Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 17 Nov 1960, p. 1

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~ -- . - - Authorised as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa AR PORT PERRY, ONT THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1960 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Celebrate 40th Wedding Anniversary § 'Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott of Seagrave were entertained -by- their family at their home on Friday, Nov. 11th, the occasion being the fortieth Anniver- sary of their marriage. The bride was the former Gladys Harrison of Myrtle Station, being the daughter of the late Mrs. IR. S, Long and the late James H, Harrison. Roy Scott is the only son of the late Mr. ~-and-Mrs:- I -Scott-of-Séagrave: | Their attendants were Mrs. C. W. Clarke of Little Britain, sister of the groom and the late Mr. Frank Rarri- son of Myrtle Station. The wedding ceremony performed by the late Rey. Adams was held at the home of the hride's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Scott have lived on their farm at Seagrave, for the forty years of married life. - Mrs. Scott has always been an ac- tive worker in her church, being the church organist for thirteen years and pianist with the late Mrs. Sleep's Sun- day School Orchestra, at the same time raising three stalwart sons namely, Kenneth of Oakwood, Harold of Barrie and Beverley of Oshawa. They in return. gave their parents three wonderful daughter-in-laws and ten grandchildren to bless their home. Mr. "Sedit who is "Roy" to everyone has taken an intérest in various ac- tivities in the Community. A veteran World War I, a member of the C an Legion, ii as a member of the Memorial Rink Board, a four two unsuccessful tries in politics, hav- ing received and campaigned for the C.C.F, in two elections, and now is Reach Twp. Assessor. [Roy, always interested in sports, was a president of the Tri-County Baseball League and also a president of the Port Perry Curling Club. Mr. and Mrs. Scott were the recip- jents of lovely gifts, cards and flowers, including a platsorm rocker from the family. District Teachers Meet The Reach and Scugog teachers met in Reach Consolidated No. 1 on Nov. 8 at 8 p.m. Mr. Becker called the meeting to, order with the National Anthem, Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Mr. Becker called on Miss McNeal who said that she had had a visit from Mr. Young of the Department of Edu- == sation" physieat-tratming - division-and -in who had shown new equipment to be used in schools, Mr. Young offered to demonstrate the same to our group at a future date, - Mr. Becker suggested that we have Reading as our topic for the January meeting with Miss McNeal in charge. Mr. Boothman spoke to us concern- ing the educational value of our meet- ings. He stressed the need for us to think of ourselves as an important group of educators' and as such we must look to the future. Questionaires on school and teach- ing improvements were passed . out and filled in by the teachers. Results of same to he discussed at a Inter meeting. 'Mr. Becker introduced Mr, Nelson religious instructor - in elementary schools who spoke to us on the pur- pose of his work and the results he 'attained. - : Mr. Nelson started his work 6 years ago with 8 classes. To-day he has 87. He stressed his desire to reinforce the religious instruction of the class. "in bringing more children to church, and, went on to say that he liked to think of his work ag an aid in pre- venting . crime and delinquency, for where there is no Christianity frustra- tion prevails rather than hope and confidence. - Mr. Nelson said he did not bring to the foreground the different religions but taught the Scripture stories and attempted to make the biblical char- acters live for the students in lessons of love and obedience. The attention given Mr, Nelson by the teachers | spoke highly of the respect and con- fidence they had in him as their spirit- ual leader and friend. "Mr. Becker on behalf of the group thanked the speaker for his fine talk and for his help to the teachers. The collection was received and amounted to $4.76 showing a balance treasury. of . $1641, coon The next meeting will be held in Reach Consolidated No, 2, Greenbank, on January 12th at 8 p.m, ' Committee for meeting to be Mr. Boothman, Mrs, McCully and Mrs. Shier, : : The meeting adjourned followed by a bountiful lunch served by Mrs. Tay- lor, Mrs, Hodgins and Mr, Ockendon. Man Injured by Rolling Truck Tuesday, November 8th, Mr. Nor- man Edgerton, R.R. 1, Burketon, stopped his truck at the barnyard gate and got out to open it. As he did so the truck rolled ahead and pinned him against the fence, Mrs, Edgerton, discovered his plight and phoned Mr. Osear McQuade who lives across the road. Mr. McQuade moved the truck y| back, and Mr. Edgerton was removed to Community Memorial Hospital at Port Perry by Brignal"s Ambulance, where he was attended by Dr. (Rennie, Fortunately no sgrious injury was found and Mr, Edgerton expects to be in hospital for only a few days to re- © cover from the shock and bruises, year term as a Reach Twp. Councillor, | Minutes of Regular meeting of Port Perry - Council, held Saturday, Nov. 12, 1960, 10 a.m, Present--Reeve, J. J. Gibson in the Chair; Deputy-Reeve: W. T. Harris, Councillors Arthur T. Cox, Robert A. Kenny, Irving A. Boyd. ' DEPUTATIONS-- Messrs. Russell Rodd and Edward Oyler, of Reach Council, with the Vil- lage Council, and Messrs. W.G. Raines and Howard Gibson of the Port Perry Tire Dept. There were two matters to be dealt with: A letter from the Port Perry Fire Dept. dated Sept. 21 which reads as ! follows: I "Fhe officers and men of the Fire Dept. would like some action to be taken on their behalf with regard to gquipméent on.the Reach Fire Truck. The men are working under a very great handicap without the equipment. Requirements: 2 Scott Air-Paks I Ladder 36' 1 Ladder 14' Pump Tank, 1 Dry Chemical Ext. First Aid Kit, Brookes Air Ways 4 Short handle shovels. Pike Pole. 300 ft. 21%" hoge 2. Fire agreement between the Vil- lage of Port Perry and the Township of, Reach expired on Aug, 1st, 1960. The Reach deputation, after pricing some of the equipment required ex- plained that they would be able to purchase the necessary equipment this year as-it had been included in their budget figures. ' With regard to the agreement it was low at $60 per year and that the men were using Port Perry boots, hats, and coats, ete, when attending Reach fires so the amount was set at $150 per year;-the agreement to be for a term of 0 years, subject to revision by either Council, giving the other Coun- ¢il three months notice. By-law No. 1337 to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign certain fire -ayrreement-with-Reach;-dated-August- (, 1960. Passed. The Clerk was instructed to revise the agrecment in accordance e with the above changes. = Minutes of Court of Revision ap- proved as revised: ACEOUNTS PASSED: | Goneral Deepartment ........ $33,779.02 'roperty and Parks... 132.62 Sidewalks oii 166.91 I'ublic Welfart cocoon 20.33 Street Maintenance ........... 4117.62 Truck & Tractor Account 196.73 Laying Watermain, on . 6,783.38 26.00 11,769.75 Waterworks Waterworks 0.W.R.C Port Perry Hydro Tenders for the proposed steel water tank, as opened by Reeve: 1. Plate and Structural Steel Ltd. $16,604.00 2, Sparling Tank and Manu, Co. N $26,472.00 3. Toronto Iron Works $26,999.00 4. Hortop Steel Works ...... $43,065.00 frre $43,065.00, less. tax. 2,135.88... $40,930.00 6. Bridge and Tank C. ........ $21,216.00 (All tenders plus tax) No decision was made, but the Clerk was instructed to write O.W.R.C. and request they send down an Engineer to study the tenders received with the Council. CORRESPONDENCE-- From The Canadian H. W. Gossard Co. requesting to renew the lease on our Port Perry premises for another year, on the understanding that this can be 'done without a further increase in, 'rent, Dee. 1, 1960 to No. 30, 1961. increase. ; 0 Account of Beare Motors, $276.08, re Automatic Lift on truck. Letter from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs, Incentive work to include pro- jeets Involving Golf Courses and Mun- cipal Cemeteries. Assessors' Meeting to be held on November 28, 1960 at Oakville, Moved that the assessor to attend with expenses paid £ Memo--The 1.O.D.E, are interested in having dishes in the kitchen of the Municipal Bldg. Left for attention of 'Councillor Boyd. Mr. Geo. Emmerson complained of the garbage not being picked up at \ the motel PORT PERRY COUNCIL NEWS Port Perry Fire Dept. using Fire truck for Peacock & McQuigge. The Clerk is to notify Peacock & McQuigge re agreement, Mr. G. Oldfield would appreciate the Hydro Dept. completing the work startecd on Simcoe St. some months ago. The Clerk wa: instructed to write Mr Oldfield and to Mr, Richardson of the Uxbridge Hydro Office re same: Statement signed by Mr, Rice ve Mr. EK. Seriver .of lots 229, 230, 231 Paxton Street, It was decided that the Planning Board be informed by letter of this undertaking, Letter from Me, F. S. Wotton stut- ing that the candidates for the Emer- gency Measures Orientation Course were advised on different occasons. Letter from H.E.P.C. ve Public Speak contest for 1960-1961. Left for the chairman of Hydro, Mr. A, T, Cox. ONTARIO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE The Chamber of Commerce was re- quested to send a delegate if desired the Corp. to pay expenses, (continued on back page) Wedding EDGERTON - HARRIS A quiet wedding was solemnized in decided that the garage rental was too Scugog St. iin 360.28 Laying Watermain, ......... 360.28 Ditching ete. wooreniniiininens 971.78 Sidewalk construction, Lilla 649.12 Tree Trimming 161.88 $66,423.22" The lease to be renewed without an Blackstock United Church parsonage Saturday, October 29th, 1960, when Lorna Lillian Harris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Harris was united in marriage with Mr, Grant Allen Ed- gerton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman | FKdgerton, Cadmus. Rev. P, Romeril was the officiating minister. . The bride was charming in a street length dress of. white Crystal Charm with matching gloves and shoes and white feather hat and she wore a mau- ve-Orchid- corsage. Her sister Miss Shirley Harris. was bridesmaid and was dressed in a Tan- garine street length dress of Crystal . Charm with matching gloves, shoes and feather hat. Her corsage was of 'white feather mums. Mr. Roy Graham, cousin of the bride | was best man. For the reception for the immediate families, held at "The Acres" Hamp: ton the bride's mother wore a Sa. phire Blue crepe dress with match- ing hat and black accessorres and a corsage of yellow. feather carnations. "The groom's mother wore Delph Blue brocaded crepe with matching hat and black accessories and a cor- sage of pink feather carnations. For their trip to Florida the bride chose a deep Lilac wool sheath dress with brown suede shoes and bag, mat- ching cloche hat, scarf and gloves with a China Mink Jacket. On their return they will sasiie on the groom's farm, east of Cadmus. en J Prior to the marriage a miscellan- eous shower was held at the home of Mrs. Bert Cliff, Port Perry when the staff of Port Perry Hospital, the Bowl- ing Team and friends presented the bride-to-be with many useful gifts, --. Mrs, .Lavern..Devitt,- Oshawa. was hostess for a miscellaneous shower when the staff of the children's ward, Oshawa General Hospital and friends renewed acquaintenances and present- ed Miss Harris with many beautiful and useful gifta, Help to Understand Retarded. Children The Women's Hospital Auxiliary will, on the evening of November 22, next, hold their Annual Meeting and election of officers. This meeting will also feature the auxilfaries interest for the month of November--Understanding the prob. lem of Retarded Children, The new Ontario Government col our film "One on Every Street" will hé shown. The film deals with re- tarded children and the work of the Ontario Government in treating, train- ing and earing for them in its hospi- tal schools. This film will be of particular interest to our local mem: bers since it was made in the Orillia Hospital for Retarded Children, A leading newspaper comment: - "Most people received a tremena- ous jolt"from this film--not to their sensitivity, but to their ignorance , one word describes it--splendid." That 'though the house appeared to have Hts, was also- searched by some un=| As Mrs. Hardy has a Catholic Women Meet in Port Perry On Sunday, October 80th, the Little church of the Immaculate Conception was packed with members of the Ont. County South Region of the Catholic Women's League. Rev. J. Van Rut S.CJ., celebrated Benediction, which |- - wus followed by the General Meeting in the Church Hall, tev, Van Rut. welcomed the ladies to the meeting; and reminded them that Sunday was the Feast of Christ he King, and that as Christ was our "King, 50 they were all members of the My-tical Body of Christ, that should imitate Him and become more Christ- like, that they would bé more effectual only as they became more: spiritual: Rev L. J. Austin, of Whitby, the Di-. rector of the Region introduced Rev. J. I. Wall, newly appointed Director '| of the Toronto Arch-Diocesan Council. Father Wall expressed the honour he felt at being made Director, in that the Catholic Women's League, is, in his opinion, "THE Society" in this Dioceses and in this Country. He stressed that the strength of the. Catholic League depended, not solely on the number of members, but in spiritual growth in the individual | member in their own personal life. as they grew spirithally they would radiate goodness which would shine not only locally, provincially & nationally, by making Our Lord's Presence felt. Miss Mary Dobell, President of the Toronto Arch- Dio-! coses asked that all members concen-' trate their efforts in adding more. Rosaries to the Rosaries for Chile. | She drew a vivid and shocking picture | of the conditions in Chili and told how the Crusade had its beginning. is not too late to contribute. - The work of the Parish Council of | the Region was presented by the Conveners, and showed how topether the individual work of the Council had impact. The guest speaker on this occasion was. Sister_-Mary. -Rose--of-.the~Mar-- ruerite d' Youville Convent of the Grev Sisters. Sister in her talk told us of the work of the Grey Nuns, of their Foundress, and of life in the Novitiate in general, After the meeting was adjourned the ladies of the Immaculate Concep- tion. C.W.L. Parish Council acted as hostesses and served a delightful lunch Break-in Two Port Perry Homes The breaking and entering of two Port Perry homes occurred on Satur- day night. The occupants of hoth homes were out of town at the time. The home of Mr. Fred DeNure, Lil- la 8t., showed evidence of an attempt to jimy open the door, but entrance was affected through & window. Al- been thoroughly searched an early check showed a pair of ladies- new overshoes and a pair of ladles slippers seemed to 'be all that was missing. Mr. DeNure was away on a hunting trip and Mrs. DeNure on an overnight visit. Mrs. Hardy's home, Shanly & John known person. position in London, she wag not avail- able to make an accurate check, and it is mot known whether anything was taken. The person who went through these homes did not muss things up very much, apparently looking for money os small valuables. - Chief Cameron asks that any home owners who expect to be away for any length of time would do well to inform the police department, when an extra check will be made of the neighbour- hood by the patrling policeman, Railings Have Been Added The townsfolk will be pleased to find the steps at the Post Office have had a hand rail added during the re- cent re building job. 'The former stone steps had become very hazard. ous in slippery weather. Although a board covering was laid down which helped in some measure, the hand rail will be a great benefit especially to the older eitizens, ey W-- $2.00 Per Year, Single Copy Oi¢ Surprise Party on Silver Wedding Anniversary. On Saturday, Nov. 6th a surprise party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Midgley, in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Kight on the occasion of their 26th wedding anni- VErsary. Approximately sixty-five friends and relatives gathered to honour the popular bride and groom of twenty- five years. "The guests enjoyed a delightful evening of cards and dancing, planned , by the hostesses Mrs. Ted Kight, sis- ter of the bride, Mrs. Gordon MacMil- lan, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Kight und Mrs. Midgley, sister of the groom and their bridesmaid, After lunch was served a presenta- tion of u chest of silver, on behalf of James Sandison, brother of the bride and best man of yester-year. Mr. James Kight presented his father and mo- ther with a T.V. swivel chair on be- half of himself and sister Nancy and husband (Mr. and Mrs. G. MacMillan). those present was made by Mr. Many cards of congratulations and other gifts were received. The honoured guests thanked those present for the delightful surprise gifts and enjoyable evening, Guests were present from Port Perry, Ux- bridge, Sudbury, Oshawa, Glen Ma- jor, Balsam, Toronto and Wallace- burg. . We wish Sarah and Cleve more yeirs of happily married life. many Secondary School Teachers Meet teachers Port Perry and Secondary school from Brock, Uxbridge, Blackstock held their annual local meeting of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation at Brock District Tigh School on November 2." Discussion centred on problems of the locality. The following officers were elected for 1960-61. Past President--Mr. RR. Prentice, Uxbridge President--Mr. Brock Secretary-Treasurer ] Brock Public Relations Officer--Miss Y. McFadyen, Port Perry On November 9 the staffs of the came schools participated in District 20 dinner meeting of the 0.8.5. T.F. at Oshawa. The annual convention of secondary school teachers of District 20 will be held in Port Perry High School "in February. J. A. Hawtin, Mrs. Dunn, Dial Telephones For Cartwright In 1961 J. W. Lowry, Bell Telephone man ager of the territory, week that plans are for the opening of new dial exchange accounced this well underway "in Blackstock in-the-fal-of- 196 kate cost--of- $143,000. Initially the new office will be equipped to serve Hho telephone numbers. Construction of a modern building will begin shortly. As soon as it has been completed, crews of highly- trained techneians will install intri- cate dial switching equipment and associated apparatus in it. Other crews, working outside, will rearrange and extend the wire and cable network serving the community and adapt it for use under the dinl system. All telephone sets will have to he changed for dial operation, "Long before the installation be- gins, the equipment must be engineer- ed and tailored to meet the specific needs of Blackstock", Mr. Lowry said. The whole program must be care- fully co-ordinated so that all Black- stock telephones can he switched to din) operation at sme time, and with no interuption in service, When the dial office opens, auto- matic switching equipment will take over the task of connecting all local callg, and operators will no longer be working here. However, Mr, Lowry esilined: every effort will be made to assure that the change to dial causes a-mini- The sidewalks have also been re. Liam of disruption to the Bell's oper- built and the whole approach is im. | ating ataff hete. .| proved in appearance as well as safe- | tye, { (continued on back page) Worker on Causeway Injured Saturday morning, Nov. 12th, Mr. Paul Belliveau, employed by the Hailey Construction Co. was injured when the plywood shoring under a bridge tun- nel fell on him. He was removed from--the --scene-- by Brignal's Ambu- lance and taken to the Community broken ribs. The Bailey Construction Ca. are do- ing the cement bridges. This is the first serious accident that has hap- pened on the causeway construction joh. : Guide Mothers L. A. The regular monthly meeting of the Guides and Brownies Mothers" Too AL will he held on Tuesday evening Nov. The Nominating Committee will bring in a new slate of officers for the com- irr year. Group one will serve lunch. Coach member is to bring a favorite ceipe and product of your sample of same to sell, or special talent. On Iriday evening, November 26th, i the Presbyterian Church cat 7.30 Jelock, i gold cord ceremony in hon- ai of Guide Nola Hunter will take uinder the leadership of Com Joan Godley, Mr. W. Perry, and the Guide Mothers" 1A welcome, any Jee nie Tone minster, Visitor Hockey Club Cy Continues The door to door sale of chocolate wirs by the hockey club ygil, he con- tinued this week, Many people have the sale of the bars so the boys of all ing. The res wits very that thi: wmhier ponse to the first canvass gratifying and it Saturday" will see a record of bars sold. This is yom chance to help the Hockey Club. Re FeNerons, ge is hoped Greenbank House Burned Port Perry Fire Brigade responded to a call to a fire in a house north of Greenbank on Friday evening, There wang very: little saved as the fire was | well advanced before the brigades Taf Uxbridge and Port Pe rey arrived on the scene, The house was unoccupied, but com- pletely furnished, as thé owner had juat recently moved to Fatrview Lodge iat Whitby. Cauge of the fire was unknown Memorial Hospital, Port Perry. Hu . was treated by Dr. Rennte. Mr. Bel liveau suffered an injured back, and «22 at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Hunter. : requested that the hockey club repeat CrOups will be out on Saturday morn."

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