Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 8 Nov 1962, p. 3

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- Fae M8 JA TAY I IN As SERA TEI RT ESOT ATI BAS FES bod it - SAR EASE Fh ASTRAY FF A TRE 4 ory AL SRI a RET REA FE Nt el Sa IED PGE ya i EP 2 \ a od AT, RPL] i 131 fF x Aad) , tileA ts ' ' ' } : Ad : ' HCA HER . AR i 'i : 0 a Ie EE bo. FE #5 rs ake t EL TA a 8 ¥ ¥ ' R SFE A 1 i sits : \ :. . \ A : : a : > vd £407 or , : . . ' ed . niin HA Abin td a sd air a aad SE VELRERIRES IRI MERE LAE SEIU STEN IIE JE BOSS REED MEAN 51 MIA THIS JRE LE oii fA Bt ath SEALY a LD TT Lt 3 . y ER ae A i MEMBER OF CANADIAN WEEKLY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION Thursday, November 8th, 1962 THE STAR EDITORIAL PAGE Notes and Comments Education 'Tax With rapidly rising municipal costs it is becoming difficult for large and even small communities to. raise taxes for school purposes without setting very high mill rates. There are few communities in Ontario who haven't asked for some kind of tax relief on these grounds. J It is obvious that we cannot depend 1 . heavily on real estate to supply theiheavily increasing costs of education. Fromtime to time it is suggested that the Federal government should step in with subsidies. But how this is possible with education a purely provincial matter jis not clear. Another suggestion is that the sales tax Twenty-five members of the Town | Grown up Soeially" were presented and Country Couples Club met in the | and a discussion on each skit followed Christian Education Centre on Tues- | it. day, October 30th. The meeting be- gan with the playing of a record with dance instruction for the new step "The Gay Gordon" and the members participating. Several Hallowe'en games followed. Brent, London, spent the week-end with Mrs. Lewis Swain and calling on Mr. Swain in Oshawa hospital, Glad to report Mr. Swain progressing fa- vorably following surgery. Approximately 20 Young People at- tended the Hallowe'en Hi C party at Tyrone Friday night. Me. Gordon Paisley spent the week- end at his home in Dunnville. Mrs. Velva Bailey is visiting her sister Mrs. Pritchard, Toronto. Blackstock - A good number gathered in the Community Hall Saturday evening and held a miscellaneous shower in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Van Ryswyk. ' Mr. Glenn Larmer was chairman and called on the following program --A song by Donald, Leslie, Cheryl and Harold Wright; Reading by. Lois Wright; Song by Dianne Vanderhuel and Eleanor Wright; A duet, trio, solo and two songs by nieces and nephews of the bride; Reading by Lorna Wright; Reading by Mrs. C. Hill; Song and dance by two of the Kings- ma boys and another song by three of them. Mr. Kingsma made a brief address thanking the friends for their kindness. With a few interesting re- marks the chairman now extended Rev. Romeril gave a talk on "Doubts" and answered questions on same. Next meeting Nov, 1t8h. Mr, and Mrs, A. L. Bailey and Mr. Stanley Malcolm spent the week-end in Toronto, enroute to Florida for the The minutes of the last meeting | winter. were read and since little enthusiasm Mr. and Mrs. Austin Beacock are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Mew and was shown in the undertaking of theo musicale mentioned last month, it was children, Toronto, Misses Gertrude Henry and Doris decided to let some other interested Mr. and Mrs. Ross McCann and | Griffin, Toronto were home for the group undertake it and the members Barry Hartnett, Oshawa, visited the | week-end. ave to think up a suitable project for | Stan Rahm"s Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rahm visited Mr. the November meeting. A long Sunday guests of Mrs. Cecil Hill | and Mrs. W. King, Oshawa, Sunday. newsy letter from Doreen Van Camp | were Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Ferguson, was passed around for all to read. Don Mills; Miss Jean McKee, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McCauley, Mid- Mr. Romeril then gave "A Little Talk on Nothing" referving and illus- land; Messrs. Roy and Bill Ferguson. Rev. Po Romeril preached anniver- Seoner or late most provinces .are going to have to make use of the sales tax for this.purpose. There is a lot to be said for it. It dis- tributes the burden of the tax more equit- ably than that on real estate. It is a . greater revenue producer. It is a fairly gimple tax to collect even though it has a high nuisance value, If the local community is relieved of the heavy burden for education and if most of the money is raised by a sales tax the community is then in a position to put its finances in shape and to carry on a reas- onable programme of maintenance and Seagrave trating the many and varied uses of be increased and levied for the purpose of wxpangion, . . congratulations and presented the | the word "Nothing" which under close | sary service at Whitby on Sunday| Mr. Robert Thompson, one of our supplying the big share of the education The alternative seems to be high local table full of gifts. Both groom andj v¥amination isn't "Nothing" at all; | morning and Rev. A. M. Butler, Whit. | Senior Citizens, passed another mile- burden. This is a sensible proposal. taxes with a growing deficit. bride expressed thanks. Dancing | 8150 the varied uses of the word stone, his 84th, on October 26th. On Sunday he entertained Mr. and Mrs. R. Nodwell, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mac- Taggart, and Mr. Frank Watson, at 4 followed to music provided by the Dayes Brothers and friends. [Lunch was served. Wen th 2 rd | byf took the services of the United I'hing" which constantly comes intoy Church in Blackstosk, Cadmus and our conversations. The meeting closed | Nestleton. with prayer followed by lunch of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin and The Separate School Question It seems strange that the Catholic Bi- public school; or, perhaps, that this is the On Tuesday afternoon, 17 Messen- | Pumpkin pie with whipped cream. family attended anniversary services! ® Turkey Dinner. Congratulations shops in Ontario:should be seeking:a better surest way of preserving their institution. gers and their two leaders met in tho| On Thursday evening, Nov. Ist, the [at Tyrone Sunday and were supper [| Mr. Thompson! May you see many C. E. room. The children played two | parents of the students of Grades 11, | guests of Mrs. Edith Murphy. more birthdays. Scotchmen are It seems strange because in Quebec the Catholic schools are.under attack by their own people as never before in the history of the province. ~The people claim that church control has resulted in 'inferior texts, in inferior teaching and in poor re- | deal for the separate school:gystem in Ont- ario at this time. It means perhaps three things. First they now believe 'that they are i strong enough in terms of population to Miss Mable VanCamp, Toronto has | Pretty rugged you know. returned from a pleasant trip to Europe and spent the week-end with her mother Mrs. W. W. VanCamp. Mrs. Roy Turner and Mrs. Ernest Swain attended a Brownie Handi- 12 and 13 were invited to the High School for parent-teacher intreviews. Several parents took advantage of this opportunity to visit the school, to see the alterations made in the school Korean games until everyone had ar- rived. The meeting opened with the children repeating the Messenger mot. to, prayer, and hymn. Mis. J. Taylor took the worship period with the The call to We have a new citizen in our vill- age, a daughter for Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Standish. Congratulations! Mr. Dan MacTaggart of Bowman- force the issue. sults. There is a move on foot such as theme "Be not afrnin, building and to meet the teachers and 2 tes ville spent the week-end with 'Mr. and dri Secondly, it means that they believe in the one in France which back in 1890 took -- worship was taken from Psalm 46, | the members of the board. Mrs. Ro- | craft training course at Doe Lake Mis. J. C. MacTaggart. } AR . SOLIS ol . y the schools away from the Roman Catholic verse 1. The scripture verses were | meril, the Secretary-Treasurer, and | over the week-end. fe L¥, X greg * Church and made the system one of free verses 17-19 of I John chapter 4. A [the bus drivers were present to "di- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wheeler, Osh- Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Wanamaker, Neil : OE Third it means that they believe they public education. hymn was sung followed by a prayer | rect traffic". Following their consul- | awa, Mr. Ernest Swain and children | and Billy, Mr. and Mrs. R. Reynolds int} have more to offer their students than the for those who are afraid. The offer- | tations the parents enjoyed a tasty | Were Sunday evening dinner guests of | and Mrs. C. Tait attended the service 41 ing was received by Linda McLaugh- | lunch, prepared and served by the! Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wheeler and child. | @t Port Perry United Church on Sun- 3 1 day morning. During the service nine babies were baptized, three weeks old Linda Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Wanamaker being among them. Following the service the group had dinner at the home of the young parents. girls of Grade 11. Home Economics ren. class under the supervision of Mrs. ! Mrs. Wilbert Archer attended anni- Dalton Dorrell. A second night later Vversary service in Whitby Sunday in the term is being arranged for in- morning and was dinner guest of the Elmer Archers, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Dayes and Bev- erley Anne, Oshawa, were week-end guests of Mr. George Goodson and Mrs. G. Thornbury, of Lindsay, is Miss Muriel. } i visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. Rey- Mr. and Mrs. David Swain and! nolds. lin. Each child told one of their fears in answer to the roll call. Dian- ne Taylor read the third chapter of the mission study book. Then the lights were turned out while the child | terviews with the parents of the stu- ren listened to a Hallowe'en story! dents in Grades 9 and 10. called "The Hallowe'en Ghost". Then Hi C met in the C. E. room Sun- a game called "Blindfold the Black | day evening with an attendance of 26. and seek to redress her humiliation by Cat" was played. The meeting closed | The new executive conducted tho | dangerous moves elsewhere in the:world. with a jelly bean hunt. meeting. Some skits on "Being Both the East and the West make mis- takes. Both of them are shortsighted with re- gard to what is just in the other's cause. Unless there is some common ground for agreement Cuba under another name will mark another. and still another great crisis. \ It is conceivable that there may be a time when reason will fail to hold the day and then the fat will be in the atomic fire. reenhank in :the, meantime :a::nejghbour, Bruce ; '| Hill; had arrived with.a 22 rifle;and Many friends from neighbouring to avoid doing too much damage to areas joined our congregation last the pelt with his heavy gun, Mr. Hill 'Sunday to share in our anniversary 'killed the wolf with his rifle, i services, The guest:minister was Rev. -------- | Newton Reed of Sunderland and the ; guest soloist at the evening service NL nar aie was Mr. Allan Glazk of Greenwaod. Next Sunday. evening .the 'first -of TORONTO -- Seven women have ® series of Bible study meetings will 'been mamed winners of scholarships be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. under the $600,000 Lord Strathcona Wilmot Phair at:8:00 o'clock. These trust fund for physical education. meetings ; are w@dults but. any The $500 two-year scholarship win- young people whé wish to attend will ners include Jane Bernbardt, Uxhrid- be very welcome. Similar study groups ge, 'Daughter of -the Uxbridge High are being planned for the younger School Principal; Joyce Hetherington, | folk later on. Guelph; 'Elizaebth * Florence, Brant- The afternoon group of U.C.W. are ird: Jo Ane Suvi; Gatria snd tires {meeting in the Church on Wednesday Toronto women. : of this week 'and the evening group at the home of Mrs, Keith Gibson. EARL DOWSWELL WILL NOT SEEK ANOTHER TERM The irst of the .euchre parties for raising funds for Hall improvements After 11 years of municipal service was held last Friday evening with ten to Township of Uxbridge, reeve Barl tqbles playing. The high and low Dowswell has decided he will not:xun prize winners were Mrs, Jas Lee and for office again. Mrs. Norman Smith, Mr. Cliff Rodd When asked "why" Mr. Dowswell a,4 Ron Blakely. Mrs. Geo. Ra Saturday, effective immediately. Then said that it was about time he started the lucky PN winner. Them ! : at a special meeting of council held on Tuesday night of last week, a:se- to look: after his farm properly. Had prigay, Nov. 186. cond member of the police force, Cat. it not been for his father. helping out T. Fortner ,also offered his resigna. ji Hsefarm, he olde Jae heen tion, to be effective in 80 days. able 10:CaITy ON 48, nguad ' In addition, Mr; Delmas keng, & He said he had enjoyed his time on World Tension Eased _ . Most people were taken completely by surprise last week when Khrushchev calmly announced that the missile bases in Cuba would be dismantled. Few people dreamed that the, Soviet leader would back down. Fewer still 'believed that it was possible for him to do it in the manner that he did. The mildness of his stand and his simple assertion that his people were for peace is strange indeed. happened we might see a reversal of tac- tics. Instead of the 'Soviet antagonizing the world 'with its belligerence, we would have the United States doing it. It is to be hoped too that the Soviet does not feel humiliated by what has happened in Cuba Most people believe that the action of the U.S.. was quite justified. What. they may forget is that it was also extremely dangerous. The outcome was better than we could have hoped for @and a far cry from what we feared. But it would 'be the height of madness if this success were to go to the Americans' heads. If that District Doings TO ERECT CLUB HOUSE AND CURLING RINK AT PICKERING The Duffins Creek Golf and Coun. try Club have announced rk has begun on a new club house on their property, south of Pickexing Village on Church street. Plans call for a bpilding gpproxi. mately 160 by 200 feet, containing club house facilities:and: curling to be . completed by the 1963 season. Present plans also call for a limited membership in 1968, for golf and so- cial activities, with a gomhination.of pay as you play golf and also-curling. The club house shoyld be ready for spring business and 'brochures and rates will be ready formailing in De-: cember. ofa mile when he saw. the other wolf. He shot but only wounded the animal. UXBRIDGE CLERK AND TWO POLICEMEN RESIGN There has been a rash of resigna- tions by Uxbridge town employees over the past week. First, Sgt. A. Light resigned :on Mrs. Elsie Beare is staying at the George Beare home while Ruby is in the hospital. HOW MANY WEN -_ @ clerk-treasurer presented his resigna~ tion, to take plage in 80 ways time, Mr. Long. has accepted another posi- tion in town. TWO WOLVES SHOT IN UXBRIDGE TWP. By shooting two 'wolves a short distance from 'his 'home on Sanday' morning, Murray Fraser, of Con. 6, Uxbridge Twp., made himself $100 in bounty money and also 'made it & little easier for the farmers im the area who raise sheep. Mr. Fraser has heard wolves howl. ing on several occasions and that 'morning he 'started searching for them. About one half mile from hia home he saw the first and. and sho it with his 808 rifle. ' .jyear and for the past five years has township and county councils and ad- imitted he would pmahably miss the «challenges and opportunities to do a job for his fellow citizens. Mr, Dowswell is still a young man and served in the capacity of coun- <illorforifive years, deputy-reeve one been reeve of Uxhridge Township. East January he was elected War- den: of Ontario County 'and 'he has therefore heldevery. position: possible within municipal government. only by members of.the;two.conneils, but also by the majorty. of rates payers, The press will also niiss Mr. Dows- well. He believed the press to be an important. factor in municipal polities :and.gave reporters-every co-operation He advanced only another quarter Murs. Evelyn Tait the weekend with friends at Bloomington. Mrs, Robt, Leask and sons Bree and Alex. spent the weekend at Oakville with Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Leask. Mr. and Mrs. Fleetwood Beare attended the golden wedding annivers- ary of Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Bunker of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Tanson 'Reeve'Dowswell will be missed both /and Mr. and Mrs. Reg Foster were in township and. county council, not also guests at the celebration, Con- gratulations to Mr, and Mrs, Bunker former residents of Greenbank. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Foster, Ricky, Peggy and Sheri, also Mrs. James Foster of England, sperit Sunday with friends at Brantford and 'St. Cath- in 'collecting their news, arines, Ontario. Probably most of them / Phspg ed travellers have learned that a chartered bank can add greatly to the enjoyment and contentment of travelling. Here you can get answers to currency questions, leave valuables in safekeeping, obtain letters of introduction. Travellers Cheques are ideal for day-to-day expenses. For larger sums, you may prefer a Letter of Credit, or arrange to have funds forwarded to you/ A chartered bank has many ways of caring for your travel needs. See your local bank before you go. i. THE CHARTERED BANOO ShHVING YOUK COMMUNITY a ¥ - 1 i REAR a a ats gaa ---- E----_---- is i

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