oe oo | : . 3 x 2 vie 4 h . , . (SEORBEIRMFIN ASAT ANI tw bn vbr wih aban pic ~ ; 'THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURS., SEPTEMBER 13th, 1962 -- kindness, THE CHURCHES ANGLICAN CHURCH -- CHURCH OF ASCENSION Rev. E. W. Fuller, B.A., B.D., S.T.M. Sunday, Sept. 16th-- 11.30 a.m.--Holy Communion 5 PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. S. Linstead, B.A., Minister Sunday, Sept. 16th-- 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.--Jr. Sunday School 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship ( ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. H. M. Buntain, B.A., Minister Sunday, Sept. 16th-- 10 a.m.--Church Service 11 a.m.--Sunday School 5 "The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE Rev, C. C, Gilbert, B.D. SEPTEMBER SERVICES Sept. 16th-- Mr. Lawrence Wagar at all appointments Sept. 23rd-- Prospect Anniversary. Rev. Dr. Crossley Hunter. 11 a.m. only. Mr. Larry Johnson Soloist. Sept. 30th-- Manchester Anniversary 11 a.m. only. Rev. Claude C. Gilbert, Preacher. Scugog Choir assisting. i PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor--J. H. Brown Sunday, Sept. 16th-- 9:50 a. m. --Sunday School for all ages. 11.00 a.m.--Rev. Phil Brown Missionary to South America. 7.00 p.m.--""What You Need!" Monday, 7 p.m.-- Young People Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. -- Everyone Welcome -- f Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McLaughlin, Union Ave., Port Perry, entertained Mrs. McLaughlin's sister and her hus- band, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Beals, of Largo, Florida, who were visiting with them for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Beals also called upon many old friends of Mrs. Beal in Port Perry and vicinity. Card of Thanks We the family of the late Herman | Melrose Pascoe; wish, to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our many friends, relatives, and neighbours for their many acts of butes; also to the McDermott-Pana- baker Funeral Home and Rev. Lin- stead for their thoughtfulness during our bereavement. Wife Dorothy and family. 'Births HOLTBY--Tot and Murray Holtby are happy to announce the birth of a daughter on Monday, Sept..-10th, at the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry. A sister for Barbara, Mary Lynn and Roger. LITT -- Mr. and Mrs. R. Litt an- nounce the birth of a daughter, Mar- garet Dianne, at Owen Sound on Thursday, August 30th, 1962; a sister for David, Andrew and Paul. CORRECTION-- Engagement Mr. and Mrs. James Philip announce the engagement of their daughter Kathleen Ann Marie to LAC Donald H. Sooley of R.C.A.F., Uplands, son of Mr. H. Sooley and the late Mrs. Sooley of Heart's Delight, Newfound- land. The marriage to take place in the Church of Ascension Port Perry at 2 p.m., October 6th. Deaths DOYLE, John Henry--At the Port Perry Comunity Hospital on Satur- day, Sept. 8, 1962, John Henry Doyle, beloved husband of Elsie Woods and dear father of John of Nestleton, Margaret (Mrs. F. Brass), Dorothy (Mrs. L. Liberty) and Patricia (Mrs. R. Mahew) of Richmond Hill, Chris- tina (Mrs. H. Snodden),' Port Perry and Lois (Mrs. Edward Lemiere) of Nestleton, in his 63rd year. Service from the Chapel of McDermott- Panabaker, Port Perry on Tuesday, Sept. 11th. Interment Nestleton Cemetery. HEAYN, Robert Gordon -- At the Community Hospital, Port Perry on Friday, Sept. 7th, 1962, Robert Gor. don Heayn, dearly loved-husband of | Stella Marsden, dear father of Ro- bert and Carol (Mrs, D.. Southwell) of Oshawa, loving son of Mrs. Delila Heayn, dear brother of Earl, Cecil, Norman and the late Charles and Mrs, A. Crawford, in his 70th year. Service from the Chapel of Me- Dermott-Panabaker, Port Perry, on Monday, Sept. 10th. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery. be held on Sat., sympathy, and floral tri-| -- Coming Events | "The Hat Box" Presented in the Port Perry United Church on Wednesday, September 19, at 2.30 p.m. and at 8 p.m. Refresh- ments and favours. Admission: 50¢ Sponsored by Group 7, U.C.W. or- ganization. Sept. 13 Films Ladies are invited to see two cancer films "Time and Two Women" and "Breast Self Examination" on Fri- day, Sept. 14th at 8.30 p.m. in Black- stock Recreational Centre. Dr. Matthew Dymond will be present to answer questions. A collection will be taken for the Cancer Society. Softhall Notice Any person interested in forming a Minor Softball Committee, are asked to be present at an open meeting to be held at the Municipal Office in Port Perry on Thursday, Sept. 13, at 8 p.m. The purpose of this meeting is to form an association to develop and promote minor softball in Port Perry and District. Bus Trip Bus Trip to Buffalo via Niagara Falls, Thanksgiving Day, October 8th. Phone 985-2598 or 2304. Bazaar The Annual Christmas Bazaar will November 24th, 1962 at the Church of the Ascension, Port Perry. Thank You! The H. W. Gossard Co., Port Perry division, would like to thank the people of Port Perry and district for attending their Open House, with special mention to J. J. Gibson for drawing the lucky number won by Mrs. Rose Willoughby, Alma St., Port Perry, also the Eleanor's Flowers for bY | 5 | PEASE NS y= ¥ eo SERED REE TARA A FEY MARE ER Vacation Time Over The Scout Mothers are resuming their regular monthly meetings, the | first to be held Monday, Sept. 17th at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Gwen Taylor, Shanley St. All mothers of Scouts and cubs are invited to attend Notice I wish to thank my customers for their patronage during the past years and to inform them that I will be attending O.E.C. from Sept. 18 to the middle of May so will be able to do electrical service work on the week- ends only. Allan Walsh, Anniversary al Rummage Sale The Church of ge Ascension Even. ing Guild is holding a Rummage Sale on Saturday, September 29th at the Farish Hall. Time 2 p.m.; Sept. 27 Guide Mothers The September Meeting of the Guide Mothers will be held in the form of a Tupperware 'Party on September 26th at 8 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Audrey Hall. Sept. 20 In Memoriam ASHTON--In loving memory of a dear son and brother Bruce Ashton who passed away Sept. 16th, 1961. Memories are like threads of gold, They never tarnish or grow old, And when old times we do recall That's when we miss him most of all. Sadly missed by Mother, Service Sept. 23rd at 2.30 p.m. Minister Mr. Nelson K. LeGrow, B.A. Special Music by Prospect Choir, Mrs. Byron Holtby, pianist. Sept. 20 Turkey Supper In Utica Community Hall on Sat., September 29th from 5 p.m. until all are served. Admission Adults $1.50, Children 12 and under 75c. Pre- school children Free. Mrs. A. Handel, U.C.W. President. Sept. 27 At Home Mr. and Mrs. George Leach wil) be at home to their friends, neigh- bours and relatives on Saturday, Sept 22nd from 2 until 5 in the afternqon, anniversary. Turkey Supper At the Scugog Head Tea Room on Wednesday, Sept. 26th, Settings at 5, 6 and 7 p.m. 150 tickets available, any lady at the Head. Adults $1.50, School Children 12 and under 76c. their beautiful floral bouquet. Sept. 20 Rest "assured A bedroom. in| extension "comfort Sausage .......~.... 3 Ibs. for $1.00 ~ FREE DELIVERY AT 11.00 "Phone 985-2562 ov a 0 ND = » = a ad = a a = = ® ---- a Su e < * -- ® @ 2 \ * HERE ARE * 5 Good eye opening Re WHY YOU'LL LIKE US$Y- Well trained, courteous delivery men, Won't you consider us? WHEN LOOKING FOR A GOOD RELIABLE "Fuel 0il Dealer" ~ LOOK TO -- REESOR FUEL & LUMBER 'PHONE 985-7951. At Utica United Church on Sunday, | on-the occasion-of their-26th-wedding | 4 -ing from First Corinthians. sisters and brothers In Memoriam ESPIE -- In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Bruce John Espie, who passed away Sept, 17th, 1961, We little knew when we woke that morn The sorrow the day would bring; For the call was sudden, the shock severe, To part with oné we loved so dear. Sadly missed by mom and dad, Karel and Jack, Paul and Geraldine In Memoriam ESPIE--In loving memory of our dear father Bruce John Espie, who passed away Sept. 17th, 1961. Please God, forgive a silent tear, A fervent wish our Dad was here. There are others, yes, we know, But he was ours, we loved him so, Dear God, take a message To our father in heaven above, Tell him how we miss him And give him all our love, Sadly missed by Linda, Dianne, Robert, Arlene and Ronald. In Memoriam ESPIE--In loving memory of my dear husband, Bruce John Espie, who passed away suddenly Sept. 17, 1961. He bade no one. his last farewell, He said good-by to none, The heavenly gates were opened, A loving voice said "Come", "The things you used to say; I wonder why you had to die Without a chance to say good-by. Though out of sight, you're ever Still missed, loved, still mine: You will live with me in memory Until the end of time. Sadly missed by wife Georgina. Scugog The Head U.C.W. met at the home of Irene Carter on Wednesday even- ing. We were pleased to have Rev. & Mrs. Gilbert in their first full meet- ing with us. - Seventeen members were present. The worship period centred around ary work around Corinth. The meet- ing began with a mission hymn and Rev. Gilbert's introductory prayer. Mrs. Barry chose the Scripture Read- Irene Redman read a very interesting story entitled, "The Seller of Purple". Our interest was roused by an incident dear to our hearts:--personal family photos and our re-action to them, * Grandma I often sit and think of you, TT the teachings of Paul and "his mission. | her. The first depicted the business woman. The second showed a differ- ent expression in the religious wo- man. In the third we could visualize a woman hungry in mind and heart. The fourth and best picture clearly presented Lydia as the changed wo- man, Dorothy Martyn conducted the Bible Study on the 'Church in Corinth' as this followed the gift of the Holy Spirit. The main mesage here from Paul was "Never be Discouraged". At this point the meeting swung into a lighter vein and appropriate for the beginning of Sept. Elsic An- gus had a reading entitled, "Young returns to School". It showed the courage of a woman who picked up the threads of her life and continued her development and inci- dentally found many new joys. Dorothy Martyn gave us the pri- vilege of writing down 5 things we really wanted. Then we had the task of guessing who made these wishes. We found they covered a wide range from material possessions, travel, wisdom, peace of mind, a 16 yr. old son to a husband who tidies up after himself, The Roll Call was to recall an in- Then we were drawn on to consider cident in our first day at school. Lydia and 4 pictures we could see of | With some these distant days were very vague. Perhaps "Rev. Gilbert had the most vivid and interesting recol | lection. Also at this time the hospi- tal bootees were handed in, 24 pr. with more still not completed. This means we have contributed about 48 | pr. Now we are going to rest and let some other organizations get in on a share of this project. (Continued on Page Five) Southwind in Beford you buy anything else, come and see this revolutionary new oil furnace. It's smaller -- it's quieter --it's morp efficient -- it COSTS LESS. up TO 60 - MONTHS, Low Interest Financing PHONE 985-2491 Sept. 27/62 BURNFIELD and BALLARD We have the NEW 'White :: PORT PERRY | You'd be Now...only sitting pretty with ELECTRIG HEAT Typical electric heatirg costs for a 6 room home: A year aga, . . $200.00 and well worth it. More good news about the cleanest, quietest, safest, most precise, most comfortable form of home heating ever devised. EW has been reduced, this time hy 27% \ : rerio reduction in the past year of aU Su600 To be sure of proper installation, with insulation to Hydro standards, call a qualified electric heating contractor or ~~ ELECTRIC You can now enjoy the many outstanding advan- tages of complete electric home heating for no more than it costs to heat your home with oil or gas, - W. E. LANG HEARING CONSULTANT If you do Mr. W. E, Lang, fp to the hardol Lin ot hear as well as you formerly did, - DON'T put off . seeking qualified advice! DO have _your 'hearing checked scientifically. REMEMBER that mo- d hearing aids ars mare efficient Hien ever... are extremely inconspicuous some are even invisible!) . . . and that thousands of people toda pier because of them! iy yiare hon: EATON'S Hearin Consulta t, wi 'metrically . . . and rec § nt, will test your hearing audio particular problem. Private: consultation room. You may telephone your battery requirements. You are protected by EATON'S stead fast tee: ORY OR MONEY REFUNDED. Fura jk ommend the hearing aid that is best suited to YOUR on I GOODS SATISFACT- PHONE 985-7363 TODAY, FOR AN APPOINTMENT EATON'S HEARING AND OPTICAL DEPARTMENT, UPPER LEVEL EATON'S TELEPHONE ORDER SERVICE OPEN MONDAY TO SATURDAY, 8.30 am. to 6 pm, FRIDAY 8.30 am. to 9 p.m. y y ¥ ----- -