Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 6 Dec 1962, p. 1

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TH x PORT PERRY SERVING PORT PERRY, BROOKLIN and SURROUNDING STAR AREAS "Authorized as Second Class Mail by the Post Office Dept: Ottawa, for payment. of postage in cash" PORT PERRY, ONT. THURS.,, DECEMBER 6th, 1962 -- $2.60 Per Year, Single Copy 7¢ Reeve J. J. Gibson Returned to Office for his Seventh Term The Annual Town Meeting held in the Municipal Building last Monday evening was fairly well attended. About 50 people turned out to rep- ing the past year. In-reviewing the Mr. Hoyd also reported for the Arena Board. He 'pointed out that trouble with the roof will necessitate some action in 1963. A new repair Department. There was little to re- Dr. Price of the Chamber of Com-! merce spoke regarding their work | during the past year. He said that he! appreciated the work of the council! Guide Mothers Meeting with Council for the Parks plan. ! ) ' Con Vip varks plan | The meeting opened with the Guide Women Teachers' Fall Meeting The fall meeting of the FWTAO was held in the Port Perry United Church basement on Wed., Nov. 28, 1962. Fifty teachers from Ontario #1 Inspectorate met for a delicious tur- key dinner served by the ladies of the United Church. Following the dinner a sing-song was conducted by Mrs. Hastings with Mrs. Hunter at the piano. Miss Diane Hall favoured us with two de- lightful vocal selections, "Green Pas- tures" and "Come Unto Him". Diane was accompanied by Mrs. Hastings, church ladies. Reeve of Reach their representatives. Results as follows-- Ed Oyler, 418 The vote in Reach Township Mun-| icipal Elections was very light this year,--only about half of the rate- payers exercising their right to choose For Reeve, Earl Martin, 546 elected Earl Mariyn Elected Township Larry Doble, Chester Geer, 764 elected Bill Wozney, 147 Deputy Reeve, Allan Crozier by ac- clamation, At the time of the election Mr. Oyler, 1962 Reeve was in hospital where he has undergone surgery. 674 elected For Council, Morley Bruce, 781 elected | Midgets Win first two league games. Celebrates 45th neighbours and friends gathered in * otf rd LEE Bry AY vor Told dM TR ASA AY SN TT ] 8 3 AF UR nl fA TEES ' SERPS LE reir y $ 8 14 ad vis EY " WB. adel ees dar AE ES z : 7 i A added 4 di ds Llib FAAS FORE ITANS ck gam dap. META So as 4 - ER Aa .. Te L SL [] " < x resent some 600 families who live in idea is being tried out at the present | even though differences of opinion | , Mrs. Elaine Bailey thanked Diane Tw A Noa i Port Perry, time. had arisen, He reported regarding' \ The Be eating vy ts Local | fy singing and the ladies of the ice nniversary \) 0 & inte pond .q Association of Guide Mothers' was| chure p icious ,, ) ran § Reeve J. J, Gibson thanked all the Cotmellior Art Cox reported for the | the house numbering project and said held at the home of Mrs. Lillian Mec Sih to the Brlisious mer Ry Coach Bill Cornish has his team On Saturday evening, November MEAN Councillors for their co-operation dur-| Welfare Department and the Fire|that the Chamber was working SBE ronald with 13 members present. ' y 1 ®| rolling in fine style, as they win their | 17th over two hundred relatives, hes actipities of 1962 he drew. special |view for the Welfare but consider-| Mr. Roy Cornish, chairman of the : After the musical entertainment Community Hall at Utica to celebrate attention to the new Fire Truck and able activity in the Fire Department.| Ball Park reported concerning the Promise. After the President welcomed f (CHF (8 EF SFE EE PORT § -- AJAX 3 with Mr. and Mis. Jas. E. Mitchell . p work done there in 1962 (the members, the Secretary's minutes - W 3 Tabistd i ' Port Perry Goals lala See ase fed MIZUER to the improvement in the water| In 1962 a new truck was purchased a re "i 2: Public | Were read and adopted troduced 'the guest speaker Mr. their forty-fifth wedding anniversary. ATK ih ; ' nor m. Williams, Chairman Public : \ . or ior 'ty' till te renty : system. iy has greatly increased the School Board made a few remarks! The President advised payment had Demeza. (1) Dale McNenley--Jim McMaster, From eight thirty 51) ten, twenty- 5 Deputy Reeve R. Kenny in his report abi ity of the local brigade in meeting concerrdug the Pulitle Scheel. 'been made for new Guide Leaders'| Mr. Demeza, Superintendent of the R. Pickard five tables of euchre were enjoyed. : made special mention of the good fire Sh rguiles, ip Joel Bhands Ted Griffen, read a report from uniforms. Ontario School for the Deaf in Belle-| (2) Roger Pickard--J. McMaster, |] hen the honoured Suess of the oe { work being done by Cec. Heayn as|have been active in the Mutua Wm. Beare, Chairman of H. S. Board! From the proceeds received from | Yille explained some of the problems D. McNenley ing were seated at the front of the PAR assessor. He said that increases in assessment were mostly on lots and these increases were largely to equal- ize the tax burden. The roads wero reported in good condition as far as naintenance was concerned, but they had found it impossible to stay under the figure for which Council had budgeted. Mr. Kenny felt that two men should be kept on the permanent staff of the works department - so that there would always be someone exercises of the county. The Emergency Measures Organiz- ation has also been under Mr. Cox's department. He reported little activity before the Cuban crises, but greatly increased interest at the time of this threat. Certain suggestions were made public concerning the possible emer- gency of war which should not be forgotten. "In the Hydro Department Mr. Cox reported that power was being sup- and also made a few comments re the the Tupperware demonstration, a new new Composite School, which is ex- electric kettle was purchased for the pected to be ready by Sept. 1963. suide kitchen. The balance of the money to be used to buy cups and saucers, also for the Guide kitchen. The Nominations for the coming, The Group Committee have built year were made, and those who quali- cupboards in the Guide kitchen and it has been arranged that two Guides, ; Susanne MacMaster and Eunice Roach paint same during their Christmas holidays as their project towards their Gold Cords. fied are as follows: REEVE--J. J. Gibson, (acc.) DEPUTY REEVE--R. Kenny (acc.) COUNCIL-- ' which they encounter while teaching the deaf child, and outlined some of the teaching methods. Students in the Belleville school range in age from five to twenty, There is an enrolment of 549 stud- ents. . These students are streamed, with one half being given academic training and one half vocational train. ing. Some of the academic stream go on to the College for the Deaf in Washington. The Vocational gradu- (3) Bill Beare--J. McMaster (4) Dale McNenley--J. McMaster, R. Pickard (5) Barry Beare--J. McMaster, D. McNenley. Ajax Goals-- (1) Oshea (2) Turner--Oshea (3) Turner--Oshea et PORT 7 -- STOUFFVILLE 4 Port Perry Goals-- hall and Rose Philip read an address expressing all the good wishes of everyone present. They were pre- sented with matching walnut coffee table and two step tables, a floor lamp, a sunburst clock in walnut and a large wall mirror from the commun- ity, a ninety-six picce set of dishes from their immediate family and numerous other lovely gifts from their relatives near and far. With his usual humour and wit Mr. available who was familiar with the |plied at a fair price. With regard to Bruce Beare Four of our Leaders and Guide| ates are trained for employment in (1) Jim McMaster--B. Lee Mitchell related some of the interest- town business, the new idea of making underground Irving Boyd | Mothers, Dorothy Nelson, Betty Cha- | crafts, home ec., woodwork and busi. R. Pickard ' ing facts of their long and happy { Councillor Irving Boyd thanked the | installations to customers it had been John Orde ney, Audrey Hall and Marg Sweetman | ness (machines). (2) Graham Powell--L, Skerratt, married life, thanked everyone for EN Council of 1962 and the staff of the|decided that hydro would assume the Ivan Parkinson 'attended the Annual General Train-| After this very informative and in| (3) John Raines--D. Stephens their generosity and concluded by Municipal building for the co-operation | regular cost of instdllation and cust- (3 to be elected) Ving Committee at Richmond Hill and| teresting address we continued with (4) Bob Lee saying he hoped everyone lived to be received during the past year. In re-iomer would pay the difference be-| SCHOOL BOARD-- [felt it was beneficial and enjoyable.. | the business of the evening. The| (5) Bob Lee as old as he. Mr. Mitchell will be p24 porting for the Parks and. Properly |tween this and the cost of under- Bob Archer i The treasurer reported a bank bal- president, Miss Donna Johnson, ably (6) Dale MeNenley--J. MacMaster, eighty-five on his next birthday in ol ) i he said that it had been hard to do|ground installations. Gordon Goode ance of $22.42. chaired the meeting. D. Ballingal. March. Mus. Mitchell also expressed 56 all the things that were desired and| Councillor Bruce Beare reported for Margaret Jeffrey I The new officers for the coming Reports of several conferences were| (7) Bob Lee her gratitude and invited all to call 5 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Welfare Dept. ...ccecvvvnene. 88 | ferred to your insurers and likely they | .. . 0b "Council of the Village of Port Perry Waterworks Dept. wee 5,431.19 | will give the same answer. You should | Group 2--Marjorie Jarrett, Rita Franchise Clerk- Treas. ltuary held in the Municipal Office on Sat.,| Hydro Dept. coerce 7,863.14 { get a decision from them and then rons oe Hesse, Toe 0 EUSSTLL HARPER Nov. 24th, 1962 at 9 am, ' ------ | inform the claimants accordingly." | RO ' i ) At U h idg J} PRESENT--Reeve J. J. Gibson in Carried. $32,466.02] FINES for October $180.00 Muni- "on Dacseh. y Wnirar. Gwen dni tilpions to Buy wwe Adel X Il e The death of Clarence Russell Har- SEA id the Cimir, DepitysRetve R,. A, Renby, hu Ware $37.96. Biles. Yo! 1 hove Shay, Gwe vote on election day. Mrs. Hannah Council Tuesday evening authorized Dons 72, secured on Phereiay, Nov. 8 i Councillors Arthur T. Cox, Bruce DEPUTATION--A deputation from RESOLUTION -- That new Hydro _~aylor. Toh h ill be 98 Dee, 20th. the abbeintmsit of Mr. Bian of Bol 16th, 1962, at Memorial Hospital, va Beare and Irving A. Boyd. the Ontario Water Resources Com- | consumers requesting underground eyed few words Son ou py iiing ET ae ais ton o hou position of Clerk Treasurer Bukinpile iter a wird filness. ! |B OAR) igsion. - servi i rged the difference New Fresident. Audrey mentioned a i ? J ' orn in Clarke Township, he was a x { Mnyies of Fours 27 Revision of urn of Mb ey 4 pid Cis tng ini cost of the wonderful people we have as day is Dec. 7th performed their civic' of the Town of Uxbridge. Mr. Egan | son of the late Richard Harper and : i Nov. 8, 1962 and Minutes of Regular ] . , | install head service d leaders and thanked them especially duty at the polls in the Reach Twp. will replace Mr. Delmas Long whose | oo \ Meeting of Nov. 10, 1962 were adopt. [as arranged to discuss the Port Perry) installing an overhead service an A election this past week. | resignation is effective Dec. 31. (Continued on back page) : od as typed on motion. Carried; Waterworks System. the cost of installing an underground for their work and help to the girls. / There was discussion on work re.| VALVE at New Water Tank -- It | service. Carried. ; Ly A View 2125 Rover Cong In ¥ | ~ commended by the Ontario Hydro re | was recommended that a valve be (Cantinned on, Page 2) ; " eu d "Nights. We -- p f v U bh id Th aire i 0 i Si D W k | Port Perry Electric System. - placed at the new water tank as an jon Sunday n eh 5; " eanre yoy oo X Il ge e e 0 pera e 1X ays d ee 3 RESOLUTION--That approximate- | assurance of no further flooding. It ng 2 Mrs. Cara me Suh el al i ly $3,600 be spent on revising some | was also explained that the increase Port Perry U.CW. fi in i a » of Manchester, as is line switches and transformers in the | in pressure would not be sufficient UNIT. #3 eaders for this group. - " 4 x Port Ferry Hydro system. Carried. . |.to do any harm such as creating leaks # ~ | [tis agreed that the Guide Mothers & Lid MEMO--Mr. Wes. Sweet would like | in the system. A combined Nov. and Dec. meeting would be pleased to provide lunch R ? still remain within the budget. A new plan is being undertaken, in conjunc- tion with the Government, regarding the park area of the town. ith regard to the Police Depart- and the cost of the debenture for the Ted Jackson I" Treasurer--Irene Murray was concluded, the meeting was closed (4) MaHaffey ances. Guests were prosent from at, Mr. Boyd thanked the Police |new water tower. Extensions had been Election Day, December 12th, 1962 | Badge Convener--Tina Vanderby with the PT of O Canada. NEXT HOME GAME--_ MONDAY Mount Forest, Brighton, Trenton, for the fine co-operation they have|kept to a minimum to keep costs| --Be sure to keep your right to vote Sick Convenor--Faye Stein DEC. 10th at 8.30 p.m agaist Cog N " Sndglund, prook- A . 4 ahs n, Kinsale, Port Perry, Uxbridge, maintained during the past year. i ; i 5 Garbage and Dog Control and for Waterworks Department, During 1962 it had been necessary to raise the water rates due to increased costs, down as much as possible. Glenn VanCamp (3 to be elected) HYDRO COMMISSION-- Arthur Cox | year were then installed as follows: President--Audrey Hall Vice-Pres.--Norma Gray Secretary--Rita Jefford (ace.) i i by turning out at the polls! Banquet Committee -- Eleanor Shaw } dR. May Williams PORT PERRY COUNCIL NEWS to purchase 1 piece of culvert g dia- meter by 5'9" long. Council decided that they expect to have use for all of their culvert and they would want the actual pricy it would cost for new culvert, >" MEMO---If Dr. Price will bé charged the heating rate of 1.1 or straight domestic rates. He has only one meter. Council decided that Dr. John Price be charged the usual domestic rates for his hydro consumption in accord- ance with instructions of Mr. A.. C.. Richardson of the Ontario Hydro. RESOLUTION---That this Council go into Court of Revision. Carried. APPEAL of Mr. Gordon D. Hep- ditch, County Assesor, Roll #589, Brewers' Warehousing Corporation .td.--Improperly assessed. The above appeal was not defended by anyone present from the Brewers' Warehousing Corporation .and was dealt with by the following resolus tion, Mr. W. T. Harris defending the appeal: RESOLUTION---That the appeal of tia Sounty Assessor as to No. 23, Roll » be allowed, and the Business Si@essment of the Brewers' Ware. housing Corp. be raised to 76%. Carried. RESOL UTION--That this Council revert to regular business, Carried. RESOLUTION--That the following statement of actountg be hereby au. thorized for payment: General Department Street Maintenace Dept... EE $17,889.28 1,146.81 184.97 Property & Parks Dept. .... CAPACITY of Wells--It was felt by the O.W.R.C. engineers that the Village of Port Perry have a good surplus of water over the present : i" Eunice Hunter. ly the Corporation is not liable if = there is no negligence. | Phone Committee "No doubt the matter has been re- Group 1--Mmry Baird, Audrey Walsh. consumption, and it was left with Mr. Jeffs to make several tests as to the pumping capacities of Wells numbers 1 and 2. LETTER from the Ont. Municipal H. Honey the Scripture. Mrs. Dowson Association dated Nov. 5, 1062, re 'closed with a poem entitled membership. RESOLUTION--That the Muniei- | pality of the Village of Port Perry renew their membership with the Ont. Municipal Association. Carried, It was left with the Clerk to renew the membership with the Ontario Mu- nicipal Association at such time as we are notified and billed for the 1963 membership. LETTER from The Ontario Muni- cipal Board, dated Nov, 9, 1962, re construction of sidewalks. Filed. LETTER from Harris, Harris & Wallace dated Nov. 14, 1962, ré pro- perty damage claims -- Port Perry Wind Storms: "I have a copy of letter from H.E. P.C. denying liability in regard to the claims for damages resulting from the wind storm on September 18th, 1962, "I presume that this denial is on the basis that the damage was caused by an 'act of God' and that there was no negligence on the part of H.E.P.C, or in other words, it could not be fore. ' Cervenka. geen that a limb would be torn from |of neighbouring farmers and the fire| At approximately 11:45 the same coming back and that this will be a living tree and thrown such a great | fighters, all but five calves were saved | evening, the Fire Department were warranted. and the milk house was kept cool|called back to quell a flare-up caused ! distance onto the lines of the H.E.P.C. Most liability policies apply only where there is negligence and certain. was held at the home of Mrs. Harold Honey on Tuesday, Nov, 27th, with an attendeance of 14, the leader, Mrs. Stan. Ploughman presiding. The worship period with a Christ- mas theme, was led by Mrs. Merlin Dowson, assisted by Mrs. Sam Cawker reading the call to worship, and Mrs. and help should the Ministerial Assoc- iation arrange the sex education pro- gram for teen-agers. A thank you to the ladies who kindly consented to test the Guides for their leundry, sewing and cooking badges, We have quite a list of "Testers" so trust we will not have to call on the same people too often. It was suggested that our President 'secure information regarding Auxil- A report of the year's WA was iary pins for the members. presented by Mrs, Gordon Thomas,' The Scout Mothers have invited the indicating a busy-and fruitful year. Guide and Brownie Mothers to attend Mrs, Len Beadle reported on the'their Christmas Party to be held in quilt which has been sold. the form of a Pot Luck Supper at the Mrs. C. C. Jeffrey stated 14 sick Scout Hall on Monday, Dec. 10th at calls have been made since October. 9 p.m. The next regular meeting will The collection amounted to $18.10. | be January 22nd, 1963 at the home of The "highlight" of the meeting was Mrs. Luella Kennedy. Lunth to be the very fine paper given by Mrs. served by Group 4. Audrey Buckner on Christian Edu- The collection was taken and the cation and Social Action. | meeting closed with the Mizpah ben- Refreshments were served by Mrs, | ediction. Lunch was then served by W. Walker and Mrs. Annie Sandison. Group 8. "The Busy Inns". Spectacular Barn Fire Draws Large Crowd Early Friday evening the Port Along with the barn, Mr. Cervenka Perry Fire Department were called to lost his milking equipment, .approx- a barn fire on the farm of Mr. Joe imately four thousand bales of hay, Due to the gallant efforts and the contents of his grainery, until the men could retrieve the bulk|by the settling of the ashes, milk cooler. given by Miss Johnson, Mrs. Nancy MacMillan (Secretary) and Miss Norma Urquhart. When the business of the evening ou Timers Exercise Their Stouffville Goals-- (1) Harmon--Benson (2) Madill (3) Redshaw Ajax. Bolton Man New on them for a visit. A bountiful lunch was served and the remainder of the evening was spent dancing and renewing acquaint- Claremont, Brougham, Toronto and Stouffville and Barrie. [ on Monday, Dec. 3rd, Roxy Theatre shows at 7 and ® p.m. nightly. Mr. T. Burrows, the new manager | sure that the Interest for movies is who has leased the theatre from Mr. 1. Constant for a five year period, is Mr. Burrows who comes from West Hill has 40 years of experience in the reverted to a six day operation with | theatres in Toronto. He came to Canada from Wales in 1929 where he learned the movie trade before going into the same business here. | His first mavie was "Birdman of Alcatraz" starring Burt Lancaster, This is an excellent movie and Mr. Lancaster has already been suggested as a candidate for an Oscar for 1062 for his performance In this film, The New Manager Mr, T. Burrows, (right) Takes Over From Mr, Constant getting films as soon as possible after they have been released in Torono. He and his wife, who 18 a native of Bowmanville are both members of the United Church, and as a hobby Mr. Burrows is an ardent radio 'ham: Mr, Constant who still owns the theatre, will now take life a little easier, but will/ continue to operate his cleaning and clothing business on movie industry mostly working in the | Me Mr. Burrows says he will strive at Brock Street. dl pa

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