Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 20 Sep 1962, p. 1

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) & . TRY | i | > : : ] -- 1 E. = toby AP '. { a] EE =F {he day. 3 3% | LEE THE PORT PERRY >T'AR SERVING PORT PERRY, : \ ¥ : "Authorized as Second Class Mail by the Post Office Dept., Ottawa, for payment of postage in cash" BROOKLIN and SURROUNDING AREAS PORT PERRY, ONT, THURS., SEPTEMBER 20th, 1962 Married at Port Perry Baptist Church "On 'Saturday, "August 4th in in Port | was ad} in marriage % Mr. Donald Perry Baptist Church, Miss Margaret | Malcolm Elford, son of Mr. and Murs. Kathleen Pastill, daughter of Mr. and | Malcolm Elford of Port Party Mrs. Cecil Postill of Prince Albert Local Members fo Soak at Prog. Conservative Annual Meeting Prime Minister John Robarts of Ontario, Federal Minister of Labor Michael Starr, Ontario Health' Minis- Dr. Matthew Dymond and other members of the provincial cabinet " will be in Bradford, Ontario on Satur- day, September 22. for the annual meeting of the representatives of the Ontario Progressive Conservative as- sociation's central district. The Prime Minister is scheduled to address a public meeting at the Bradford com- munity .centre on Saturday afternoon as ia .climax to the, central. district annual meeting. Mr. Starr and Dr. Dymond will be speaking to delegates in the course of the sessions. The Prime Minister: and his. party are scheduled to arrive in Bradford at 11 O'clock on Saturday morning by mo- torcade at which time he will be greet ed by school children fromithe district and mayor Joseph Magani: of Brad- ford will extend an official welcome to the Prime Minister at 2 O'clock in the community centre. = The prime minister is scheduled to begin his ad- dress at 2.80 o'clock in the afternoon. Delegates from the: district's 18 pro- "vincial ridings will be in Bradford Saturday for the one day session. Meeting headquarters" will be the Bradford community centre, Dr. G. H. Campbell of Sravemville; president Gs "EI SRR of the central district is anticipating a record turnout of delegates for the Saturday meeting. A highlight of the sessions which will feature shirt sleeves workshops on organizational and promotional works as well as election of officers will be the address to delegatés by prime minister Ro- barts. The central district meeting at Bradford is one of several 'Ontario progressive "conservative association regionat meetings scheduled for the i 'next two weeks. 'Prinie Minister Ro- barts} cabinet Members and provincial association leaders have indicated they "will be attending all of these -sessions not as members of the gov- ernment but as members of the pro- gressive 'conservative party of Ont- ario with a vital stake in keeping the association vigorous and its members well informed as to party progress and programs.' The provincial ridings which: will be sending official delega- tions to the Bradford meeting are Dufferin Simcoe--Simeoe East Grey. North--Wellington 'Dufferin Grey South--York Centre Muskoka--York East Ontarfd--Yotk Humber ' Oshawa--Yoirk 'North Parry' Sound-=York Scarborough' Peel Sound--York South Simcoe, Centre--York West. .. Port Perry 'Hock Elect' 1967 63 Offi The following officers were elected 1.03 to take eare of the Minor Hockey picture in Port Perry for the 1962-68 season, badiiainn Honorary Presidents -- - Gor Master, Barry: Howey, Roger, ( Oke, Harvey Hall. - Zh President--Bud Heard! REFS 1st Vice-President Carl Luke. 1 HEE 2nd Vice-President--Carlyle MeGill. Secretary--Harry Short. = | Trfeasurer--Ross. Sweetman. Directors--Rod_ Foster, Joe Fowler, Claire Howsan, Paul Fspie, Leo' Tay, lor, Gunter.: 03 1 A Family Parly The family of ie Ed. Br ant, Suagrals, R.R. 2, gathered in a sur- prise party to honour her 79th [birth- Hy four members tS immediate family met at the! Mr, and Mrs, Earl Bryant on 8 ue 30 Sept. 9th and congratulated 'Mrs, Bryant on her longevity, Two close 'friends also Joined the party, large birthday cake centred t cheon table, "V// Halk t pikes Fr Jy LA hool Busses Divers 'of the sekool' 'BA és report that, they , are. having difficulty with lations coneerning' the ischool busses, For the sake of those who do not know, the law Bays that if you are behind. & school' bus thet, tops, you must also stop and wait until the bus starts' 'up aghin or signals that you | [pay Ba 88 it; if you are approaching a din that is pat you must slow, to 10. miles pir | our and only pass it when ho child is crossing fhe road. I Drivers say that most'of tHoke who! donot heed the regulations are local drivers. Bb : Ca | Wins |; ecial. at § CRs 'Port P Fair MALCOLM BAILEY WINS BATON SPECIAL AT PORT PE REY FAIR Congratulation 'to Malcolm Bailey, RR. 4, U bridge, on , winning the 'Eaton's of Canada Livestock Special, NRE wa naighbouss joj, withe| Thix:Specisi is given to the exhibitor the fam ily in wishing Mrs, Bryant many more happy birthdays. winning the highest number of points in the Cattle Class. 'Deople' who do not comply with regu- |. Minutes of Regular Meeting of Council of the Village of Port Perry held in the Municipal Office on Mon. day, September 10th, at 7.30 p.m./62. PRESENT---Reeve J. J. Gibson in the Chair, Deputy-Reeve R. A. Kenny, Councillors Irving Boyd, Arthur T. Cox and Bruce Beare. MINUTES of August 27, 1962 were adopted as printed on motion. Carried, Councillor Arthur T. Cox reported on Mr. Gordon Robertson taking over the Hydro Maintenance work as of September 15, 1962. REPORT on meeting with vidi Club----No action taken, Council wait- ing for official park plan. PASSING ACCOUNTS--On motion the following statement of accounts were authorized for payment: Gen, Department ............. $4,003.37 Property & Parks Dept. .... 198.31 Truck & Tractor Dept. ........ 118.66 Street Maintenance Dept... Port Perry Athletic 3,661.34 Field Dept. .ooooorennenne. 298.09 Fire Truck Account-- ~ By-Law #13567 ............ 67.27 Welfare Dept. .......ccoocunnnen. 78.09 Waterworks--New Water Tower Acct. By-Law #1349 .......... 4,915.06 Waterworks--O.W.R.C. .... 1,985.00 Waterworks Dept. .............. 289.66 Hydro-Electric Dept, .......... 2,194.68 $17,769.62 Carried LETTER from Ontario Water Re- sources Commission dated Aug. 27th, 1962--Pressure control valve in poor condition and would have to be ex- tensively repaired or replaced. This valve was the cause of the overflow- ing of the standpipe. A new valve would cost $630.00 whereas repairs to the old one would he close to $600.00. A new and more: reliable valve has been purchased. ['iled for reference. RESOLUTION---That this" €ouncil petition for the interim paymént of Statutory Grant under the Highway Improvement Act on* eéxpenditures made in the year 1962: for the period Jan. 1 to Aug. 31st. 'Carried. * STATEMENT of work performed by the Ontario 'Hydro for Port Perry Ball Club on June 11, 1962, Also a statement for August 1962. Filed for 'reference. LETTER from the Canadian Under- writers Association dated Aug. 29th, 1962, showing the results of a 3-hour acceptance test carried out by an In- 'spector of the Asosciation on a 626 Class A pumper. Filed. MEMO---37th Annual Convention of the Georgian Bay Municipal Electric Assoc, Sept. 13th and 14th, 1962. No. one able to attend. LETTER of resignation from Port Perry Fire Dept., dated August 29th, 1962, by Mr. D. A, Carnegie. RESOLUTION--That the resigna- tion of Mr. Don Carnegie, from the Port Perry Fire Dept. be accepted with regret. Carried. i The Clerk was instructed to advise Mr. D. A. Carnegie of the resolution of Council and thank him for his good gervice in the Fire Dept. during the past number 6f years. Mr.° Clive Boyd was recommended by Chief-W. G. Raines as a new mem- ber'for the Port yey Volunteer Fire Brigade, RESOLUTION --- That Mr. Clive Boyd be acepted as a probationary Volunteer Fireman; on the Port Perry Fire Bp as recomended by Chief Guy Raines as of Sept. 1st, 1962. Carried. LETTER from: Canadian Undez- writers Assoc, dated Aug. 29, $1962, re G.V.W. of pumper unit cleared up satisfactory. Filed. LETTER from The Bell Telephone Co, dated August 81, 1962, requesting permission for buried cable on Balsam Street and Bay Street, : The Clerk Was. instructed to send in {| the requested pérmission after it first being signed by the Chairman of Property. Ltd. dated September. 4, 1962, re con- |. tract for service to 'our calculating machines. Field--no _getion taken, if "ONTARIO 'Municipal Employees |i : Retirement System re letter from the Dept: of Municipal Affairs dated Sept. 4th, 1962," + Held over for sample copy of Bys Law and further particulars. i "POLICE REPORT by Chief Con- stable R, J, Cameron for month of "August, 1062. Contents noted--filed for reference. PORT PERRY COUNCIL NEWS LETTER fron General | Pribters| applications. for the position of De- puty Co-ordinator. Filed. LETTER from The Canadian Salt Company Ltd. dated Sept. 4, 1962, re prices on rock salt: Fine---In bulk $10.90 per ton delivered In 100 1b. bags $16.30 per ton delivered Coarse--In bulk $12.40 per fon delivered . In 100 1b. bags $17.80 per ton delivered The Clerk was instructed: to order 400 yards of sand and the required amount of salt through the County of Ontario, attention of Mr. R. E. Sim LETTER from W. A. Twelvetices re meeting of Ontario County Muni- cipal Roads Association Wednesday, September 12, 1962, at 12.00 noon at Hotel, Uxbridge. It was decided that Reeve J. J. Gib- son and the Road Foreman Clair Me- Nenly attend the Road Conference on Wednesday, September 12th, Mrs. Mary McMillan would like the trees trimmed i in front of her property "This matter was left for the atten- tion of Councillor Irving Boyd. MEMO -- Assessment Roll by As- sessor. The Clerk reported that the Assessment Roll for 1963 taxes is be- ing prepared and that the Assessment Notices will be sent out within the next couple of weeks. LETTER from Mr. | dated September 7, 1062, ment of assessment. The, Clerk was instructed to prepare the necessary adjustment of assess. ment for the next regular meeting. LETTER from Mr. W. R. Alchin, dated September 7, 1962. "I"wish to commend the Port Perry Police Department on their prompt and efficient action on the night of September 2, 1962, when our home was entered," Filed. LETTER from the Bell Telephone Co., dated Sept. 4, 1962, requesting permission for construction work to provide telephone service on Paxton Streét west of Rosa Street. Permission granted. MEMO--Mr. Bill Harper and Mr. Vipny Walker of minor softball would lie the use of "tht .Court Room fn] September 13, 1962; at 8 p.m. The Clerk was to advise Mr. Harper that the Courtroom .is available fo their meeting at the usual rental of $4.00, or that the Council Room may be obtained at a rental of $2.00. SALE of Planks from Old Water I. Toombs, re adjust- Tank--2" x 10" x 16" -- price $2.00 each. WATER SERVICE of My. Merlin Dowson, Queen Street, discussed-- Left for the attention of the Chair- man of the Waterworks Dept, ADJOURN--On motion Council ad- journed until the next regular meet- ing of Monday, Sept. 24th, 1962, at 7.30 p.m. Carried. Port Perry Fi igure Skating Club h The, Port Perry Figure Skating Club | | opens the season on or about Nov. 1. Skating sessions will be under the capable direction of the Club Pro, Mr. John Wilde. We are also having our Candy Sale in October. Watch for date. The 1961-62 executive would like to thank all persons for interest and help | in the club for over the past year,| for without your help this club would not be such an asset to our community. A general meeting will be held in| the 'Municipal Building on Tuesday, | September 25th, at 8:00 p.m. At that time you will be able to present questions about the club oper- ations for 1962-63, or if you have any suggestions please bring them forward at this meeting. .The Executive for the new season will also be elected at this meeting. Please try to attend. The Executive of P.P.F.S.C. "Fire Call 'Friday Evening ithe local Fire Brigade were called out about 10.30 on Friday evening iof last week when fire: was discovered in" the front seat of al car owned by Harry Heyes, Scugog, Street. The car was parked. beside the kouse at the time and Mrs. Heyes dis- covered the fire when she put the LETTER from Mr, F. 8. Wotton re milk bottle out before retiring. Extensive Damage Results from Freak Storm A sudden storm with high velocity winds caused considerable damage, in many homes and business places, when a large' limb was torn "from a tree néar the Home Of Mrs. Gray on Water Street. The lead in wires for the 'hydro were torn aday from the house, broke off insulator from the pole and carried down' othér wires which came in contact with the high voltage wires. "This sent a surge of extra high voltage through the wires and burned out' practically every ap- plinnce and light" which happened to be on at the tine. In fact some things like TV dets which were only plugged in and nat Switched on were also affected. a Many reports of burned.out appli- ances, TV sets, radios, furnace motors, refrigerator motors ete., have caused a good deal of inconvenience as well ng expense in certain sections of the town. The storm which came up very sud- denly, lasted only a few mimites but with such high winds that a number of branches were taken down, and no doubt other minor damages resulted. Women's Hospital Auxiliary Following the summer vacation the Auxiliary held its first meeting of the season on Monday afternoon, Sept. 17th, at the home of the President, Mrs. M. B. Dymond. Prior to the meeting the ladies spent a most en- joyable hour as hineheon guests of Mrs. Dymond. : : The most recent major project of the Auxiliary was the "purchase of an clectrocardiograph, which has now been in use for about three months. This hag already heen a boon to the medical staff and the patients who have needed an, electracardiogram. | Prior to the purchase of this machine it was necessary to either go to Osh-! awa for this service, or have a doctor come from Oshawa, which was quite | costly to the patient. This service is now free to hospitalized patients who have Ontario Hospital coverage. This piece of equipment cost the Auxiliary $960, so once Again our funds are very low. "3 | On National Hospital Day, in May | last, a tea was held at the home -of | Mrs. M. B. Dymond, the proceeds from ' which amounted to $82.60. The bake sale held last June in| lieu of the Penny Draw held in former years as our summer project) was a | disappointment and netted us very little, However, we wish to thank the individuals and organizations who | did contribute to this sale. + Last April the Auxiliary decided to] give each baby born at our hospital | a pair of hand-knitted bootees. Up | to the present we have given fifty- two new arrivals a pair of these hoo- | tecs. We hope no one.was overlooked, | hut should this happen we would re. quest that the mother or a friend let us know and the hootees will be mail- ! {ed without delay. The Auxiliary funds are at a very low ebb and considerable time was spent discussing ways and means of | _ raising funds. In the near future' we shall have to have a money-rais- ing project, and we shall need the | support of every adult in the com- munity. As we have stated on sev- eral occasions the Government grant " does Tot cover new equipment such ! as electricardiographs, X-Ray mach. | ines, etcetera, and there are many | ways to spend wisely. all the money | we can raise, | ' . | The following contributions are ac- knowledged with thanks: Maybelle Rebekah Lodge .......$26.00 Blue Ray Chapter, Order. 3 of the Eastern Star ............ 26.00 Murs, Olive OrmistonsRaglan: 26.004 Mys. Spurr Port: Perry wees 5.001, Honeyddlé Women's AER ¢ Institute ..oiivoininn, 10.00 | Maybelle Rebekah Lodge Grace United Church, Seugog #8. 80 : Mrs, Neil Maleolm = a Blackstock iin. Lente, B00 , O.N.O. Club, Blackstock ........ 95.00 Blackstock Women's INStHULe cnninirissmiimnnnie 26.00 evening, September 15 Single Copy 7¢ $2.60 Per Year, Softball Association Elect New Executive Thursday, Sept. 13 another big step was taken into the world of Softball when a group of local men met at the Municipal Office and formed the Port Perry and District Minor Association. ' The past season saw no less than Five 0.A.S.A. teams from Port Perry take part in the Ontario Play-offs. This was a big boost to softball in] this aren and warranted an executive to control and promote even clubs next year, The following Executive has been appointed for the 1963 season. more Softball | President -- Carl Luke. Mr. Boothman, The next meeting of the Association Twill be held on Sunday, Oct. 14th, at 7:30 p.m. in the Arena. A constitution will be drawn up at this time. All softball minded pedple are asked to attend. Port Perry "Merchants" Form 1963 Executi The 1962 softball teams were concerned and already plans are being made for the 1963 season, The first step was the for- mation of the 1963 "Merchants" exe- cutive which now consists of the fol- | lowing officers: Past President---Ken Jackson President -- Rodd Foster Vice-President --Garnet Warriner Secretary --Carl Luke Treasurer --Mike Oke Manager--Bill Cornish Coacli--Bill Harper Team Captain--Jack Owen The new executive along with the "Merchants" players would like to express their sincere gratitude to the immediate past president of the team | Mr. Ken Jackson for his many years of service to the ball club. Ken was Anniversaries Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kerry. enter tained about 30 guests on Saturday on the og¢easjong of their two daughters wedding annj- versagigs. My. and, Mrs, Allan Walsh of Port Perry (Ibhyrs.) and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fisher of Ashburn (20 yrs.) both in September. The two couples were each presented with a beautiful -table lamp and other gifts. "A lovely decorated cake centered the buffet table. Guests were from Port Perry, Epsom, Utica, Ashburn; Whithy and Uxbridge. Skating Champ to Visit Uxbridge Beverly Bower, young Mimico girl who is North American Roller Skat- ing champion, the Uxbridge arena on | September 22nd. Saturday. Miss Bower has been chosen to rep- | resent Canada at the World competi- | tions in Australia in October and any | monies realized from personal appear- ances prior to that time will go to- ward financing her trip. At the arena there in addition to ! Miss Bower will be other solo and pairs performances as well as comedy acts, Mr, and Mis. Ted Jenkins, pro fessionals, will be among those par- ticipating. READY FOR ANOTHER YEAR After. a brief Tommy' Huntér and his regular sup porting cast, The Rhythm Fals, Al; \\ Harrig and Wally Traugott, are back | to their five-a-week schedule of pro- grams on the CBC Trans-Canada season came to a close last week as far as Port Perry | five and a tireless pro- and an inspired leader moter of softball in Port Perry { the "Merchants" that Ken saw fit to retire from the presidency of the club due to busi- ness commitments, In addition to his many and various contributions to the {ball club, he was one of the instiga- tors of the new lakefront ball park, again Ken on your tremendous contribution to softball in Port Perry. S00 once congratulations The annual "Merchants" Ball Club {Thanksgiving Dance will be held this | year on Sat., Oct. 13th in the new | Port Perry Legion Hall. The team hope that everyone who has support- | ed these dances in past years will ing of dancing to "Chuck Cochrane" | and his orchestra on Saturday night, Oct. 13th. See you at the Dance! Ladies Auxiliary 'Canadian Legion The Ladle Auxiliary of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 419 held their first fall meeting on Sept. 11. The .usual-opening ceremonies were fol- special meeting of Aug. 28, and the financial statement. Correspondence their meeting and social evening on October 16th. . In 'memory of the late Cmde. Staple there was a minute's silence, and the Charter was draped by the President, Cmde. Warren. Cmdes. Monahan and MeNenly were will be performing at sumnier © vacation, | named as delegates to the Provincial Convention in Niagara Falls later this month. tend the Convention on Sept. 26, the bus leaving the Flamingo Restaurant about 7:30 a.m a ' The Auxiliary agreed to cater to a on Sept 29th, with Cmdes. Fines and Spears as convenors. It was moved that one dozen trays and other kitchen utensils be "pur chased before that date. Details of the (annual bazaar were discussed. The "bazaar will take place on Oct. 20th in Parish Hall of the Anglican Church. wedding supper It was decided that there will be no meeting on Sept. 26th as many of the members will be going to the con- vention the next day. The meeting closed with the sing- ing of the "Queen" of the Colours. , radio network. From this O¢tober, Tommy and the boys switch to a new "format with programs on Monday, 'ednesday and Friday. Special guests will be on hand each Monday and Friday, while Wednesday will be devoted to country and western music. SS ---- poesia ss SEL Sh A mt pm a a. at $= 1st Vice-President -- Don Cochrane. 2nd Vice-President Jim Irvine. Treasurer--- Elmer Lee. Secretary--Vin Walker. Directors---Len Clark, Bill Harper, "Rodd Foster, Norm Powell, Hary Short, Tod Becker, Don Hurst, "team deeply regret come out for another enjoyable even- lowed by-the roll call, minutes of the included an invitation from the Aux- ilinry of the Oshawa Branch to attend Several members will also at- and the retiring

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