FPR ALN LEY La et She Ah aig ! PRA PACS Sr Ine FL Sara 8 ie 0 A TE ARES AEA RL ATE PARA IATCADA CR TR 2 ANS SSRN 0 RY Heh TAU {IR a uh J A RANE RA EER Hg A » Vode YX. 3. » 2 | > 5% . Tone Ty 3 LR IPE rd FE §ine . . . ~ a TARAS a . . y i Ssdlovessasainkm de ttd ds kieisive bond 4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURS., SEPTEMBER 27th, 1962 CHEVROLET for 196 Fri AND at., Sept. 28-29 5 Tie II 'BEARE MOTORS LIMITED IN OUR SHOWROOMS ee | Card of Thanks | REFRESHMENTS | to my many friends and good neigh- be the guest minister at Seagrave An- § . ™ Dai Candy Drive The Skating Club annual Candy Drive will be held on Saturday, Oct- THE CHURCHES Coming Events 1.0.D.E. The regular meeting of Scugog Chapter, '1.0.D.E. will be held Oct. 1 Groceries Winners The following Port Perry men have each won an I.G.A. Food Voucher in As Rev. Harris has been invited to ANGLICAN CHURCH--- CHURCH OF ASCENSION Rev. E. W. Fuller, B.A, B.D, S.T'M. Sunday, Sept. 30th-- 11.30 a.m.--Harvest Festival Rev. Chas. I. Preston. l PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. S. Linstead, B.A., Minister Sunday, Sept. 30th-- 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.--Jr. Sunday School 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. H. M. Buntain, B.A., Minister Sunday, Sept. 30th-- 10.00 a.m.--Sacrament of the Lord's Supper 11.00 a.m.--No Sunday School The Anniversary services will be held on Sunday, October 14th. The United Church of Canada 1] Z_ | ing Guild is holding a Rummage Sale lon Saturday, September 29th at the Turkey Supper In Utica Community Hall on Sat., September 29th from 6 p.m. until all are served. Admission Adults $1.60, Children 12 and under 76c. Pre- school children Free. Mrs. A. Handel, U.C.W. President. Sept. 27 The Church of the Ascension Even- Parish Hall. Time 2 p.m. Sept. 27 Euchre In Myrtle Hall on September 28th and every. second Friday for the season by Myrtle Community Club. Sept.217 Hockey Notice ober 6th and 27th, 1962. 10th Anniversary Dance oo Women's Hospital Auxiliary. Nov. 23rd. Watch for further announce- ments. Oct. 4 r "Filipino Passion" World renowned colour film by T. L. Osborn Evangelistic Ass'n-at 7.30 on Friday, Sept. 28th at the Port Perry Pentecostal Church. "Filipino Passion" captures the breath taking natural beauty of the islands as well as scenes of native life in the moun- tain villages, seldom, if ever, filmed before. The public are cordially invited and -there-is--no admission charge. 'September 23rd, 1962 at the South Peel Hospital. } at 2.30 p.m. in the Municipal Build. | ing. Euchre Euchre will be held in the Parish Hall of the Church of the Ascension on Thursday evening, October 4th. Prizes and refreshments. Annual Meeting Of Greenbank Community Hall, Tuesday, October 2nd at 8.30 p.m. in the Hall. President H. McMillan, Sec'y-Treasurer, N. Smith, Birth WASHBURN -- Irma and Don are happy to announce the birth of Bon- nie's sister, Janice Hope, on Sunday, bours for the lovely cards and fruit, also Dr. Rennie and the nurses and Memorial Hospital. Mrs. G. Bridger. JURY URGES BAN FOR CHILD-RIDERS ON TRACTORS A jury has recommended that legis- lation should be enacted to prohibit any persons, particularly children from riding on any part of construe- tion equipment such as tractors, other than in the driver's seat. commendation was presented last week at Buttonville at the conclusion of a Coroner's inquest into the death of a 9 year old Thornhill boy. David Stokes was crushed to death on Aug. 13th when he fell out of a front- end bucket and a wheel of the ma- chine passed over his body. The inquest was told that two boys tractor that was driven by a 16 year old lad. ¥ , Will have charge of the Church Ser- staff of the Port Perry Community | were visiting relatives here last week. | This re- | ley Ward) who were married last Robt. | , thank their many friends and neigh- and three girls were riding on the! bours for the beautiful gifts and niversary next Sunday, Rev. McNeill vice here, Some of -the local boys competing in the Junior Plowing Match last Sat- urday, September 22, on the farm of Leonard Jarvis were Bob Hunter, Ron Thomson, Keith Phoenix, and Earl Phoenix. Mr, and Mrs. Guy Madiford, (nee | Marjorie Leask) of South Bend, Ind! Congratulations to the newly. weds, Mr, and Mrs. Bary Stemp, (nee Shir. Saturday. Card of Thanks Doreen and Larry Kendall wish to pleasant social evening given them the lucky draw held weekly at Beare Motors Limited. On September 15th Ellsworth Kennedy was the winner and on September 22nd, Bud Sonley was the lucky one. Next draw will be made on Sept. 20th. You could be the lucky winner if you shop at Beare Motors. In Memoriam MOORE -- In loving memory of Jack and Pauline who were taken so suddenly September 23, 1960 and September 27, 1960: Ea "They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old. Age shall not weary them, nor - the years condemn. | At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them." Ever remembered by Mother, in Utica Hall on Friday, Sept. 21st. Helen, Betty and Doug. SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE Rev, C. C. Gilbert, B.D. Hockey players registration, Oct. 6th in the Port Perry Arena from 2 ~~ HERENOW! SEPTEMBER SERVICES to 3 pm. Due to increase in ice Sept. 30th-- rental, the registration fee is $1.00, Manchester Anniversary 11 a.m. Players must register before playing. . only. Rev. Claude C. Gilbert, Oct. 4 Preacher. Scugog Choir assisting. I PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor--J.-H. Brown Sunday, Sept. 30th-- 9.50 a.n.--Sunday School for all ages. 11.00--"What is a Christian?" 7.00--""Are Jehovah's Witnesses Christians 7" Monday, 7 p.m.--Young People } Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. Everyone Welcome Batis, Turkey Supper Will be held in Scugog Grace Church on Wednesday, October 24. Settings at 5, 6 and 7 p.m. Advance sale of mess Jough new 63 Chen Mrs. Ray Fralick. Adults $1.60. ' : i J ... THE ONES THAT WHIPPED THE BAJA RUN . .. Bazaar and Tea TOUGHEST UNDER THE SUN...TO SHOW THE WORTH On Saturday, October 20 from 2 to £- fck JF Th OF NEW ENGINES, FRAMES AND SUSPENSIONS! tlucks EAT ey _ . Deaths | the Ascension, sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary, Port Perry Branch of the Canadian Legion. Sept. 27 AR Ae ve, a 2 nde? CH hg a 3 A a me & Joti li | AA 11 | ie SCHIERBAUM, Paul Ludwig -- Sud- $A denly on Friday, September 21, 1962. Annual Bazaar Vi 4 Poul 1. Setentis ny of RR. 4, Port The Prince Albert United Church i erry, dearly loved husband of Wil: Women will old thelr Annual. Ba- Fu Nous ¥ helmine Meyer, dear father of Laura (Mrs. Alan Evans), of Manchester.| nov. 14th at 2.30 p.m. All are cor- Service from the Chapel of McDer-| ginlly invited. } mott-Panabaker, Port Perry on Tues- 3 day, September 25, 1962. Interment } ~ Turkey Supper Kendall Cemetery, Utica. At Prince Albert United Church on Tuesday, October 23. Supper! served from 5 p.m. until all are served. Adults $1.50. Children 12 years and under, 75¢, Pre-school children Free. Oct. 18 Bake Sale, Tea % The Scout Mothers Auxiliary are holding a Bake Sale and Tea on Wed- nesday afternoon, Oct. 10th from 2.30 to 4.30 p.m. at the Scout Hall. Every- zaar in the church parlors on Wed, k Nature created the world's toughest proving ground for trucks -- the Baja (bah hah) Cali- fornia Peninsula, Mexico. It's thousand miles of tortuous trail that defies travel. Chevrolet tackled this route with a Carry- all, a L5-ton pickup with new 230 cu.-in. 6- : cylinder engine, a 3-ton pickup with new mtr 292-cu.-in. *6-cylinder engine, a medium- duty unit with refrigerated van, a medium- duty diesel tanker and a heavy-duty tandem. Rocks, ruts, washboard and washout racked the trucks from bumper to bumper. Sand, dust and rivers tried to swallow them. Hour after hour was spent in low gear at tem- perature up to 122 degrees F.. - It took 17 days to go the 1,066 miles, and not one Chevrolét truck dropped out! Each day's run was finished on schedule! Trucks that can take this kind of beating can take on your toughest truck jobs. See EA ET fren SE HAYES, Ernest -- At Calgary, Alta. "on Thursday, September 20th, 1962. Ernest Heyes, beloved husband of Caroline May Walker, dear father of Margaret (Mrs. G. H. Rainville) of Ottawa; Harold of Oshawa; Bill of Calgary; Helen (Mrs. H, M., Denton) of Richmond Hill; Douglas of Fort William; and Patrick of Toronto. Service from the Chapel of McDer- mott-Panabaker, Port Perry, on Mon- day, September 24, 1962. Interment Mount Albert Cemetery. hl : " iv these tough, quality-built '63 Chevrolet trucks ol re CARTER, Russell James -- Suddenly | one welcome. . with all their new improvements at your HK at his residence Port Perry, on Mon- Chevrolet dealer's. Optional at estra coit, EE day, September 24th, 192.6 Russell u [ : : dy James Carter, dearly loved husband Catholic Enquiry i / 5 of Janet Tweedie, dear father of Mary Vk (Mrs. S. Swetman), Clarence, Helen 4 And Study Group PEt 7 4 (Mrs. C. MacMaster), Alan, and Flor- Sometiniés the caravan crept along peal ston cid kthofs gue i ; is ence (Mrs M. Holtby). In his 76th| Weekly each Wednesday Evening at hours in low gear. There was no traffic i EYE AN QUALITY TRUCKS COST LESS 0 rer win Sins Gteg 1, ade ll nn ra tlre br A General Motors ilu re Service from the Chapel of McDer-| Peter Mous S.C.T., B.A. will discuss took 17 days to-go-1 066-hilest = pn A po i ol i -- _ mott-Panabaker, Port Perry. on Thurs-l questions-of- importance - to- -every{- = 2 A an : ons day, September 27th, at 2:00 P.M. thinking" Christian. Everyone Wel- gn A ls Interment Pine. Grove Cemetery. come. Oct. 4 Hh z : # 0 80,00 0,04 AN oN 0 Pe Pee 0 eT t ¥ When you came to a river, you Tight squeeze for the medium. n ___Chevrolet's. Tadderfype' Frames I eratures-as-hi as-122 de ---- Sree KR SIR CR RE ii Lol nk WEEK-END SPECIALS X tse A | nego t- Wet This "Baja river bot= heavy-duty units'in this gorge. Their new withstood the severest punish-" in ne desert area around Dry Lake -- Summed ihe land mR = 'em 2B tom was as rocky as the road, narrower front-ends certainly paid off. ment. Shown is the %-ton pick-" any truck that goes to' Baja has to shrug off Devon indless acon ....... What a test for new '63 Chev- Users who operate in close quarters will up with -new 292-cu.-in. *6 cyl- : $i : : 4 : rolet suspension systems! like this new.'63 feature. Inder engine, Hn ; HF & NS | Beare Motors Li it d 4 PORT PERRY . .. PHONE: 985-7351 ig % Be sure to see Bonanza on the CBC-TV network each Sunday. Chock your locat listing for channel and time. Lay