EEE EB BE AF 5a Secret Of World's Most Famous Smile A Parisian factory making special glass has just delivered the most exacting order in its history, an extra fine and thin bullet-proof pane, thirty-one by twenty-one inches, ' The glass was ordered by the Louvre authorities to protect the most famous smile in the world --that of Mona Lisa, the famous portrait by Leonardo da Vinci. Mona - already has two uni- formed. attendants and a plain- clothes police inspector to, guard her, as well as a fence to keep people off. The glass, it is hoped, will prevent damage from kni- ves and stones which, people - have been known to aim at the canvas., Not long ago a Bolivian visitor "to the Louvre. was ar- rested after he had hurled a stone at it. } Of the 100,000 foreign visitors to the Louvre each year, nine of ten come primarily to sce the Mona Lisa. On days when the light is good, feores of people are packed arodind the immortal painting. . Ohe man arrives cach morning before the doors are opened and stays until closing time. He has been doing this for six years. The Louvre receives a film star's fan mail for Mona. Some people write to her as if she were a iiving person. Many young and ardent students dedi- cate poetry to her. . Adoration of the Mona Lisa has been going on for more than 400 years, ever since the time in Florence, about 1500, that Leon- BE a Sew 'n' Save PRINTED PATTERN Yes, you CAN afford the finest flannel, tweed, or plaid -- you save so much when you sew this coat and leggings set yourself! The lines are the simplest, bon-_. net will delight daughter. Printed Pattern 4615: Chil- dren's Sizes 2, 4, 6. Size 6 outfit takes 25% yards 54-inch. Send FORTY CENTS (stamps cannot be accepted, use postal. note for safety) for this pattern. Please print, plainly SIZE. NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER, ~Send- order to ANNE ADAMS; Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St, New 'Toronto, Ont. SEND" NOW! Big, beautiful, COLOR-IFIC Fall and Winter Pattern Catalog has over 100 styles to sew -- school, career, half-sizes. Only 35¢! ardo da Vinci, then aged fifty, received a visit from the city's magistrate, Francesco di Bartol- omeo del Gioconda, He. asked Leonardo to paint a portrait of his wife in an attempt to console her for the loss of a little daugh- ter. The artist was reluctant. He did, not paint portraits dnd he was very busy. But he changed his mind the moment's he saw the magistrate's wife. At the age of twenty-four, she was the opposite of the §lender women - with delicate features and narrow shoulders, then so much in vogue. Mona Lisa was a woman of full contours. Above all, she had a most captivating smile. \ To fix the smile, he staged an unusual setting. In his studio, musicians played instruments which he himself had made; singers and clowns performed while Mona Lisa posed. The pos- ing session lasted. a year--then da Vinci was ready to - begin work. A few years later, Francis 1 of France bought the painting from da Viner for 4,000 gold crowns. But it was not merely a portrait of the wife of a Floren- tine magistrate that he bought, Mona Lisa had become an ideal image of beauty. An Italian art historian wrote: "At one and the same time, gentle and perverse, cruel and compassionate, gracious and fe- line, she smiles." Many people have attempted to solve the mystery of the Mona Lisa smile. Every day the Louvre permits artists to copy the treasure, confident that a perfect imitation is impossible. Shortly after da Vinci's death, the, Florentine masters of his school believed that by unveil- ing the Mona Lisa they would rob her of her secret. So they painted the magistrate's wife in the nude. » Dozens of these pictures were "painted and sixteen are in exist- ence to-day, but not even the best--in a museum at Chantilly --has succeeded in revealing the secret of the magnetism of da Vinei's masterpiece. : The Marquis de Sade said of her: "The Gioconda is the very essence of femininity; she shows reticence and spirit of seduction, devoted tenderness and avid sensuality." - © Whatever she has, Mona Lisa certainly impresses tourists. When viewing any other picture | -in__the Louvre they" "eomment freely. But when in front of the Mona Lisa they remain silent, In awed admiration. Purple No Longer Only For Big Shots Purple is. popular this fall. Coats," suits, dresses ---.even underwear -- are appearing in this colour once reserved. for the Roman emperors. . . Symbol of pomp and power, this imperial colour has a long 'nistory. Fifteen centuries B.C. the Phoenicians made purple. dye. They had discovered the secret ofr a Mediterranean shellfish, When its yellow juice was ex- posed to the sun it changed through all the colours of the spectrum till it finally remained a brilliant and unfading purple. But they had to crush so many "thousand shellfish for so little dye that purple was only for the rich and mighty. » The high priests in the tem- ples of the Israelites wore pur- ple robes and so did the Gresk generals. The Roman emperors, Caesar and Augustus both de- creed that none but the em- peror might wear the purple. Under Nero, the wearing and revernr-the--sale--of purple were |" punishable by. death, In those earlier centuries there "were only two authentic shades of royal purple -- a dark bluish shade, and the deep red Tyrian . purple. Today the world of fashion has at its disposal a variety of shades from "the palest cyclamen to the most vivid fuchsia. BIG TIME IN ARIZONA ~ Carefree, Ariz., a + half-hour's drive | north of Phoenix, possesses one of the world's largest sundial. ~ The arm Is 60 feet long and rises to 50 feet In height. Face of dial measures 90 feet In diameter with" a 284-foot circumfer- sence. ERE ARRL VC PRLS PIER -- That vampire look gets a new twist as French dancer Lily Niagra strikes a provocative pose. She stands at the rail of the liner United States at a pier in New York. VAMP Five Children Don't Slow 'Rosie To 'the bright strains of "Clap Hands, Here Comes Rosie," Rose- mary Clooney bounced up to the bandstand of the Empire Room at New York's Waldorf-Astoria last month, With hardly a pause for breath, the blond singer belt- ed out "Ev'rything's Coming Up Roses," and -then moved into the seductive, Tusky-voiced rendition of "Tenderly," which has become her theme song. Before the roar of applause. died down, she abruptly threw off the white ostrich-feather coat which had enveloped her like a tent. "I'll bet," she told the packed room, "that 50 per cent of the audience "was---saying 'She's pregnant again!' I fooled-you, didn't I?" What else could a Clooney fan think? Since she married mar- ried José Ferrer seven years ago, she and the actor-director have - produced five children in relent- less succession: Miguel, Maria, Gabriel, Monsita, and. Raphael. While this domestic bliss has af- forded scattered opportunities for Rosie to appear on television ("When I walk onto a TV set," she said, "I automatighlly look ° for the highest plece of furniture : to hide behind"), it has confined her personal appearances to the environs of Los Angeles, where she and Ferrer live in a big rambling house in Beverly Hills. Rosie's four week run at the Waldorf, for example, marks the first time she has sung on a New York stage in nine years--or since she played the Paramount after her record of "Come On-a My House" made her a star. And she confesses that she would not even be in New York except for -a-directing assignment José had" on Broadway. After the Waldorf she will tape two TV shows and and then, says Rosie, "I will be finished until the first of . the year. Christmas shopping alone will take up all of my time." The Clooney formula for hav- ing her babies and a career oo is simple and direct, Tike Rosie herself. "I'm not an actress who "or a movie in Hollywood in or- der to function," she explained. "If Joe has to be in New York. or England, I can take what I do along under my hat. I know the songs. I sing, and there are mu- sicians anywhere in the world." ° Although Ferret's. play was postponed, he has kept himself occupied in New York while. Rosie is there b, continuing his new operatic career. At. the. Brooklyn Academy of Music last inonth, he performed 'the title role in Puccini's '"Giana Shie- chi," the part in which he made his debut last summer at Santa Fe, N.M, When Férrer went to Santa Fe, Miss Clooney and the kids tagged -along. The two oldest were taken. to hear one of the opéra performances, "In the so- prano arja when she sings 'Oh! My beloved daddy, won't you be kind, and help us?" Rosie re- called ruefully, "Maria, the 4- . + year-old, said in: a very loud voice: 'He's not her father, he's my father. Everyone could hear 7it. I could have died. P--From NEWSWEEK. Q. Is "You're welcome" still ~ considered a fit and proper re- sponse {6 "Thank you?" A. Yes. "You're Yale oF "That's quite all right" are al- ways good. _|# in bloom? So, in company with Tradjustment" ourselves we-c n> has té have a play in New York | + VERY HIGH FASHION -- This moon sult is being tested at Re- public Aviation's space laboratory. The aluminum garb would weigh only a few pounds on low-gravity moon. Tripod drops down to permit astronaut to rest on a small suit Inside, RONICLES Wier hrn summer than this? Here we are into Oct. with roses still in bloom, to say nothing of petunias, snap- dragons, salvia and other sum- .mer blooming annuals. Wonder- ful weather for working outside too, although in some ways it is a hindrance. ' Flower beds need to be dug up and bulbs planted. 'But who wants to pull up plants by the 'roots while they are still a lot of other home gardeners we are letting nature take its course. Not that I worry about outside work just now. I am still paint- "ing. I told you, didn't I, it would be like a serial story? I have got three rooms done, finished the spare room Saturday. Now I'm ready to start on the den. With all the books | and papers quite a job. " However, Partner - {3 always on hand to help--with everything except the painting. Shifting furniture, cleaning floors and windows and putting rubber feet on the stepladder so I don't break my neck! Last week, working part time in the- house, 'also gave him a chance to watch the World Series." He probably would have done that anyway but with indoor work to do he was able to make a virtue -of; necessity. © My, how time goes when one gets enthused with a job. I was ten days overdue with my li- brary books and didn't even know it until I got a reminder card." I took them back in a hurry--and = brought out four more. One in particular I find most interesting. = It is called "The Nature of Retirement" by Elon H. Moore, Ph.D. I can heartily recommend it to all "thinking persons before, and after, they reach 'the age of retirement. It deals frankly with the many problems that confront people who, after working: hard all their lives, have finally reached the stage when they can take life a little easier. Having more or less passed the crisis of recognize the wisdom of the advice given in this book--and wish we had read it sooner. It sort of explains us to ourselves. Sometimes I "have felt a little "guilty that we have been able to settle down sé happily in a new environment. I felt it sav- oured a little of disloyalty to old times and old. friends. -But ac-- cording 'to tHis book it is the only "sane approach; that the older one gets the more it is necessary to make new friends and yet not-forget the old. It cites the case of a woman still living at 98. By the. time she was 70 all the intimate friends . she had known at 50 had passed on. So, at 80 she would have been a very lonely person had she not made new and younger friends. But she did, and they helped her 'to. maintain an inter- est in the present and to main- tain a cheerful and uncomplain- ing outlook on life, Her story reminds me of a cousin I visited in England five years ago. She was 86, living as a paying guest in a home for the aged. It was a beautiful place, with accom- My cousin's only complaint was that she got so tired of living Hh old people all the time! I ow that I also- have readers. of this column whoiare just as | ~- wonderful as these two elderly ladies, . ; Dr. Moore also points out that -- Was there ever a nicer-Indian--}|- --and -- miserable." _the Girl Guides, South-East Tor- "Daughter in her official capacity "~age can" sometimes be "of the - .spirit more than the flesh. --modation for --about--20 guests. |-- ~when-Partner "was in hospital just recently. --At a time-like that---| - you wonder why ed the- Guides when she was the wife of a retired man--bus- inessman or farmer--often finds it difficult to get used to having around the house all the - time. That used to be my trou- ble . too. Not that one really objects--it's just hard used to, . On the farm when Partner started chores I knew- he would be. gone a. couple of hours. Out in the field he would be away until the next meal Since we retired, although busy - most of the time, he is often in and out of the house. That inter- rupts. my work as we stop and talk, maybe just about the work he is doing outside. It just means that I accomplish less now than I did on the farm, But how I' longed - for those interruptions they ever bothered you. Anyway I never did share the sentiments of a friend of mine whose husband is reaching the age of retirement. She says--'"I'm dreading it. I'll - just go crazy with Jim around the house every day. He has no hobbies--I know he'll be bored Incidentally, I'm going to phone my f{riend and suggest she read the book I have mentioned. Well, we had an unexpected pleasure yesterday--Sunday. We went to see the March Past of onto Area, at Withrow Park. It was the first time we had seen as District Commissioner -- and we were proud of her. She join- about twelve and her interest has grown with the years. Among the companies taking part yesterday there was a small group at the end of the parade that brought a lump tomy throat. . . a group of deformed and retarded children of various ages, most of them in wheel {~~ chairs. Dee says some' of these ~unforfunatés are as keen on Girl Guide activities as normally ac- tive youngsters. Obviously cour- .~ "Nature works her own won- ders," says a professor. Yes, who else would have thought of Guessing Ages to get |- - torians still intact so it is hoped that growing a fly swatter at the end of a cow? e A RR, Is Her Business Elizabeth Ralph can take a plece "of beam from _an old temple, the hide from a walrus, or the charred remains of an ancient camp site and tell you how old that temple, that wal- . rus or that camp site is. She can do this up to 40,000 years with a margin of error of only 1 or 2 per cent, Miss 'Ralph is head of the Car" bon 14 laboratory of the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania and re- ceives material from the Arctle, Central and South America, and the Near East, wherever the university museum's archaeolo- gists are working, "In the Arctic this dating- - process. helps us learn more "about the migratory habits of the ancient and modern Eski- mos," said Miss Ralph. "This is also the area which gives us the most trouble, Because of the frozen ground our men work quite close to the surface. Bones and antlers they find are often contaminated by ground water. "Carbon is only & small frac-- tion of the total elements of a bone and is held in a loose mole- cule easily replaced. The ground water may contain dissolved limestone. Unless all of this is removed from the object, it will appear older than it is. Or the water may contain humus which would suggest a younger date." Carbon 14 laboratory played an important part "inthe uni- versity museum's diggings at "Tikal; Guatemala, - Here - there - was a dispute between the his- and - the astronomers. They were trying to correlate own. Through counting the Car- bon 14 content in a temple beam, Miss Ralph was able to say, "This calculation is correct." An interesting task is yet to come from the Near East where university scientists are working | on a sunken Bronze Age ship oft the coast of Turkey. Word has come back that the riggings are there will be enough to place the age of this "ship, writes Erma Perry in The Christian Science Monitor, It costs about $150 to date an object. The material must be treated first with acid to remove 'inorganic carbon if limestone has been washed in. Then sodi- um hydroxide dissolves humus or other--intrusive--particles. | After washing and drying, the material is burned. Gases are run through a long series of traps which collect impurities, both electro negative and radio active. The presence of other -gases-is then reduced-to-one part per million, This very pure car- bon dioxide is then put into a proportional counter and the amount of Carbon 14 is recorded. Miss Ralph points out that every living substance has Car- bon 14 in it which is in balance wy. SALLY'S SALLIES "So you're making up for last weekend, Shall -I wake you with the air. When stmosphere is no longer breathed, this radio active element slowly decreases, and this dates an object. There are 40 of these Carbon 14 laboratories throughout the world with about 15 in this country. Miss Ralph has sched- uled part of her time this fall developing new Instruments, Two of many helpful ones now in existefice are the resistivity instrument used to test disturb- ances of the soil caused by buried objects and_the proton magnetometer used to detect buried kong pottery, or iron ob- jects. Modern Etiquette By Anne Ashley Q. When a boy with whom a girl has been going for some time invites her to his home for dinner and for the purpose of meeting his parents, is it proper. for the girl to take his mother some sort of gift?. A. No; in fact, it would be in bad taste, : Q. My parents are planning an engagement party for me. Should my fiance present my ring to me at this party, or beforehand? A. This is 'a personal matter, and your fiance should present you with your ring before the party. 60-Inch Cloth the Maya calendar with our | ° "ly Cra Wha, Magnificence made EASY! Rounds of pineapples create an elegant cloth for dining or to decorate a table between meals. Round cloth -- decorators' fa- yorite! Crochet in string or No. 30 cotton, Pattern 845: directions _ 4 for 60-inch cloth in string. Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (stamps: cannot be accepted, use postal note for safety!) for this pattern to Laura Wheeler, Box- 1, 123 Eighteerith St., New Tor- onto, Ont. Print plainly PAT- - TERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS. JUST OFF THE PRESS! Send now for our exciting, new 1961 Needlecraft Catalog. Over 123 ~ designs to crochet; --knit; sew, embroider, quilt, weave -- fash- ions, homefurnishings, toys, gifts, bazaar hits. Plus FREE--instruc- tions for six smart veil caps. Hurry, send 25¢ owl Monday morning?" MEMORIES ARE MADE OF THIS -- - World. -car being polished by 'by owner Bud Cohn: The auto was -neth Wallis, Engine: 7.5 liter Rolls Royce fire truck; ings from- German fet aircraft; engine-magneto: fro throttle levers from a Lancaster bomber. The entire: : tonstrucled of unused aircraft materials, ISSUE 15. --- - 1960 War airplane pari w wer sed to build this touring built by RAF Flight Commander Ken- headlamp. eowlings: starter motor house. m_ Spitfire, fighter; inside door. handless coachwork, frame and skin of the car are . | } it ! pn a To