They Really Suffer For Their Religion The white-robed passengers rarely spoke as the bus bumped over the dusty road from Jidda to Mecca. Only occasionally did . they turn to each other with a word or a brief smile. It was too hot. As one of the riders put it afterward: "The bus was an oversized oven. Already we suf- fered the slow torture of thirst which was to go on till our re- turn to Jidda." The time of the Great Pilgrim- - age tp Mecca this year. coincided .| with the end of May---and with a cruel Arabian heat wave (122 degrees in the shade) which took "the lives of hundreds of the Moslem hajjis (pilgrims) who traveled that dusty road. They had come in record numbers, 1.2 million, from many parts of the world. Arab, Chinese, African, European, Latin American -- all joined together in the hajj (pil- grimage), an obligation for a Moslem once in his lifetime. The ihram, the white, unstitched gar- ment worn by all the pilgrims, concealed differences of nation- alty and race as well as class. Months before, the poorest Bedouins had started the long journey from their desert homes on foot. The. more prosperous came by ship, plane, or car, and all converged on Jidda. This Red Sea port, 40 miles from Mecca, became a mammoth bazaar, do- ing an enormous business in sacrificial lambs and camels, prayer beads, silver necklaces and rings, and souvenirs of all * kinds. (Altogether, the hajjis spent more than $200 million in © Saudi Arabia.) Hece many of the pilgrims bought food, sugar, and "dozens of lemons to make lem- onade against the parching thirst. In Mecca, the devout began the Great Pilgrimage, which celebrates the story of Abraham, Hagar, and their son Ishmael, by walking seven times around the Kaa'ba. This is the stone House of God believed to have been *#«built by Abraham and Ishmael. After a night under tents at Mina, 3 miles from Mecca, some drove but most walked the 22 dusty miles to Arafat, where Abraham was commanded' by God to sacrifice Ishmael. Um- brellas gave little protection from the yellow sun. "You could ©" buy chunks of ice $1.50," recalled one of the pilgrims. "But even with that our lemonade did no good." : Back at Mina, each one sacri- ficed a lamb or camel. Next day they "stoned the devil" repre- sented by a pillar, to commemo- vate Abraham's action when the devil tempted him to disobey God's command. The pilgrims | eompleted the hajj by returning Slim, Cool PRINTED PATTERN 14% 24% Pocket-ful ~of flowers color- ful touch for a perfectly plain (anid plainly perfect) sheath. Easy enough to sew in a day -- smart enough to wear every- where. } Printed - Pattern - 4846: -Half Sizes 145, 16%, 1813, 20%, 22%, 24%. Size 16% takes 3 yards 85-inch. Embroidery transfer, Send FORTY CENTS, (stamps cannot, be 'accepted, use postal note for safety) for this pattern. Please - print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER, : R Send order to ANNE ADAMS, Box 1, 12 Toronto, Ont, JUNCING "the biggest ow of Spring-Summer, ages, pages, pages of pat- our fiew Color EO A 3 Eighteenth St, New [1 Tony 35 ow to Mecca and marching around the Kaa'ba. Back home, each man could now add the word "Hajj" to his name (e.g, Al-ha)j Abdullah Husseini). - In the poorer house- holds of the Middle East, this year's pilgrims were already painting primitive picture stories of the momentous journey on their walls--the boats, the buses, the crowds, and the Kaa'ba itself. Some of them will undoubtedly make the globe of the sun bigger and brighter than ever before. wd From NEWSWEEK once Daddy Very Generous With. Diana's Dough In praise of Old Nassau, my boys, Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! Her sons will give, while they. shall live, Three cheers for Old Nassau! The only, trouble with Prince- ton- University's venerable "Old Nassau" is that it doesn't com- mit the daughters of the sons to glve even three cheers and a tiger. And the only trouble with Shelby Cullom Davis (class of '30) was that he wanted his daughter to give his alma mater not a cheer--but $3.8 million. Until she was summoned to the scheduled giveaway meeting at a Manhattan bank recently, shy and blond Diana Davis was hard- ly aware of the fact that she was wealthy. She had heard talk of a trust in her name, established by her father with $4,000 when . she was horn 22 years ago. But che had no idea that it amounted now to nearly $4 million, or that, under its terms, she could have demanded it from the trus- tees at any time since she reach: ed the age of 20. The trustees are her parents, and they didn't tell her until Daddy decided to give it all instead to Princeton --in his name. Rash Promise: Ostensibly, it never occurred to Shelby Cul- lom Davis, a New York invest- ment banker, who traces his an- cestry to John Alden, and is a power in the Society of May- flower Descendants and the Sons of the American Revolu- tion, that his daughter would prove recalcitrant. As a matter 'of fact, he already had promised the money to Princeton, and had "a press release on his philan- _thropy ready for- the Sunday papers. When the facts finally became clear to Diana, she saw not Princeton's orange and black at all. What she saw was red. Instead of answering her fa- ther's summons to the bank to sign away the fortune she never knew she had, she hired herself a lawyer, Julian S. Bush, a for- mer instructor at Columbia, and for 25 years a specialist in tax law. Bush promptly filed for- mal demand that the fund be turned over to Diana, and said noncompliance would mean suit in New York's Supreme Court. Stuck with one press release, Davis quickly issued another be- fore taking off on a business trip to Europe. Through a publie- relations firm, he said of his daughter that he "could only at- "tribute her "unreasonable selfs ishness to the unrealistic materi- alism prevalent among Ameri- can youth today." The preacher at the close of hic sermon discovered one of his deacons asleep. To teach a little lesson, he announced, "We will now have a few minutes of pray- ers. Deacon Brown will lead." "Lead?" said Deacon Brown, suddenly awaking, "I just dealt.". SHADY LADY -- Wendy Wagner carries her own supply of in- stant © shade on the sunny NEW CAR FOR PRESIDENT KENNED nedy was delivered to the White auto and five months to construct it to Secret ferent tops: leather covered metal, a six- fabric convertible top. There is an eleva normal position to permit the President able running boards and foot stands way radios. od gu Y -- A custom-built Lincoln limousine for President Ken: House recently. It took four years to design the 21-foot-long Service specifications. The car has three dif- piece transparent plastic "bubble" top and a black tor under the back seat to raise it 10% inches frome? to be seen mors easily In parades. It has retract- for Secret Service agents: It has two different two- You know how people always say "the -nicest part of going _ away is the coming home". In Just that same way the nicest part of leaving a 'district where you have once lived is going back for a brief visit. I had proof - of that last week. About three weeks ago I re- ceived an invitation to the Fif- tieth Anniversary Tea of the John Milton Chapter, 1.0.D.E. -- to which I used to belong many years ago. I thought it was so nice of the members to send me -an invitation." But I was a little. dubious about accepting as it came in the middle "of a very busy week for us. However, I thought the only way to show my appreciation -- and my con- tinued- interest in the "work of the Chapter -- was to appear in person. And was I giad I went! Really I couldn't get over it -- everyone was so nice and so pleased to see me. The only way I can explain it is they knew I had been quite ill during last winter and probably thought I had made a special effort to at- tend this tea, It almost made me feel as- if I had risen from the dead! Naturally the pleasure was not in the least one-sided. There were many "old-timers" there whom I had not seen for years -- and we all remembered each other so well. Quite a num- ber of them, like myself, are now living elsewhere. I hope they got as much pleasure from this visit to their old Chapter as I did. There were others who had experienced many changes "in"their" lives "during thie "inter vening years -- some good, some not so good, some even tragic. A few were couragecusly fight- ing their way back to health and strength. Others who had led a particularly active life -- at home and in the organization -- were now more or less retired. There was even one member who had a copy of this column in her purse, ready to pass on to an- other member. And so the Chapler carries on -- With the help and addition of I many" younger members, IT has a fine fifty-year record, having survived the incidental work of two wars and assisted with the aftermath of countless rehabili-- tation problems. One of its char- ter members was there -- able and almost as active as ever A lady who during the last "ten years has become an accomplish- ed local artist." There you have the secret of how to enjoy the leisure of one's later years. That is, the development of a latent talent to maintain one's interest in life. It is the -panacea- for many ills of the flesh and the boredom which sometimes ac- companies advancing years. The tea was held at the home of one of the-members -- a past Regent. A lovely old home with attractive lawns and shrubberies. There was quite a line-up of shining cars parked on three ad- joining streets on the older out- skirts of around and couldn't help com- paring present conditions with the time when. I was first a member of the 1.O.D.E. In those days it wasn't always easy to get away: from Ginger Farm to attend the meetings. And there was always the problem of tran- sportation, Cars were few and far between and we didn't have one ourselves. So, on many oc- casions I walked two miles to go to a meeting. Sometimes I drove our horse and buggy -- if Prince was not required in the 'field. Later, it was our first car -- a Model T. That really put us in the luxury class! But at this an. "GUESS WHO? I looked. beth Taylor, disguised as a waitress, created havoc at the closing show of her husband, Eddie Fisher, in las Vegas. Stumbling around the dining room, dropping crockery and abusing Fisher in a highty pitched Cockney voice, she com- pletely fooled him. It was only when she removed her wig that Fisher recognized her. niversary tea I think our '53 Plymouth was the oldest car there. That didn't worry me in the least. It got me there and it brought me back. What more could I ask? Not only that it took me over to Bob and Joy's to supper and 'from there to the local hospital to visit an old friend in her eighty-sixth year, and then home just before the lights came Next day Partner went to Dee's for a two-day visit. His primary objective was to help straighten up the front lawn aft- er the city Streets Commission' had taken down 'a huge tree in front of the house and of course, left the spreading roots in the ground. He took. all his heavy tools with him, several of them relics of our farming days, for, which he still finds many uses. As do our neighbours! The tools Actress Eliza-~ are often on loan, for the average .. ~--home-owner would rniever, or at least seldom, think it necessary to buy a post-hole digger, an iron spoon or a pickaxe. Gener- ally it ends up with Partner ac- companying whatever tool is re- quired and putting it into action himself. And that he is quite happy to do. Like the I.O.D.E. artist his many interests and ac- tivities keep him from becoming prematurely old. None of us can help growing old in years but we can remain young in spirit. That is, if we so desire. Apropos . of family problems -- of married children and aging parents, I wonder how many saw "G.M. Presents" "Something Old, Something New". It must surely have given young and old alike plenty of food for thought. "It 1 ever turn up Tissing , oan | I depend upon you to find me?" Te ISSUE 26 --~ 1961 \ Lon. Siri Gr MRS \ How Some Wedding Customs Started Many of the customs, assooi- ated with weddings today, pre- date the Christian era. Some are survivals of pagan rites which were blended through the cen- turies with Jewish and Chris- tian rituals. : The 'Wedding - Ring- originated ~in the days of the caveman -- in 'a cord of reeds with which the man bound himself to his wife's waist in order to make their spirits one. The Bridal Party stems from the marriage - by - capture era when loyal tribesmen and close friends of the groom within the tribe aided him to capture his bride. While he dashed off with her, his friends stayed behind to fend off or fight the bride's outraged. relatives. -Such--were the first ushers and best man. The Bridal Veil evolved out of an Oriental custom from past ages. It was believed that evil spirits were especially attracted to women so, as a protection from the "Evil Eye" women al- ways wore veils. The custom continued although the feeling behind it-changed into a role of modesty and obedience. The Trousseau can be directly traced back to the barter-price, _|...purchase-price, and "dowry_sys-. tems. Throwing Old Shoes after the bridal party stems from a cus- tom among the ancient Assyri- ans and Jews. When a bargain was made, a man gave his sandal as an indication of good faith. A shoe was 'the symbo! of authority. When the Anglo-Sax- ons hurled a shoe, it indicated that authority' had been trans- ferred. Some authorities believe -that.the -throwing -of--a- shoe--can | - be traced to 'the missiles which | - . the bride's father hurled at the robber caveman. Happy Surprise For Ocean Voyager Mis. Elsie D. Cox of Mahalia, Vanceuver Island, has never for- gotten the day in 1929 when she sailed from Southampton, Eng- land, to live in British Columbia. | ~~ Nor-is"Mrs: Cox likely to for- get the recent day when she arrived in Southampton on her first visit to England since. leav-. ing there 32 years ago. When Mrs. Cox -sailed from Southampton in 1929 she clasped a bouquet of red roses that her family had given her as the last '| ~ goodbyes were said. Then early this year, Mrs. Cox, whose husband died in 1959, de- cided it was time to visit Eng- land. ) : "Before she left Mahatta for Montreal and hte ocean crossing in the liner Saxonia, Mrs. Cox bought a bouquet of red plastic roses. "For sentimental reasons!" she confided to her long-time friend, Mrs. Louise Haugland of Mahat- ta River. Then, unknown to Mrs. Cox, Mts. ~ Haugland arranged with the Cunard Line to have a bou- quet of fresh, red roses presented to her friend aboard the Saxonia as the liner berthed in South- ampton on June 9. Cunard carried out Mrs, Haug- land's instructions and as Mrs Cox prepared to go ashore, a ship's official presented the sur- prised and delighted Mrs, Cox with a_dozen red roses. Attached was a card bearing good wishes from "Mrs. Cox's friends in 'Mahatta. EN As a finishing touch to the happy occasion, 'press photogra- phers, a television camera crew and a reporter fron one of Bri- tain's national women's maga- "zines interviewed Mrs. Cox. -polize the - royal A Grand Occasion For The Kellys! The mists foamed around Croagh Patrick -- the holy mountain where Saint Patrick himself had prayed and fasted for 40 days and nights -- on the day that young John Kelly left the auld sod. He was 20 then, a ruddy-faced lad with a cloth cap and a battered trunk, For the last time, he looked at the stone-floored cottage where he had been reared. Then he trudg- ed on to the village of Westy port, scarcely hearing the scream of gulls as they swept in off Clew Bay. Like many an- other lad, John Kelly was leav- ing for. America, and there were dreams in his eyes. = In the course of two genera- tions, John Kelly's ten ¢hilkiren and their children made those Irish dreams come true, This month Ireland got its first look at the most famous of all John Kelly's descendants -- a grand- daughter, Her Serene Highness Princess Grace of Monaco, re- turning to Ireland with her Prince and throwing the 50,000 Kellys into an uproar. Outnumbered only by the Murphys, - but now twice. as noisy, the Kellys fumed over a strike by theater employees, which would prevent ex-actress Grace from seeing Dublin's plush Theater Royal. There was con- oern too over how President Eamon De Valera and other dig- nitaries might comport them- selves in welcoming a royal chief of state for the first time --since the Irish republic was esta- blished. Down in the late John Kelly's - native County Mayo, in prepar- ation for an informal visit by Princess, - Grace, her husband Prince Rainier, and their two children, Albert and Caroline, the cottages were getting fresh coats of whitewash. The Kelly clan prepared a welcome in the presbytery of the Westport Ca- tholic Church, but -this brought up the problem of who would shake the royal hand and mono- ear. - "If -she shakes hands with every Kelly around here," one villager -ob- served, "she won't get away for two years." ) - The key to these problems was held by one of the Princess' se- cond cousins, who possesses the only extant record of the Kelly family tree. According to her, there are only ten bona fide second cousins of Grace's in all the county, and they: would get special treatmept, "no matter if there are people who think they "can't be left out of things." At the thatch-roof cottage where John Kelly once lived, there waited a new owner, an apple-cheeked widow who wears gingham gowns and hobnailed boots. "I'll have a plain tea and my own soda bread and cakes before the hearth," she said. She also had prepared a welcoming verse: } She comes to Ireland for her grandfather's sake, And to visit his cottage dowm by the lake, The widow was sure that the Princess would call on her be- cause a gypsy told her years ago: "A beautiful" woman will visit you from Europe, and her all dripping with diamonds." -- From NEWSWEEK. TV Turtle by Lasna Wheelin Protect the furniture, and delight youngsters with this gay cushion that's perfect for TV1 Use thrifty scraps -- the brighter, - the better = for this plumply padded TV turtle. Pat- ~ tern 304: pattern pieces; dires- tions for 15%x18-inch cushion. Send THIRTY - FIVE CENTS . (stamps cannot be accepted, use postal note for safety) for this pattern to Laura Wheeler, Bom 1, 123 Eighteenth St, New Tor- onto, Ont. Print plainly PAT- TERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS. JUST OFF THE PRESS! Send . now for our exciting, new 1961 Needlecraft Catalog. Over 128 "designs to crochet, knit, sew, em-" broider, quilt, weave -- fash- ions, homefurnishings, toys, gifts, bazaar hits. Plus FREE -- in- _ structions for six smart veil caps. Hurry, send 25¢ now! TWO UNUSUAL VEHICLES - Golt cart above. "electricity from sun rays. Latest o ride on cushion of air is shown rier was developed in England. is powered by solar cells which create f the hovering vehicles which ~~ below, Jolt free stretcher car- EA : ' '- | i g Ve / in iad