s bis db Futian at hr AUS ASA RL AE LI ID RT AN ET CAR SE RT ; $8 FAX (ZH, BA es Pat Sis 4 7. EARS i TRF La ECT AEA lg i Frits A RG SA MM RL ANS Se Py ri Fe ASE \ SE A A « ER : Neild 3 Riek CIT SN alos x Fy rE 3 St SEALY Nuiiw Fat $e BEES R475 sf Sia F- VAL SERS LS 3 PRICIER ASO FESS] SVN SESDIS, 2 "REN FR LE ERA NARS £3 } 1960. Both well. ava +-THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8rd, 1960 "THE CHURCHES ANGLICAN CHURCH CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION E. W. Fuller, B.A, L.Th,, Sunday, Nov, 6th-- P 11.80 a.m.--Holy Communion A Rev. Rector 'ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Interim' Moderator: Rev. B. D. Armstrong, B.A., b.D. Minister: 'Mr. William Perry, B.A. Sunday, Nov. 6th-- 10 a,m.--Divine Worship 11 a.m.--Sabbath School q PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. S. Linstead, B.A., Minister Sunday, Nov. 6th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship and Junior Sunday School. EVERYONE INVITED" 1 The United Church of Canada SCLGOG PASTORAL CHARGE Minister: Rev, J. K. Braham, M.A. B.D. Sunday, Nov. 6th-- 10.156 a.m.--Scugog Church 11.16 a.m.--Manchester Church 1.16 p.m.--Prospect Church Please note that we commence our new winter schedule for church ser- vices, Come and worship with us. =f { PORT PERRY 'BAPTIST CHURCH Stuart A.- Mulligan, Pastor Sunday, Nov. 6th-- SUNDAY--9:60 Sunday School 11:00 a.m.--Worship 7:00 p.m.--Evangelism MONDAY--17 p.m.--Jr. Young People FRIDAY--8 p.m.--Bible- Study and Prayer Meeting Prrgonage-~Crandall St, YU 65-7388 A United World | Through God's Kingdom Is a United World visionary or a coming reality ? : "Hou does God's" 'kingdom guarantee-a{ United World for Mankind? Public Address by L. H. NIXON SUNDAY, NOV. 6 at 3 p.m. Scout Hall, Lilla St. N. Port Perry, Ontario All persons of good will welcome. Free! Births JRELAND--Mr. and Mrs. H. Hilton Ireland (nee Dawn Slemon) are happy to announce the birth of a daughter Deborah Courtice at the Grace Hospi- tal, Ottawa on Pv, October 27, TAYLOR. -- Don _ and Faye "e Hayden) are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter Catherine Suzanne, 7 lbs, 16 ozs., on Sunday, Oct. 80, 1960 at Oshawa General Hos- pital. {Women's Hospital '| meetin the Chapter rooms of- the Coming Events Smorgashord Blackstock United Chureh Town and Country Doubles Club will be held at at Blackstock Recreation Centre om Wed,, November 9th at 6 p.m. Adults $176. Children 7bc. Nov.8 Night of Harmony Sponsored by thé Port Perry Lions Club and presented by Oshawa Chap- ter S.P.E.B.S.Q.S'A, (Barber Shop Quartery of Ushawa Chapler Sweet Adelines on Saturday, November bth at 8.16 in the new Auditorium of the Port Perry High School." Advance sale of tickets at Bruton's Drug Store, 'Beare Motors and Bank of Commerce. Adults $1.00. A dance will be held at Utica Coin- munity Hall on Saturday, Nov. 6th at 8 p.m. Music by Bob Parkinson's or- chestra. 'Admission 76¢. per person. Euchre Euchre will be held in Scugog Twp. Hall, Friday, Nov, 11th at 8.30 p.m. to raise funds for the Scugog Guides and Brownies, Refreshments, Prizes. Everybody welcome. Admission b60c. Nov.10 Euchre The C.W.L. will hold a Euchre in the Catholic Parish Hall on Thurs- day, Nov. 10 at 8.30 p.m. Admission 60c. ' Bazaar The Prince Sims, Banas will be held in the basemend of the United Church on Wednesday, November 9th at 2.30 p.m. Baking and sewing PORT PERRY HOCKEY CLUB providing hockey for over 200 boys FUND RAISING CAMPAIGN House to House Canvas Sale of BIG % lb. Chocolate Bars 60c. each Campaign starts Nov. bth Memorial Kecreation Arena Schedule Thursday, Nov. 3rd, 1960-- Public School Skating--38-5 Oshawa Plumbers & Elec.--7-10 Friday, Nov. 4, 1960-- & Hockey Match--7.00 Saturday, Nov. 5th, 1960-- House League--8-12.80 Ajax Hockey Committee--1-7 Public Skating--8-10 "members present. [Guide Mothers L. A.| The October meeting of the Guide | Mothers L. A. was held on Tues. the 26th at the Banquet Hall, with 16 Mrs. Les McDon- ald conducted the meeting which open- ed by repeating the Guide Promise, The secretary's minutes were read and approved. . A report from the Group Committee announced that all our past committments were com- pletely paid up, leaving us free to start anew. A card of thanks was read from Mrs. Betty " Collings expressing. her "appreciation of the silver set for her baby daughter, . A card is to be sent to a Guide Mo- ther whose husband has been ill, Some Betty Crocker box tops have been. collected already--to be handed l'to Mrs. Mabel Cook. "There are 3 guide uniforms for sale, The treasurer reported a new uni- form purchased for a leader, the al- Jotment' of $10 to each of 4 leaders paid, also groceries for camp, leav- Sunday, Nov. 6th, 1960-- North Plant Hockey League--1.30-6 Town & Country Club--6-9 Eaton's of Oshawa--9-10 Monday, Nov, 7th, 1960-- Public School Skating--8-6 Minor Hockey--7-10 Tuesday, Nov. 8th, 1960-- Figure Skating Club--4-10 Wednesday, Nov. 9th, 1960-- Minor Hockey--17-10 Thursday, Nov. 10th, 1960-- Public School Skating--3-6 Oshawa Plumbers & Elect.--7-10 Eastern Star News | 'Blue Ray Chapter, No. 238; Order of the Eastern Star met in the Ma- sonic Temple with Worthy Matron Mrs, Margaret Carnegie presiding, "| assisted by the Worthy Patron, Leo- nard Colbear. The meeting was carried out in re- gular form. Guests were welcomed from Whitby and Sunbeam Chapters. Although attendance was not as large as anticipated it was-pleasing to see tables a specialty. Hot Turkey Supper In Prince Albert United Church on Tuesday, November 15th starting at 6 p.m. Adults $1.60. Children 12 and under 76¢c. Pre School Children Free. Nov.10 Auxiliary Hospital Auxiliary will be held on Tuesday evening, November 22nd, in the Municipal Hall, Port Perry, at eight o'clock. Everyone welcome. Nov. 17 a, 2 Euchre and Dance Friday, Nov. 4th at 8.30 pm. in Epsom School. Ladies please provide Lunch. Silver collection. +1. 0.D.E. The Scugog. Chapter, 1.0.D.E. will Public Library, on Monday, November 7th at 2.30 pm. Euchre Parly In Greenbank Hall on Wednesday, Nov. 9th at 8.30 p.m. Admission 8bc. The annual meeting of the Women's as many Past Matrons and Patrons of Blue Ray Chapter present. Following the reading of the min- utes and the treasurer's report by the secretary Past Matron Helen Colbear and the reports of various convenors and committees, the nominations and election of officers took place' with the following results: | Worthy Matron--Mrs: Adelia White Worthy Patron--Hugh Espie, P.P. Associate Matron-- ----t------ Doris Nottingham a | Associate Patron--=" "TE Leonard dibs TE: 'Secretary--Mrs, Helen Colbear, P.M, Treasurer--Mrs, Alma Reesor Conductress--Mrs, Emma Cook Associate Conductress-- Mrs, Beryl Miller A vote of thanks was extended to W.M.; Mis. Eleanor Train, P.M. and Frank Train, P.P.; also the pages-- Mrs. Jessie Johnston and Mrs. Mari- anne Girard, P.M., of Sunbeam and Whitby Chapters, for their part in the election procedures. During the evening a presentation of small gifts were made to Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Hutchinson as a momento of happy memories at Blue Ray Chap- ter. ~Mr. and Mrs, Hutchinson are making their-home in Toronto, They will be missed at Blue Ray, both be- ing active members and officers since the institution of this Chapter. A report of the Grand. Chapter presented by the Associate Matron, Mrs. Adelia White. At theo close of the meeting the the scrutineers Mrs. Betty McKinstry, Sessions held in Toronto was capably : ing a marginal balance and collec- tion of $3.19, At the November meeting, to be held on Tues. evening, November 22, "at the home of 'Mrs. Lloyd Hunter, each member is to bring some pro- duct of her talent such as baking, handwork, etc. to sell. Group I will provide lunch. * ' The Nominating Committee, con- sisting of Mrs. Jefford, Mrs, Sonley, Mrs. Pascoe, will bring in a new slate of officers. The meeting was closed hy the | Benediction, after which tables wera set in preparation for the Rod & Gun ! banquet on Wednesday night, Group | IIT rewarded our efforts by serving a delicious lunch. ASHBURN were held in Burn's Church on Sun- day, Oct. 30th at 10.16 and 11.30 a.m. Mr. Wm. Perry chose for his~text St. Luke, Chapter 16 verse 2 "This man receiveth. sinners, with them." The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed when three new members were added to the church roll -- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wick and 'Mr. J. McFarlane, of Brook- lin, ] The members of our choir assisted with anniversary service on Sunday evening in Knox Church, Agincourt. Miss Mary Hopkins visited with ton, spent part of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Parrott. "Mr. and Mrs, Wm, McAndless, Robt. and Lenore, of Don Mills; Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Heron and son, of Pick- ering, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Heron. and Mrs, Fred Daw. =. Over one hundred friends and rela- tives -gathered in the basement of to honour Mr, and Mrs. Grant Parrott on their recent marriage with a mis- cellaneous shower, Mr. Walter Kerr acted as master of ceremonies for a phen, of Brooklin.. Mr. Edgar Heron showed some coloured slides which were taken at the wedding. i Sheila and Grant were asked to thke their places on the platform under a beautifully decorated umbrella. Miss- es Faye Heron and Margaret Gilpin Sunday School and Church services| and. eateth | relatives -at Buttonville last week-end. | -- "Mis. Vernon Hamilton; of -Cannif- {como Mr. and Mrs. Lester Patrick, of | Toronto, spent.the week-end with Mr.} Burn's Church on Saturday evening |- short program which "included "A | mock Wedding" put on by the Juniors; | a reading by Mrs, Wes. Routley of |- Brooklin and a solo by Mr. Fred Ste-|. EAE LRT BLOA Indian Summer Or Spring? Mr. J. F. Vickery brought us a nice| sample of the strawberries he picked on Monday of this week. All the berries were well ripened and a fair size, one was especially large and would be considered a big berry at any season. Mr, Vickery's farm is one concession south of Prince Albert, | Ontario, Obituary- PARKIN, Charles Franklin Funeral services were held Septem- | ber.80th, 1960 in St. John's Anglican | Church, Fort Qu'Appelle, Sask, for! the late Charles Franklin Parkin, Rev, J. H, Corkhill officiating. Mr. Par- kin passed away in Balcarres Union Hospital September 26th. Mr. Parkin who was 90 years of age was born July 21st, 1870 in Man- "chester, Ont. the son of James Parkin and Catherine Van Sickle Parkin. His ancestors first arrived in North Am. | : erica aboard the Mayflower settling in the vicinity of Boston. His Great- Grand-father was an Empire Loyalist and the family eventually made their home in Manchester. Mr, Parkin re- sided in Manchester until 1894 when he moved West to Indian Head and six years later moved to Fort Qu"- Appelle. N On April 16th, 1901 he married Flo- rence Annie Parkin and they made Fort Qu'Appelle their home until his death, Predeceased by an elder son James in November '1968 he leaves to mourn his wife, three daughters, Mrs. Paul Kinney (Viola) of Colfax, Calif,, Mrs. Wm, Besler, Melville, Sask. and Ters, Ste D-2 [Roselyn Apts, Regina Sask. Also two sons Chatles Franklin, Fort Qu'Appelle, and Alvin A. of Pentic- ton, B.C. * Obituary MRS. FLORENCE LOUISE McMILLAN Passed away suddenly at the St. Andrews Hospital, Midland, on Thurs- day, October 27th, 1960, Mrs. Florence Louise McMillan, wife of the late Mr. William McMillan, formerly of Sonya, Ont., dear sister of Mr. Hezekiah Rea- zin of Wick and Sarah (Mrs, Enos Metherell) of Midland, Ont. Funeral was held on Saturday, Oct. 20th, 1960 from McNicoll Funeral home, Midland. Interment took place at McNeill Cemetery Wick, Much sympathy is extended to family and neices pf nephews, and other rela- tives. Port Perry Defeats Sutton at Home (Continued from front page) Hunter, Ruth Milne, Kaye MacKen- .zie, Marie Parry, Sharon Beare, and Carolyn Raines, they have done a won- derful job. - -- Port Perry Gains Shutout Over Brock By Danny Reesor Port Perry High School has done it again! Brock District High School's football team . suffered -total defeat' last Friday afternoon as Port Perry pounded their way to a win of 38-0. Once again this week Port's top scorer was fullback Phil Clark. A top player for Port Perry would be hard-to name- as all the boys were outstanding - in their positions. Top player for the Brock team was um- doubtedly Parks, their quarter-baek. A good crowd of enthusiastic Port fans turned out in the perfect foot- ball weather to root during this game, Port Perry's fir=t touchdaw 1 was se- cured by Frank Fielding, part way through tie 1st quarter and Bab Jeffs followed with another TD before the end of that quarter, The 'second quarter saw Phil Clark make two touchdowns and complete the second with the convert, Half Time saw the score as 25 to 0 for Port In the third quarter, F ielding again broke through the Brock defence to make the score 81-0. Jim Carnochan followeed not long after, getting a touchdown which made the score 37- 0 to end the third quarter, Clark started the fourth quarter off _ with a bang for Port Perry by secur- ing a point in the kick. This was another example of Clark's spectacu- lar kicking ability, The game ended without any further scoring by either team. After the game, referee Clutchey commented on the fact that Port Perry's team was now at its peak and the Brock team, being a younger group on the whele, need another yr.'s experience to polish their technique. However, Dave said that the Brock boys were to be commended for the great sportsmanship they 'exhibited all through the game, even though they were so far behind, scorewise. It was, indeed, appreciated by the players to see so many adults of.the | area, on hand to witness this outstan- ~ ding game, and it gives them the feel- ing that they have the folks of the -community backing them one hun- dred per cent, - The boys are sure in there digging, with all they have, to keep up the good record of fair sportsmanship and good team work and we are proud of the result they are obtaining. and saving . To wake the next. years the best 3 years of your life. .. means pling .. now. Whatever your hopes and desires may be--a new home-- college education for your children--new leisure to enjoy, Canada Savings Bonds can help you realize them. CANADA SAVINGS BONDS are cashable at any time at full face value, plus interest. They are really like dollars with interest coupons attached. : LR Ladies please provide lunch. Nov.3| worthy Matron and Patron entertain. | assisted with the many parcels. -A- THEY PAY INTEREST ANNUALLY --with an average yield of : 408 Xd C d f Th k ed the members and guests to a sum- | mong the gifts the bride and groom 4.71 per cent per year for ten years. dn TIRE. - A i94 ara o dNKsS . 3 ptuous repast. The host and hostess | received a coffee table; a step table; | tr ae vse Wh SRN ERR A Le oofing atch _| warmly thanked the officers and mem- | two dresser lamps and.a fruit. bowl. .f. ~THEY- ARE-AVAILABLE in units ranging from $50 to $6,000, he I wish to thank my neighbours and i : : bers for the wonderful co-operation| Refreshments were served and a The limit of the new series is $10,000 per person. TN: friends for cards, gifts and flowers| PRIZES -- LIVE DUCKS shown to them during their term of} social time enjoyed by everyone. CANADA SAVINGS BONDS are simple to. buy--for- cash -or * VA, "during my stay in Oshawa Hospital; Classes office. : Iara tps tically out of curr t income. hs 3 also Rev. Mr. Linstead and Rev. Mr. "16 and 12 guage Shot guns : fri 2 Thy systematically curren . = Ava Braham. x 22 rifles - open sight : 7 ; ah To make the 60's the best years of your life - 4 ih Leona Barry. Ammunition supplied : Manchester ? : A men y 3 ¥ - ! 55 LEE Price--b0c. ea. a round Mr, and Mrs, Raymond Jinks and Card of Thanks RAINES--In the midst of our sor- row we wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our many relatives, friends and neighbours for their kindness and sympathy shown us by gifts and cards at this time; in the-loss of a beloved son and bro- ther Allan George Raines. ; We especially wish to thank the Doctors; Dr. John Diamond, Dr. 8. 'Kandel and Dr." Wm. Grant, also the Nursés, the Reeve and Council, Rev. S. Mulligan, Rev. W. Crawford, Rev. G. Yeoman, the Teachers and pupils of the High & Public Schools, the Scout Mothers, the Donors of the many beautiful floral offerings, the 'McDermott - Panabaker Funeral Ser- vice and the Chas, Brignal Ambulance 2 - Bervice, "Mr. and Mrs. John F. Raines and Ronnie, - hs JERS , | PLACE -- Aslings ranch, concession 7 Reach Twp,, 1 mile East of Epsom 2 mi. W, of highway 7 & 12. November 26; 1:30 pm, °° In Memoriam HOOD -- In loving memory of our _dear mother and grandmother, Minnie : Myrtle Hood, who passed away Nov. |. 7, 1969. We little knew when we woke that morn . / The sorrow the day would bring; For the call was sudden, the shock severe, ; .. To part with the one we loved so dear, 2H vf .And only those who have lost can tell The pain of parting without farewell, Sadly missed 'by Kathleen, In Memoriam KNIGHT--In loving memory of our dear son, Ricky age 7 years, whom we lost a year ago, Nov, 8, 1969, When evening shades are falling And we sit in quiet alone, To our hearts there comes a longing, If he only could come home. Friends may think we have forgotten When at times they seé us smile, But they little know the heart ache Our smiles hide all the while, i always by Mummy, ~Georgeen; Harold and families. | yeasly and. Brothers, 'daughter Eleandr and neice, Donna Potter of Picton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. D, Munro on Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Donald Christie enter- tained a number of friends at a mas- querade party on Saturday evening. Mr| and Mrs, Art Brooks, Washago, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fielding and family and Mrs, Fielding, Sr, of Utica, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, A Fielding. > end with her daughter and family in Stouffville, and on Sunday attended the 68th anniversary services of the , United Church there. . Winner Dave. $ Seliintor, Port i Mrs. W F. Crosier spent the week- | | + The. 'winner of a quilt "Sawn at the, : CW.L. Bazaar on Oct, 22 was Mra, 'BUY THE NEW NOW | : AT. YOUR BANK, 'AUTHORIZED INVESTMENT DEALER, 8TOCK BROKER, TRUST OR: LOAN COMPANY, OR THROUGH YOUR COMPANY'S PAYROLL SAVINGS | ih iinet dang ca Ea | PLANS yi BS SE