Farmer Gels 14 More Bus. Per Acre Treating seed pays. Or does it? A Wellington County farmer, Geo. Whitelaw, started on the outside of a 20-acre field with untreated seed, last year. About halfway through he switched over and finished the . field with the same seed--but it had been treated. 0.A.C. crop scientists took 2 samples, 20 feet long from each part of the field, and compared the yields. . The result? The plot seeded with untreated grain gave 42 bushels per acre; the treated seed yielded 56 bu- shels per acre. Was it worth it? For a cost of . B0c, per care in cleaning and treating, Mr. Whitelaw obtained 14 bushels of grain worth approximately $11.60. That's a $23 return on a $1 invest- ment, ' What does Mr. Whitelaw say about the experiment? "The untreated seed looked as if "the drill had been seeding only half thick enough. His conclusion: "After seeing that, (Tl never seed without treating Poster Competition The Ontario Forestry Association has announced plans for the first national forest fire prevention poster competition" open to Grade VII and VIII pupils throughout Ontario. Win- ners. of the Ontario contest will be submitted in a national competition sponsored by the Canadian Forestry Association, Grand prize is an all ex- pense trip to Ottawa during Forest Conservation Week, May 20-27, 1961. " Entries in the OFA contest should encourage good outdoor manners and should emphasize the need to pre- vent forest fires. An original fi- gure or symbol could be effective. Posters should be not less than 9" x 12" nor more than 22" x 28". They must be original ,and should consist of not more than three colors to make reproduction -economical. Pupils must place name, age, grade, school, and mailing address on the lower right corner on back of the. poster. Entries must reach OFA of- fice at 229 College Street, Toronto, by | April 8th, 1961. All entries become the property of the Association. Win- Ontari 10:30. a.m, -- Exhibits to be ready for judging 1:30 p.m. -- Afternoon Programme starts Guest Speaker -- George R. McLaughlin, President, Holstein--Friesian Ass'n of Canada 2:45 p.m. -- Panel Discussion on "The Economics of Farming" Panel Moderator -- Mr. John Clark, Dept. of Agricultural Economics, 0.A.C., Guelph -- All farmers. are invited to attend -- io County and Hay Show = "THURSDAY, APRIL 6th; 1961 TOWNSHIP HALL, SUNDERLAND Norman Lehman, President Ontario County Soil and Crop Improvement Ass'n 'H. L. Fair, Secretary-Treasurer § ~ for delicate fabrics! tion required for e All you need to do is - times a year. wFECO" TRIPLE DUTY WATER SOFTENER _ @ SAVE WHEN YOU BUY... AND SAV 25 USE THE "TECO" WATER SOF e 'Save on soaps and detergents . . . use much less to pro- 'duce a thick, sudsy lather, adjustment matches sof' EATON'S Lower Level, Dept, 456 PORT PERRY CUSTOMERS CALL OPERATOR AND ASK FOR ZENITH 15000 TO CALL _EATON'S IN OSHAWA DIRECT, WHEN YOU ENER! even in the cool water used | "TRIPLE DUTY" FEATURES: "'¢ | hrs Automatically . . . no bubtoris; levers or atten- ; Ee alla ined and pre-set at installation. : Qotormiin P add salt to storage tank a fe Recharge schedule is' Ye A table Softening Capacity . . . simple brine valve * Adiyste tening capacity to water used. e Filters iron and sediment . . . deep filtering bed and non- clog design for crystal clear water. : . EATON'S PRICE, EACH 259.95 Phone RA 5-7373 # > x ' 'y 5 Foe EE EA ners will be advised by mail. First prize is $26. in the Ontario Competition, $15. and $10. will be awarded second and third prize win- ners respectively, Five honorable mentions will be awarded. All win- ners receive a conservation book. "Danger of Radiation!" The Honourable M. B. Dymond, M.D., Minister of Health for Ontario, is much alarmed by certain reports which have come to the attention of the Department that concern is felt by a number of people about the pos- sibility of danger from radiation 'in the present Mass Chest Survey. The Ontario Department of Health has gone into this matter very exten- sively and very thoroughly, We have as advisers to the Tuberculosis Branch the best skilled people avail- able in this field. They include: Dr. Milton Brown, Professor of Hygiene & Public Health, University of Toronto. Dr.-C..G. Hunter, Professor of Physiological Hygiene, University of Toronto. H. E. Johns, M.A,, Ph.D,, Professor of Physics, University of Toronto. Dr. A. C. Singleton, Professor of Radiology, University of Toronto. Dr. L. Butler, Associate . Professor of Zoology, University of Toronto. Chief, i Toronto Western Hospital. Dr. H. T. McClintock, Gage Institute Chest Clinic, Toronto. In addition to these, Doctors Brink, Leppard, Sutherland and Holling, of the Department of Health Staff, are a continuing committee to keep con. stant watch over these matters. The Minister adds: "Because of the reports of con- Printed in : BOSTON, LOS ANGELES THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR AN INTERNATIONAL DAILY NEWSPAPER Interesting: Accurate Complete International News Coveroge The Christion Science Monitor 'One Norway St., Boston 15, Mass, Send your newspaper for the time | checked, Enclosed find my check or money order. [J 1 yeor $20 [J 6 months $10 0 3 months $5 Nome 8 Stote Ei er rp nT CCE 1 cern among the people of Ontario County, I again asked my advisers for their most recent opinion on the safety of the mobile equipment used. The reply I received is reproduced hereunder, and 1 believe states clearly and understandably the po- sition of the experts in the field of radiation:" To quote: "One can say that there is no evidence to indicate that chest x- rays produce any bodily damage to the adult, to the child, or to the unborn infant." = "The mobile miniature film x- ray equipment operated by the EE Cues 18 gf EY ARF EY si 1 EFI Hark N Division of Tuberculosis Preven. tion, in connection with mass surveys, is of the most modern type and constitutes no hazard insofar as the individual is con. cerned." . Dr. Dymond hopes that this forth. right statement of the experts will allay any fears that may exist in the minds of those contemplating a chest x-ray. It cannot be emphasized too strongly that this is the opinion of the best skilled people in the field. Thinking of a new Spring Suit? Ask any member of the. Port Perry Lions Club about one. 'Pr. Im=R: Harnick; Radiologist-in.._. LONDON- | Pontiac's dazzling good looks and sleek proportions have won the admiration of thousands, Outside it's 4 rs THE PORT PERRY STAR -- -- , THURSDAY, MARCH 80th, 1061-27 Utica Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geer and family had Sunday dinner with Chet Geers. Calling on Mr, and Mrs. Jim Mit- chell Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Walt Mitchell and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Gray and family of Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mitchell visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moore of Oshawa Saturday night: ' © Mr. and Mrs. Mel Morgan of Osh- awa recently called on Mr, and Mus. Jack Crosiers, Mrs. Frank Kendall spent week- trimmer and relax greater comfort, Tuvan and . end with Lou Cassidy of Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. W. Philp were recent- ly visited by Mr, and Mrs, Rudling of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Russ Sonley were re- cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kendall. © There will be no Sunday School at Utica United Church on Easter Sun- day, but there will be Sunday School at the usual time the Sunday follow- ing Easter, i Epsom and Utica congregations will worship Good Eriday at Epsom at i1 a.m. and Easter Sunday at Utlea at 2.30 p.m. ' vetinsude vou enjoy more space to pred out convenience, Then you found its full sized features You enter roomier interiors through wider, higher - doors. And for luggage space -- wait till you see Pontiac's new deep-well trunk! | Now you've made it . an outstanding sales success! It's apparent for all to sec! The masterly combina. tion of superior styling, advanced engineering and convenience, is making Pontiac one-of Canada's fastest selling cars. If you have yet to discover the many advantages of owning a p ontiac-- including its sensible frieze suggest you do so at the earliest possi le moment. II hitewall tires optionab-at-extra cost P-1361D PORT PERRY a a SEE YOUR LOCAL PONTIAC DEALER Bob Archer Motors Lift up the hood and behold! Pontiac's: dependable Strato-Six is Canada's most powerful 6-cylinder pas. <enger car engine -- and it saves you money, tool I' awisiesst Sport Coupe PONT IAC ...SO MUCH A PART OF 61 "A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE YUkon 5-2462 For the best In drama, {ee "General Motors Presents' 'weekly--check local TV listings for time ond channel! THE SOUTH IMPORTANT NOTICE ONTARIO COUNTY MASS TB SURVEY begins .in. various locations in Pickering Township, Whithy Twp., and Fast Whitby Twp. on WED., APRIL 5th. [The test is simple, painless and FREE.. All residents of this area are urged to take a test when the facilities come to your community. : \ . "2 A « -- _ WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5th _ ~ THURSDAY, APRIL 6th FRIDAY, APRIL 7th Claremont : UNITED CHURCH ------ | WITHOUT TOLL CHARGE." NORTH MYRTLE UNITED CHURCH THE ABOVE SURVEY LOCATIONS Myrtle Brougham . PICKERING | TOWNSHIP HALL WILL BE OPEN FROM 2 - 5 pm. and 7-10 p.m. Columbus "UNITED CHURCH vover iy Whitevale UNITED CHURCH ~ Brooklin MASONIC HALL