rR . © | For nd... -- News Articles -- Advertising -- Church Activities "OKLIN NEWS Township by sales Whithy Planning «rd Meeting St. Thomas Message Mrs. Romeril attended the mecting and the children asked him numerous quéstions about Guernsey, before the closing ceremony. Rev. P. Romeril delivered & most impressive sermon on "All Great The. choir rendered the Anthem "Praise His Holy Name". Sunday was Laymen's day in the Anglican Church. Mr. C. King a Lay Reader from Oshawa delivered the Dance, as ua large crowd gathered in the Recreation Centre, Friday night to dance to the music provided by "Stoney and the Rawhide Rambler: Almost all the students came ol Dogpatch style, and many were the [ Truths contain a Personal Challenge" | designs: of edible corsages. in the United Church Sunday mornin Spun McLaughlin was given the for 'having the best Daisy Mac costume, and David Kyte the best Lil'Abner. Sandra Tennison and her | date received the prize for the best | dressed couple, A spot dance took | £5 45 2 4 = Gti I - a add, Si hartadiad PPR IRT THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURS, NOVEMBER 1st, 1962--7 | address and Messrs. Fred Hamilton | the place of the Little Abner chase. | i A Regular Meeting Serab WW inning (1) Approval limited to Lots 76 to! Mr. J. C. Seragg, Mr. George An. and George Wolfe assisted in the| Denise Malcolm and Dale Stinson So Board of the Twp. of ' as held 91 inclusive, and Hazelwood Drive drew and Mr. Mark Lockyer took part | 0, vice. had the lucky spot and a nock cere- an in the Municipal oftleh meng on relocated to meet Plan M-35. in the Laymen's Service last Sunday. i 7 mony was performed on them by Har-! 5) ; Thursday, October 1sther the, 8.00 (2) Garrard Road widening (10°) An excellent sermon was preached by } fr. Fred Carter, Mr, and Mis. | vey Graham, acting as marrying Sam, 244 pr with Chairman Loft. to be dedicated. Mr. Bengally. George Wolfe, took Mrs. Fred Ham- Denise wheeled the lucky groom off Vid house, members T, Wit as a,. Man- ning, J. Batty, W. neturersand J. Dryden present. or that On Motion the Mints. fleeting #10 were adopted 63 cars.d and distributed. Carried.. A care- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. \'nd sus-re pre- sent to request that interiors! grant consent to the sale offmericanise and 300' deep lot in Lot ¢ . The total frontage is 211°. 'to 400, rospec- (3) Dedication of 5% of land for public purposes (4) One foot reserves along Hazel- wood Drive to be held until deem- ed ready for further development of the adjacent land. (5) Outstanding taxes to be paid in full (6) Required easements for utility ed. or drainage purposes to he grant- Wednesday of this week was Mea's Fellowship meeting. The Guest Speaker was from Toc-h. This Sunday there will be Holy Baptism. 7. Notice was also received from The Ontario Municipal Board of a Board Hearing on By-Law: No. 1850 (Humberforth & Lick) to be. held on ilton, Leader, and following hoys of St. John's Church League: Warren and Douglas Rohrer; Donald Edge - ton; George Downey; Floyd Assel- stine; John Hodge; Bryan and John Wolfe to Toronto Sunday afternoon. They. attended the 2nd Annual Spe- cial Eyensong Service for Boy Lea- guers of the Diocese in St. James Cathedral, The sermon was especial- ly for boys, Warren Rohrer was banner bearer for Blackstock League. around the room in a wheelbarrow. Refreshments of apple jite and chips were served. Mrs. Po Godfrey and boys, wife and family of School Teacher, - arrived from England Tuesday, Welcome to our village. They are living in Mr. Earl Dorrell home. X Mr. Earl Dorrell has moved to the upstair apartment of Stuart Dorrell's home, : x ANIA } . ) Thursday, November 165th next. at Mr. and Mrs. B. Stephenson -have Science Review on 2 th CBC radio net-, Lister Sinclair finds relaxation in tive buyer has offer irchase (7) Other requirements re: surfac- ' } g oo able ith tl 110 to Dome )£ > oy taal or ser. | 10 am. at the Council Chambers,| Before the service and supper the | moved from Hampton to one of the work, he introduces world-famous sci- | games of chance, but challenge in the further measuring thi pods hh was vices and drainage. subdivision Brooklin. boys had the opportunity of viewing Martyn apartments, entists in a series of talks about|mysteries of science. As host and increased to 115' to i hedge. agreement Messrs. Geo. Lofthouse, W. H,| some parts of the Cathedral. Sorry to report Mr. Lewis Swain themselves and their experiments, (8) Conditions (3) to (7) inclusive Down and M. Robinson reported on a Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thompson and is in Oshawa Hospital for surgery. editor of the Tuesday night program, Since - this property, n (A) i ail meeting held on Frida , September family entertained on Sunday in hon-| We hope he may have a speedy re- Thirteen ladies of Blackstock U.C, at the Plowing Match near Owen RAE t g y p y , o be carried out to the satisfac- . , . gil Jo Lil, Agricultural Zone thi tn re- tion of the Township of Whitby 21st with Mr. A. R. Schmidt, Super- | our of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- covery. W. attended the Regional at Brooking Sound and came 7th out of 14 entries. NS sidential -frontage wo Pant i0" but ) "| visor of the Zoning Group, Depart- | lace Marlow's 40th wedding anniver- Mrs. Bill Cordingley, Tovonto, spent Thursday. Li !" Mr. Wayne McShane, Kingston A this would leave a re Ben ontage With regard to Item (3) it was| ment of Municipal Affairs. Also | sary. Guests were Dr. and Mrs. Jack | a few days with her mother, Mrs. A good number enjoyed the fine spent the week-end with the Bruce Pa of 61'. This would m © ; 1€ 4; cient | agreed that 5% of the present devel- | present at the meeting held at 801 | Marlow and three children, Lively; | Lewis Swain. chigken pie supper in the Anglican Mountjoys. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. VE f for a standard street SAVUINE, (gg) opment was not of great use to the sense, Bay St. Toronto was a representative | Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Leask and four| Miss Brenda Dunsmoor and Myr, Parish*Hall, also their bazaar Friday to provide for future» 2 ent of | Township but should rather be claim- | of the Official Plans section, children, Solina; Mr. and Mrs. Jim ' Bev. Dealy, Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. evening, ihe Janas, tg ie ren toll are in | ed as part of, the 5% of a larger aren| The Committee reported that the | Marlow and Anne; Mrs. Fred Marlow; | Harold Wright, Oshawa were Sunday ~~ Mv. and Mrs. Arnold Taylor and excess of 10 acres. in 1- if and when such development takes meeting had been quite productive as | Mrs. D. W, Armstrong; Mr. and Mrs. | guest of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Duns- girls attended a reception in Ux-' wb itself Til Mountjoy visited friends in Kingston. Miss Meryl Hibbs and Mr. Timothy Hibbs of Guernsey spent the week- end in New York. Mr. Winter requeed and it he place. apparently the explanation of traffic | Rud Heaslip, Toronto; Mrs. Allan | moor, Brian and Beth. bridge for their aunt, Miss Wilkin- | Several from here attended the Van : i Moved that the 5% for public. pur- provisions ete. had satisfied Mr. Sch- | Suggitt, Port Perry and Mrs. Wil.| Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wiseman, son, on the occasion of her 90th birth- | der huel - Buma wedding in Bowman- would like to retain tke to a 'ess to . iain, : v i I ) . the lands in the k. also| Poses in (T-13176) could be covered | midt and the clearance of By-law No. | son Heaslip, Janetville and Mr. and | Toronto, called on Mrs, E. Darey and | day, on Sunday afternoon, and were ' ville FF ridiy evening. oth a. SSIbIv Wee. Ton in the Subdivision Agreement and de- | 1849 was accomplished shortly there. | Mrs. Harry VanCamp. Miss Ruth | Mrs. I. Argue, Thursday. tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Noble. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Arundel- Hvahs, a nt oa livered at a later stage of this de-| after. An Official Plan fas urged | Marlow who was ill phoned her con-| Mr. and Mrs. Alex Clements Nor- Mis. John Scott and Mrs. Robt, conforming use of pa: nd i 3¢ Montreal, spent the week-end at their i in the rear by erectin: yout to ng to velopment as 5% of the total area,| with the same to be very general gratulations and regrets. Incident- Jorn visited Monday and Tuesday Povd went to Foronto Sunday, Me. Summer home. : | B store his construction' got nt. Carried. terms controlling the staging of de-| ally this was also Mr. and Myps.| with Mr. and Mus. Russel Mountjoy. | Ford for the winter and Mrs. Scott | Mr. and Mrs. Don Pargeter and J Witile the Betrd hay, as ie Sarl Moved Hab after, 30s ine andl wo celopment within the Zoned areas, | Thompson's wedding day, 14 years for | Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bruce and | for two or three weeks. i children, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham Mr. Winter and his (¢t cleay lem it viewing the Minister's Conditions re: was agreed that Byer to 'd not | (T-13176) this Board agrees with pu Dahir too spelriv, This would be a policy document with- | them. | family, London, spent the week-end! Messrs, Roy and Harold McLaugh- | and children, Port Perry, were Sun- The October Snowstorm did not dim | with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kyte and | lin represented Durham County in day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn i be violated by a. rulin Board] them and recommends their inclusion An account for $12.35 was present- the Sphis of the Sadie Hawkins | family. the horse-shoe pitching competition | Graham. e E lus . . } : and the following mot{ assed, [ in a Subdivision Agreement. Carried. ed to cover Committee travelling ex- ee meee : penses and Meals, On motion this| Moved that this Pla: ard is 2. A letter from Mr. D. W. Wilson account was paid. Carried. Chairman Lofthouse mentioned that the regular monthly meetings of Planning Board were filled with rou- tine matters and allowed little or no time for constructive planning. Mr. Lofthouse suggested that an extra willing to grant consshe Goveme se- enclosed 2 copies of a revised plan of paration by Mr. Winthis bill tart of | subdivision (Banficld, Ridgely & Wil- Lot 385, Concession 1, providing'x310' | son Subdivision) showing the new lo- with the existing houwoughout. cation of Hazelwood Drive as suggest- Carried, ed in Item (1) of the Correspondence. Mr. D. W. Wilson wn BE 8 while | Also mentioned were the boundaries Item 1 of the Correcogity, on Was of the (G) Greenbelt Zone. lt WAS meeting should be held each month read. Mr. Wilson indi contro] 3 Wil agreed that drainage engineering to 'informally discuss planning mat- . . rove lingness to comply wit, 1e pylitions would be necessary before judgment | 0) ang to hear guest speakers at set down by the Minist yi, the could he 'passed on whether or not! con. of these meetings. © The first Mr. Wilson made Zion. un for re-zoning would be recommended for attempt at this would be to invite Wm. two consents to sell . go a3 3 and any of the (G) Zong. : | Manning to discuss planning as he saw #17 on his draft plam ,,4q willvision 3. A letter from Mr. G. K. Bain, it during his recent European trip. (T-13176). He propogjjed gisell Lot | Supervisor, Official Plans Group, ! The idea was received with favour) Water entering the cowl air intake flushes out corrosive clements . _ following air dries the entire inside of the rocker panel, PONTIAG HAG THE FEATURES A new aluminized treatment provides extia protection against muffler corrosion. ---- B76 to-Mr_John Horach "17 to | Community Planning Branch, Depart-| but no direct action taken, . Kurt and Emilia Anlag, tan &Te€d ment of Municipal Affairs requested] A more direct liason between Pontiac's smart new over- . 8 to bind the purchasers: Por an e plan | information on the status of Board's| Council and Planning Board was dis- of subdivision before Gn) it | consideration of the Proposed Official | cussed and the sending of copies of consents were to be gy go Plan of the Township of Pickering | Planning Board minutes to Council and-under headlights make night driving safer, casier, by lighting more road on Discussion of theser y i and Planning Area. was approved, together with the sug- : high beam. ' inspection of the conti yn on Moved that this Board has no re- | gestion that Council minutes be sent - hy EB the plan of subdivisi! de al of 1 ed in| commendations or comments to make | to Planning Board as well. ' concern over a possibld; "" 2 si pro- | re: Pickering Township Official Plan.| On Motion the Board adjourned at Every Pontiac has big, big blem on these lots. yore sy Carried. IT p.m. to meet again on Thursday, brakes to ensure quick, Moved that consent | ©¢ONOM id for| 4. A report on the re-zoning of | November 22nd next at 8 p.m. sale of Lot 76 to Hore om Pe ot 77 | Highway No. 401 Service Road in the to Anlauf (T-18176 a 8.40 its m Township of Whitby, prepared by Con- vided that both of thi i x s be | sultant Derek J. W. Little, P. Eng., subject to joining in' Wee 5 the | was presented to the Board. It was Blackstock final plan of subdiviss --ubdi- | agreed that both copies be circulated vision agreement. Ini both | among the members for study with| Twenty Messengers met with their owners are to be cape nat a| Messrs. Geo. Lofthouse and J. Dryden | two leaders in the C. E. Room Tues- drainage problem is | 'don | taking the reports first. day after school. The meeting began these lots, Carried, 5. An offer was received from Mr. | with a Korean game called "Neigh- Correspondence-- Carl Altenberg, Town Planning Con- | bours". Then they joined the Ex- 1. A letter from un ee nity | sultant, London to supply Zoning | plorers to watch a film strip about Planning Branch, D: vith flor! © Guides (at $2.50 each) and Consult. | Hong Kong. Municipal Affairs waa' t A the | ing Services. __ - Lynda Kyte read the second chap- Board and the Minist{ 2tum jtions | Moved that this cor respondence be | ter of the Study Book. Mrs, Taylor positive stopping, cvery time. Backing up automatics ally adjusts the brakes. 63s WISH THEY HAD Pontiac's new Delgbtron generator keeps ghlarging your battery cygwhile the engine idles. day the v Shown ig@he of the many power (dB Ponuac V8's and there" a new lightweight Asi®-Six, too. and amendments applys agen] e ap- | received and filed. Carried. took the worship period with the; proval of the final su a fc plan| 6. Notice was received, and filed, | theme "Who is my neighbour". The (T-13176) for registrs, Manched150n- that The Ontario Municipal Board has | call to worship was from Luke 10:27, Ridgely-Banfield) were wereld as | issued an Order approving By-Law | followed by a prayer. The Seripture follows: ye No. 1849 (Wm. Lawson, Trustee). Thoughts. were about "The Good Sa- ; : y x maritan". Prayer was offered for people who have been good neighbours and Offering was received and dedf- cated. This part of the meeting was closed with prayer, The children brought articles for the parcel for Korea. Phey were given gift boxes in which to put their mission gifts to be used this year for Severance Hos- ir of ne ONTARIO COyhem in { EI Pa aT, - "tove ably " Fedex» of Agriculture s from , Mrs. we nsors CIA CO-OPER/¢rous wit NSURANCE ASSOCIATION pital in Seoul, Korea. eo Farm Familjicient ory, The Explorérs met Tuesday after (liability ompanieyg oe an optional extension) school. Following the opening cere- Whitewall tires optional at extra cost : ih & 4h PARISIENNE SPORT COUPE . PI63C ® Aca 1d Sickness mony a game was played. A film ngregatl strip "Make Room in Hong Kong" GENERAL MOTORS VALUE ! visiting mobile ® Urban Fire was shown and discussed. Mr. Tim- * : 'man joy] 'othy Hibbs, nephew. of one leader, 45. operators Insurance | em-- ™ IM All IN. | Sh Association ED JEFFREYS " leasant | JANITOR SERVICE & @ ETHEL NOTH cover 10 Phone Brookin 655-1832 WINDOW. CLBANING the car the other Bs wish they looked lie eo FARM FAM Mrs, ABILITY : $ 9. fof BRODELIN AREA @ Be sure to watch "The Tommy Ambrose Show' an the CBC TV network. Check Idcal listings for time and &hannel, 2 ravay] Floors washed, waxed and buffed. : : (Liability rave; Mioyees an Optional extension) Wipe arly .® ACCIDENy,.. "* SICKNESS © URBAN FIRE MO. 8-6638, WHITBY, ONT. ® AUTOM: Mrs. 1, p th their Vance. Bob Archer Motors Limited PORT PERRY, ONTARIO PHONE 985-7361