Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 21 Dec 1961, p. 7

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and plans made for sending all re- Mrs. Ashmore, Mrs. Chas. Smith, and - Ne Sy Fovesmicr ETI El sre Poste > A ports, finances, etc. by Jan. 2nd. loyal to the Orange Order, probably| Mrs. W. VanCamp ave the committee| At Sunday School Mr. Earl Dorr Obituar Y --c Jog A. w ws wy nd a po Mri. Ralph Lorine cave o good due to the fact that many of its|to prepare Christmas Cheer hoxes.| cll gave an interesting talk, directed usubele, 4 hy; ga N's a 5, 10 ane ph hoi Sy EC "Mis hy Christmas Devotional on ) us early supporters still remembered the| Mrs. McArthur, Mrs. Chas. Smith, | especially to the Young People on JOSEPH ROY FERGUSON Jatme Sang v2 " 1 oe ve $M 3 Seay Sano): pet i » Ea wrsecution they suffered in Norther 'S. : o will] "What Shall I Be?" : efore going to Sask., where he favrm- | (ars. NO Mc 3 ' pike' room for Jesiss in all our prep. pers y suffered in Northern| Mrs. Scott, and Mrs. Ashmore will at al I Following an operation, Joseph Roy | cd and later tought school. (Mrs. Earl Dorrell). : Lighting i 4 Unlinaiter | a. s 1 ICC A 4 i i HEADQUARTERS po CE end 2] ¢ i GT ip ee ; BR A A a Ra a o Blackstock One spot dance was won by Ralph meeting closed and next meeting will Canon Ashmore closed the meeting Messrs. Roy and Bill Ferguson and THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURS., DECEMBER 21st, 1961-7, of Cartwright, the seventh in a family Vocational Training schools in Saska- Bowers and Cecile Parks. Another|be on Jan. 8th, 1962. God Save the | with prayer. Mrs. Cecil Hill attended White Gift] of eight. ' toon. Since his retirement Mr. & Mrs. spot and also the elimination dance | Queen! _i Service at Prince Albert on Sunday He was born in Simcoe County, and | Ferguson have made their home in The final meeting of the WMS. was won by Mr. and Mrs. Ivan ies afternoon and were supper guests of [ moved with the family in 1901 to the | Penticton and Westbank in the Okan- was held at the home of Mrs. Stuart Service in the" hited Church on Dorrell 'on Wediiesday, Dee. 15, wi Mountjoy. All appeared to have an{ gi jonn's W, A, held their final} Sunday morning was as usual well Mr. and Mrs. Les. Beacock and family. | S. T. Ferguson farm in Cartwright. [#gan Valley, B. C. 17 ladies and 6 children Probert enjoyable time. meeting for 1961 in the Parish Hall| attended. The choir sang the lovely | SEASON'S GREETINGS He received his early education int Surviving is hi. loving wife Flossie, . TY ---- Blackstock and Port Perry, and| one son Donald, school superintendant To open the meeting the president Blackstock L.0.L. No. 133 held on Dec. 14, with 12 present. anthem, "Bright Star of the East" I would like to wish the Staff of thught school ne@y Fenelon Falls. ut llastend Sask., one daughter Patri- read a poem entitled "Christmas" and : Bible reading and Devotional was|and Rev. Romeril preached an im-|the Port Perry Star and all who read : . ' i ' AL Mel h. of 4 their Dec. meeting on the 2nd Monday ye i tye rEay " ) viieh After a year in Toronto University, | cia, wife of Dr. Alan McIntosh: o led i : ,. " oben ; »| taken by the President, Mrs, J. Scott, | pressive sermon on "He Claims the] this col A Merry Christmas and 4 } Vado . hildr ed in prayer. Hymn, "Silent Night owing to the fact that Dec. 4th was Whole World". vis oid y » he enlisted with the IM1%C.L.I. Uni-| Kelowna, B.C, seven grandchildren. was sung. The roll call was well answered by gifts for The Salvation Army, and several books had been read and calls made. Reports were received from all the aepartments, arations and celebrations of Christmas making sure he is the centre and unseen guest in our hearts at all times. the same. We pledge our alegiance to "Election night in Cartwright.", L.O.I. No. 138 financially, is in a healthy condition, but our member ship remains the same as one year ad. Cartwright has always been very Ireland from the Church of Rome. Our ideals and principals are still After minutes and Treas, report the roll call was answered by a gift [from the members, presented in a beatti- fully decorated Christmas box to pur- chase gifts for the S. S. Children. prepare Valentine Invitations to be given out at the next meeting. Mrs. Scott asked the members to continue Next Sunday the regular service at 10:00 a.m. and a Special Carol Service for the whole four appointments in Blackstock United Church at 7:30 in| the evening. A good crowd attended Jean Brights Christmas Party of Dancing exhib- a Happy, Healthy ana Prosperous New Year. Mra. Cecil Hill. Ierguson, B.A., passed away in the Methodist Hospital in Houston, Texas xn December 9th, 1961. versity Battalion and proceeded over- seas in 1915; was wounded at Vimy Ridge in 1917 and after convalescence, transferred to the Royal Air Force. Returning to Canada after the War, At the beginning of World War 2, he left his post of Principal of the Lipton, Sask. high school and became United Church Westbank, B.C. ec. One son Lawrence paid the supreme sacrifice in World War 2. Also surviving are two sisters; Mrs. J. A. Johnston (May) of Blackstock and Murs. "Willard Fallis of Oakville. Funeral services were held in the Wed, 13th at 2 pan, with Rev. C. A, | The offering' taken by Alice Pn, to the Queen and the binding together to save used stamps. itions in the Community Hall, Sat- The late Mr. Ferguson, who was in [a Link Trainer Instructor with the] Warren officiating. Carnaghan was dedicated by Mrs of the British Empire to uphold and| On behalf of the officers, the Pres.| urday night. To top the evening's| his 68th year, was the son of the late | R.C.A.F. Following the war, Mr] "To live in hearts we leave behind Arnold Taylor. Mrs. Stuart Dorrell obey the laws of our land, to support| thanked the members for their co-|entertainment Santa arrived with his| Robert J, Ferguson and Mvs. Ferguson | Ferguson was appointed head of the lis not to die." read. "A Tale of Two Inns": Mrs and maintain the Protestant Church| operation and resigned as Mrs. Mc bag of treasures 'and lunch was . . ) : wir bp [and extend equal rights to all and| Arthur extended thanks on behalf of | seved fendiline Ta PRENSA ENE Harold McLaughlin sang, "The Christ-| . . 8 : special privileges to none. the members to the 1961 officers. ) = mas Story"; Mrs. Frank Butt read. "The Carolers and the Refugees"; Mrs. Gordon Strong read, extracts from the lives of three prophets re the first Christmas Story --Isaiah, Matthew and Luke and finished with a fine poem about Christmas Cards. A card was signed by those present to send to Mrs. Jas. Ginn on her 90th birthday on Dec. 16th. The meeting closed with a Carol and prayer, after which lunch was served by the group with Mrs. Ralph Larmer, convenor. A goodly number gathered in the Community Hall on Friday night for a Benefit Euchre for the Milton Fisher Family who recently lost their barn, complete milking room and equipment and 42 head of Holstein Cattle. - There was a fair attendance at the High School Dance held in the Rec- ~~" reation Centre on-Friday evening. The | - music was provided by Stoney and the Rawhide Ramblers of Whitby. Years ago, we were the only service club. Men wishing to join must make application one month in advance, The committee reported on it and if approved were initiated.. Its decorum and parliamentary pro- cedure has helped educate many of our sons who represent Cartwright far and wide. P.G.M. C. P. Devitt, conlucted the election and installation of officers which resulted as follows: Immediate Past Master -- Carl Dorrell Master-- Stanford VanCamp Chaplain-- Herb. Swain Treasurer-- Bill Ferguson Ree. Sec'y.-- Richard VanCamp Fin. Sec'y.-- Ernie Swain Lecturer --John Hamilton Dep.-Lecturer-- Roy Ferguson Marshal -- Edmund Harris Committee -- Carl Wright, Laverne . Devitt, Leslie Beacock, Wallace Mar- low, and Ernest Larmer, Visiting Comm.-- Herb. Swain, Stan- ford-VanCamp, and Carl Dorrell. Speaches by the newly elected off- Instead of Card parties each member will be asked for a donation at the April meeting. Mrs, VanCamp made a donation to this fund. Pancake supper will be discussed at the Jan. meeting. Mrs. John Carter donated a box of Cards for the Sunshine Secretary to send out, Mrs. Ashmore invited the members to a Supper Meeting in January at the Rectory. The Nominating Committee pres- ented the following slate of officers: Honorary Pres.--Mrs. Joe Forder President-- Mrs, John Hamilton 'Vice-President -- Mrs. J. McArthur Secretary -- Mrs, M. Edgerton Treasurer-- Mrs, F. Staniland Dorcas Sec'y.-- Miss Eva Parr Education and Prayer Partner Sec.-- Mrs. J. Scott Living Message and Bulletin Sec.-- Mrs, H. McLaughlin Little Helpers Sec.-- Mrs. Ashmore Sunshine Sec.--Mrs, W. VanCamp Chance] Committee--Mrs. Ashmore Group Leaders -- Mus. Argue, Mrs. H. icers and a lunch were enjoyed, The G6, 36, 30, 16, 36, 36, 316) 16 46 36 96 36, 46, Je, 48 NE TE RE TE TW CW SW COW TN WEN SHOPPING SEE THE LARG FOR CHRISTMAS SELECTION OF LAMPS Bailey, and Mrs. C, Fee. EST HURRIGANE LAMPS Mr. Wallace Marlow spent the week- end with Mr. and Mvrs, Rud Heasltp in Toronto and visiting Mrs. Mar- low in the General Hospital. Glad to report Mrs. Marlow is progressing favourably. Also glad to know Mr, John Grieve is gaining slowly in the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital, Mrs. Norman Taylor has been moved from Oshawa Hospital to the South Haven Rest Home in Newcastle. Myr. and Mrs, Rupert Byers and Mrs. Edna Gibson of Bowmanville were Friday supper guests of Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn Graham. Mrs, Milton Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stewart of Toronto and Dr. and - Mrs. Harry Sanderson and Tim of Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Marlow and Bill on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bradburn and family were Sunday guests of Mrs, John Wotten. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rutherford and For that spot T | Allan of Oshawa aud-Mr. and Mrs. | Dave Wilson and Mrs. S. McQuade | of Yelverton were Sanday guests- of | Mrs: Geo, Fowler. - PORT IN OANADA PORT Williams Motor Sales PERRY, ONTARIO J OW ONENESS * we hope your holidays will be a time ol high happiness, deep contentment, gifts galoic! Fred DeNure Bus Lines Limited # PERRY, NTN 3 JANG ENO) DE OF Asabmoncs oe AS NTNT ONTARIO Q Je {il aboard the Merry Christmas Express, bound for Health, Hoppiness 3 Beauty Salon Lig aia Good Fellowsiap! Mulligan Port Perry, Ontario 2) ATR SEC CI AND FIXURES IN CANADA that is hard to light up. . IR fits in any- where in. one RECECEORAE E CR OREN - ------ Why not add warmth aad charm to your home? Ch 3.e from our large selection of G, of milk glass, crystal or colour- minute. ) a Nn 2 PL a 95 dram - wal " Tah od glass styles. i ~ our alo Po SEH ath We're hoping you a py y hove a holiday season ASASACATRTRT ACAD ~ of y nu brimming with life's joy. TRADITIONAL ~ of the SEASON 4 Sweetman' s Taxi ¢ ELEGANCE : May your holiday be 985-2162 "7 Port Perry ia We pride ourselves en our ~ teomondous selection of "Im- ported crystal chandeMers... gracefully designed . . . will . aglow with good cheer! I. R. Bentley TATA NTNTNTN3 add charm te any dining trom *49°° ; : PORT PERRY :: ONT. Peom ooo from $11 95 A ° ©) 40, 48 46 46 48 dG {8 JS" {8 {8 {GI } | We have the largest selection of Chimes in Canada. Priced from $6.25 SOANDINAVIAN MODERN We always carry a large seloc- ASAT ASA ASAT AS AEA ASAT AAS n; tion of these very popular type 14 res In single, double and | TO 34 1H tyles, $@°® WHY NOT GET THEM IN 3 if from ..... FOR CHRISTMAS One of the most usetul lamps ever made . + . hangs up anywhere and plugs In like any lamp. Swedish glass . . . walnut olats and matchstick types, from $8.95 es er BOUDOIR LAMPS Milk glass i polished crys- tel , . . French Provincial . . . early Amerlean and modern' stylings, $38 Yrom 5, May the true, deep meaning of Christmas make the season bright for you and yours, FLEE +h, DEER 2 nt holiday season thar finds you all wreathed in happy suules. LAH 128-0922 Oshawa Shopping Centre | LIGHTING UNLIMITED a OPEN TILL 9 P.M. DAILY p n TERRI, Sra ; ; 1880 O'Connor, De ye, Tomy n SATURDAY 6.00 P.M. POLO SUM TU OWT PRE OW NOU WW SU OW TW TW 2 Hope' s Tohacco Jack Pargeter t and Confectionery WHITE ROSE SERVICE STATION Port Perry, Ontario d Le Se He He He Me He He We He Me He, 4a Ho, We Wo Mo Tic ic Vill RATATAT ASAT NTN RT NTRS en ATASAS ASAI AT ASAT NSA ¢ a RE REEE RL LE ae ma

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