Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 10 Nov 1960, p. 5

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i - EE Side Nw - bo List of Boys Registered for Minor Hockey in Port Perry 7 TRE RB TYR RFT BS 6 YEAR OLDw~ , 8x >t Brent Heard, Steve Brain, Garry Lee, Steve Hilliard, Bob Young, Dave Bourgeois, Garry Waller, Ron Red- man, John Murray, Ricky Evans, Ca Cochrane, Neil DeShane, Rich Short, Don: Phinney, Garry Geer, Ted Hall. 7 YEAR OLD-- Wayne Marshall, Paul Taylor, Greg Goode, Ron. Short, Dale Hallett, Ken Irwin, Kim Wakeford, Jim McPhaden, Don Waldinsberger. 8 YEAR OLD-- Jack Frannsen, Roger Moase, Dean Beare, Glen Sweetman, Alan Shaw, Paul Heard, , Greg Menzies, Blakely, Bill Brain, Bill: Tripp, Paul McDermott, Dave Gray, Jim Moore, Dave Carnochan, Glen Geer, Dave Brown, Ron Phinney, Brian McNab, Wayne May. Your Ice Time Sat., Nov. 12th-- 11.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. we X 9 YEAR OLD-- Ron Jeffrey, Steve Carnegie, Larry Mark, Bill Mark, Glen Howsam, How- ard Chapman, Bob DeShane, Ralph Prentice, Al. Wakeford, Billy Taylor, Bob Bruton, Barry Saunders, Larry Moase, Wayne Pugh, Billy Hall, Den Short, Reg. Foster, Garry Hunter, Gene Hurst, Wayne Birkett, Karl Dur- ham, Keith Durham. 10 YEAR OLD-- Scott Kenny, Rus Stephens, Ricky Ballard, John MacMaster, Larry Me- Nenly, Ricky Beare, Reg. Manns, Ralph Raines, Ricky Walker, Grant Dawson,- Ron Podres, Terry Howsam, Bill Wanamaker. 11 YEAR OLD-- John McDermott, Rod. Enge, Ron Taylor, Scott Rollo, Bob Wallis, Lon. | son, Trev| Mark; Brian Knight, Dale Beare, Ray Hillier, Tom Armstrong, Ross Eden- borough, Grant Williams, Bob Cowie- Tom Hockins, Ricky Foster, Steve Foster, (Ron Blakely, John Wi- therspoon, Steve Whitter, Doug Geer, Siew Sebben, Jamie Porter, lan Cook, Trev. Kendal. : Your Ice Time Sat., Nov. 12th-- 10.256 a.m. to 11.256 am. wn 12 YEAR OLD-- Jim MacMaster, Bill Terrett, Al Short, Al. .Beftrand, Dave 'Hubbard, Ricky Stephens, Terry Adderley, Ted Hallett; Bob - Hunter, Dave Murray, Bill Beare, Chris Dowson, Ralph Bal- lard, Gord McMillan, Don McNenly. 13 YEAR OLD-- Brian Mark; Wayne Saunders, John Raines, Dan Cawker, Don McLaugh- lin, Dale Mc¢Nenly, John Jemmette, Tim Thomas, Dave Mulligan, Ian Ful- ford, Roger Pickard, Rob Samson, Dave Ballingall, Bob Lee, Steve Payne -} Roger Stephens, Tom Nearing, Gra- ham Powell, Dave Porter, Paul Hub- bard, Barry Beare, Fred Cox, Keith Phoenix, Ricky Snooks, Steve Henry. Your Ice Time Sat., Nov 12th-- 9.056 a.m. to.10.06 am. in your age group. PLEASE!--No Phone Calls. 3, [adhd] Bl OF COOKING _ VOL--1 ONLY Me VOLUMES 2 TO 12 ONT, Mg, Volume 4 'Now on Sale EARLIER VOLUMES STILL AVAILABLE HEINZ OVEN BAKED Bl inl 15 oz. Tin YORK-16-0z. ICE BOX JAR "PEANUT BUTTER ... ETA JELLY POWDERS ft 3 pkgs. 28c. "QUAKER -- ---- MUFFETS dps. 3c. | 6 QUART BASKET _.Courtland Apples ...... ak = 5 Ladies' Monday Night Bowling NOV 7th TEAM STANDING Ching, .....oocviininnt einen 28 Sweden 27 Holland .... 20 England .. ..24 Germany: - weld aly nian VADER. hFvinin A rears 23 Canada viii 18 France | 71 SNR I EC SID JAPAN iin 16 Ireland .... .16 Scotland ......... 16 Hight Triple, Teresa Hall .... High Single, Doris Healey Over 600 Triple--Teresa Hall Doris Healey 626 Over 200--Dois Healey 269, 203; Joyce Emmerson 264, Elma Vernon 243, Olive Harrison 243, Marg, Sweet- man 242, Mae Blakely 233, 212, Shirley Lee 229, Teresa Hall, 226, 218, Marie Foster 223, Grace Hastings, 222, Merle St. John 208, Marion Lawrence 200. Ladies Wednesday --N-- 14 YEAR OLD-- . B li L Wes May, Dave - Menzies, Dave ow ng eaqgue Psy Oke, Ron "Raines, LEAGUE STANDING 15 YEAR OLD-- - . Pts. Taken Total Pts. 'Gord Carnegie, John McMillan, | Hurricanes 2 30 Larry Lee, Ron Manns, Don Gibson, | Helicopters 5 27 Robert Jemmette. Flyers ai] 261% Your Ice Time Sat., Nov 12th-- | Mosquitoes 7 26 8 a.m. to 9.00 a.m. North Stars 5 26 "NOTE--AIl boys must bring your | [-ancasters 2 22 permission to play form, signed by | Kittyhawkes 2 18 player and parent or guardian. Jets 4%. 17% Be sure to check Bulletin Board. | Sunderlands --_ 16% _Do not forget your Fee--25¢. If your Spitfires. 16 name is not on this list be sure to Mustangs a 2% 13% check at the rink Saturday, Nov. 12 Bombers 2 13 Over 210-- 295 S. Brignall, 285- 227, C. Hewitt, 229, A. DeNure, sL...',-B5-227ingd 235-218 M. Cook, 229 A DeNure, 227 R. Roach,225 E. Summers, 226 F. Cochrane, 221 M. MacGregor 220 L. Carnegie, 219-211 J. Ballard, 219 R.' Cooper, 215 J. Enge, 210 A. Spears. Over 600--084 C. Hewitt, G41, M. Cook - ,601 J. Ballard | High Single This week, 205, 8. Brignall _ High si single 'to date 324 M. Inge High Triple this week, 684, C. Hewitt fi Triple to date, 723, M. Enge Thusiay Night Standings-- Head Pins ....covveinnnennnn 31 Carnegies ...cvvinneeninnnns 27. . Legion vine . 27 Whiz Bangs ........cccceinen. 24 Black Jacks ... . 24 LY A SS 21 Goofers .....cocnnnenrenne ET 21. Archer's coven 20 DeLuxe .....ccrnenn SN 19 Meteors ....ccniieninenn. 16 Blow Kings 14 Juniors basse ) 8 High Triple-- A. Menzies--821 High Single-- J. Abrams--322. ~Over-600 Triples-- A. Menzies--821; G. . Menzies--711; F. 'Olsen--771; J. Abrams =i; Witherspoon--692; H. Hall--664; F. astings--653; Jo Owen--643; B. Miller--642; R, Sweet- McLaughlin, 214 M.! a Over 240 Singles-- J, Abrams--322; A. Menzies--286, 274, 261; G. Menzies---285, 246; F. Olsen--279; B. Healey--282, 247; J. Witherspoon, 274, 244; C. Watts--267; M. Appleton=256; R, Sweetman-- 249; B. Young--247; B. Miller--246; H. Edenborough--245; G. Mark--242; T. Eden--242; J. Ballard--242, (Sheets for Blow Kings and Stars were lost so no results shown), - Scout Association Annual Meeting An open invitation was tendered to all parentd of the 'Brownies, Guides, 9 Cubs and Scouts (there are 250 boys and girls who meet at the Scout Hall each week) to attend an annual meet- ing. The purpose of the meeting is so that the parents can become fami- liarized with the various activities of { the groups, gain knowledge as to how their money is being spent and become acquainted with the leaders who de- vote a great deal of their time to the training of their children. Perhaps the parents are not interested in these efforts, We of the committee be- lieve they are, although we were not privileged with the presence of a single one of these parents--Enough said! The annual meeting was held on Sunday, Oct. 30, with Harry Eden- borough presiding. Representatives were present from the Scout Mothers, Guide Mothers, Guides, Brownies, Cubs and Scouts. Mrs. Harry Edenborough reported for the Scout Mothers Ass'n. They have had a very successful year and have catered to a number of Wed- ing methods. They have paid off all commitments towards the new Kit- chen and have purchased new Kit chen equipment. Mrs. Milne reported for the Guide Mothers Ass'n which catered to a , humber of banquets, bazaars, and "other projects. Meetings are well attended. ) have worked hard to complete the kit- | chen which is very adequately equip- ped-in the Scout- Hall. - Mrs. Roach gave us a report for the 'Brownie Packs. She is the Brown Owl of the Second Pack and assist- ants are Tawny Owl Mrs. Louise Carnegie and Packie Miss Eunice Roach, they have an enrolment of 32 'Brownies. Mrs. Rena Webster is Brown Owl of the First Pack and as- sistants are Tawny Owl Mrs. Lucille Mark and Packie Miss Margaret Ter- i rett. They have an enrolment of 33 ! Brownies. | Captain Dorothy Nelson, leader of First Guide Company, reported for the Guides. and her assistants are Lieut. Gerri Spears,' Junior Leader Margaret Anne Witherspoon and 27 girls are enroled. No, 2 Company 'Leaders are Captain Donnie Howey, | Lieut. Mrs. Carolyn Saunders, Junior i. leader is Beverley Sweetman. They "have an enrolment of 26 girls, there are three whgq are soon to be eligible | to recéive their "Gold Cords". Report wag read from Cub Master { Mrs. Stuart Lane who is Akela of "A" Pack. Mrs. Lane recently took {over from Bob: Bell. Her assistants are Miss Gladys Lane and Dan. Me- { Donald and there are now 21 boys ! mot- |; | Healey--672; jeziserd Last year 5 were pro ed into No. 2 Scout Troop and 6 boys | are presently waiting to join. FRESH SHANKLESS PICNIC SHOULDERS . . .... Ib } i 39¢c. 1 FRESH PORK BUTTS ..... ' Ib LEAN MEATY FRESH SIDE RIBS ........ CH SMALL LINK SAUSAGE .......... _-- MAPLE LEAF WIENER ROLLS BIG "g" WIENERS 10 oz. Pkg. DEAL te 55 Pkg. of 8 PRICES EFFECTIVE THUR,, FRI, SAT, NOV. 10, 11, 12 TI TTT I RE re rE LE TE Ts ES EE SS CE TE TENN £ . pe' v ; s Rd 2 - | ; ; CAR FOOD MARKETS "man--~642;" B. Young--630;-J.-Ballard. a2; T. Eden--606. You Can Begin Career Training ~ AtAny Time uv THE Sola BUSINESS COLLEGE is open all year and our method of individual instruction permits you to start at any time * * * * 8 Day- School Courses from which tu choose: - * * * * EVENING CLASSES "TUESDAY and THURSDAY 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Choice of Subjects * LJ] * * SPECIAL CLASSES for Housewives - -- Shiftworkers Teen-Age Typists * * % FREE LITERATURE AVAILABLE" 5% » 5 10 Simcoe Street North Dial RA 5-3375 a a Ee Sait] iJ THE * CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR AM INTERNATIONAL DAILY NEWSPAPER Good Reading for the | Whole Family - News facts ~~ «Family Features The Christion Science Monitor One Norway St., Boston 15, Mass, send your newspaper for the time sucked, Ei Enclosed No bi 2 check or money ON, 1 YOOF'S - « menthe $i0 0 3 mentha 5 0 ? S-------- vo dibakly dings, banquets, and other fund rais- | 'Much ¢ credit should be given to both r the Scout and Guide Mothers who Cubmaster Gordon Goode "Akela" of "B"" Pack reported he has Mr, Char. lie Reesor and Clem Jeffery 'as as- sistants, 82 boys are enroled and last year 14 boys advanced into Scouts. District Cubmaster Stanley Plough- man reported for "C" Pack. His as- sistants are John Pickard, Peter Sweetman and Donald Forder, 25 boys are enroled, 10 joined during the year and 13 advanced into.the Scouts, nine of which were second star Cubs. They were able to have 2 week end camps this summer, ' Scout Master William Willoughby of No. 1 Troop reported a very suc- cessful year and they had a number of camping trips. - The boys have raised funds by collecting bottles, cleaning the Fair grounds and deliv- ering circulars for the T. Eaton Co. His assistants are John Piatie 'and Brian Nickolls who drive out from Oshawa each week to help Scout Mas- ter 'Willoughby. 25 boys are enroled, 11 Tenderfoot, 9 second Star and two Queen Scouts, Due to the number of Cubs advanc- ing into Scouts it was necessary to form a second troop and Mr, Stuart Lane is Scoutmaster with Kenneth Fralick, John Williams, and Queen Scout Art Jefford as his assistants. 25 boys are presently enroled. Chairman of the building commit- tee Allen Dowson gave a very favour- able report. The wiring and plumb- ing were completed during the past year but the storage rooms and ceil- ing in the banquet hall are still to be finished. Allen, on behalf of hi mittee, voiced thanks to all the fathers who, once a week, spent an evening working at the hall. We hope to con- tinue this schedule this winter so that all the building can be completed. Mr. William Parker turned into the iroup Committee a cheque for $100. veturns for paper salvage. Nominating committee handed in a slate of officers for the coming year. Robert Walker, term of one year. Vice-Chairman »Mr, Jerald Nelson, term of one year. Chairman--My, com- J 'v breeding the C.0.C.B.A. way. THE PORT PERRY STAR, i ---- ------_ Treasurer-- Mr, Donald Murray, term of two years. 'Mr. Gordon Mark, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1960--3 | cers to their chairs and he thanked all for the support given him during hgg"term of office. The meeting ad- term of onc year. journed at 4.30 after which the Scout The retiring Chairman Mr. Harry Mothers served a delicious lunch. Edenborough welcomed the new offi- | Secretary- KANE JUNIOR AND SENIOR just as much as Jack likes to play his real one with the Music Makers each Monday on the Jack Kane Show on CBC-TV. Allan is also learning to play piano--a real piano. Keeping up with Dad is young Allan Kane (5), son of Jack Kane (right). Allan likes to play his toy clarinet, (VG) LODESTAR REFLECTION L. DEWDROP (V.G.) IMirst Prize 4-year-old, Sr. and Grand Champion and Best Uddered Holstein "Female, Western Fair, London, 1969. Sired by: Roeland Reflection Sovereign (EX) (at the Local Shows also. Artificially sired re consistently placing at and near the top. ore production in your herd, use C.0.C.B.A. sires. ation phone YUkon 5- id 373, long distance, ZLnith Arrow Shirts Sport Shiris Pyjamas $5.95 Plain colors Dack Shoes YL Craft Coats, Men men Bata Slippers for Men, Leather - THE FANILY White $5.00, $5.95, $7.50 Hunter Plaids $5.95. $5.00, $5.95, 56. 0% Tooke Viyella, $11.95 pa line available Suburban $19.95, $22.95 and $29.95 Suede Windbreakers $19.95, men Suede Desert Boots, ern. 31.95 $4.50 and $4.90 Dominion Rubbers COMPLETE STOCK FOR ALL PORT PERRY, owt. PU---- 1 am Mav lat +a No i AWEROCK DEPARTM! ENT STORE Only Arrow shirts have Famous Arrow Collars! The ever popular ARDEN with that neat short point look, Mitoga tailoring, "Sanforized" fabrics, anchored buttons. Come in today and pick up Canada's' favourite white shirt -- Arrow ARDEN. BR BRT mm re Round o out your wardrobe with the Hn Arg RADNOR. Mitoga ""Sanforized", and a fused int collar. Available in a soft colours and checks. GLEN BD Artow RB Dution-dewn ¢ collar that Sean stays neat. "'Sanfor i tailoring 1 oo GLEN 'Button Down 1% been made for comfort and style. Come in and see our fine of Arrow GLENS toddv. ARDEN STYLE -- $5.00 PHONE: YU 52521 FAA BET "" 2

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