SE A Ladies Monday Night Bowling LEAGUE SCHEDULE FIRST SECTION September 17th-- Bowling on Sept. 17th to establish handicaps. September 24th-- 1-2 Beans vs, Carrots Peppers vs, Parsnips 3-4 Onions vs. Radishes Beets vs. Cucumbers 6-6 Turnips vs. Cabbages Potatoes vs.- Peas October 1st-- 1-2 Turnips vs. Radishes Potatoes vs, Cucumbers 3-4 Beans vs. Cabbages Peppers vs. Peas 6-6 Onions vs. Carrots Beets vs. Parsnips October 15th-- 1-2 Onions vs. Cabbages Beets vs, Peas. ' 3-4 Turnips vs, Carrots Potatoes vs. Parsnips 6-6 Beans vs. Radishes Peppers vs. Cucumbers October 22nd-- 1-2 Beans vs. Parsnips oy Peppers vs. Carrots \ 3-4 Onions vs. Cucumbers Beets vs. Radishes 5-6 Turnips vs. Peas Potatoes vs. Cabbages October 29th-- 1-2 Turnips vs. Cucumbers Potatoes vs. Radishes 3-4 Beans vs, Peas Peppers vs. Cabbages November 12th 1.2 3-4 5-6 Beans vs. Potatoes Peas vs. Carrots Beets vs, Peppers Cabbages vs. Radishes Turnips vs. Onions Parsnips vs. Cucumbers November 19th-- 1-2 3-4 6-6 Turnips vs. Beets Parsnips vs. Radishes Beans vs, Onions Peas vs. Cucumbers Potatoes vs, Peppers Carrots vs. Cabbages November 26th-- 1-2 3-4 6-6 Onions vs. Potatoes Cucumbers vs. Carrots Turnips vs. Peppers Parsnips va.- Cabbages Beans vs. Beets Peas vs, Radishes December 3rd-- 1-2 3-4 6-6 Beans vs. Peppers Peas vs. Cabbages Potatoes vs. Turnips Carrots vs, Parsnips Onions vs, Beets Cucumbers vs. Radishes December 10th-- 1-2 3-4 6-6 Peppers vs. Onions Cabbages vs. Cucumbers Beets vs. Potatoes Carrots vs. Radishes Beans vs. Turnips Peas vs. Parsnips December 17th -- TURKEY ROLL 1-2 3-4 5-6 Turnips vs. Beets Parsnips vs. Radishes Beans vs. Onions Peas vs. Cucumbers Peppers vs. Potatoes Cabbages vs. Carrots --X-- Teams for Monday Night Bowling League 5-6-- Onions vs,-Parsnips ~~ Beets vs. Carrots ~ November 5th-- 1-2 Onions vs. Peas Beets vs. Cabbages 38-4 Turnips vs. Parsnips Potatoes vs. Carrots 5-6 Beans vs. Cucumbers Peppers vs. Radishes Joyce Emmerson 'Beans Lorraine Raines Eleanor 'Shaw Anne Dowson ~ Onions Jean Leroux Georgina Espie Clara Lown Bert Mason Doris Pargeter Marg. Warren Joan Bagg Gladys Lane Peppers Beets Teresa Hall Marg. Sweetman Jessie Cooke Leona Tripp Barbara Coates Norman Jakeman Flo Davey Ethel Hutchinson Mickey Mahaffy Evelyn Maynard Thelma Rowland Peas Cucumbers Elsie Pogue Doris Healey Elma Vernon Beryl Bond Norinne Blair Doris Williams Cabbages Marg. Hayes Ella Dickinson Clara Whitter Joan Godley Stella St. John Radishes Edna DeShane Diane Sallows Jessie Goode Marie Real Jean Hadley Wanda Durham Georgina Raines Turnips Potatoes Marion Lawrence Mary Amell Audrey Chapman Olive Harrison Reta Underhay Katy Roy Joan Scott Dorothea Koch Dorothy McLean Olive Cox Joyce Storrey Norinne Tease Parsnips Marg. Eden Mary Jean Till Doris Hulcoop Lil Moore Della Howsam Yvonne Edgar Ladies Wednesday Night Bowling Team Standings-- Jets ...... VLAN NT 6 Lancasters .......o.ceiininnanne North Stars .. Helicopters .... Flyers ........ : Mustangs .. Bombers ........ Kittyhawks .... Mosquitoes .. Carrots Grace Hastings Margaret Burnett Alice Cook Marj. Burnett Lola Wilson Over 210 Singles-- M. St. John--341, 242; A. Snooks --288; B. Oke -- 262; G. Hastings-- 217; J. Armstrong--231, 270; M. Gra- ham -- 222; J. McLaughlin -- 214, G. Thompson--219; B, Collins--212, 228; R. Short -- 219; G. Tassel -- 216; 8S. Brignall -- 214; J. Ballard -- 240; M. Doupe -- 226; H. Weeden -- 241; N. Howsam -- 210; K. Harper -- 210; I. Lewis--212; R. Moore--219; R. Coop- er--232; M. Wallace--282; D. Taylor -- 222, High Single-- M. Ste John--341 High Triple-- M. St. John--1766 Men's Thursday Night Bowling FIRST HALF Sept. 27th--First Week 7.00 p.m. 1-2 Stars - Black Jacks 3-4 Goofers - Archers 6-6 Head Pins - Bill's Ref. ; .9.00 pm. 1-2 Legionaires - Blow Kings 3-4 DeLuxe - Whiz Bangs 6-6 Carnegie - Meteors October 4th--Second Week 7.00 p.m, 1-2 Whiz Bangs - Head Pins 3-4 DeLuxe - Blow Kings 65-6 Legionaires - Meteors 9.00 p.m. 1-2 Archers - Carnegie 3-4 Bill's Ref. - Stars 6-6 Black Jacks - Goofers October 11th--Third Week 7.00 p.m. 1-2 Bill's Ref, - Black Jacks 3-4 Goofers - Carnegie 6-6 Blow Kings - Whiz Bangs 9.00 p.m. 1-2 DeLuxe - Legionaires 3-4 1-2 3-4 5-6 -- 5G Stars - Head Pins Meteors - Archers October 18th--Fourth Week 7.00 p.m, Carnegie - Stars Archers - Legionaires Meteors - Goofers 9.00 p.m. Faye Dowson This Week- End--Wed. - Sat., Sept. 12 - 15 SOLO | TIDE KING $ SIZE MARGARINE 1 1b Pkgs. 2 - 4c. at your CARLOAD Store Prince Albert, Ontario 1.93 SHIRRIFFS Instant MASHED POTATOES 6 oz. Pkg. 29¢. (61 [0] (6 2,4 | A) BS CANADA'S FINEST Round or Rump ' STEAK or ROAST ..... 89 Ih HILLCREST -- Sweet Mixed 16 oz. Jar PICKLES MAPLE LEAF Smoked Midget 2-31b 'Av. Wt, LOIN ROLLS ......... 67" 25¢. E. D. SMITHS STRAWBERRY JA APLE LEAF 1b Platter Pac SAUSAGE .............. 5 9 oz. Jar MAPLE LEAF BIG 8's WIENERS fai A 95/ 10 oz. Pkg. STORE H Daily 8.30 to 9 pm. | BACK BACON ......... 43 PLENTY of PARKING SPACE ' FREE DELIVERY DON'T CARRY HEAVY MAPLE LEAF SLICED BOLOGNA ..... ---- a FOOD PARCELS ~FHONE, 985-2492 ph CRISCO - 9 OFF 3m Tin $100 BALLET TOILET TISSUE 2 rolls 2c. TD || FOOD MARKILTS Prince Albert 2¢ OFF 1-2 Black Jacks - Whiz Bangs 3-4 Bill's Ref. - DeLuxe 65-6 Blow Kings - Head Pins October 25th--Fifth Week 7.00 p.m. 1-2 Stars - Goofers 3-4 Whiz Bangs - Bill's Ref. 5-6 DeLuxe - Head Pins 9.00 pm. 3-4 Black Jacks - Archers 6-6 Legionaires - Carnegie November 1st--Sixth Week 7.00 p.m 1-2 Archers - DeLuxe 3-4 Blow Kings - Carnegie 6-6 Black -Jacks - Legionaires 9.00 p.m. 1-2 Head Pins - Meteors 3-4 Bill's Ref. - Goofers 6-6 Whiz Bangs - Stars Nov. 8th--Seventh Week 7.00 p.m. . 1-2 Black Jacks - Blow Kings 8-4 Meteors - Whiz Bangs 5-6 Archers - Stars 9.00 pm. 1-2 Carnegie - DeLuxe 3-4 Head Pins - Goofers 65-6 Bill's Ref. - Legionaires Nov. 15th--Eighth Week 7.00 p.m. 1-2 Goofers - Whiz Bangs 3-4 Legionaires - Head Pins 65-6. DeLuxe - Stars 9.00 p.m. 1-2 Meteors - Bill's Ref. 3-4 Carnegie - Black Jacks 6-6 Archers - Blow Kings Nov. 22nd--Ninth Week 7.00 pm. 1-2 Head Pins - Archers 3-4 Black Jacks - Meteors 6-6 Bill's Ref. - Carnegie 3 9.00 p.m. 1-2 Stars - Blow Kings 83-4 Whiz Bangs - Legionaires 5-6 Goofers - DeLuxe Nov. 29th--Tenth Week a, 1.00 p.m, 1-2 Meteors - DeLuxe . 8-4 Stars - Legionaires 5-6 Goofers - Blow Kings 9.00 p.m. 1-2 Bill's Ref. - Archers 3-4 Head Ping - Black Jacks 6-6 Carnégie - Whiz Bangs 'Dec. 6th=Eleventh- Week -- ! 7.00 p.m. 1.2 Blow Kings - Bill's Ref. 8-4 Head Pins - Carnegie 5-6 Whiz Bangs - Archers 9.00 p.m. 1-2 Goofers + Legionaires , 8-4 Meteors + Stars 65-6 DeLuxe - Black Jacks DECEMBER 13th TURKEY ROLL 1-2 Blow Kings - Meteors ~~ Scugog News (continued from page four) Mrs. Barry's reading was "Speak Out for Jesus". During the businesg discussion it was decided to put 2 aluminum com- bination windows on the tea-room. It was learned that our 6 bake sales during the summer had brought returns of $186.18. Now we are going to prove our cour- age in providing a turkey supper for 160 people on Wed., Sept. 26th at the Head Tea-Room. There will be threo settings at 6, 6 and 7 p.m. As this is a new venture and we are a small group, we shall appre- ciate assistance from all- ladies of the Head even if you are not a mem- ber but are interested in the United Church and its work. If this is a success, we shall probably try a big- ger one next year. The b efficient group leaders are organizing it but all the ladies will have tickets. We trust you will plan to get yours early so you will not be disappointed. While lunch was being prepared Reta Reader showed slides of Gettys- burg, Washington, D.C. and High School Field Day. Then there were slides of the eastern trip made by Joyce and Alvin Heayn with their daughters. This took us to Cornwall, various spots on the St. Lawrence, Reversing Falls in N.B. and the causeway to Cape Breton Island. The lunch was buffet style whero |} we were given a great variety for the |§ making of our own sandwiches. Helen and Clifford Redman had a|#¥ restful holiday for 2 or 3 days when |§ they took their 2 little boys with §& them to Young's Point on Stoney Lake # Marmora as!¥ and Crow Lake near Helen spent her youth in this district, she knows all the best spots and loves : to return as often as possible. Mr. and Mus, Hugh Jones of Springbrook |¥ also near Marmora were nble to visit | § the Island and renew their friendship with Helen & Cliff. ES Reminders about your ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE KEEP INSURED! Separate premiums are required for your insurance from now on. Obtain application form at a bank, a hos. pital or the Commission. KEEP INSURED! The Family premium must be pel to cover husband i ell your " and wife, group OR, if you pa r premiums direcy, notify th mmission. >" Getting Married? KEEP INSURED! Follow carefully the instructions on the back of the Certificate of Payment Form 104, which your employer is required to give you. ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION 2195 YONGE STREET, TORONTO 7, ONTARIO Always keep your Hospital Insurance Certificate handy. OAASARARA II AASSABRARANANRAASAARSAAARA AANA, Rs WANTED eo HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR eo OLD COINS, MEDALS, HISTORICAL BOOKS, ATLASES, ETC. a complete line of Coin Collector Supplies, Coins, Reference Books, ete. WILL PAY $25.00 AND UP FOR CANADIAN GOLD COINS ~~ > TST We carry Apply ~~ Bluebird " Pexato 1 1/4 Mile N. of Manchester on 12 Hwy. $ a a A SH SN RN Ne AWBROCIK DE PAR TMENT 36"er with side slits collar and pockets . Styled by IRVING Winter Coals Posluns 8-10-12 i. Debs. - Ladies Some of 1 oo most atiradtive and effective baffles, between you. and the weather, yet devised wool laminated fo foam for weightless warmth + « « all quilt lined for added insulation. Left to right: Double-breasted coat with black BORG collar. Smart fingertip length. ....ccuviiiinns 36"er with brass-buckled pockets. oni to FR PRT TT TL CCL TL TL PERCU ELLE Girls sizes - $24.95 $21.95 - 520.95 ~ $29.95, 10 to 14X STORE "Charming Chill - Chasers in WOOL LAMINATE Styled by IRVING POSLUNS «+ o rich, textured carerennes and ralsed seam trim on POSLUNS from Boys All Wool Sport Coat $12.95 | ° Men's Special ° ~All Wool Sport Coat and Dura-Press Pants to $30.95 match $43.89 PORT PERRY PHONE: 985 2521 rt, Sa A AT