEMBER 18th, 1062-1 Prince Albert At Sunday School Mrs, A. Robert- son offered prayer after first hymn, Three members were nominated to line-up 1963 executive, namely Mrs. Farkinson, Mrs. Davidson and Mus, H. Jeffrey. The upproach of a dance is nearing as a result sale of tickets Supt. Mr. E. Martyn extended a wel-| will soon be in circulation for electric come to the Jackson, Slcaman children. Birthday Greetings to Mrs. Newnham and Sharon Fenton. A suitable film, "A Carol", narrated Martyn. Rev. E. S. Linstead left everyone with a worthwhile Christmas message. Offering collected by Messrs. W. Vance and R. Hope, Goulding Christmas Mildred was by Next Sunday please keep in mind] lof The | theme, White Gift service plus appro. | the combined service at one o'clock in the upstair of the church. priate music. Sunday evening the church sanctu- ary was suitably decorated with can- dles and evergreen for service aranged by the senior classes of the Sunday School. The well staged "Nativity Pageant" and Lord's! and| blanket, C. "for the present, The the special | {chair to unwrap the gifts. stacking stools, pillow cases and matching shects. A gift was voted for our Korean child's birthday, to reach him by Feb. Ist. Other projects had to be cancelled owing to low funds. members appreciate the guests who helped make our party a rousing success, IMinally a sumptuous luncheon was served to thirty ladies sociability. during: an hom Wednesday, Dee. 5, Mrs, Ken Wil liamson kindly opened her home for u [bridal shower for one of village girls [Carol Skerratt who recently married Mr. D. Carol Willinmson of Port Perry. was a decorated Mildred Martyn assisted by reading the wee cards. The bride voiced her appre- seated in Prayer in candlelight proved vich and [ciation very suitably after which all impressive, Linstead prayer. Our minister Rev. E. S. closed the evening Much praise is due the committee in charge as well as near forty who ably acted their share for the out- standing event. Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. E. Jewel kindly entertained their Flora Holman"s birthday. joyed cards and erokinole. Near mid-night a generous array of lunch decorated cake and the trimmings was served. Miss Holman voiced appre- ciation for the practical gifts and good wishes that made up a happy cven- ing for all, Monday night, Dec. 3 the Christmas party for the "Good Neighbours Ser- vice Club" was gaily entertained at the home of Mrs. Ivan Parkinson which was aglow for the Yuletide oc- casion, Lively stunts, seasonable games, amateur millinery were e¢n- acted and prizes awarded. A session of Court Whist created laughter, or that complete silence. Prizes for the game were won by Mrs. J. Davidson and Mrs. Wm. Peel. A brief business session was chaired by the president Mrs. K. Middleton. with | | provided close neighbours in special honour for Miss | Guests en- | . . y few days in Oshawa with relatives. screens, clothes dryer outlet. shopping. 4961. fadmired the variety of presents. The hostess and close neighbours delicious lunch, assisting were Linda Forster and Christine Wil- linmson. Friends and relatives were also present from Port Perry and Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilson and sons were Sunday visitors with her brother Mr. and Mrs. C. Millers, Raglan, Mr. and Mrs. R. Butson enjoyed a and Mrs, B. Fister of Coluin- Sunday guest with Mr. Smith was Mus. F. bus, Good health is wished for Mrs. Jas. Doupe and Mr. C. Chambers who "have undergone surgery. We extend sympathy to Mrs. Paul Iispie in the sudden loss of her father Mr. H. Barry. SNENEEENEEEEEENENENNNNENES HOUSE FOR RENT IN BROOKLIN b room brick. Complete storms and built - in oven and range, Oil heat--very Close to school and Telephone Brooklin 656- inexpensive. om Electrical Service Electrical ROSA STREET WM. MURRAY SERVING THE AREA SURROUNDING PH. 985-7174 Contractor PORT PERRY PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Dec. 27/62 © ACT COURSES: e CLERK - TYPIST eo STENOGRAPHER e SECRETARIAL ® MEDICAL DENTAL SECRETARIAL eo LEGAL SECRETARIAL ¢ ACCOUNTANTS ASSISTANT ® BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION NOW FOR Success and Security Business and Secretarial Training FROM PORT PERRY Transportation Provided TO OSHAWA DAILY THE CANADIAN SCHOOI, OF BUSINESS 5214 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa NAME .............. tinrerers sarees Hrresssnerinrnes seiviverens TEA Bh ADDRESS vnunnmmnnnmipnnnmnmssississsnmmmminm i CITY. conning pr COURSE .......... PERT TAD LIONS %

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