~ simy RE Fae Leg iE igh 4 ! : ; 8 ar 3 aid Vy . $ ¥ > / . er F ; ET FSW HE Lota LF » EES, F $ & HE PORT PERRY STA THURS., SEPTEMBER 13th, 1962 $2.60 Per Year, ' SERVING PORT PERRY, BROOKLIN and SURROUNDING AREAS : : "Authorized as Second Class Mail by the Post Office Dept., Ottawa, for payment of postage in cash" PORT PERRY, ONT,, Port Perry High School ; Begins a New School Year © United in Marriage Recently 4 | p atv Bright Head i Port Perry Public School Single Copy 1¢ With a teaching staff of one part- t time teacher and nineteen full time teachers the Central Ontario County Board of Education's Port Perry High has enrolled 416 pupils with 181 in Grade Nine, Four teachers have joined the staff as at September 3rd, Mr. W. M. Drew, Mr. ames Musselaman, and Miss Jana Moore, all graduates of the Univer- sity of Toronto and Mr. Robert Pear- son graduate of the St. Francis Xavier University, will share the teaching of English, Physical Educa- i tion, and Science. i The members of the teaching, office ] and administration staff ave: i | James E. Bell--Art ! A. C. Buchner, B.S.A.--Science, ; Agric, | Murs. Louise Carnegie--Secretary : G. K. Cole, B.A, B.P,H.E.--Math., Phys. Education W. M. Drew, B.A.--English Scugog Township Council The regular meeting of the Scugog Twp. Council was held in the Town Hall on Tues., Sept. 4th at 8 p.m. Reeve Cecil Fralick and Councillors V. Aldred, Joe Dowson and Clarence Carter were present. Minutes were read of the last meeting 'and adopted "on motion; Correspondence was as follows: 1. Bruce V. Mackey, Twp. Solicitor re the proposed plan of Subdivision by Rougedale Construction Co. Ltd. 2. Department of Municipal Affairs enclosing the Interim payment re the Winter Works Program 1961-1962. 3. County of Ontario re the pur- ie chase of a "Chain of Office" for thei warden, - 4. Toombs Insurance enclosing the renewals of township insurance for --1962- 6. Bruce V. Mackey re Building By- | Law 1205.to be passed by. the Council | ; and returned to the Ontario Munici- pal Board for their approval. Representatives of Rougedale Con- struction Co. came before the Council to discuss their proposed subdivision. __Motion--That V. Aldred be acting reeve to consider the Rougedale Sub- division. Carried. Motion--To instruct the Twp. Soli- citor to draw an agreement with the Rougedale Construction Co. and the EE er amended by By-Law 1199, was read three times and passed. old's resignation as Fox Bounty Offi- cer. Carried. Fox Bounty Officer for the Twp. of Scugog. Carried. Dept. of Indian Affairs Branch re fire agreement. 'onded that the following accounts be approved and that the treasurer be call of the Reeve. SATURDAY, SEPT. 15th, 8:00 p.m. Squirt Mothers and Fathers vs, See the Squirts in their biggest test. i Miss Gloria Hastings--Mausic, Phys. Education ¥ J. F. Jefford, B.Sc.--Industrial Arts, I. C. Johnston," B.Sc.--Latin, Math. i R. H, Litt, B.A.--Vice-Principal, Science R. L. MacDonald, B.A.--Geog. Hist., Commercial ~ Grant C. MacDonald, B.A.-- Principal Miss Yvonne McFayden, B.A.-- History, Guidance Miss Jane Moore, B.A.--English, Phys. Education J. R, Musselman, B.P.H.E.--Science, Phys. Education Miss Aileen Parker, B.A.--Home Economies I. W. Parkinson, B.A.--Math. M. W. Pashler, B.A, B.S.W.-- "nglish, French D. J. Payne, B.A.--History, Geo. R. M. Pearson, B.A.--English, Hist. Mrs, Caroline Saunders-- Commercial J. M. Scott, B.A.--French Twp. of Scugog. Carried. Motion--That the Petition for the Interim payment of the Statuatory § Grant be sent in to the Department! of Highways. BY-LAW No. 1205 being a By-Law hi : to amend Zoning By-Law No. 1175 as |! "= ° Motion--To accept Mr. Sam Arn- Motion--To appoint Fal Heayn 831 Bride's parents, Miss Carol Ann Hope, Motion--That the Clerk write the -- Married YOY at the home of the Jeffr ey, son of Mrs. Florence Jeffrey lof Toronto. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hope formed by Rev. E. S. Linstead of Port of Port Perry and Mr. Harold umes) Perry United Church. The ceremony was per- Carried. Pay List--It was moved and sec- nstructed to pay the same. Roads ....cceevvvirirnnninenes $348.05 ELMCROFT FARMS PREMIER General ........ wore 10602 | BREEDER & PREMIER EXHIBITOR | ota eS LBA0T Holstein--exhibitors at the Ontario County Blask & White Day held Sept. 3rd at Port Perry Fair turned back their prize money amounting to $530 to the Fair Board to help pay for new cattle barns which were year for the first time. the County Holstein Club made a do- nation of $600 toward this project. Perfect sunny weather, a large en- thusiastic ringside and a competent, speedy job of judging were added tu an outstanding group of cattle to make this one of the notable County On motion Council adjourned to neet-again on-October 2nd or at the Softhall Game 'AT THE BALL PARK Ontario Squirt Finalist's The PORT PERRY SQUIRTS ; 18th. Mrs Smith is the former Mary \ . June Howsam, daughter of Mrs. Jas, Married at Greenbank Mr, and Mrs. Glenn- Smith cut 'the the son of Mr. and Mrs. rthur § Smith cake after their marriage -on-August| of Columbus, sa ham 'A. Lee of Greenbank, the groom is| Columbus, words of Judge Hardy Shore, Glan- worth, Ontario, who completed plac- ing the ribbons at 4:20 p.m., "It was a top quality show with a noticeable ah.ence of tail-enders, and with no mediocre animals in any class." A total of 114 head were shown by 26 exhibitors. : Holstein shows of the year. In the Flmeroft Farms, Beaverton, carried off. both the Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor awards, with Roy | -Oumiston,.- Brooklin,--the "runner-up{- for Premier Breeder, and Dane Hill Acres, Uptergrove, runner-up for Premier Exhibitor. Harold Page & Son, Uxbridge, and Clarence Lillico & Son, Woodville, jointly showed the Grand Champion bull,. while Elmeroft I'arms had the Grand Champion 'Cow. #Fieldman G. E. Nelson stated that the line-up for the senior champion- ship was the strongest that he had ever seen at a county Black and White Show. It was from this group that the Elmeroft Farms' winning dry four-year-olds, Elmeroft Inka Jean Olla, who has been All-Canadian and All-American for the past two years, was selected as the Senior and Grand Champion. She Las developed into a long, deep ribbed, smooth topped cow, with an excellent udder, Elmeroft Farms also had the Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champion female on Elmcroft Inka Dewdrop Vale who stood first in the milking three-year- old class: She is strong on top, with a firmly attached udder that was good enough for her to stand second in the best udder class. The award of best uddered female of the show went to Harry Werry & Son, Oshawa, on Werrcroft Princess 'Pride 'who stood next to the Reéséive. 'Grand Champion: in the milking thrée: year-old class. The All-Canadian heifer calf .of The happy couple are residing at Holstein Breeders Return Prize Money fo Pay for New Cattle Barn used this In addition, ! Junior "océurred when 'they scored a PER- last year, Prousdale Supreme Cindy Lou, jointly owned by Lloyd Prouse and ['. Roy Ormiston, Brooklin, won the senior yearling class, and went on to take the Junior Championship, 'with the second prize senior yearling, Elmeroft Jaspe Jean Olga, owned by Flmeroft Farms, and a daughter of the Grand Champion cow, being made Reserve Junior Champion. The Jr. Champion hag developed into an out- standing individual, large, strong on top, and with air exceptionally good set of feet and Tegs. The Reserve Champiol" is a sharp, open heifer, with excellent udder promise. A strong contender for the Reserve Junior Championship was the winning junior heifer calf, Leaskdale Suzette Sovereign, shown by Roy HH. Leask Son, Seagrave, Another outstanding individual was the: winning four-year-old in milk, Elmeroft Inka Barbara Model, who (Continued pn back page) Wedding ANNESS% GOODING White and pink gladiolas and ferns made a lovely sétting for the quiet wedding in the home of Mr. and Mz Art Fielding, Manchester, when Elin- ore Elaine Gooditg and Arthur Wray Anness were united in marriage. The ceremony was performed on Septem- her 8th by Rev. Mr. Gilbert. The bride, given' in marriage by her mother, wore a street length dress of nylon over taffetg and carried a white bible. Her hoiguet was of white carnations and red rose buds. The bride's attendant, Mrs, MelLeod (sister of the groom) wore a beige sheath with navy accessories. The best man was Fugene Mcleod. Guests "were present from Armow, Fugene | there. Cause of Accident A small truck driven by Mr. Robert Taylor of Scugog overturned on Scu- gog street about 8.30 Tuesday evening and about a ton and a half of loose potatoes was spread over the highway. Mr. Taylor was proceeding east on Hwy. TA (Scugog St.) when he met a can driving with the bright lights causing momentary The truck's wheels went shoulder blindness. onto striking a sluice out- let which caused the vehicle to careen the highway where it aver- turndd onto the north shoulder of the! road. No one was injured, but about $200, damage was done to the truck. The "driver of the car did not stop; per- haps was unaware of having caused | an accident, No charges were [aid. Chief Cameron who investigated the accident said that he received | splendid co-operation from Mr. Robt. Kenny and the Port Perry Works De- partment in clearing the road. Fhe load of potatoes was complete loss as far as the was concerned, although quite a few people managed to pick up enough for themselves. over outn Wioss Club of .Nestleton, to see two films. on Cancer on Sept. 14, at 8.830 in the! Blackstock Recreational Centre. The President, Mrs. May Willinms, | Blackstock to contact. her. There was also an invitation to at- tend the South: Nestleton Institute, | October 3, at 2.15 p.m. Several ladies | expressed a desire to attend. The roll call, "Something | bought that gave me a lot of proved very entertaining. . Mus. Patterson reported for Home Economie "8. Mrs. Bell for Canadian Industries & Mrs. Smeltzer for Current Events. The president compliments Miss Audrey Kent on®her "Fair Exhibits" report, and credit was given to all' the ladies who assisted in any way. The motto, "I'he world says this to every man go out and do the best you can", was suitably commented upon by Mrs. Bell. } Announcements were as follows: The, new Home Economist for Ont. Coynty is Mrs. Wilda J. Waldron, Anyone wishing Christmas. Cards and eals should contact Mrs. Bassant. A part of the International Scho- laaskip Fund is being used to assist Pearl Isaacksz from Ceylon to fur- ther her education here in "Foods and Nutrition" so that she might re- tury to her home "" pleasure", Mi. Bryant will have the cancer 14th. The workshop on "Institute Procedures" is to Le held April 9th, 1963. the next meeting will be in charge of Mis. Fines and bey .group. Mem- bers are asked to bring an antique article and give its history and if possible a picture for the [tistory Book. New appointment: EH Club ave Mas. and Mis. Patterson. Miss Alice Dodd and Mis: MeLawren were named delegate: Tweedsmuir as leader: of the Agnes Robertzon Mamie to the Nov. 7, 8 and 9. The programme was turned over to Mi: Bell who called on Mrs. Prentice to introduce Mrs, Martyn, aren c.nvendon Toronto, Oshawa and Hampton. Good Bowling! Oshawa Ladies Bowling Club had a capacity entry of 32 teams (trebles) last Thursday, for the Bradley trophy. The games were played under ideal weather conditions. One team from Port Perry won two games out of three--But the high- light 'for THEM, 'at this Tournament FECT NINE-END. .Lead--Clara Martyn, Vice--Alma Cox, Skip--Dhel Bentley. Mis, Martyn showed and comment- ed on her very excellent slides of our own Canadian West including the Calgary Stampede, which she seen this summer. The meeting closed with The Queen after which re freshmdnts were derved. Paper Drive _A Boy. Scout Paper-Drive -will-be held on Saturday, Sept. 16th. Please tie your papers securely and have out at roadside before one o'clock. ' . * 18 Record Attendance of 408 the! practically a | owner |! asked anyone interested in going. ta | had & an all time enrolled this year. registered in the School has reached, with 488 pupils Forty-nine pupils Kindergarten and 22 attended some other June have transferred to Port Perey. Of last year's enrolment 34 and 9 children moved away from town The provides commodation for dents. Fach teacher will have a elas: {of from 30 to 87. The teaching follows: Miss GQ. high pupils who had school last school this number of stu Joblin-- Kindergarten | | Turn 'Sod for Ist "Fame" Plant A farmer, picked at random, will ( turn the first sod in a new meat pro f canting plant to which thousands of Ontario farmers have each contributed $100. Ceremony takes place Wednes. day, September 19th, | | Invited to perform the sod-turning duty is David Ireland, Teeswater, i His name was selected simply because Honeydale W.I his share certificate number in Far. mers" Allied Meat Enterprises (FA- The September meeting of the ME) is 1962 "A year of hope for Honeydale Women's Institute was | Ontario livestock producers," explains held in the Anglican Parish Hallo on AMIE President ¢ -\\= Melunis, Tro. Thursday, Sept. Gth at 2 o'clock. i quis, After the opening procedure the! The core . . N : secretary, Mrs. Vera Honey, read a! Ww reremony, neny Ayr, will du letter of invitation from the 0.N.O. | watched by hundreds of FAME share holders (see below for dele grates from this country). Also invited are local dignitiries, provincial political lead ers and newsmen. Speaker will he J. Al Courtenn, Montreal, who Riad] | Prize Pictures of Port Perry Fai air RA} (o£ rs in = land and teach it fo. res .ing rooms open for work on Sept. EAP i id Attendance at the Port Perry Public wraduated adequate ae- | staff for 1962-63 i: a | Miss Do Johonson Grades and 11 Miso No MieMillan Grade 11 Mis, f Beare Grade HI My A. Samells Grades HT & IV Meo Go Taylor Grade 1V Meo RO Robert or Grade V Miso AD Lee Grade V Meso LL Cochrane Grade VI J Meo SD Lane Grade VI Mus: A Maelarlane Grade VI I Meo So Cawker Grades VIE & VII Mis. FU Hunter Grade VIII (Part-Time) Mies Go Hastings Musie | Supervisor I Me RD Corniche Principal gant faomer owned meat process- ne organization in Quebec, AME was apo to 4 setup nearly" two years give Ontario farmers some their livestock. bave maintained that and low murket prices are then control over marketing IPor years they high cost squeczing margins, Last year, farm in Eastern anly 2.540, AVOragee meole per Canada was according to the Dominion Bureau of Statistics and that They hope was a better-than-average FAME year, their will improve position, proce whieh The meat a3ing plant Me. Ireland's spade will begin is the first of a proposed series of even spaced throughout the provinee, Con- struction should he completed next year, and an advertising program to Zain consumer acceptance will he in planning stage shortly, Local delegates to the picnic and sod-turning ceremony will he: Many local farmers will be attending. For further information eall: A. Port Perry 985-7526. RR. Johns, is Mya. Violet Skeriatt of RR. Port Perry and Mrs. Bert Dowson of Sea- grave tied for Ist place in 1962 Photo Contest atthe Port Perry Faii, Eacli lady exhibitéd a group of four pictures taken at the 1961 Fair of | which we have shown two from each | group, ; iS Two of the pictures are printed on page 8, -Picture-of the Midway was one 'of Mies, Skerratt and Mis, Philip with ler prize winning cake wa: taken by Mis. Dowson (only a portion of this picture is chown), Remember! THE HAT BOX ws a SR TR RR PPE REE TNR Een UNITED CH URCH AT THE ROPER Wed, Sept. 2 30 & 8. 30 PRIZES