NY on NY SE 1. i 4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd, 1061 THE CHURCHES CHURCH OF ASCENSION Rev¥, BE. W. Fuller, B.A. Sunday, Nov. 6th-- 11.80 a.m.--Holy Communion, ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Interim Moderator: Rev. Kenneth F. MacKenzie, M.A. (Uxbridge) Minister: Mr. William Perry, B.A. Sunday, Nov. 5th-- 10 a.m.--Morning Worship 11 a.m.--Sabbath School PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. B. S. hinstead, B.A., Minister Sunday, Nov. 5th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.n.--Morning Worship 11 a.m.--Kindergarten and junior classes, Sunday School. The United Church of Canada SCUGUG PASTORAL CHARGE MINISTER: Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A,, B.D. Sunday, October 29th-- Sunday, Nov. 5th-- 10.156 a.m.--SCUGOG Church 11.16 a.m.--MANCIESTER Church 1.16 pm.--PROSPECT Church Let us start our Winter Schedule by being in our places at Church. The theme for the Sermon will be "They that mourn". Come and hear what Jesus has to say in His Great Sermon Table. "Coming Events Badminton Those interested in joining the Badminton Club be at the High School auditorium on evening of Tuesday, Nov. 7th at 7.80 p.m. Bazaar November 26th the Christmas Bazaar of the Church of the Ascen- sion. Delicatessen and Home Baking Tea Table. Oct. 26 Chicken Pie Supper BAZAAR AND BAKE SALE In the Parish Hall, Blackstock on Fri- day, November 10th. Supper from]! . Sponsored by the Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary will be held in the Masonic Temple Hall on Friday, Nov. 3rd. Game time 8 pan. Jackpot-- $110.00. Oil Painting Class Anyone interested in joining a group to_study oil painting or pastel paint- ing, please contact Mrs. I. A. Boyd. ®@ ANNUAL eo family worth? set a price--can you? Saturday, Nov. 4th, the Lo'Cal Women's Club, Admission be. -- our answer Poppy Day NOVEMBER: 4th How much is your home or your Of course you can't Yet over 104,- JOO Canadians did. They gave their 5.80 until all are served. Nov. 2] lives for your home, your family. Will you remember them by wearing a poppy ? 'Euchre = To be held in the Scugog Hall on Sponsored by Lunch provided. Bazaar The annual bazaar of the Women's Association United Church Prince Al- bert will be held at 2.30 p.m. on Sat- urday, November 4th. Sewing Bake Table, Tables, Candy, children's FRR HRA IRA SET RCS AGE SA MA AS Se a a A ER Sa SIA SRSA PF RAT BEE VDE part in cutting the birthday cake which wes theg~ decoration on their table. Following the president's remarks about her many activities as presid- em in which she thanked each and every one of the executive members who had worked with her during three years of office, Mrs, Charles Naylor moved a vote of thanks to the president, seconded by Mrs. H, W. Blakley, Then Mrs, Clayton Lee, the first president of the Presbytrey W. A., came forward and presented Mrs. Richardson with a gift, saying that we have had an outstanding leader in her. Mrs. William Randy and Mrs. Wm. Wilson sang a duet "Marvellous Grace" just before the communion service. In the afternoon Mrs, J. F. Patterson and Mrs. R. R. Thompson of Brooklin sang "To Live to Help Others", accompanied by Mrs. M. A. Agar. The quartet was made up of Mrs, H, N. Arksey, Mrs, G. D. Cook, Ms. Norman Elves and Mrs. C. K, Simpson, Mrs. Ives announced an important event to take place in Albert Street Church on November 12, a Sunday evening with the Five Oaks Staff. This will commence at 5:30 with a pot luck supper, Mrs. G. R. Booth from Simcoe St. United Church was the organist for the day and the members of Albert St. W.A, served the lunch at noon, under the leadership of their presid- ent, Mrs. Eric Cooper. Reports, Bible Study and discussion periods rounded out a very enjoyable day, club were Dean Beatty, Keith Shier, Ted Gordon, and Ken Alsop. The debaters from Uxbridge were Donna Johnson, Cecil Noble, Ron Shier, and Grant Noble. Following the debate, the county public speaking competition was held with Miss Donna Johnson of Uxbridge winning the silver tray, and the right to represent the county in the provin- cial Junior Farmer Public Speaking Competition in January. The judges for the competition'were three high school English teachers, Miss Priest of Whitby, Mr. White of Cannington, and Mr. Pashler of Port Perry. The topic, part-time farmers being detrimental to Ontario Agriculture a- roused considerable interest. The fact was brought out that, according to the |- 19566 census, over 33,000 Ontario far- mers were employed for at least a month away from the farm. The question evolved as to whether these 'farmers with an outside income made so little profit from their farming en- terprises that they contributed to our farm surplus at little personal gain, or whether they helped to keep our markets healthy by producing less than they would if they had to make a living solely from their farms. The effects on the community life were also brought out. This same topic will be used in the first round of the inter-county debat- ing competition. Debaters on the team to represent Ontario County will be Ted Gordon, Donna Johnson, Keith Shier, and Ron Shier. Tommy Ambrose, 21-year-old singer- " MAN OF THE HOUSE eye of his pretty wife, singer Bonnie 'Monday Night Bowling League host of CBC-TV's new fall variety program, The Tommy Ambrose Show, is as much a star in his home as on Hicks, Tommy dries the dishes--and seems to be enjoying the job. The Tommy Ambrose | Show is seen Fri- clothing, ete. All are welcome, Mrs. H, E. Grose, Press Secretary. on the Mount, 5b / Remembrance Day BAPTIST : % glu PORT PERRY § - Oshawa Presh i October 30 - Team Standing-- television. Here, under the watchful | days. Sunder, a School for all ervice Y er Y ' "Ym Golds 7-33 Blues 5-16 / : 9.60 a.m.-- J . pe ages Sunday, November bth at the Port | OSHAWA PRESBYTERY WwW. A. Junior Farmer Res fe Poliows Ho 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship Perry United, Church, Members of SEMI-ANNUAL-MEETING, Oct. 26 D b J mind wl hi eh yn ------_ es i ying Rwinly Lath Mrs. W. E. Howard of Toronto, a e i e Whites 4-17 Greens 2-4 |} R DE R B R 0 S h ". gy 4 Je 10, . N . . WED. 8.00 p.m.--Prayer Meeling 10:30 a.m. Service at 11 sm. Band presto of > Likes Unies Church "Resolved that part-time farmers High Triple : ia . guest speaker at the Semi- are detrimental to agriculture in On- T. Hall--690 Card of Thanks I wish to thank my friends and rel- atives, for cards and flowers, the nurses and staff of the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry; also Dr. Matthew Dymond and Dr. John Diamond for care and kindness dur- ing my stay in hospital... _ Mrs, Zylpha Jackson, Card of Thanks We would like to extend our thanks and appreciation for the many acts of kindness and messages of sym- pathy from relatives, friends and neighbours during the recent illness snd death of our father. ~~ -- Everyong Wejcome q Aug. 81 in attendance. © J. Norton, chairman Poppy Fund. Euchre and Dance Friday, November 3rd at Epsom School. Silver collection. Ladies please provide lunch. The November meeting of Scugog Chapter Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire will be held on Nov. 6th at 2.30 p.m. in the Municipal Building. Annual meeting of the Oshawa Pres- bytery Women's Assoc. held in Albert Street United Church recently. Mrs. Howard has held many executive pos- itions in the W. A, and the W.M.S. in the Toronto conference and the Toron- to east Presbytery, and was twice on commission to General Council for the United Church Women, Mrs. Howard chose as her subject "Our Task" which has four parts., the home, the community, the world and the Church. She opened her talk with the subject of housecleaning as part of a women's task in the home, suggest- ing that as in housecleaning do we in our lives discard old and worn out thoughts and habits. Although the task of being a home-maker is one of long hours and no medals, it should not take all our time, the hours in each week not used for this job should be carefully budgetted to include 'God's work: --God-gives-us-our-time-to-do Bazaar The Port Perry United Church An- nual Bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 18th will be officially opened at 2.30 p.m. tario" was the topic for the annual Ontario County Junior Farmer debat- 'ing competition, held in Port Perry High School, on Tuesday evening, October 24. . The topic proved quite interesting. A team representing the Beaverton Junior Farmer Club edged out their opponents from Uxbridge. The in- ter-university system was used, so that a team of two from each club took "the affirmative in one debate, while the other two members of che team took the negative in another de- bate on the same resolution. Team members from the Beaverton High Single-- Mae Blakely --294 Over 600 Triples -- T. Hall--690, D. Jardine--631. OVer 200 Singles-- M. Blakely--294, 201; T. Hall-- --272, 223; D, Healey--271; D. Jardine --262, 219; F. Davey--258; E, Shaw --268; L. Raines--246; V, Fawns-- 234; D. Koch--229; F. Mahaffy-- 228; J. Emmerson--225; O. Harrison --225; M. Eden--221, 200; D. Sallows --215; E. DeShane--206; A. Cook--206; M, Foster--205; I. Fines--203; E. Dick- inson--201. : M. Blakely --686, OSCE0ROPORONOS0080S0R0 er Sos a a Sesh ae te ae 008020202080 8080808080e0000080N SVL NUN. Sh EOE. 3 1b for $1.00 TSS Sn: ARUP. SAR oP 28¢ 1h 3 1b for $1.00 Forserasinres eee 19¢ 1D RR EE RTP PT PPP PPP OROSOSOROSONOSOSOSOBOSOEOBLEOBOBOPOROPORO 00 00 00% oe 0% 4% ae a 0 0 0% 4% 1% 0 0 0% ty 4% 00 se 3 Orders being taken for CANNED GOODS, by the Case, at Cost Price, plus 25¢ a case handling charges ® Terms Strictly Cash eo FREE DELIVERY AT 11.00 PHONE 985-2562 "HOME OF GOOD MEATS" HOBOS AAS 3382 $23 hand made articles as well as home baking and candy will be sold. After- noon tea will be served from 2.30 p.m. until 5 o'clock. Everyone is welcome. Open Meeling Canadian Bible Society, will be held in Port Perry Baptist Church on Sun- day evening, November 12th at 8.16 p.ni. Speaker Rev. C. R. Rudd will present a film, "The Great Transla- tion". Please keep this date in mind. N. 9 . The Blair family. with as we please, good or bad, and how time flies if we lose ourselves in doing good. A woman needs the power of God to keep her ideals high, for the world cannot do without high ideals. Mrs. Howard closed her talk with a poem which was composed with the thought of the new women's organiz- ation in mind,--Throw up the windows and open the door, Here are some things we'll be needing no more, Rag- ged old hatred, a remnant of fear, We shall not want them any time. this year. Heave out indifference, careless and cold, Threadbare excuses so often re-told, Hoary old scandals, surmises untrue, Sadness, anxiety wave them adieu, Sweep out discouragement - 'hail to his back, This year we're plan- ning big things to attack. Mrs. L. F. Richardson, president of the Presby- tery W.A. thanked Mrs. Howard for her talk and then assisted with a panel discussion along with Mrs, W. C. Ives and Mrs. A. A. Crowle, on the interpretation of By-laws of- the U. C. W. This and the report of the cour- ye 3 i x Ro ial In Memoriam KNIGHT--In loving memory of our son, Ricky, whom we lost two years ago, Two little hands are resting, LS A loving heart is still A little son we loved is waiting For us just over the hill. Always remembered Mummy, Daddy and Brothers. Targa Winter Snow Tread Special FREE! FREE! FREE! New Wheel/Free With the Purchase of a a Pair of tesy committee brought the all-day ; } . : : : : : : "GOODYEAR" meeting to a close. During the day How fo own two cars and still make ends meet. SUBURBANITE representatives from 43 locals enjoyed : ih : ; TIRES the fellowship and program of this Buy two Volkswagens. You go your You'll never need anti-freeze because we riever change the basic final meeting of the Association. Copies of its fifteen year history were given to all at the lunch hour. Seated at the head table with Mrs, Richard- way. She goes her way. And your budget won't know the difference, Here's why: two Vplkswagens will cost you less than one conven-' because the VW has no radiator. The engine is cooled with air. (Don't worry if you have two Volkswagens and one garage. The VW can't YW design. We it better, Any dealer who sells two cars for the price of one deserves recognition, just keep making '| son were the following: Mrs. W. E. tionalear.... freeze)... iia Anda Vi - of Howard, Rev. and Mrs, A. E. Larke, i Ji Wore Kidding? ' A Volkswagen gan Hd repaired "Forint Port oh iy Pi $1695 Includ minister of Albert St rch, Mrs, et's get sérious: aster for less money. For example, ry Price off 91, dey + "DOMINION" HM leh er Sires! Chireh Mrs. The VW gets 38 miles to a gallon 'we don't replace half the car to cor- vic phasing hecte/ WINTERIDE HW Blakely and Mrs, Chas Nay! oF of gas. (More on the highway, a little fect a crumpled fender. We can bolt two paddeq sun visors, directional signals and . TIRES ~ vi ho idents. M R Di Xi d less in traffic.) You'll never add oil ona new one in minutes, bumper over-riders. : * Y : ce*presicents, Mrs. Ross Dickinson, between changes, and when it is time k You may be surprised how little it costs to buy aVolkswagen.* We've been able to keep the price low treasurer, Mrs. J, C. Naylor, and Mrs. VOLKSWAGEN CANADA LTD, ! A. E. Hamilton, secretaries, Mrs, F. ee Se te yar Free Installation tog Black and Mrs. A, W. Bradford, lit- erature secretaries, Mrs, H, E. Grose, - '® GET YOUR CAR WINTERIZED NOW AT e Press, Mrs. G. R. Booth, organist, and BE MOTORS LTD. for a change, four and a half pints will do it, & Mrs, Erie Cooper, president of Albert St. W.A. At another table situated at right angles to the head table and in front of it were the past presidents, This is your nearest Volkswagen Dealer. He Is part of a network of 346 efficient VW service contros right across Canada SWEETMAN'S SERVICE Trade between nationsis a two-way street. West Germany Is one of PHONE 985-7351 '. PORT PERRY Mrs, Clayton Lee, Mrs. A. A. Crowle, ; Eval ary is sve of Nov.9 = #HAE) Mrs, E. D. Cornish, Mrs, H. T. Fall- STATION : Volkswagen sald inthis country helps : gis & : aise, Mrs, W. C. Ives, and Mrs, M. nt alidd Sermany more J, Tamblyn. Each of these ladies took ~ PHONE 985-2212 ' PORT PERRY, ONTARIO