Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 30 Mar 1961, p. 6

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a NAN 3 A y , - 5 ¥ ' ee i EAVES 6-+THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MARCH ow, 1961 And i dali oes Novo 3 LSA . 5 ly "] MRTG a3 A : AAS hy Ne \ FE 4 Ll * 34 Sr [SIE RR ee a NSA EBE RT Spe TH pram. SRLS - rs RTE AERCIOLL 6H IIRL . BUSINESS DIRECT ORY J ---- OF SELLING . YOUR HOME OR FARM? List Now A SALE THIS SPRING Contact Merv. Bird, Brooklim, Phone OL. 6-3169 (24 Hrs.) J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS LTD. REALTORS --60 YEARS OF SERVICE-- Mar, 30 FOR A. E. Johnson OPTOMETRIST BYES BXAMINED PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Mary St, Port Perry Wed., 9-12 noon. Mon.-Fri., 7 to 8 p.m. Phone for an Appointment. YU 5-2383 RA 3-2721 June 22/61. 1.6 'Mountjoy Backhoe Service TRENCHES = "DRAINS FOUNDATION and SEPTIC TANKS DUG and BACKFILLED IVAN MOUNTIOY Blackstock, Phone 87-r-4 1.5--e.0o.w. - _ FRANKLIN McARTHUR ASSOCIATES Limited. Municipal Engineering Consultants Waterworks, Sewerage, Drainage Systems, Roads, Bridges, 'ete. Surveys-Reports-Design-Supervision 38A Mattson Rd., Downsview, Ont. (Herry 1-3552, 3 & 4: 1.26 May 11/61 DEAD or CRIPPLED HORSES CATTLE, HOGS Removed promptly for disposal Phone Long Distance ZEnith 32800 © © at our expense ED PECONI & SON LTD. . ARGYLE Licence No. 69 C 61. 1.6 3 ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing. Asphalt Siding Estimates given on all kinds " of work. EARL WALLACE Port Perry Ont. Dead Farm Stock PICKED UP PROMPTLY Highest prices paid for dead and crippled animals according to. size and condition. For fastest service "hone Cofleet. Hampton COlfax 3. 2721. MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone, Ontario * License No. 116 Ded Stock Highest prices paid -for dead & disabled horses, cattle & hogs, Small animale removed free. RAY VIVIAN Ltd, Locust Hill Phone Markham 1160J collect or UL 2-3891, Uxbridge 24 hour - 7 day service. * ° WE OAN PAY MORE We guarantee no animal collected by our company will be resold for ; human consumption, Ont, Gov. License No. 83960 PUMP EQUIPMENT Have your, tank checked now before Ta Si 24 hour service, METRONG o: ¥Uon 5-2226 Jan, 11/62, Toronto T.F.| Oct. 18, 1961" Piano Tuning V. P. STOUFFER Piano technician and tuner. PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, Phone: YU 5.2384 T.F, PU 1. Mar. 9, 1861 INSURANCE Are your Policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be consult EMMERSON INSURANCE Y Ukon 65-2431 PORT PERRY APEX IN SERVICE Television & Radio Repairs Port Perry--Phone--Y Ukon 5.2282 Leslie McDonald, Service Man Dec. 31/61 Wells Drilled For best results contact J, W. SUMMERS AND SON Colborne, Ontario . Terms arranged, 1.5 May. 18/80. re CF. G. Croshy 'TRAVEL AGENT TOURS, AIR, RAIL HOTEL, STEAMSHIP ULster 2.8853 UXBRIDGE No service charge 1.6 April 27 Brock Motor Sales 1968 Olds. Super 88 sidan fully equipped, automatic 1967 Olds. Super 88 hdtp 2- door, fully equipped 19567 0lds. sedan, automatie, power steering p 1960 Envoy sedan, one owne f 1956 Meteor sedan Vi 1964 Ford sedan 1963 Pontiac sedan 1969 Chevrolet 1-ton pick-up 1069 Chev. Y%-ton stepside pick-up' 1969 G.M.C. '%-ton fleetside 1968 Chev, %-ton pick-up 1956 Chev. %-ton pick-up . 1964 Chev. %-ton pick-up, automatic transmission 1 only 1960 Envoy left, brand new 1960 Corvairs, two left at real savings. BROCK MOTOR SALES _ Phone 73, Sunderland, Ont. og Buy now & save. For a perfect MADE-TO-MEASURE SUIT tailored from the best material at the lowest prices possible, see UXBRIDGE CLEANERS and DYERS INTERIOR DECORATING "SERVICE Custom-Made Drapes Broadloom and Rugs "Drapery Rods and Tracks Draperies by the Yard Slip Covers and Upholstering Vetenian and Cloth Blinds Instalation and Measuring HOWARD'S DRAPERIES HOWARD VICE, Prop. 926 SIMCOE ST. NORTH OSHAWA "RA 65-3144 | Fes 7 deed, 1st generation, Rodney or Garry. Phone Colborne 293 gr 66 collect . -~ CLASSIFIED Se . Phone Yukon :5-2091 CLASSIFIED ADS & COPY "MUST BE IN BY 9 am. WEDNESDAY FOR SALE Z0ats from registered Murray TF. Power cleaned and treated. Holtby, Yu. 65-7408. r FOR BALE 1950 8-ton Chev. racks and new license; also cedar posts and poles. Wm. Wilson, RR. 1, Neatle- ton. Phone Blackstock 62-r-4 Mar: 30 Phone FOR SALE - -- 14 geese. YUkon 56-2022, FOR SALE--Girl's two plece blue Viyella Spring Outfit, size 2 to 3 years. 36. 00. Phone YU 05-2280, FOR SALE--Viking Electric Sep- arator, all steel, used only 18 months. Yu 65-7833. FOR SALE--Riding Lawn Mower, good condition; -also. 22 long-playing records, Geo. 'Howsam YU 65-2680. Apr. 6 J SA FOR SALE voi Cantinental Mg- tor, 16:18 H,P: with reduction "gear box, fully reconditioned, $146.00. Phone YU 6-73b1, Beare Motors Ltd. "Api 18 en + epee" et oy rt met © pn at FOR SALE--8 single cords of split -mixed wood, stove lengths. YU 56-2917 mr 3 WE FOR BALE -- No. . 9 ) DeLaval all electric Cream Separator, 400 )b, ca- 'pacity, Phone Blackstock 96- ~18, FOR SALE ee Child's Play-Feed Chair, $6. 00. Phone YU 65-2271. lawn mowerj. 200 gal. bil tank; ofl pump. id Box NS 48, Lhiid Perry Star. APARTMENT FOR RENT--Heat: ed, 8 large rooms and bath room. Self contained. i entrance, Phone Yo 65-2369. on ry FOR RENT -- Newly decorpted 4- room apartment in Port Perry. Laun- 'dry facilities, land 93-r-3, more information, rison. HOUSE FOR SALE | 1% storey brick and stucco house, in Prince Albert, Bath room and wash room, large rooms. Substantial | down payment. YU 6-2412. -Apr.6 "FULL OR PART TIME Territories. open in Reach Township . for women who are interested in hav- ing a good steady income, Experi- ence unnecessary--Avon sells itself. Please write Miss M. Tymchuk, 818 -Ossington Ave,, Toronto On for FOR RENT -- Brick Farm House, reasonable. Rides .to work in Osha- wa available, Apply Lawrence Mor- Phone Mauilla 16-r-121. Mar.30 UL 2-8471, Uxbridge tf. | BRUCE MILLER, Prince Albert, | PHONE Oshawa FOR RENT--Attractive residential apartment. Private entrance, self- contained, fully equipped kitchen. Reasonable... Apply - Monday. till Thursday, YU 65-2214. "April 6 APARTMENT FOR RENT -- Self- contained, heated, drier. W. J. Car- negie. Phone YU 65-2518. T.F. -FOR SALE.-- New house in Port Perry, all conveniences, full basement, oil heatéd, 8 bedrooms. Phone John Ballard YU 65-7046 or YU 6- 2491. tf. APARTMENT FOR RENT -- On ground floor, living room, kitchen, 1 bedroom and bathroom, private ent- rance. Phone YU 05-2478, T.F. WANTED TO RENT--A house in Port Perry." Apply P.O: Box 407, Port Perry. "Mar, 30 FRESH MILK FED CAPONS Ready for oven or freezer, delivered, .12 months of the, year, Phone Port Perry YU 62480. . Mar, 30/ 61 GLEAN. OUT AND DEEPEI A NPRTSROR Wo) RA 8: pon SALE--32" woth athe; power . Phone collect Sunder- |- Al Cash: Farm, .ve Lunch on the grounds, Sa) on Pedigre . | This 1a pI ett onally go Auction Sales THURS, MARCH 30th -- Farm Sold, Auction Sale of Farm Stock, 60 Holsteins '& ' Herefords,' Pigs, Imple- ments, 8 Tractors, Self Propelled Combine, Ford Truck, Baler, Hay, Grain, Furniture, the. property of Horace Morrison, Lot 24, Con. 1, Scott Twp., 1 mile North of Leaskdale, Terms Cash, ' Farm Sold] No Reserve. Sale at 11.80 a.m. Leaskdale W.A. will provide lunch, Geo, Edwards & Gerald Graham, 'Clerks, REG, JOHNSON, Auetioneer, 'SAT.,, MARCH 25th--Auction Sale of International Farmall tractors, Cub and Model A with equipment, garden- er's and farm implements, tools, odd household furniture, effects, ete., at Part Lot 1, Rear Concession -4, Mark- ham Township, on Stecle's Ave. % mile East of Don Mills- Road. Pro- perty of W. Slavik. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Terms cash, No reserve. Property gold. Mar.28 KEN & OLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers. Markham phone 340 SAT., "APRIL 1st--- Farm Sold, Auction Sale of Farm Machinery, 2 Tractors, Combine, Baler, Implements, Stable -and Barn. Egpipment, Baled Hay qnd_ftraw, the property of 'Robert. W. Halsdon, Lot 28, Con. Bro- ken 'Front; Pickering Twp., % mile South of Hwy. 401, on the Liverpool Road, Terms Cash. Farm Sold. No Reserve. Sale at 1.00 p.m. Dy Annon, Clerk. : ~ KEN:& CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers, THURS, APRIL 6th--Farm Sold, Auction Sale of Farm Stgck, Imple- : | ments, Hay, Grain & Furniture, Fer- guson Tractor, Allis Chalmers Com- bine, New Holland Baler, Cockshutt Seed Drill on Rubber, etc., the pro- perty. of Earl Argue, Lot 11, Con. 6, Brock Twp. (in the Village of Sunder- land). - Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1.830 p.m. : RE@G.- JOHNSON, Auctioneer. SAT., APRIL 15th -- Farm Sold, Auction Sale of Farm Stock, 22 Hol- steins & Herefords, 80 Hogs, Tractor, Implements, 100 Bales of Oat Straw, the property of John Wilms, Lot 10, Con. 3, Ops Twp, § miles Bouth-West of Lindsay, or 2 miles South of Little | Britain Highway and % mile West. Terms Cash. No reserve. Sale at 1.830 pm. Ward Holmes and Bill Weldon, Clerks. CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 1st--Auction Sale of 60 High Grade Holsteins, 3 Tractors, Baler, Full line of Implements, Fur- niture, Ete. the property of @. Tre- vail Ebtate, Lot 2, Con. 4, East Whit- by, on Tapnton Road, just 'East of Maxwell School. Terms Cash, No Reserve. Farm Rented, Fimiture Sale at 12 O'Clock followed by Im- Fone & Btock, - Harvey Pascoe, Clerk. TED JACKBON, Auctioneer. | THURS, APRIL 20th--Farm Bold, | Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Holstein Cows, Implements, Hay, Grain, Fur-{ niture; Etc, the property. of Victor R. Beckly, Lot 26, Con. 8, Whitby Twp, 1 mile South of Ashburn. Térms Cash. No Reserve. Farm Sold. "Sale| - at 1:00 p.m. Ted Heron and: N. An-| derson, Clerks. * TED JACREON, Aibonser| SAT. APRIL 22nd -- arn Sold, Auction Sale of Farm Stock, 2 Cattle, Ford Ferguson Tractor, Implements, Hay, Grain, Furniture, Ete., the pro- perty of Joe Parkin, Lot 4, yo 1, Reach Twp, 2 miles North-West of 'Ashburn, Terms Cosh, Farm 'old: No Reserve, Sale at 1:00 p.m." Ted Heron and N. Anderion, Clerks, TED JACKSON, Aiigtiofieer. hr fi i TUES, APRIL 26th -- Farm Bold, - | Wick Haven Holstein Disperfial, Anc- tion Sale of 60 Pure Bred pi Horses, McC, Diesel Tracto ments, lev, Dion Threshi 'cline, fag (Grain, Ete, A Saerty of R. I. Cookman, Lot. 2, on, 2, Brock I Tivp. « 4 miles Bouth of} undor- land on Hwy 12 (at Wick). old. No Resory?. Lam at 11/30 am. Wick W.M.S. hy fg) ig of nery, Cattle. Also a good line of m 4 he) to. attend Cataiogudl on Ri qi ogo Tks ON nd REG. Jon SON, Anctioneers. 1.9b--June 8/01. = RITE ' -- ACCOMODATION for elderly peo- ple. "Kind nursing care. tients taken. YUkon 65-2806. For information phone eT WANTED--Saddle in.'good condi- tion. Phone YUkon 65-2022, HELP WANTED -- Middle' aged woman who will exchange light house- erms |° ' work-for-home.. YUkon'6-2800, "TAKE NOTE--WIII the party that took a boys wagon from'a" driveway on Queen 8t., please réturn same, PERSONAL OLD, RUNDOWN? Ostrex 'Tonic Tablets help "pep-up" thousands of men, women past 40. Only Zi all 'druggists, grmriiS he 'Don't delay! "at full time., "We will be-glad- to - clean and treat your seed befoye the Spring rush, _We'alsp handle 4 full line of 'grass seeds, SWAIN SEED CLEANERS Phone Blackstock 89-r-11 Mar.30 fer re ---- LOWEST PRICER-IN "TOWN! CHROME "SUITE" BARGAINS 8 pe. apartment 'size chrome: suite, extension -arborite' tdble with mat- . ching. chairs=Slaghed-$29. | 6° pe. Chrome Suites, "arborite' tops, -double "legs, heavy"duty chairs,-- "While they. last-2$87. 7 pe. Giant Siz¢"86' x"72 Table, 6 Bronze Tone Diriette" Suites, heauti- ful heige and bréwn eomhbination-- One only--Clear '6ut--§60, MANY MORE BARGAINS WILSON FURNITURE Co. 20 Cel 'St. Obhawa Spring: is Here! Non Clogging flexible Heriows with steel draw bar: 10 fo pb--$68. 50 1g 14." 8et----$87.00 "20 ft. set--$120.00) '§-ton wagons, auto-typé steering --$189.00. "also --&-ton, 74 inch" track--$109.50 '2-wheel heavy' duty "trailer, 16 inch "truck tires--and frame, Jt-x 12 platform-=$126.00, All 'Métal Shed, 26' x 16'-- "easily moved--$295.00 1670-16, 4 ply rating auto 'tires $11.95 (with class "A" tfide-in) "Rubber tired Wagon," With ' flat rack -- $45.00, "Cedar Poles up tad 28" -- --='§6. 00 Biackmock, Phone 2 *; Sukal aul 3 ogo comin i hogaands of yards of discontinued' patterns -- _ Congoleum, Armstrong, | Ban t, Rexoleun dran, . Vinyl. Fo M 26¢ bos. Foor put Wa to. Wall Broadldoms, Hi-Lo Seulpture, heavy pile, moth proof and allergy free, rubberized backing, 8. , colours. We made spe: ofall purchase, $6.95 8Q. YD, inds of Broadlgom Seatter mats, . while they, last--$1.00, WILSON FURNITURE CO. 20 Church st, Oshawa OSHAWA SUBURBAN ROAD EA MISSION - TENDERS FOR EQUIPMENT "Beitled tenders, cleatly marked ds to captents, 'will' he' Fecelyed bY thé pn- oe 0" Paar "April 7th; 196] iL HH Y; P » : for tHe Hipply of'the Tollowing we ment, (n) Truck Cab & Chassis bly 7600, Ibs, v.¥. --_ No Ba i st and bri PA "or empl with ie jo Bed. pa- | We are now offerating|- L-- SAVE BY | CASH AND CARRY matching tHatrs~Btore Sample $78, | HOSKIN GENERAL STORE 4 and Jalal Lisolgoms bor uk sale. \ Huge saviigs-- | fds al Jorma ; Hibs ni M Ee ps 0. of the fon.ot 2 any on not cela accepted. , ; COUNTY OF ONTARIO TENDERS FOR EQUIPMENT Sealed tenders, clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the un- dersigned until 4:30 p.m. Friday; April 7th, 1961 for the supply 0 of [ the following equip- ment, (a) Truck, Cab & Chassis with dump body--G.V.W. 26000 lbs. minimum. Trade as partial payment 1966 Mo- del F-800 Ford track complete with dump body, (b) Truck, Gab & Chassis only--G.V W. 22000 'Ibs, minimum. Trade as partial payment 1966 Model F-600 Ford truck Cab & Chassis only. "(e) Truck, Cab & Chassis only--G.V, W. 7500 lbs. minimum. Trade as pick-up truck. partial payment 1966 Fargo %-ton (d) Tractor--farm type diesel tractor --80 H.P." complete with Mower, Loader and post hole digger. Trade ag partial payment one 2954 'Wé In gy ternatiohal "Fraétor complete with Loader & Mower. : Tenders must be submitted on forms which may be obtained from the of- fice of the undersigned. Lowest or any. tender not necessarily -.. accepted R. E. Sims, P. Eng, Engineer, County of Ontario County Buildings, WHITBY, Ont. "REAL ESTATE FARM HOMES MARGARET BALLARD Realtor Sunderland, Ont. Phone 49 or 124 TF 1. WHITE PINE ARBORITE SHELVING | 4x8' any colour per sheet $16.95 bt J "PER. 5 Edge Trim; per oll... $1.35 1x8 ty 12¢" | Cemént; per qut. ........ $2.30 1x10 | 15¢ : rin : tx1z | ™ | 17%¢| EXTERIOR BUILDING IR : BOARD ECONOMY GRADE | 4' x 8 or 4 x 9 per thousand ft. WHITE PINE "$69.50 1x46 PER 6¢ REEL wes I'%& g¢ | MAHOGANY PLYWOOD hp LIN. | op | "Vee" Grooved 4x8" Sheet $3.84 Ft. : 1 x.12 12¢ | pre FINISHED HARDBOARDS _FIRPLYWOOD | x8 Sheets--3$5.19 each ; 1/4" Good one side-- 4 x 8'--$3.50 . 1/2" Good one side-- ; 4 x 8--3$6,80 ALL PAINT and BRUSHES Less 15% 3/4" Good one side-- i 4 x 8'. --$8. 15 2" x 4" SPRUCE--61;¢ Lin.'Ft. 1/4" hy solid one side-- 4 x §--$3.20 We HANDLE NICHOLSON ~ 3/8" sheathing grade-- | WINDOWS -- Pric est Praiarni #4 Prices on reqiies 8 8 AIT, 8 /} Paso sr | 3/8 offset hinges ......... 25¢ pr. M t een 25€, "POPLAR PLYWOOD | 2m Jo Solan anh iy 3/4" B/BB 4' x 8'-- Chrome Knobs ............ 25¢ each Sheet--$10.256 Dominion Key in Knob : 1/4" 4 X 4 Underlay-- Lock Séts IL EE TEE ETE TRY) $5.95 $1.17 : Reg. $8.10 : Collar! 'Window Units, single lite, 'weather st¥ipped, 2-position, removiihlé sash | ALU ARES SIA RALIAL Only--$5.95 L.D.A. Dealer, JOHN BALLARD LUMBER CO. YU '52491, Casimir. St, Port Pérry We also have delivered prices and budget terms arranged from 3 months to 60 mopshs. § rE ANS i a SARC EEAY TT a GE bE) 2 BURT LAN CASTER ee THURS, FRI, & SAT, MARCH 30th, 31st, APRIL fst AUDREY HEPBURN 'UNFORGIVEN Technicolor -- Adult Entertainment -- Cartoon'& Névs : Special Midnig ht Show SUNDAY bam APRIL 2nd Doors open 12,06 a.m. (Monday Morning) DAUGHTER OF DR. JECKYEL a aT it em age EI Doors 'oper' at' 6.80 p.m. A "Oar Policy : PICTURES SHOWING - se Thubday, Friday a Bdtoitay. Also Saturday Matinee at 2 00 p.m, Doors open at 1.80 for Matinee, ! 2 Shows 'Nightly from 7 to 9 and 9 till 11 pom. BUSINESS LOTS & Vd 0

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