Two Successful Meetings Held by Crop Imp. Assoc. i OA A PHS and money all seemed to run out to- gether, and soon the whole park ven- ture collapsed and fell flat on its face, For several years the whole set-up has been an eyesore. The sadly ne- glected park with no shade trees and X Ae SERA MATA INI PEL PASE, EH RIE, SAE 4 BE Sa ecantan THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JULY 26th, 19028 After an absence of two years, the Governments of Poland and Yugosla- via are participating in the Canadian National Exhibition this year. Their entry brings to 12 the number of foreign governments which will have The Ontario County Soil and Crop} Improvement Association held two, very successful meetings during last week at the rod row -test plots. On Oat Varieties--Russell, Garry, Shield, Clintland 60, Rodney. Barley Varieties -- York, Brant, Herta, Nord, Parkland, Keystone, overgrown with long grass and weeds pavilions of ther own during the and the poor sad-looking old hall with | 84th Exhibition. its forlorn "Nobody Loves Me" ap-|- - pe = hn pearance has caused many unfavour- | yO v 00099 ee hiking inhib idiot Wednesday, July 18th, the meeting Champlain. able comments, both from local citi- $ was held at the farm of Clifford Ross, There was an excellent turnout of | ens and visitors in the town. This 4 f J pe) Beaverton, and on Thursday, July 19, | farmers and 4-H Grain Club Members | j5 not a pretty picture but we are ¥ wl at the farm of Frank Carson, Clare | at these meetings. It will be a few pleased to report that a great change Pa $ ak mont. days before these rod row variety | has taken place. Druing the past { 3 Professor Neil Stoskopf, Field Hus- rests ate harvested, Any farmers | week the exterior of the hull has un- 3 {5 ot interested in visiting the plots are | dergone the beauty treatment, three 3 { A bandry Department, 0.A.C., Guelph, welconié to do so. py ¢ 2 was the guest speaker. He described mn : coats of grey paint with white tr $ 3 x : > ah I'he Rod Row test plots are the co- | Phe roof also received a coat of alu- ¥ 0 cach variety in the plot, pointing out operative effort of the OAC. Guelph, | minum paint $ $ 3 its good and weak points. the farmer who has the plots on his $ ) 4 } The varieties in these rod row plots | farm, and the Ontario Department of The members of the Hall Board for 3 3 : are as follows Agriculture Office, at Uxbridge. 1962 are Howard McMillan, chairman; [¢ B 4 0) ee ~ ~ Norman Smith, Bee. STreas,; Fred $ - 7 ~~ N ¢ i) } Phoenix, Bert Thomson, Marshall $ E 1.17 A B 1D 1 H S H O PP 1D A of k Mrs. Tom Allen, Shirley and Car-| MeCaig and Glen Till. hd ed . wv %. Greenhan s0n of Yoronto Span) u few days last To these energetic gentlemen and 3 . 9 v 9 NS | Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Baird returned WOES with Mp ed ds Le many others who have Buglited " any $ Children S and bodins Wear - $ £3 last week from an enjoyable motor Mr. Armour MeMillan and son | WAY Lo peeciiplish this. igood wory, b 4 3 q . 7 " 5 Howard of Orangeville called on My. | thanks a million. a SR TY BORON SIAR RR SEER AN ¢ Y. trip to the West Coast. En. route , ! ; $e they took in the Calgary Stampede. and Mes. E. Phair on Monday. sete rm ------------ ' K RNR Mrs. Annie Akhurst who was taken ot 2 asic Pug Sonar ils at- & Hu nnanuay { suddenly ill lust I'riday is a patient ap whi g ol u nephew at Fé in Port Perry Hospital. Best wishes Irenton on Saturday. h . A. for a speedy recovery. Several years ago a group of public : . i Mus, CoWanrdeapont & Sew days lust spirited citizens with a look into the . -- 2 oy cal] week in Toronto, future, decided that Greenbank \ TALLEST BUILDING OPENED | Mayo Jen, Drapeau of Montrea ' should have a park. The iden caught C IN MONTREAL--The 43-storey Can- Bigg 4 the ceremonial SCLSsOrs Mr. and Mrs. Morley Raines and | on and soon the park project was un- * adian Imperial Bank of Commerce | from=the chairman of the bank' board, Marie, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. | der way and rolling long in high » Building, shown on the left, which is | L.S. Mackersy. Scissors are "pur- C. Pearson left last week on a trip | gear. -- Committees were appointed & the tallest in the Commonwealth, was chased to prevent severing of friend- to the West. and 8 house-to-house canvass for "! officially opened recently. ship between participants in cere- . . a funds was carried out. Land was : The picture on the right shows | mony. Miss Buker, who is visiting her purchased from Mr. Jus. Ianson and During harvest, Hank had to alight From his combine, to set something rightl But he left it In gear. re A It sneaked up from the rear And chased him . right out of sightl You have to CONIBINIE § i equipment in safe working order with safe working Can habits if you don't want to harvest a peck of trouble! FARM SAFETY WEEK JULY 22-28 CIlA Co-operators Insurance Association AWERBROCIK sister, Mrs. M. McCaig, sang a beau- § (A Myler, : LS 8 before long much ro work had " | Miss C. Reycraft is enjoying her | eréeted on two sides, a well was dug | annual vacation in Maine. and tiles were laid along the north side. Our 'dream park with its ball . Re a ~ >) $v Nir " ¥ : | Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Phair of Belle diamond, tennis court, children's play- | awa were recent Vighors at the home coming a reality. 3 of Mr. and Mrs. E. Phair. i. Lo ; Then for some reason, perhaps I'he annual Leask picnic with an i ' > 1 bs . several reasons, things began to slow attendance of cighty was held last down. Enthusiasm mani irit \ , wn, IS siasm, comm spiri Z : Saturday at Cedarstone Park. 2 ¥ 3p | 2 : Mr. and Mrs. Almer Rennie of Surderland were © visitors at our Ronnie Willerton is attending Tea- chers' Summer School at Guelph. Mrs. Wm, Blain is visiting relatives at Milwaukee, Wis,, U.S.A. She re- tiful solo on Sunday morning. been accomplished A fonde was K AY Vv A N Ss ville and Mrs. Rose Graham of Osh- ground-and what not, wns fast-be- -------- en ama | Church on Sunday morning, Cedar Creek turned with her sister, Mrs. I. Bellis, 0 i 3 LN ag ty ¥; who had been visiting the Blain and 1 ro" 53 : = Greenwood families, EE \ FE PAR ] ME N | S O FE - George Kilpatrick visited his cou- ¢ ' ( £ sins, the Misses Edith and Laura ) ® 0 v2 Brown, in Toronto on Thursday. _ . <t, . 'Mrs. Edwin Hartry of Thornbury iy All the hest in Summer "Easy-to-Fix" foods is visiting her sister, Mrs, James m---- 53 that make it "a breeze" to plan meals. You'll Kirby, and the Jim Blain family. In answer to the often-heard question: 25 find them all at your Carload Food Market. Mr. Charles Parm of Highland Duck 9) pio . Creek is wisitihy 3 his son, Sam, for a ¢¢ Sr ? : (4 ALLEN'S couple of weeks. Where can I get = Shoe 8] APPLE .... , JUICE Mr. and Mrs. Ron Johnson had their a5 §-| six children baptized on Sunday in ' 20 ¢ fi | St. John's Presbyterian Church, by - We have ¢ : Rev. Wm. Perry, B.A, B.D. Mrs. C K ye, Johnson's father, Mr. Wm. Dyer and , A. W. B R ay daughters Audrey and Marie, all of Le Brooklin and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Authorized Dealer Bar y S A V E - A L L Keetch, Sharren, Rickie and Kennie ih », : =P - of Whitby attended the service and 2k ? 3 WA X 2 visited the Johnson home. The Keetch i et : '¢ family also visited George Kilpatrick 5 ae in the afternoon. x Prices effective this week-end - Wednesday PA p k R 2 Ir, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Larocque and ! : : Thursday, Friday. Sat:rday, July -25th=28th ) ROL LS Ron's brothers, Rickie and Paul, left ) Rat i 5 = [| on Tuesday-for a motortrip to West: 0! , MONARC 7-Lb. NABISCO ern Canada. Little Larry Larocque : | MIOF Fr 1 Bag 40 -- SE I _ 1 is staying with his grandmother, Mrs, / : 7 7 (H SHREDDED 1c! Vietor Larocque, i FLOU WHEAT TT & i x 4 Pkg. } Distributed from: A BOSTON LOS ANGELES , LONDON CHICAGO W. BROCK PORT PERRY, ONT. Oo © RT a A --. M = AT S MAPLE LEAF SWEET PICKLED - VAC PAK Cottage Rolls : KNOWN FOR QUALITY -- SMALL LINK - TRAY PAK Burns Sausage :49e "MAPLE LEAF BRAND Cooled Meals "a wy The: | DACK SHOES CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Men's Oxfords - $5.95 pr. Brown $19.95. Black $18.95 | a Sport Shirts Ch $19.95 and $24.95 Ritchie Shoes MEN -- BROWN, BLACK $14.95, $15.95, $17.95 Men's All-Wool Pant Tip Top - $13.95 Brown, Grey, Olive -- Crease Resistant Men's Sweaters ORLON - WOOL -- in a large assortment $4.95, $6.35, $8.95 Several new lines in Stock 3 w SRT SIE HU NE MONITOR AM INTERNATIONAL Short Sleeve -- White or Pattern i $4.00, $5.00 Special line of Shirts $2.38 i, [NY Men's Windbreakers RR $6.95, $8.95, $12.95 1 ett tn x 3 "Canvas Running Shoes 0 aa CANADIAN MADE fa en - $2.98, Boys - $2.75 EN Youths - $2.50 : DAILY NEWSPAFIR Interesting Accurate Complete : International News Coverage JUBILEE BRAND 1-Lb. Package { BEEF STEAKETTES 59: Ideal for your Bar-B-Q Cold Plate Sigreniians 3 - ® MAC. & CHEESE BURNS CORNMEAL - VAC PAK o CHICKEN. LOAF ve Or * DUTCH LOAF Pkg. C : BACK BACON «- 8-02, PYG, iL eo PICKLE-PIMENTO re The Christion Sclence Monitor One Norway St., Boston 15, Mass, "STORE HOURS Daily 8.30 to 9 p.m. Nome Tuesday 8.30 to 1.00 pm. Send your newspoper for the time checked. Enclosed find my check of money order. [J | year $22. (J 6 months $11 (J 3 months $5.50 DON'T CARRY HEAVY FOOD PARCELS PHONE 985-2492 PLENTY of PARKING SPACE _ i. Hc a a B DOUPES C CARLOAD STORE - LBNGE i PORTPERRY PHONE: 95 2521 A