Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 30 Mar 1961, p. 4

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- of her sister, Mrs. Robt. Beals, and .. 7 lhs,, 3 ozs., on March 17th at Fergus Notice fo Creditors IN THE'MATTER OF THE ESTATE ai 'buted among the parties entitled i : thereto) i an regard only to claims | ui = 3 iy L | A) ' ; WA NY Sa ahha a la SRL SENG Sahih asl SA Nas h § [ 4---THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MARCH 30th, 1961 THE CHURCHES ANGLICAN CHURCH CHURCH OF THE"ASCENSION Rev. EB. W. Fuller, BLA, L.Th., Rector March 30th--Maundy Thursdsy-- 8.00 p.m.--Laying on of Hands March 31, Good Friday-- 1 to 8 p.m.--Meditations of the Cross April 2nd, Easter Day-- 11.30 a.m.--Holy Communion, ST. JOHN'S. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Interim Moderator: Rev. B, D. Armstrong, B.A, D.D. Minister: Mr. William Perry, B.A. Sunday, April 2nd-- 10 a.m.--Divine Worship ll am. ----Sabbath School PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. 8. Linstead, B.A., Minister sunday, April 2nd-- 10 a.m~--Sunday School. Ul a.m.--Morning Worship and Junior Sunday School. Everyone Invited The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE MINISTER: Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A,, Sunday, April 2nd-- 10.15 a.m.--SCUGOG Church 11.15 a.m.--SCUGOG "Head" S.S. 11.16 a.m.--MANCHESTER Church 1.15 p.m.--PROSPECT Church 2.30 p.m~--Communicants Class at Prospect Church. Come -and Sing with us the wonder- tul Easter Hymns and hear the mes- sage again of the Victorious i B.D. PPORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Stuart A. Mulligan, Pastor sunday, April 2nd-- v.00 w.m.-- Sunday School 11.00 a.un.---Worship 3.00 p.n.---Evangelism I'astor Moses Ariye, Bth. and ltev. David Olatayo, Bth,, Native Pastors from Nigeria," 'West Africa, will speak at both Services. Monday, 7 p.m--Jr. Young People Friday, 8 p.m.- Bible Study and Prayer meeting in Parsonage. Lasso, Gretel Bn So Lu Mrs. Charlie McLaughlin of Port Ferry - has- just arrived 'home from Largo Florida, where she has been visiting for the last month at home while there her sister and husband took her on a trip to Key West where they took a sightseeing trip. . Key West is. the second oldest city in the state of Florida and lots to see there, then up the 'east coast to Miami, where they took in some more sights and up to St. Augustine, which is the ,oldest city in the State of Florida, then down through the middle of the state through the Citrus groves and Cypress Gardens, and Mrs. McLaugh- lin reports that she had a wonderful visit with her sister and a wonderful time. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cairns are re- turning to their home at Viewlake. They hope to come back to their "Apirnent | in the Emmerson ste) -- ine the fall. eB Birth JOHNSTON -- Al. Prentice) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter Colleen Jayne, Hospital; a sister for Carl and Ken- neth. OF ELLEN LOUISE STINSON, DECEASED All persons having claims against | "the Estate of Ellen Louise Stinson, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County "of Ontario, Spinster, who died on or about the 20th day of Feb- ruary, A.D. 1961; are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or be- fore the 1st day of May, 1961, full particulars: of their clai Imme- diately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will. be distri hall thén have notice. ED "at Port Perry, Ontario, . this "sith day of March, 1961, GREER AND KELLY, ARE LAY I 'Barristers, &e Apr, 18 Box 181, Port Perry, Ont, Solicitors for the above estate. 'and Kay (nee Coming Events Scout Mothers Auxiliary Meeting The Scout Mothers Auxiliary Meet- ing will be held Tuesday evening, April 4th ut the home of Mrs, N Kerry. ry | 7 , At Home" Dance The Ontafio County Junior Farmers' Association will be holding its An- nual "At Home" Dance in the Public School, Port Perry, on Friday, April 7th, at 9:00 p.m. All former Junior Farmer members and friends are in- vited. Admission is $3.00 per couple. Benefit Show for Crippled Children By Ontario County Junior Farmer Choir, featuring Rick Campbell, M.C. and guest artist Betty Weir of CFTO TV, Hon. M. B. Dymond, M.D., and other special guests in the High School Auditorium, on Saturday, April 22nd. Choir Director Mrs. Elsie Doh- son. Admission $1.00. Spring Ball Th annual Spring Ball of the Port Ferry Lions Club will be held in the Public School Auditorium Sat. Even- ing, April 16th." Jack Fowler, his M.P.R,. In Memoriam HARRISON---In loving memory of u dear mother and grandmother, Mrs. LC. Harrison, who passed away, March 27th, 1960. The one we loved was called away, God took her honte; it was His will, But in our hearts she liveth still. Sadly missed by Olive and Bill and Grandchildren,' Card of Thanks My sincere thanks to all my friends for their kind gifts and messages, also the Utica W.A. Special thanks to Hon. Dr. Matthew Dymond, Dr. John Diamond, and hospital staff at Community Hospital, Port Perry. Cecil Harper. Card of Thanks I would like to take this opportun- ity to thank Dr. Rennie, nurses and staff of the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry, the Canadian Legion Branch 419, Ladies Auxiliary Branch 419, Honeydale W. I. and neighbours and friends for cards and gifts-during my stay in hospital. Fred Warren. Card of Thanks I wish to thank my friends, rela- tives and neighbours for their cards, flowers and visits to me; also the nurses and staff at the Port Perry Hospital and Dr. Kandel for their kindness during my stay there. Florence Shunk. orchestra and Hammond organ will}. _ provide the music in an attractive cabaret atmosphere. Dress optional. Tickets $3.00 per couple. Euchre Euchre will be held in the Parish Hall of the Church of the Ascension at 8.30 p.m. on April 6th. Prizes and refreshments. Euchre and Dance Will be held in Utica Hall on Sat- urday, April 1st at 8.30 p.m. Prizes and Lunch. Admission 60c. The April meeting of Scugog Chap- ter, I.0.D.E. will be held in the Muni- cipal Building on Monday, April 10th, NOT on April 8rd. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emmerson of Nestleton Ontario will be at home 'to their relatives and friends on Sat., April 8th, 1961, between 2 and 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. on the occasion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary. Death oo PHOENIX, Joseph--Oliver--At the Uxbridge Cottage Hospital on Sun- day, March 26th, 1961, Joseph Oliver Phoenix, beloved husband of Edith Pearl Real and dear father of Ruby (Mrs. Almer Rennie) Sunderland, Ross of Orono, Vera (Mrs. S. A. Gord- on) Uranium City, Sask., in his 78th year. - Service from Chapel of Mec- Dermott-Panabaker, Port Perry on Tuesday. Interment Bethel Cemetery, Greenbank. | In Memoriam MASON--In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother Cather- ine Tobin Mason, who passed away March 28th, 1959. Two Years have passed away since ~ that sad day When one we loved was called away. The blow was great, the shock severe, We little thought the end was near. Only those who have lost can tell The pain of parting without farewell, More each day we miss you dear mother, 'Friends may think the wound is healed : But little they know the sorrow Within the heart concealed. Sadly missed by daughter Ann, son- in-law Lloyd, grandchildren and great grandchildren, In Memoriam COLLINS--In cherished memory of my father and mother Mr. and Mrs. John Collin, Beugog, Ont, Another year dear mother and dad "has passed away So a thought of sweet remembrance, Just a memory fond and true, And a heart ache still for you, God knew that they were suffering, 'That the hills were hard to climb; So He closed the weary eyelids "And whispered peace be thine. Away in the beautiful hills of God By the valley of rest so fair, Some 'day, 1 know not when, I will. meet my loved ones there. Daughter Pearl Pogue, Whitby, Ont. United Church Evening Auxiliary The evening auxiliary of the United Church met at the home of Kay Wal= ker, Tues.,, March 14th with 15 ladies present. President Kay Walker open- ed the meeting with an appropriate Easter poem entitled "The Legend of the Dogwood Tree". Rita Saunders gave the call to worship and led in prayer. A Hymn was sung, Alma Cox read the theme and closed the devotional part of the programme with prayer. Various items of business were then dealt with: Pi Alice Dodd continued the study hook with further information on Af- rica. The importance of radio. was stressed especially in parts of Africa where 807% of its people can neither read. nor write. Training centres in many places are teaching, and encour- aging African writers to write for "Africans and churches want to train Africans to preach to their own peo- ple in language they can understand. The chapter closed . by repeating again that the people of Africa want dignity and freedom to develop their own ideas. The next chapter dealt with India where the same cry goes out for more trained. workers. A thought was expressed, one that we can apply to our own lives, "A Christian impresses others not by what he says, but by what he does". Thanks was expressed to Kay for opening her home and for the fine programme presented to us. A deli- cious lunch was served by Alma Cox, Alice Dodd and Rita Saunders. Ashburn The monthly meeting of the W.M.S. "was held in the basement of the church on Wed., March 1st at 2.16 pam. with an 'attendance of sixteen. The meeting was opened with the singing of Hymn "O Word of God Incarnate", followed with Scripture | Wm. Gardner and The reading by Mrs. prayer by Mrs. A. Deeming. Study was Sparks and Mrs, Raymond Taylor on "Together--we--provide Christian Lit-- erature", Plans were made for the family night on April 6th, when members of the C.G.IT., Explorers and C.0.C. will present the program. Our Eas- ter thank-offering service will be held SRS a a -------------- dekiibasisias dad a EAR PAS FRI SRI Rev. W. B. Mitchell, of Kincardine, 'erating to give us a hopeful and bright presented- by - Mrs. M: on Sunday evening, April 9th. The meeting closed with prayer by Mra. Lindsay Death. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Raymond Taylor. The monthly meeting of the Ladies' Bible Class was cancelled last week owing to weather conditions. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fisher, visited friends in Toronto on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Taylor and Nancy, spent the week-end with rela- tives at Bloomfield. Miss Vera Leach and Mrs. Henry | Doble, visited at the home of Mr. and' Mrs, Wes. Doble, Sunderland on Sun- day. Several from: here attended the. funeral of the late Mrs. Gerald Har- | bron, from the W. C. Town: Funeral | Home at Whitby: on Thursday. Mr .and Mrs. Wm. Gardner EY Jean returned home on Sunday after | Western Canada. Mr. James Forrest, of Whitby, vi- sited friends in the village. on Mon- day. | Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ashton were | pleasantly surprised on Saturday ev- ening, March 26th when relatives ga- thered at their home and presented them with a coffee table on the oc- casion of their 40th wedding anni- | versary. The guests included: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rogers of Epsom; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kerry, of Ep- som; Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Doubt, of Lakefield; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Heron of Brooklin; Mr. and Mrs. H, Ashton and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Heron, of Ashburn; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Suther- land and Debbie of Utica; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton, Allan and Wayne of Ashburn. Our community was saddened on Friday, March 17th, when it was learned of the sudden' passing of the late Walter A. Kerr. The funeral service was held from Burn's Church on Monday, March 20 at 2.30 p.m. with Mr. W, Perry and Ont. conducting the service. and he was buried in the family plot in Burn's Church Cemetery, Scugog News The -Head W.A. meets Wednesday evening, April 6th at the home of Clara Dowson. . Mother Nature seems to be co-op- Easter. There are so many -things that lead people toward an urgent longing for. Easter. To some it means new clothes, vacation, the end' of a long, dull winter, hopes for a job or just spring plans for cleaning and planting or building. To others it a renewed promise of the Father brought to mind again thro' inspira- tional services in places of worship. For Easter Sunday the Head Sun- day School will have a specidl service including a little playlet "The Road to Emmaus", It is hoped many will attend church first at "Grace". The Financial Statements of the Scugog Pastoral Charge for 1960 have been delivered. As we peruse thro' this booklet, few of us realize its value from the standpoint of future historical information, hours of volun- tary labour, co-operation and unity. This year we notice some changes have been made in its contents and believe each report surpasses the for- mer. We trust many people cherish and keep them from year to year. At this point we wish to thank Rev. J. K. Braham and all others instru- mental in producing this accomplish 'ment. a 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (Continued from front page) Chamber of Commerce in the hope that this-year can be a very active. one. Some major itéms concerning Port Perry are onthe Chamber's program |---- for 1961, and will need the support of all concerned to see them completed. 1961 memberships are now due and members are requested to return the membership dues to the treasurer as soon as possible, ¢ Wish to announce the opening of a | new route in Port Perry and district. | Herb Payne, resident of Port Perry, | 'will be the driver salesman in this | "area. For all your dry cleaning needs: * 'Phone YU 52720 spending the past three weeks in|" means much more in fresh hope and] ~~ V Grade A - LR TURKEYS: Swift's Premium -- Fully Cooked -- Smoked PICNIC SHOULDERS 1B. 5c Swift's Premium -- Fully Cooked - Short Shank - Fully Skinned, Defatted BR ~~ SHANK PORTION BUTT PORTION. HAMS SMOKED LB. 61c LB. 69 swift's Premium -- Rindless -- 1-1b. Packie 18. 69 BREAKFAST BACON Swift's Dutch Lunch Swift's Brookfield Skinless -- 1 Ib, Package --=5c¢ SAUSAGE - SALAMI. FOR 6 9. FOR 69. BEST BUY -- SAVE 13¢c - Fancy - 15 oz. 2 : GREEN GIANT PEAS S55: SEST BUY - SAVE 9c - E. D. Smith's, 20 oz. Tin CHERRY PIE FILLING Prods BEST BUY -- SAVE 9¢ -- Twin Pack "FINEST CALIFORNIA ~~ "ORANGES | ROBIN HOOD CAKE MIXES 5 LB. BEST BUY -- SAVE 6c - Color Bag.- 1 Ib, Pkg. POLY "EM MARGARINE BAG 4.- 8 Ih. Avg. FOR FOR BEST | BUY -- SAVE 6c -- 60 Bags RED ROSE TEA BAGS Sunbeam HOT CROSS BUNETTES Pkg. of 12 Buns _ Sunbeam ; 'BROWN "N" SERVE TWIN ROLLS - 12 to Pkg. 25c _ Golden Hour Assorted CHOCOLATES 1 1b. Box ; 89: FEATURE -- SAVE 8¢ Bright's Fancy TOMATO JUICE 48 oz: Tin 3 ror 79: FEATURE -- SAVE 4c Libby's Sliced PINEAPPLE 20 oz. Tin 33 -- -@ FEATURE --- SAVE lle ~~ Stuart House -- 25 Ft. Roll 2 ror 5%¢ TOIL WRAP FEATURE -- SAVE 90 -- = Whale or Jellled Ocean 8; 15 oz. Tin "RANBERRY SAUCE 2/45c FEATURE -- SAVE do -- Loose Pack Manzanillas -- MoLaren's -- 8 oz, Jar YTUFFED OLIVES - 29¢ 'FEATURE -- SAVE 8¢ .Enter Nestles' "Win a Home Contest" _Nestles' -- 1 1b. Can 53 UIK CHOCOLATE FEATURE -- SAVE do Monarch -- 18 oz. Pkg. ME CRUST MIX - FEATURE --~ BAVE 80 -- Fancy Culverhouse -- 15 oz. Tin Fst Maple Leaf -- 114 Ib, Tin 2vr dlc' "REAM CORN ._ "ANNED HAMS . FROZEN FOODS ' Save 4c = 15 oz. Pkg. BIRDS EYE FROZEN STRAWBERRIES 9 Dowson' S Food Market Port Pory. Garden Fresh -- No. 1, Large, Solid Head * LETTUCE 2 FOR 29 Nutritious -- No. 1 : YAMS 2x23 Florida Pascal -- No. 1, packed in Poly Bag Crisp, Curly -- No. 1 Cello Bag, 10 oz. SPINACH 2f0rR20: | FEATURE -- PREPARED -- 16 oz. Jar "FRENCH'S MUSTARD 23 FEATURE -- PREPARED -- 9 oz, Jar FRENCH'S MUSTARD 2/ 33c ' Golden Hour -- 1 Ib, Cello "OPPING CORN 19 Supreme Brand - 51 Gauge - 15 Denter, Pr NYLONS - . . 89 FEATURE -- SAVE 4¢ Nabisco -- Jumbo 18 oz. Pkg. ""REDDED WHEAT . 7 'FEATURE -- SAVE 100 - ; Kingsdale -- Jumbo 30 oz, Cello ASCRRTED: BISCUITS 39c FEATURE -- SAVE 260 35¢ 1.39 cry HEARTS 23]

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