Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 30 Mar 1961, p. 2

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LE RE SME ANT BIRR A Be tate a : AVE NHR RARE FRAC RRS) at 2--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MARCH 80th, 1961 church ladies groups who are study- Blackstock St. John's W.A. Hall, met in the Parish March 16th with 12 ladies pre- sent. Mrs. W. W. VanCamp added a St. Patrick touch by giving each lady a shamrock. Meeting opened with a hymn, De- votional period was taken by Mrs. H, Bailey. Minutes and usual reports given, Dorcas Secretary reported the bale had been sent early in March. Crazy patch blocks were received and plans made for a "quilting. Educa- tional Secretary reported the Indi- vidual members study guides which were ordered were out of stock. The Prayer partner Secretary re- ported that Miss Jean McNabb who had resigned her teaching position had been offered three positions in Church work, for which she took training at, the Anglican's Women's Training School. The need for used stamps for the Theological Scholarship in St. Peters College Jamaica continues. It was decided that the ladies who arranged the luncheon at Port Perry, be asked to arrange one for the W.A. here in April or May. Mrs. Orvuston could present the plastic demonstration in May, pend- ing choice of date for luncheon, the date of demonstration was left open. Decided that future W.A. meetings will be held in the evenings. Slides on Study books will be shown various MAKES GREASING EASY AS ABC. | SAVE NOW ON IMPERIAL'S SPECIAL OFFER: buy 1 case - (60 cartridges) Esso MP Grease "H"-- get $4.95 value Esso cartridge gun FREE buy 30 cartridges-- get Esso cartridge gun for $1.00 SUPPLIES ARE LIMITED ~SEE US NOW! 6 PRENTICE PORT PERRY. YUkon 5.2572 # | ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST ing the topic "Ecuminecity" are to be invited orally. Tea and cookies will be served. Mrs. F. Staniland was asked to pur- chase brooms for hall. Mrs. McAr- thur on behalf of her committee re- ported on the plans for turkey supper. A letter from Gertrude. Williams, Deanery President was read inviting the members to a meeting in Christ Church, Oshawa. Mrs. J. Scott, President, was chosen delegate to the annual meeting in Toronto, May 1-8. Mrs. S. A. Shoe- 'maker, Diocesan Treasurer, wrote con- cerning 'the members pledges for 1961, Mrs, J. Hamilton reported the requested quilt design has come. Mrs. Ashmore reported on her attendance at a "Little Helpers" Conference she had attended. © Mrs. Scott closed the meeting. Ten children and one leader attend- ed the Mission Band Tuesday after school. Meeting opened with the Purpose, Prayer and a Hymn. Mrs. H. McLaughlin told the story from Study Book of "The Neglected Gar- den". The special Easter offering in the pink envelopes was received by Janet Turner and dedicated by Mrs. McLaughlin, After closing exercises a couple of games were played. A good crowd enjoyed the Family Dance sponsored by the 0.N.O. Club Friday night. Spot dances were won by Mrs. Harold McLaughlin and son Bobby; and by Kieth VanCamp and Mrs. Merril VanCamp. Music was provided by Janke Van Dam's Or- chestra. Communion Service will Me held In the Anglican Church Thursday at 7.830 p.m. and Good Friday Service will be at 10.30 a.m. Service for the four appointments of the United Church will be held in Blackstock Good Friday at 11 am, Communion for all appointments will be held at their regular hours of ser- vice Easter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer spent last week with Constable and Mra. Strang and Tom, Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Smith visited Mrs. Percy Philp, West Hill on Wed- nesday. Mr, Murray Byers was interviewed concerning his Yorkshire Swine on the Grass Roots programme of Channel 9 T.V. Sunday p.m. Margaret and Jimmy Leask, Solina spent a few days last week with their grand-parents Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow. ) Mr. and Mrs. George Skelding visit- ed Mr, and Mrs. Bill Skelding and family, Newtonville on Sunday and celebrated Mr. George and u grand- child's birthday. "Mrs. D.; Hudson-and- Gregg, Tor~ onto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rahm and family on Sunday. Mr .and Mrs. Leslie Beacock and, ! boys, Prince Albert, visited his mo- | community. vice, wr Al Mrs. Tarvis Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bradburn, Janet- ville, visited Mr, and Mrs. Earl Brad- burn and boys Sunday. Mr. Bob Smith, Mimico, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hooey and George, Pet- erboro were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and Oliver. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin and fa- mily and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tre- win and sot William of Enniskillen, visited the Fred Trewins and Albert Wrights Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Demery, Scugog, were Sunday guests of Mrs. A. Leigh- ton, & Mrs, Jean Cook and friend, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Dunsmoor and Beth visited friends at West Hill, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. baby have returned to their home in the village after spending the winter in Oshawa. Miss Emma Henders, Yelverton, spent the week-end with Mrs. Velva Bailey. To Convert Claremont Exchange Claremont -- Plans to convert the Claremont telephone exchange to dial operation in the latter part of 1962 were outlined this week by J. M. Lowry, Bell Telephone manager for this area. He said that the project will require many months of consideration, includ- ing the construction of a dial central office building. Following its com- pletion Northern Electric Company craftsmen will begin installing in it the dial switching equipment and as- sociated apparatus which will auto- matically connect all local telephone calls under the dial system. At the same time as work is pro- gressing at the dial central office building, Bell Telephone crews will be busy rearranging, extending and modernizing the wire and cable net- work serving the Claremont exchange area so that it can be adapted to dial operation. With the introduction of dial ser: all Claremont telephone numbers will change. "The new ones will con- sist of seven figures and no letters, conforming with the All-Number Call- ing plan which is gradually being in- troduced throughout Canada and the United States. . According to the Bell manager, months _of advance planning must go into a dial changeover program as the equipment is engineered and tailored to meet the specific demands of the This makes it possible ther Mrs. Wesley Beacock and sister, to carry.out the , gotual change from Easter Flowers FOR THE BEST BUY IN EASTER Rou a _BOUQUETS--$2.00 up Call ~ PORT PERRY FLORIST YU 57932 "EASTER LILIES--$1.50- up HYDERANGEAS -- $3.00 up Potted Roses, Hyacinths, Tulips & Mums Excellent Assortment of Cut Flowers EXTENSION PHONES save webr and' tar=come in 9 colours, 3 models. Call the BELL Business Office = or ask the man In our green trick, . John Lawrence and | manual to dial operation in less, than two minutes with virtually no inter- ruption in telephone Lowry stated. The exact date for the change will be announced later when work on the various projects involved are under- way, the Bell manager added. Bell assumed responsibility for ser- ving the Claremont exchange last service, Mr. May with the purchase of the Bethes- da. and Stouffville Telamhond Comp- any Ltd. The Stouffville and Gormley ex- changes also purchased by Bell at the same time, will also be converted to dial late in 1962 as has been pre- viously announced. T.B. Survey PICKERING -- Next Wednesday, April 4th signals the start of one of the most ambitious programmes of testing for TB that has ever taken place in Ontario County. Beginning on that day and continuing for three | from which an active case of TB may |' eeks, mobile testing groups will move through the Townships of Pick- "| ering, Whitby and East Whitby with '| the intention of having every man, =! TR Sr Th SUL § bd ERA SS ger Fed \ aint a phi E 1 SEOUL i woman and child in the area take a test for exposure to tuberculosis. Starting in Claremont and Myrtle on Wednesday, the first week of test- ing will move on Thursday to loca- tions in Brougham and Columbus and on Friday to Whitevale and Brooklin. Hours of testing are from 2 to b and from 7 to 9 pm. In the second week of testing one unit will go to Whitby where a number of locations will be publicized during the week and the AAT I OT 2 fies ints to. LC other will move through West Rouge, Rouge Hill, Fairport ~Béach and Frenchman's Bay on successive days. The third week will do Pickering Vill age, Dunbarton and Ajax as well as continuing the Whitby survey. The simple, painless test that will be given to the people of the area is the tuberculin test, This measures the possibility that any resident of the area has been exposed to the di- sease at one time or another, A posi- tive reaction to this test does not mean that the subject has TB but merely that conditions are present eventually develop. It is one of the bests known means of finding TB in its earliest and most easily corrected stages. FORDER BROS. MEATS Week-End | Specials SAUSAGE ........... SE a-- WIENERS ............ Phone YU 5.2562 vt arrreraser tase V WING and T-BONE STEAK COOKED READY TO EAT CHICKENS ................ 55¢. Ib, ween 4 1hs. for $1.00 connee- 2 lbs, for .99¢. ARTI A) | sasaveaee RE NPR T TRE IP TT FREE Delivery at 11.00 or LH TRE. The testing is free and is paid for by the annual sale in this district of the TB Christmas Seals with which everyone is familiar. All residents of South Ontario County are most firm- ly encouraged to take advantage of this free and simple TB test when it arrives in their community, TB is still an active and potentially danger- ous disease among us and it isonly by means of a complete testing pro- gramme that we can stamp it out as a factor in the health of Ontario's people. "BREAK OUT INTO SPRING" SPRING TUNE:UP 'CARE re SPECIAL NN = . Set ignition timing. Jd e Adjust carburetor idle bt pk [Sl : 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Adjust tappits. - + 20. Road test. Clean fuel filter. Test starter. 'Test & clean battery. Clean & gap Spark Plugs. Test Engine Compression, . Inspect all wiring for wear. Inspect distributor cap & coil for cracks. . Remove distributor & inspect points and condensor. . Set distributor with Dwell Meter. X Adjust all carburetor linkage. Adjust automatic choke. mixture. Adjust fan & generator belts. : Free up heat risor valve (minor), Tighten cylinder head & manifold bolts. Inspect oil & cooling SA Clean & service air cleaner. Ba "6" cylinder cars--$8.50. Parts Extra "V8" cylinder cars--810.50 BEARE MOTORS LTD. Chevrolet, Oldsmobile, Corvair, Envoy -- Sales & Service Phone YU 5-7351 for your service appointment - CHEVROLET TRUCKS- ri at home where _ jobsare What's the toughest truck job you can think of? Building the Trans-Canada Highway? Fighting muck and mud on a subway site? . Climbing a tortuous route from an open-pit mining venture? Or do you know of an even more dentanding task? No matter what it is -- no matter where it is -- chances are you'll find a Chevrolet Truck doing it. Because, this is the truck that's built for the toigh ones! Built to take a beating from men and nature -- and come. back for more, That's why Chevy Truck owners -- - men who de- pend on Trucks -- swear by Chevrolet. Now's the time for you to go partners with a Chevrolet Truck . . , _rtime to put one in your work and profit. picture! Have a heart to heart talk with your Chevrolet Truck Dealer right away. FIRST IN SALES BECAUSE THEY'RE al KNOWN FOR PERFORMANCE, SERVICE, ENGINEERINS, SCONGMY AND ALL "ROUND RELIABILITY! PORT PERRY. ONTARIO See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer Beare. Motors Limited PHONE: P-------- Watch the Chevy Show, Tuesday nights over CBC-TV.. Check your local Paper. for time and channel. Ft hs, ~ | WoRK -- CHEVR Br TRUCKS A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Cr:8s1C «7 YU 3.7851

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