wt 2 : Cp Tr Giwer who wants: to-install-arse el ns AE li INR LONE mi) for a mother preparing school R i Manchester ~~ Guides, Brownies, Scouts and Cubs, - ged all to be prepared for service to fruits of religion are sown in Peace. ! Blackstock A good crowd of intexested citizens, with thelr leaders assembled in the Community Hall Friday morning in honour of our boys who fell in two wars, The service was condueted by Canon Ashmore of St. John's Church, who read a scripture passage from Revelations and in his address he ur- God and their country. Counting not the cost. The cross meant sacrifice and service, Following the service in the hall, the group gatheréd around the ceno- taph where Mrs. M. Emmerson placed the wreath in memory of those who wade the supreme - sacrifice. Reeve Bruce Ashton read the names en. graved on the Cenotaph, After the two minute silence Canon Ashmore of+ fered prayer and the service closed with the Queena. Most of the parents availed them- selves of the opportunity of a discuss sion with the teachers at the Parent- Teacher night in High School Tues- day. The girls of the Home Econo- mic class under the .supervision of their teacher Mrs. Swain VanCamp served a delicious lunch and a pleas- ant and interesting evening was spent. The Town and Country Club consist- ing of 21 couples are to be congratu- lated on the success of their Smorgas- borg Wednesday, when a delicious meal was served to 426 persons. There was an abundance of Hot roast beef, Turkey, ham, vegetables, salads, pies, | cakes and tarts. \ . A full church listened attentively on Sunday morning to a sermon from ~ Rev, Romeril in keeping with Remem- brance Day. Rev. Romeril spent four years of the first world war in tren-: ches and on the battle field and lived! under German occupation during the second war, so has seen war In all its | horrors. He said, if we could see something of security, these sacrifices of the best of humanity Ai have been in vain: It behooves all to choose whom we shall serve. The The ladies choir sang the Anthem "He Leadeth Me." ° Sympathy is extended Mrs. Robt. Sadler and family in the death of Mr. Sadler in Bowmanville hospital Tues- day. Also sympathy to the family of Mrs. Robt. Bruce who died in Port Perry hospital Saturday. Congratulations to Mr. Ansom Tay- lor, son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Roy Taylor on his appointment as Director of Education and Executive Secretary of Scarboro Board of Education, Miss Ethel Thompson, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Thompson, Mr. Alex Dever and Mrs. W. Archer visited Mrs, Wesley Montgomery in Lindsay Private Hos- pital and Mr. Montgomery at Montys Inn, Sunday, y Mr, and Mrs, Noel Morwn and Da- vid, Oshawa visited Roy and Bill Fer- guson and called on Mrs. Cecil Hill at Stan Rahms, Sunday. Several men from this vicinity are away hunting, . Mr. and Mrs, Anson Taylor, Scar- boro, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Taylor and Mrs. J. Forder were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Mur- ray and girls, Cresswell, Sunday. Mrs. Wilmer Fitze and Mrs. Oscar Shaw, Oshawa were Sunday guests of Mrs. John McKee. Mr. and Mrs, Rud Heaslip, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Wal. lace Marlow and Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanCamp. Prince Albert On Sunday the church congregation enjoyed the choir anthem and obtain: ed much from our minister's sermon. Wednesday afternoon marked the occasion of the annual bazaar spon- 'sored by the W.A. A large number of interested ladies from neighbouring centres, even Oshawa, made their way to the church parlors decorated suit- ably for the event. We were fortun-| ate to have Mrs, Roy Cornish of Port Perry who delivered a fitting message prior to declaring the bazaar officially opened. Guests rambled around ad- miring such articles as ples, wee dresses, plants, and a- bit of candy found new owners. The children were intrigued by the Fish Pond prizes. As usyal the cup o' tea and lunch proved ular. Hope everyone en- joyed themselves. The afternoon's financial results marked the event a success, The annual "Open House", of the Dymond Discusses Health iu Ontario ~~ INFORMATION ON TOPICS PUBLIC ) HEALTH FREE TO Many special publica- tions and films on health are available to the ublic through the ivision of Health In- formation, Ontario Department of Health. Prepared and published § by the Health Depart- { ment this material is made available because } it is important that all { of us are aware of how : to keep healthy. : 'There is literally | "body in our list of books and pamphlets. An au- thoritative book on eee infant and A child: care, Hon Matthew B, Dymond, M.D, CM. - The Early Years; smal MINISTER . guides on keeping your vacationssafe and healthy; fod to give first aid; a book for the cotta unches; informa- tion on careers in nursing; material for teachers ~these-are-only a. few of the hundreds which are available. Even .the Sou sters Division "of At the Canadian we distributed Tommy's Healthy Hollow, a: very comic aren't forgotten. The ealth Information has produced three colorful pamphlets in comic book form. ational Exhibition this year Return Adventures in opular. sequel to the - yok produced: for last year's Exhibition. The third of these is the Ballad of Tuber Culosis, Scourge of the Wild Chest. Children enjoy read-- ing these and at the same time learn a lot of useful information on health. . The library of 16mm movies in black and white and color is steadily being built up. These are available on free loan to any school or organization ~ such as a service club which may r uest them. "There are films availablé on public health, a "geries of films on mental health, nutrition, nurs- ing, dental troubles and eye care. %e you or an organization to which you belong fs interested in showing 'one of these films please write to the Division for full details; The books and pamphlets are free and are available to all. + Please list the material you require and address «your; letter to the Division of. your: letter Ontario, Department. ~~ Toronto, Your request will ealth Information, h; Queen's Park, with'immediately. Area and Junior Schools was observed Wednesday night. . Upon arrival the guests were welcomed by the Prin- cipal, Mr. T, H. Becker, and greeted in each class room by the stafi---Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Beckman, Mr, D, Ockea- den, and Mrs. Hodgins of the Junior School. A flow of parents availed themselves the opportunity to discuss problems with the teacher; inspect the pupils' work and 'view the handicraft displays. Everyone felt the tour worthwhile. The staff and student body are most appreciative to Mrs. Spurr for the gift of useful books. : ; Thursday night Mrs. Lloyd Hun- ter kindly played hostéss to the mein- bers of G.N.S. Club. a Our regular president E. Skelding having: recently moved from our midst the Vice-Pres. G. Beacock presided. Minutes were read and E. Hunter presented treasurer's report and col lected dues. Several minor business items were cleared away. As we are aware there is a shortage of tunds to carry on our project (the adopted child) therefore this created concern and discussion. Several were in favour of a euchre which is in the -air. It was decided to sponsor a Christmas party scheduled for Dec. 12th. Each member responsible to bring along a friend. A serious discussfon followed us to whether we as an organization could possibly live unless new mem- bers join or more interest shown by present members. N\ It was again agreeable that folding chairs and card tables were available to any home in our midst--but please contact the executive as to number of each borrowed. y At this time a word of sincere ap- preciation was extended to our hostess Mrs, Hunter for: the comtortable at- 'mosphere which made us all happy. The meeting adjourned by repeating Mizpah. A delicious lunch was pro- vided by E. Vance and L. Doupe. Various card games were conducted by O. Brown and J. Peel, as a result many prizes were won, "Mrs. Hunter assisted by her hus- band . contributed to the program by running off the lovely colored pictures of their recent 256th wedding annlver- sary. -- -- ~ Mrs. E, McCrea has been In Port Dalhousie for three weeks with her daughter (Hazel) Mr. and Mrs, Smylie who have a new son. Mr. and Mrs. L. Glasgow and sons of Beamsville enjoyed the long week- end with her sister Mr. and Mrs. G. Hunter and parents Mr, and Mra. A, Robertson. Mrs. W. Webb and daughter Mrs. P. Thain, Haliburton, who were en- route to Torgnto made a brief visit with her parents Mr. and Mis. A. Hunter. Waiter Webb is away deer | hunting. Mr. C. Cameron was away on the same jaunt, returning with a beast. We extend sympathy to Mrs, C. ther Mr, Louis Smith, Toronto, who has been bed-fast for a period of three years, : : Mr. Jamie Hunter of Uplands, Ot- tawa, enjoyed the long week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. L. Hunter and Nola. : Mr. and Mrs. R. Butson accompan- ied their son Mr. and Mrs. C. Butson to Oshawa on Sunday where they witnessed the dedication of their great grand-daughter baby Arlene Wagg in King Street Pentecostal church. All enjoyed dinner with Mr. and Mrs, El- mer Wagg and later visited in Bow- manville. : Mrs. P. Ramer has decided to be in Stouffville for a while if health per- mits. a Mrs. Fred Lamb entertained the W. A last Thursday afternoon. - ~The meeting opened in the usual way, with hymn and: prayer. Mrs. 'Lorne Thompson read the Scripture and Mra, | Lamb gave the lesson story. Pres. Mrs, Fielding presided for the busi- ness meeting, Mrs. Bain read the min- utes of previous meeting which were approved. Eleven members and two visitors were present. Thirty-two dollars were turned in for Christmas cards sold in October, It was decided to cater of the annual Holstein Breed- ers meeting January 14, 1961, Due to her moving to Port Perry, Mrs. Archer resigned as secretary and as a member of the W.A., At the close of the business meeting 'Rev. Mr. Braham installed the follow- 'ing slate of officers for 1961, President--Mrs, Fielding; Vice-Pres, Mra, Johnston; Corr, Sec, Mra, 'Bain; Ree. Sec., Mra; Meta Holtby; 'Assist, Mrs, L. Thompson; Treas, Mrs, Fred 'Lamb; Hospital Auxiliary, Mrs. Jas. Cawker, Mrs. Bain; Parsonage, Mrs. Gray, Mrs. Franklin; Program Com,, Mrs. W. Holtby, Mrs. Crosier, Mra, Toombs; Menus, Mrs. Fielding, Mrs. Newnham in the passing of her bro-|. ' Stevens and Mrs. Crosier. The offering was received and dedi- cated. The meeting closed with hymn nd prayer and Mrs. Lamb and her coup served lunch. Mrs. Lamb then showed slides of W.A, activities and icenl pletures of interest, The next meeting will be the annual Christmas Party, Dec. 1st. Miss Hazel Gregg of Port Colborne was with Mr. and Mrs. W. W, Holtby over the long week-end. . Mrs." Robert Howsam and children are visiting 'her sister. in 'Windsor. Mr. Robt. Howsam 'is deer hunting in the north. Mrs. Taylor afd daughter, Stouff- ville, visited her mother Mrs. Crosier, on Sunday. Mrs. A. Fielding and Elaine spent the week-end in Midland. Mr. und Mrs. Clarence Avery and Venon of Lindsay, visited Mis. Frank Crosier on Saturday. Misses Diane Currie and Ruth Bes son are student teachers with Mrs. Medd and are staying with Mrs. A. Fielding for the week. Cartwright | Council The November Council meeting commenced. at 1.30 on Wednesday, November: 2nd as noted in the press, with Councillor Trewin absent, The minutes of the previous meceting were read and adopted on motion of Councillors VanCamp and Malcolm. Mr. Willoughby Jr., of Caesarea was present requesting the Council's per- mission to gather garbage on a pri- vate basis but to use the Township Dumps. 8ame was granted, on con- dition that no garbage be dumped on the ond. A number of the Volunteers of thc Cartwright Fire Brigade were present requesting more finances since the purchase of the new (second hand) water tank for the Fire Bri- gade.. Council through the represent- ative to the Brigade expressed' the sutisfaction with the purchase. A water supply truck has been deemed to be the most necessary pieces of supplementary equipment required in this Township for fire fighting." \ motion to advance the sum of £700.00 was made by Councillor M, VinCamp and LL. Malcolm, Carried. The officers of the Fire Brigade are IMire Chief, Chas. Miller, Ray Gould, secretary, and Reg. Haines, treasurer, Mr, Brayley of Toronto was has a cot- tage at Sceugop Point, reported to the Council of the damage and vandal- ism caused on Halloween night at the lake. Much damage was veported to mail hoxes also, Correspondence was received from Hydvo-Eleetric Power Co., Uxbridge, ve used hydro poles, ete, from the County Engineer re traffic control in village of Blackstock; from Messrs. Thompson and Chant re appreciation of Council decision on Road Allow- ance; Provincial Secretary re Re- PORT PERRY, ONTARIO THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17th, 1960-7 the Cemotaph om the morming of Nov. 11th, after the usual service; From the County of Peel re resolution re- questing additional hospital yrants for construction; declared received. A special offer on Warfarin Rat Bait from the manufacturer; The Canadian National Insticute for tie Blind re- questing contributions; u letter from Mel. Staples as auditor, und several notices of the printing of the 1960 Revised Statutes df Ontario at $45. Road Bills were introduced for the month $1851.40 leaving a balance to end of year of $6434.28. The interim "Subsidy and per capita grant totalling over $17,000 was reported received. All bills and general accounts were approved paid on motian of Deputy- Reeve A. Gibson and Councillor Law- rence Malcolm, and carried, The clerk was instructed to draw up a new by- law for the establishment of Polling with regard to the drawn up Polling Divisions. places present Remembrance Day Service planned to be held in the Township Hall at 10.30 a.m. Nov. 11 with Can non Ashmore in charge, and the Youth Groups en parade. Nomination Day is Nov. 26th Friday, at 1 p.m. in the Township Hall and the Election if ne- cessary on Monday, December 5th, 1960. If no Election is required then the next Council meeting will be held at 2.00 that day, Dec. 5th. If elec- tion is held, then Council will meet Tuesday, Dec. 6th, Meeting Adjourned. wis Hill Top Herald Hello there! I'm sure the"students will all agree the Remembrance buy service last Thursday morning was very solemn, reverent and impressive, as we patd hommage to those who lost their lives for us in the First and Second World Wars. Grant Tummonds is to be con- gratulated for his fine rendition of the last Post, and Reveille. ; On Thursday afternoon our school wus the centre of activity with Sutton, Uxbridge, and Brock as our gyests in the interschool "boys volleyball tour- nament. Our Juniors did a marvel- lous job and tied for first place with Uxbridge.- Not far behind were om Seniors, who tied for second place with Uxbridge. } Exams are nearing and the extra day gave us extra time to study. | know most of us made good use of it, und now that we have all recuperated from the holiday it is time to settle down and study, seriously, students. Nola Hunter. membrance Day Wreath, to be laid at OUTSTANDING PERFOR LEGROOM, FOOTROOM PRODUCED THIS YEAR Ri | FARTHER - A'PLEASURE TO DRIVE - A TERRIFIC CHOICE 1, fll -- MANCE + THE MOST EXc| Clerk, V. Malcolm. MORE HEADROOM, | I TING CAR - DOORS ARE WIDER, OPEN OF POWER TEAMS - TRIM AND NEAT STYLING IS JUST THE TICKET - HIGHER SEATS, TOO - DRAMATIC NEW COLORKEVED SPARKLING FABRIC AND VINYL UPHOLSTERY BOB PORT PERRY 3 QS 0 EE wba dS Soil ny ny ws AAA AAAS SPIRIT ! NEW IN SPLENDOR ! A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE ARCHER MOTORS * == For the best in drama, soe "General Mators Presents" woekly-- check local TV listings Tor ime and channel yaa Whitewall tires opliencl at extra cost YUkon35-2462 J 3% La SA, SH db A SARE RL CR SE 2 A in ET oo Le RL Tn he EE NER