Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 29 Nov 1962, p. 2

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2--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURS. NOVEMBER 29th, 1962 Blackstock All units of the U.C.W. met during the weck. Number One at Mrs. Roy Taylor's home on Tuesday evening with nine members present. The leader Mrs, Duff opened the meeting with a ccripture verse hymn and prayer. The Bible Study from Mark 9-12 was taken by Mrs, Samells and a dis- -ussion followed. Nvmber Two met at the home of fre. Ernest Larmer. Instead of the ustomary lunch at finish of meeting, this Unit met at one p.m. and com- menced with dessert. Mrs, H. Kyte gave the Worship on "The Church in fhe Community". Mrs. P. Romeril conducted the Bible Study discussion on Acts chapter three. Nine members were in attendance. Number Three met on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Frank Butt with 8 members present. Leader Mrs. Hill read a poem, 'Life's Lesson'. Following a hymn and prayer, Mrs, Stanford VanCamp gave an interest- ing comment on "The Church in Cor- nith" which was followed by a dis- cussion, The roll call was answered by "Evaluate the Years Work" and some books had been read and several calls made. Materials were donated and purchased for a quilt for a needy family. Number Four met at the home of Mrs, Ken Lee on Wednesday evening with 11 members and 4 visitors in attendance, Worship and Bible Study was conducted by Helen Dorrell and Joan Graham, which commenced with a Biblical contest. Audrey Wright read the Scripture passage. Joan read the Meditation on "Training of Little Children" and Helen led the discussion and offered prayer. The leader, Mrs. Glenn Larmer closed the meeting with prayer. Business at all Units consisted of preparations for catering to Holstein Banquet, Rounding up of different departments ready for Annual Meet- ing as not many are having a Unit meeting in December, Suggestions for Nominating Committee ete., and plans for Candle-light Service in the Church on December 16th, at 7:30 p.m. Prize winners at the L.0.B.A. Card Party on Tuesday evening were: high lady--Miss Cora Crozier, High gent- - Mr. Edward Colby. Low lady--Mrs. Frank Bailey. Low gent--Mr, Stanford VanCamp. Door prize--Mrs. C. Hill. The Messengers and their leaders met on Tuesday in the C. E. room. The meeting opened with the singing of "Silent Night", Lynda Kyte read a different version of the Christmas story called; "A December Night Long Ago". The offering was received by Kathy Gunter and dedicated by Mrs. Taylor. Sixteen members answered the Roll. Dianne Taylor read the story of the origin of "Silent Night". Pic- tures representing this story were col- Roy Werry were Sunday guests of Dr. was voted to Hospital Auxiliary, and oured. The meeting closed with the singing of Christmas songs and carols. The O.N.O. Club entertained their husbands on Saturday night. First a supper at the Manchester Barbecue was enjoyed. Mrs, Dalton Dorrell pro- posed a toast to the Husbands, to which Bob Wheeler replied. Frank Butt proposed the toast to the wives, and Mrs. Harvey Graham replied. The president, Mrs. Richard Van Camp reviewed the years accomplishments. These were interspersed by wonderful accordian numbers by Miss Tena Kozub, of Newcastle. Following this all went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Swain and played Rummoli and finished up with a light lunch. Approximately 50 attended. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorrell; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larmer, and Mr. and Mr, and Mrs, Frank Cook, Beaverton called on Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Archer on Wednesday. Miss Mable Powell and Mr, Wes, Powell, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carter, Maple Grove visited last Monday and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hubbard, Oshawa and Mrs. Mary Webber, Bowmanville were Sunday guests of Mrs. Wesley Bradburn and Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Henry. On Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Swain, Jack, Jim and Helen entertained a number of relatives in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bennett (nee Mariam Swain) on the occasion of their recent wedding. The bridal party was presented with lovely gifts, Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Leith Byers; Mr, and Mrs. Murray Matt rhivslee sibel are Amann ave thief Shere ihrhdad B iey cases and several other gifts, all of which add much to the new home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stanton, of Co- lorado Springs, U.S.A., and Miss Alma King of Markham, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter King, recently, also calling on friends at Pleasant Point, Little Britain, Oakwood and Lindsay. Mrs. C. Tait has returned home af- ter spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hill, of Claremont. - Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mark of Scar- boro, called on Seagrave friends, on Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. J. Demara. of Scugog called on Mr. and Mrs. B. [.. Wana- maker, on Sunday. Rev. Wm, and Mrs. Fitzsimons of Beaverton, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. 5. MacFarlane, A shower was held in Sonya Church Ph § 5% Scugog News The November meeting of the Head U.C.W. was held one week early at the home of Dorothy Martyn, Remem- brance Day turned our thoughts to- wards a National theme as portrayed in our hymn, "Land of Our Birth" being sung by 21 ladies. Reta Rod- man continued this thought as related with Christianity in a story of Jap- anese Christians. Joyce Heayn read the Scripture from Colossians to re- | mind us of the teachings and example of Paul. Gertie Collins gave us a | Recipe for Happiness which could be 'accomplished by expecting nothing for ourselves, Joyce's contest involved |a mystery quiz to detect our correct seb wha ar Stig seas iy Dorothy Martyn told us of the Hos. pital future activities of a Community Dance and Doll Draw. She also made an appeal for the Bible Society and Rev. Gilbert gave us a little insight into the efforts and accomplishments. Consequently it was decided to give $25.00 toward the Bible Society and $10.00 toward the Doll Draw. Six more Thanksgiving socks were handed in and a large box of used stamps. As Betty Reader is partly respon. sible for raising funds for the M. & M, and our allotment is slow in being completed, she gave 2 very approp- riate and rousing stories for us to ponder, The first was a biography of 8 church envelope, the most import- ant kind in the world. The second one about Chinese told how they had learned to expect only small returns when they planted small potatoes and of course also applied silently to our small donations. We voted to have our Christmas meeting at the home of Bonnie Ger- a Pot Luck lunch served by the.grou leaders. Each person is requested to bring a gift of approrimately 50¢ to her Mystery Sister, wrapped in plain paper and unsigned. During "the preparation of lunch, | Myrtle Manns supplied a contest in. volving picture and word associations, Byers, Jim and Janice; Mr. and Mrs. Herb Swain, Don and Ralph; Mr. and Mrs. Lew Swain; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Swain, Donna, Barbara, and Susan: Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Swain, Judy, Bob and Debbie; Mr. and Mrs. Clarene ' Marlow; Mrs, M. R. Sanderson; Mrs Mrs. Tennyson Samells attended the Federation of Agriculture Banquet at Port Hope, Saturday noon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swain attended 'the Kirk Christmas Tree Co, Banquet at the Flying Dutchman Restaurant Bowmanville on Saturday evening. . . Misses Gertrude Henry and Doris M. Carley, and Mr. Weir Swain. Griffin, Toronto; Mr. Jack Swain and . Prince Alhert Glen Ross spent the week-end at their At Sunday School, Mr. C. Jeffs said | respective homes. Sunday guests of Mrs, Geo. Fowler were: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Larmer, of a prayer after the first hymn. A col- Pickering and Mr. and Mrs. Robert orful seasonable film "Making Christ- Fletcher, of Lindsay. mas Christians" was shown with Miss Beryl! Hibbs and Miss Coryn interests to all. Birthday pins were Clarke spent the week-end in Toronto, presented to Mr. and Mrs. R. Butson, Master Phil Romeril, Courtice spent Irene Blan, Jean Huntley, Brenda the week-end with Dennis Romeril at Fenton and Nancy Perigoe. the Manse. Congratulations to one of our senior Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong visited citizens, Mr. Wm. J. Martyn who on Mr. and Mrs. Ross Curtis, Orillia on Tuesday, November 20th, reached the Sunday afternoon. rich age of ninety years. To mark Mr. and Mrs. Roy Trewin, Gail and this special day, "Open House" was parlours for Miss Darlene Hallet, | 28€5- However we were glad to say Some Seagrave people were present. + only Dorothy Martyn's worked right. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. MacFarlane were! Since our evening was so close to present at the 10lst Anniversary of | Hallowe'en we recalled the meanest St. Andrews Chalmers Presbyterian | tricks ever played upon us and used Church, at Uxbridge, and were the these stories as response to our roll guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Blan. | call. Mrs, Gilbert had the most mem- chard. orable story and no wonder. Rest assured in comfort and safety: A bedroom extension saves Carol, Mimico; Mr. and Mrs. Earl held in his honour at the farm, the Trewin, Donald and Doreen, Ennis- home of the older son, Earl Martyn. killen visited the Fred Trewin's and Assisted by the rest of the family, Albert Wright's on Sunday. Glad to report Mr. Earl Trewin able to be home from the hospital. Glad to hear Canon Ashmore is im- proving and hopes to leave the hos- pital by this week-end. Miss Nora Venning, Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs, Garry Venning and Penny, Port Perry visited Mrs, Chas. Venning Wayne and Linda on Sunday. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stiver, Bsian and Wayne, of Langstaff visited Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mountjoy on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Benson Dunn, Oshawa spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Forder. Rev. and Mrs. Ronald Campbell and two sons, of Toronto called on Mr. and Mrs, Harold Martyn and boys on Monday. oe : Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Watson and three sons, of Cameron were Sunday and family. Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Wood, Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs, Orr Venning on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Werry and Mr. and Mrs. John Werry, Bowmanville. oo Electrical Service Electrical ROSA STREET WM. MURRAY Contracto PH. 985-7174 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Dec. 27/62 "ONTARIO. COUNTY © Farm Family Liabilty (liability to employees ® Accident and Sickness © Automobile Federation of Agricultux Sponsors CIA CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION an optional extension) ® Urban Fire ETHEL NOTTINGHAM -- Myrtle, CI A Co-operators Insurance Association Phone Brooklin 656-4882 Ontario - everfing. . gley last week. o FARM FAMILY LIABILITY (Liability to employees an optional extension) eo ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS ® AUTOMOBILE ® URBAN FIRE Dec. 18/62 the Bert Wanamaker's and the Allen Martyns'. During the afternoon and evening over one hundred close rel- atives and friends called to offer gretings and reminiscence over a cup of tea. Mr. Martyn enjoys remark- able good health. He attends church faithfully and most times present at other functions in the community. The U.C.W. met at the home of Mrs. H. Hodgins. The president wel- comed the members. Following first hymn, Mrs. B. Smith read scripture. Meditation in charge of Mrs. A. Rob- ertson who delivered a talk, "Why Am I Here", which proved worth- while to the listeners. Mrs, Jewell dedicated the offering. Mrs. Pugh presided over business matters. Min- utes read and tréasurer's report show- ing a satisfactory figure resulting from turkey supper and bazaar. Af 'guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bradburn sum was voted to the Church Board. It is agreed we cater to Teacher Area Banquet on December 13th. Committee to arrange for same-i-Mrs. A. Mar- tyn, Mrs. W, Vance, Mrs. H. Hodgins and Mrs. B. Smith. Twenty-five dollars $5.00 towards Doll draw. Committee to arrange gifts for shut-ins. Mrs. T. Hodgins kindly offered her home for next meeting. It was suggested the secretary be responsible for a supply of hymn books at the meetings when held in homes, Mrs. Beacock gave an interesting paper on the Presbyterial Rally of U.C.W. held in Brooklin last month. Six members attended from here. Being no further business on thé agenda, Mrs, Pugh offered a prayer. Social time was enjoyéd while the committee in charge served lunch. A bpeedy recovery is wished Mr. Sam (Ed) Oyler who is a hospital patient. Mr, and Mrs. A. D. Robertson on- joyed a few days last week visiting their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Eunice Robertson and family, and other rel- atives in Peterboro. Manchester Miss Marcia Mulholland entertained | ~ {a number of friends on Friday even- "ing on the occasion of her birthday. ' Mrs. Wm. McCartney visited her sister, Miss Mildred Harrison, Myrtle one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Midgley, Mr. "Allan Midgley, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Meek attended a Scottish Concert at Maple Leaf Gardens last Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mark and fa- mily visited Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gray and family. Mrs, Terry Cleverton, Uxbridge was the guest of her sister Mrs. L, Mid- Seagrave Relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs, Caire Watts, from Oshawa, and Toronto, gathered for a house warm- ing in their new home. entertained by dancing in the recrea. tion room, the music being suppied by a record player. . The young couple were presented with a beautiful plate glass mirror, as well as sheets, pillow They were k Reminders about your ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE KEEP INSURED! Separate premiums are required -for your. insurance from now on, Obtain application form at a bank, a hos- pital or the Commission. KEEP INSURED! The Family premjdm must be paid to cover husband and wife. Tell your group OR, if fou pay your premiums direct, notifyf the Commission. Getting Married? EEP INSUREDI bw carefully the instructions on the : of the Certificate of Payment orm 104, which your employer is required to give you. Always keep your Hospital Insurance Certificate handy. ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION 2195 YONGE STREET, TORONTO 7, ONTARIO \ i CHEVROLET.. . great new features, brilliant new , The 63 Chevrolet offers you a big bundle of - saving benefits that make owning and driving ' a pleasure . . . New self-adjusting Safety-Master } Chevy II Noya 400 Convertible CORVAIR... tne sporty car with saving ways Corvair's distinctive brand of driving fun and agile ele- gance takes on new excitement for 1963! Graceful new styling, highlighted in gleaming metal trim, makes it even .more of an eye-catcher on the road... new performance and maintenance features make it more than ever a family- - budget favorite! ° W hiteveall tires optional at estra cos, Be sure to see Bonanza on the CBC-TV network each PORT PERRY, ONTARIO ; TEEERICANNE See your dealer for Chevrolet's Special "Go With The Greats" r that saves on batteries. Chevrolet Impala Sport Sedan « extended-life exhaust system . . , the new Velcotron ride ! -- in a beautiful Bo. All this -- plus a Jet- ly-by-Fisher package ! CHEVY I... trim new beauty that stays young longer Smartly styled, with a new husky look, Chevy 11 for 63 carries on the trend-setting traditions of its first amazing year. Now Chevy II offers even more comfort and con. venience inside, without sacrificing nimbleness and handy size. And, II's budget-sized economy . , with the low initial price 63 CHEVROLET - at your dealer's one-stop shoppi Sunday. Check your local listing for channel and time. Hi-Fi LP Record Album Offer, any of its easy-handling of course, there's Chevy economy that merely starts Corvair Monza Club Coupe ng centre C4630 BEARE Motors Limited PHONE 985-7351 row, when everyone will by the grealD) a -- ~

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