TARY MA 3 Ee ALN Sa WE hah 2 3h { 4 } & 3 2 RON EE RIAA E A Sa Shu IE MEE ATES $50 SBN TA fa 2 Jo haere : Pi $s AMP Ln %: iN G NERS REE EASIER ARS FR A RE WR TA SON RRR AR HOR SPCREIVR VT Fe Cit, 0 - w" - a. -- wl Ra a SLL SO - ARNAARLD Taig aid ARIA LYAPOMERNC ALITY bagels 4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURS. NOVEMBER 20th, 1962 : was a bone of contention in Parlia-( The cut in the bank rate, from five | tives of all countries, to discuss in- AY . \ hy THE CHURCHES Coming rvents Card of Thanks Report From ment last year when the Senate re-|to four percent, followed a sizeable | ternational trade and tariff prob- I wish to thank all kind friends for M fused to accept legislation approved| increase in the amount of foreign | lems,--had pointed out that Canada whem RE A = enquiries, cards, letters, fruit and Parliament by Parliament and removing certain | capital coming to this country, would remove the remaining sur- ANGLICAN CHURCH -- Co ry floral gifts sent to me during my , p concessions which had existed, allow- Both these mousizés. indicated uot charges as quickly as possible. CHURCH OF ASCENSION Baz ar nd stay in Central Hospital, Toronto and By Michael Starr, M.P. ing foreign-made products to enter ; ; ; Rev. BE. W. Fuller, B.A., B.D., S.T.M d a since my return home #760 Rev. Har- | Minister of Labour Canada even though they were the| Pl the increusing buoyancy of the| It was also noted by the interna. ev. . Fuller, » B.D. 5T.M. a e a e tn A he the neighbours | . at: ¢ fiscal and | ame as products already being manu- Canadian economy but a conviction on | tional tariff assembly that Canada Friday, November 30th-- B k S | a mpor modi ications o sca factired In Canada the part of outside investors that| had embarked upon "long-term oor= 10.00 a.m,--Holy Communion for Deny acts o Liass to my | monetary policy were announced this 18 anys, the Elanailon on Oekos Canada was still on the way up and | rective measures of a positive and Sunday, December 2nd-- St. John's Presbyterian Church | T&M. 2y Beare ge ¥ SYSEYONS. Weak, hidieating : agg ol ber 16th only affected those products still a safe eountzy to invest in, constructive character" to deal with 11.00 an.--Holy Communion + | Annual Bazaar and Bake Sale at 2.80 re, Ruby Neare, [provement in Caines 8 trade and ex- of a class or kind not being in this| AS 8 matter of fact, the capital in [our trade imbalance, resulting from » p.m. in the church basement, Sat, : change situation. countr flow was proceeding at a very healthy | the fact, simply, that we are import- eT December 1st. Afternoon Tea will be On Wednesday, Mr. Nowlan, the y. Fare indecd, giving the io 10 thos | ing more goods. thed ve are solorr POAT PERRY UNITED HURCH | Nov. 29 - Minister of Finance, made a statement| The further relaxation on Novem- who had suggested that Canada's ec- . Rev. LE. 8. Linstead, B.A., Minister Winners of relating to the further relaxation of | ber 14th removes the surcharges on onomy was in a perilous or even an It is known that other countries, Sunday December 2nd-- At H G V h import surcharges, food, agricultural and fisheries pro- unhealthy condition such as the United Nason are very ' ©! ) It will be recalled that these were ducts, imported from the United ' anxious to have Canada remove the 16.00 a.m.--Sunday School ome rocery onc ers measures introduced to conserve for- States. This action is taken at a| This week the Minister of Finance import surcharges, because it has the . 1100 aan--Jr. Sunday School Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Lynde will] On November 17th, Gail Rountree | cign exchange at a time of worsening ' time: of year when the importation of also reported to the House that Cana- effect of holding the door slightly 11.00 a.an.--Morning Worship _ |be at home to their friends and|Wwas the winner, and on November 24,| imbalance several months ago. They | fruits, vegetables and other agricul. | dian representatives at GATT, which shut against the wide open entry of -- =m ------ --- | neighbours on the occasion of their|Guy Raines won the 1.G.A. Food Vou- | were substantially the same measures | tural and fisheries products from the | 1% 8 meeting attended by representa-!| American products. S71. JOHN'S Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary, Satur- cher in the draw made weekly at|as those introduced under similar cir-| U.S.A. is most marked. a TERIAN CHURCH day, December 1st, from 2 till 5 p.m.| Beare Motors. Both are of Port Perry. | cumstances in 1947, although not as Items that never were affected by PRESEY R at their home Ashburn, R.R. 1. Don't miss your opportunity of win-| severe. these surcharges, even from the be- i Rev. H. M. Buntain, B.A, Minister ning the next draw at Beare Motors| Mr. Nowlan said the step was being | ginning, were, as the Minister point- ; p YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE RESPECTFULLY Sunday, December 2nd-- I u ] Ltd., which will take place on Satur-| taken in view of the "continued im-| ed out, such items as oranges, bana- 10 a.m.--Morning Worship nvitation fo day, December 1st. provement in the foreign exchange nas, orange juice, tea and coffee. SOLICITED FOR TI OFFICE OF 11 a.m.---Sunday School » Fld ] F 1k -------------- | reserves". A The few items remaining subject to ee er 0 The first relaxation in the sur-!gurcharge at this time are luxury |® 'The United Church of Canada Y A, charges was made in October, cover-| jtems such as pate de foie gras, truf- i C 0 U N L L 0 R SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE The senior citizens of Port Perry = _-- ing some $250 million worth of in-| fles and brandied fruits, and similar Rev. C. C. Gilbert, B.D. are invited to a social afternoon in = Mu SS dustrial machinery and equipment of | items. They are not the sort of items u Cr ' the Municipal Building, Port Perry, 7 MAAN a class or kind not made in Canada. | Jikely to cause a great deficiency in Sunday, December 2nd. at 2 p.m. on December bth. Interested Ne Ry It will be remembered that the| the ordinary person's home. i 10.15 a.m.--SCUGOG . ladies and gentlemen of sixty years | crmck question of "class or kind" products| The Minister added that remaining L135 pT or more are welcomed with the idea . surcharges would be removed as soop M RL RUCE (X) 11.15--HEAD Sunday Schoo of forming a Senior Citizens Club in as possible, PRET IS 7 HENNE LE lth i... 1.15 p.an.--PROSPECT Port Perry. Anyone needing trans- J The day previous to this announce- CTT TTT TTT TTT | portation may phone Mrs. Jessio | m ment, the Governor of the Bank of Reach Townshi 1963 PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH] Robertson 985-2598. H To the Electors of Reach Canada announced a reduction of the Pp ] - Pastor--J. H. Brown - bank rate which also was another in- A a } i n dication of a relaxing economic situa- i snd, Devembes oni 1.0.D.E. A Township 8 | ton and would provide a new Infection |B VOTING DAY -- TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4th, b 9:50 a.m.--Sunda choo p . 11:00 a.m.--"A To Barks" The regular meeting of the Scugog A] Rd of buoyancy and confidence for the a2 = Ee » 'hapter, 1.O.D.E. will be held in the economy--if any were needed at the | jm 10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. | 7:00 p.m.--*"Eyes Upward apie " > an gor b } present trie A A . _ unicipa uilding, at 2.30 p.m. on . Monosy. oth I Monday, December 3rd. b HAVING SERVED AS COUNCILLOR A EPUTY- ednes., 8:00 p.m.--Pr ) } . 1 - -- EVEYONE WELCOME --i § REEVE, I RESPECTFULLY SOLICILFYOUR VOTE FAL CONTRI NASE A= ONARCL NET AARAIA a FALE AST VAG re re Se ny Dance g AND INFLUENCE FOR THE#OFFICE OF D th At Myrtle Hall on Saturday, Dec- t ed ; ] ember 1st. Bonnie Bell and Her Is- C MB oO COMM C COX, Brinson F.--Suddenly at Port} ,,.4e;s. Admission 76c. A] REEVE f 1963 b HA ER F ER E Perry on Mon., Nov. 26th, 1962, Brin- I } | son F. Cox, beloved husband of Olive -- g IF ELECTED 1 WIL WAYS WORK IN THE 2 Xian Song HOURS--For your Shopping Convenience Stores will remain open every Bzown, dearly loved father of Pred. : I] T INTE ednesday in December and every Evening Commencing December 13th ait, erga it Divtow Yoving swt 22) In Memoriam x BEST INTERESTS OF REACH TOWNSHIP i nl So pr 5 Mrs. Bessie Cox and the late Frank MAHAFFY--In loving memory of | a Cox, brother of Jean (Mrs. MEL [ , dear husband and father, Mervyn J. - n - hiney) of New York, Phyllis (Mrs. Mahaffy, who passed away Dec. 4th, |H Geo. Scott), Elsie (Mrs. D. Rowland- 1969. -] | son), John & Roy all of Toronto, , - . ] ) : . : : hts Ps Fil Gir. Kennedy) und ay (i | Tbs ls memories for ve 8 ---- : C. Cannon) of Peterboro, Frank of 'red by Y. | FANEEENENNNENEE NNN EEE EN EN ANE EEE 2 al erc an S Edmonton and the late Louis Cox, in - his 46th year. Resting at the Chapel In Memoriam 3 ; ; of McDermott-Panabaker, Port Perry GRAHAM--In loving memory of a INVITE EVERYONE TO VISIT for service on Thursday at 2.00 Bw, dear son and brother Wallace Jay ; : [ } fnterment St. John's Cemetery, Black- Graham, who passed away Dec. 2/61. : S{OCK. \ - i , We-little-knew when we woke-that | NR. AN morn yg gl CUEFEREY EM EE HEEES FEE AREER EERER ER BH EER © ~ ) A Note of Thanks The sorrow the day would bring. pL or a. The call was sudden, the shock severe aly. Friendship" has become a wordf wp, part with one we loved so dear; voured to serve you to the fifo: of deep Meaning in our family dur-| gq, oho hard $o understand ] 3 ing these last months. Now we wish How some things have to be, best of my abil is for progressive leadership oY re we could find words to pean ut But in His wisdom God has planned on Srp Phe feelings of appreciation for all the Beyond the powers to -see . : J . hi Services rendered us; --all the acts of Sadi Tlzsed by A and sound admi E42 kindness done for us, and all the a alk wc ile ey 1 00-5 30 D . . 3 " an. ; ws sympathy offered us. : If my record meets with your approval I respectfully ° ® p.m. 14 eC. 8, 9 and 22. 0; We thank Dr. Kandel, Dr. J. Dia- I M - i hei i : mond, Dr. M. B. Dymond, and Dr. nn emoriam solicit your VOTE and INFLUENCE to re-elect 6.30 Pp. m,n» 9.00 p.m De 21 v MacIntyre, also the Staff and Nurses GRAHAM--In loving memeory of ; ° ® 5 hA of Port Perry Memorial Hospital, for{, gear Grandson Wallace Jay who L A R R Y D 0 B L E ' : : 2 ok : their wonderful care during the illness passed away so suddenly Dec. 2, 1961. TENE of the mother of our family. Thre it 6 tittle oo i MARK THESE D TES ON Y R XMAS C D i x To the McDermott-Panabaker Fun- oe Pinaie bey dnt tonight, i : VEU eral Home for their kind and effic-| ' 3 air, F C Il 1963 : ; Hi S ient service, to the friends who acted 1 yor thaiing of Heavens bus, : or ouncl or, n . hie : His soul so pure and fair, 2 : ] . iy as pall-bearers, and to members of} . gon a ) . N God lent him to us for a short, EAH I'ownship Council who assisted at the . a 5 . ~ sweet while, ANY funeral, we give our grateful thanks. 7 it dh 2 We can never forget the many vis- o us It seemed but a: day, 4 0 ; . ' But Heaven must have been very sad ; yf = 3 ve its paid and the flowers and cards The Bittle while he Wag awe : / } . y. { i 3, sent to the hospital, or the floral : 4 tributes, the cards expressing sym- Sadly missed by Grandma and ! : . le = pathy, the gifts for baby and the Grandpa Wallace, : : ; i 28 : refreshments provided by Seagrave i : 410 U.C.W. and our neighbours, during : H . TICKETS AVAILABLE at ev store fom mber 1st ¢ IS i ; Dece -- to be de a i our bereavement. C rd f Th nk : i holder, in drum at Santa's Sh posited, by the HK A special thanks goes to Rev. E. d 0 a S # i . Wp Bet McNeil, who gave so generously of| I wish to express my sincefe thanks | § H 8 is ied fi his time with calls and comforting|to friends and neighbours of Scugog : & re words. Island and Port Pe for thei - i 0 a Ty r gen : NAMES OF WINNERS to be 4 We feel you have made our sorrow erosity and thoughtfulness in my time i i announced at Santa's headquarters. New draw every week casier to bear. of need. . i 2 oh Allan W. Crosier and family. Mrs. Lorne Hunt, { GE 7 a _-- saa oss in : Ain y A Nc REE lite ihe Sie ails ie ils : ! as Councillor for four and as Reeve for the our citizens." YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED FOR t interest of § CHESTER GEER for Coupefllor for 1963 Reach Township the Township to strive for constantly in < Sw S AT ae t the present time, I shall be un- able to call on yap. #Mowever, if my record during the past eight years meets with your approval, I respeétfully solicit your vote and influence for re-election as Reeve for 1963. Ed. (Sam) Oyler ON POLLING DAY, TUESDAY, DEC, 4th "Vote OYLER Reeve" Polling Hours -- 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. ENT A A Sle Sie Piette ete SS ee LIL 2 2000000000000 00004 he Colin # ) vd -- < VOTING DECEMBER 4th -- 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. LS Tn i