Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 20 Oct 1960, p. 7

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Blackstock - A very good attendance of W.A. and W.M:S. ladies, Explorers and Mission Banders enjoyed. the: Filmi » Women's Auxiliary, the shown im. the Christian Education room Wednesday night, After a-few words of welcome by hymn, Mrs. Romeril gave an address on God in the Bible. She asked, "Are we as thankful as those who Hove not 50 many blessings". Also are we more dependent on man and man's works than on'God. She also led in : prayer and read a scripture passage ¥ trom, St. John 8, MTs, Lorne Thomp- son and Mrs, Harold McLaughlin sang a lovely duet '""L'rust in the Lord", Mrs, Glenn Larmer read the commen tary and the Film "Wo-Ya-La" was shown. This is a very colourful and interesting film showing some of the customs of the Indians and some of the Life and Work of Dr, Darby, on the Pacific Coast. : During the business session the Fall Rally at Maple Grove, Oct. 19 was announced and the Circuit Con- PD ... President and. the singing of al: ference at Nestleton, Oct 26th. Any- 'one having white cloth that would' make bandages 3" wide for Leper dressings or kindly leave same with Mrs. Cecil Hill, When asked for a nominating com- mittee, it was moved, seconded and carried that seeing this may be the' last year -before Union of W.A, and meeting. Mrs. Fuller kindl W.M.S, the same slate of officers carry on. After the closing exercises Iunch| "was served by group No.l with Mrs. - Glenn Larmer convenor, The O.N.O, Club met at the home, of Mrs. Alma Duff Thursday night' with 21 members and one visitor pre- sent, Sufficient labels were handed in to secure another coffee maker, Thanks to all ladies who assisted and if you care to continue collecting C.P. labels the club thought they might be able to assist some other society in securing one. Decided to have the husbands ban- quet Nov. 19th. The roll call--Some-' well answered. i the meeting. 'Next meeting will be held one week later than usual (Nov. 17) due to the Couples Club Smorgasbord, Nov. 9th, - pleasant holiday last week with friends in London and Tilsonburg. Mrs. Jennie Russell of the Baha- mas is a guest of Rev. and Mrs. Ro- meril, Hill left on Thursday to spend the winter in Richmond Hill, Mrs. W. Archer visited friends in Whitby Friday. ! Sincere sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. John Lawrence and the grand-parents Mr. and Mrs. Walter Riekie on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer and family visited Mr, and Mrs. Richard Bowles and family, Kirkland Lake and called at other interesting points en- route. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mark, Little Britain were Sunday guests of Albert Wrights and Fred Trewins. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees and family visited Mr, and Mrs. E. Lar- mer Sunday. Prospect The October meeting of the WA. met at the home of Margaret "Holtby, on the evening of the 13th. Helen " Holtby, Ruby Smith and Mrs, F. Ver: non were in charge of the devotions. Mrs. Cliff Love, of Port Perry, gave an intéresting talk, explaining the new United Church Women's organization. "An invitation to Prince Albert bazaar for Nov. 9th at 2.30 p.m. was read. The Nov. meeting is to be held at Jean Holtby's home when gifts of fruit, jam, jelly and juices for the Fred Victor Home are to be received. A dainty lunch was served during a pleasant social hour. --Mr.-and-Mrs, Durham, in_company | with Mr. and Mrs. W. Gibson, of To- ronto, enjoyed a recent motor trip to "Sundridge and points enroute: Mrs, Meta Holtby attended the fun- eral in Peterboro of her cousin, the "late Offa Williamson on October 7th. Mr, and Mrs, Clare Vernon have re- used - Christmas cards, 'Lawrence in the tragic death of little turned from a holiday trip in U.S, A, " - Eg VIN ~ * £4 i ' go & CER B77 SALE RTED RE iy NICSE TSR = SS SNAG PoE HEL 3 Anglican Notes By Mary Becker the Rectory for the next meeting, which will be held "on November 8th. Refreshments were served by Mis. Three of our organizations -- the Sbnléy and Mrs. Mulligan, angd- the Group -- held meetings during the past week. 3 I} The WA: met at Mrs; Sonley's' home, with 19 members present, The proceedings began with the Members' Prayer snd a Thanksgiving Prayer. Mrs, Whitby then called the Roll and read minutes of the last meeting. The treasurer, Mrs. Clarke, gave her report, and Mus, Staples read a letter from Mids Muriel New. A report on the Deanery W.A. meeting was given ' by the president, Mrs. Glass; and it was mentioned that the local group 'is' expected to celebrate the 76th Anni- vesary of the W.A, this fall, Mrs. Mumford gave a talk to the group on Christian World Missions, with special regard to Africa, It was announced that there would be a quilting bee at the home of Mrs. Glass on Thursday, October 20th, (today); and Mrs, Mulligan announced that she had ordered 40 Anglican calen- dars for sale to families in the parish ' at 60c. each. . The Dorcas work for this year will be two dresses, two blouses and four pairs of mittens, Mrs. Wilkinson re- ported to the group. Gifts were col- lected for the baby layette during the y- offered Ma oH yr Prince Albert | The weatherman provided bright 'and lovely afternoon for our church anniversary on Sunday. Two elders, Mr. F. Vickery and Mr, E. Martyn welcomed the friends as they arrived. : The maple leaf sprays and 'mums dressed in their yellow, orange and! browns arrayed around the chancel lent a typical autumn touch, We were pleased to hear the guest ~ onto who rendered two 'beautiful solos "accompanied by organist Mrs. G. Hunter, Some of -the visitors who attended ter at various homes included: Mr and Mrs, Murrin, Toronto with her parents Mr, and Mrs. H. Hodgins; | Mr. and Mrs. L. Devitt and family | 'at the Vickery and Beacock home; Mr, and Mrs. J. Doupe.- Mr. Robt. Plum, Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. B. Snelgrove, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith of Sa- lem, Ohio, U.S.A. visited his. mother Mrs, Ferris, and Mr. Ferris, it being the decasion of her Birthday anniver- sary last week. Miss Mildred Martyn enjoyed being a Saturday and Sunday delegate at the Y.P.U. Bay of Quinte Conference 'Confederation in Peterboro. Mrs. E. Pratt of Oshawa, visited| her mother Mrs. J. McMillan at. the week-end. allot class space there. Evening Guild The Evening Guild met on Oct. 11, Sunday * School Teachers'. at 'the home of Mrs. Boothmdn. Fol- "lowing the Parish Prayer and read: ing of the. Minutes of the last meet- ing, the treasurer, Miss Jarrett, gave her report, including the announce: ment that the Rammage Sale had been quite. successful. One new member, Mys. Hill, waa welcomed. \ "The : balance of the evening was spent. discussing many ideas for the coming bazaar, It was decided to "order materials and organize a work session. The next meeting will be held 'at the home of Mrs, Bell on Mon. - day, OctoWer 24th. All members are asked to bring things to work on, or a needle and thread. The meeting closed with prayer and refreshments were served by Mrs. Dowson and Mrs, Bruton. A work session for the Pati was held last night (Wednesday) by the' members of the Evening Guild at the | home of Mrs. W. Lowcock. The Rector gave an interesting talk on levels: of (participation within a parish 'at the recent meeting of the Sunday School Teachers' Group. The three levels, organizational, idealistic and functional were all regarded as necessary, but without the third the others would not have eineaning, Mur. "i Fuller_explained..- chers in the church school, since ill- ness and family responsibilitites in- evitably take some of the regular teachers away from time to time. Some additional materials were given out. It is hoped to hold our Novem- ber meeting in the new building and (If the build- ing is completed by then). Members of the parish have recent- ly received letters informing them of the '"Bakeless Bake Sale" sponsored by the Afternoon Guild. We are asked thing unusual 1 am thankful for--was minister, Rev. G. Telford, Oshawa. to send them the cost of baking a A jumbled flowers The choir anthem was appreciated, cake, instead of baking one or buying of our church hall has brought about this novel approach to fund raising. - Mr. Fuller spent several days last , week in Peterborough attending the Mr. and Mrs, John Beacock spent a the service and_were entertained af. Bishop's conference for the clergy of the Diocese. Tha Archbishop of Dub- lin was the chief speaker, giving three addresses to the group. All the ladies' groups in the parish are giving some assistance to Miss Mrs. S. A, Devitt and Mrs. David Mrs. Murdock also of Oshawa with. Muriel New who is now in residence at the- Anglican Women's Training College. She is the first woman from this parish to undertake religious training. still operating in Ontario, Statement on the Human Rights Code By the Homdurable Leslie M. Frost Prime, Minister of Ontario There could beomo greater impedi- ment to our progress as a Provinte and as 'a 'Nittion' than the practice of racial or religious intolerance and dis- crimination. "If such evils were ever group ox groups. They have always been the ugly companions of unhappy and the scourge of civilized so- ciety. It has been said that nothing is more terrible than ignorance in ae- tion. The practice of racial and reld- +| gious discrimination is nothing short of that and must be abhored by all in. telligent men and women, ' In our enlighened multi-national community, there could be no greater injistice than raclal discrimination and the depriving of a fellow citizen of another race, creed or colour of his dignity and fundamental rights. We permitted to gain headway, it would are certain that the remnants of ra- spell disaster and ultimate ruin for a cial prejudice in Ontario can only be country like*ours, ario's Human Rights Code That is Why Ont- overcome by enlightenment and un-| was derstanding. That is the purpose of | brought into being; for us in Ontario, | the present effort to win total accept- | citizenship is indivisible. It" must never be forgotten that our country was able to take the path to nationhood only because two great races composed their differences and subordinated them to national needs. That policy, based on mutuality, has brought us rich rewards down through our history. We have now become a greatly expanded partnership of 'peo- ples in which men and women of many national origins and cultures are con- , tributing their rich creative talents and skills to the building of a greater Province and Nation. Many of them have come ta Canada in recent years Jand we are particularly happy that The teachers arranged for several people to be contacted with the re- | quest that they act as substitute tea- so many of them have chosen to make our Province their home. We warmly welcome them as members of our fa- mily. I am satisfied that the majority of Ontario's employers and those supply- ing public accommodatipn and ser. vices are living up to the spirit and |* letter of our Human Rights Code. Unfortunately, there have been some exceptions, but in most cases where violations have occurred our concilia- tion officers have been able to sit down with the disputing parties and arrive at a satisfactory settlement. After all it is not tough laws that make men and women do the right, but obedience to-the law, which comes, from a desire to respect the dignity and rights of their fellow citizen, re- gardless of race, creed, or colour. In our view, the Human Rights Code ex- presses the conscience of Ontario and we are confident that the overwhelm- ing majority of our people are pre- pared to put it into practice, No one will deny that there are pockets of - prejudice and animosity We must realize, however, that these are old evils and are not limited to any one " SE . p- mot from fear of sanctions; but.rather | (ance and practice of our Human Rights Code. t THB POR? PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20th, 1960-17' Manchester Mrs. Jas, Cawkier entertained the Women's Association last Thursday afternoon. Twelve members and four visitors aitended, The meeting open- ed with hymn, "Come Ye Thankful People Come" followed by Bible read- ing. by. Mrs. Kred-- Christie... Mrs, Don Christie read the lesson story .| November meeting will be at Mrs. afternoon, Nov. 8rd. The regular Fred Lamb's. At the close of the meeting Mrs, Cawker and group ser- ved lunch. Col. $8.85. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Leach h attended the Golden Wedding Anniversary uf his uncle and aunt at Zion last week... , Mr. and Mrs. Art Vandervoort vi- sited friends at Norval, "Thanksgiving". In the absence 'of Secretary Mrs. Archer, Mrs. Bain took the minutes. Table cloths, bowls and platters had | been purchased for the Church Kit- chen, costing $36.00. Also twenty-! four chairs at a cost of $108.00. Re- ceipts from the Bazaar $118,00. Pre- sent Bank balance $187.00, A number +of Thank You notes were read, and Mrs. Bain reported on Hospital Auxi- liary - meeting. It was decided to visit Fairview Lodge on Thursday "of friends in Brampton on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Fred Christie and Mr. and Mrs, Grant Christie were guess Mr. Harry Cowan and Fraser Ro- gers of Minden were with the Rupch family on Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. D. W, Grover, Stouff- ville and Mrs, Frank Kendall, Utica were guests of Mrs, F. Crosier last week, i Mr. and Mrs. A.'Fielding and Elaine Gls visited relatives in Midland, and Wa- shago last week, 3A Carpentry Chimneys - Concrete 110 KING STREET EAST 'My Contractor _ Incorporated 1937 A Competent Craftsman for every trade. Quality Materials Desiqn and Planning Services Professional Enaineer (Civil) on Staff 'No Job 100 small Ajax Repair and Construction "LIMITED RAndalph 8-5103 A Complete Service Including Decorating Plumbing Electrical OSHAWA Plastering | | " 2 Roofing 2 Tinsmithing Pa Tuesday evening the GNSS "Club 3 met at the home of Grace Beacock. The president Elizabeth Skelding oc- cupied the chair during business ses- | : sion. Sec'y Esther Heayn read the minutes and correspondence. A sum of one dollar and twenty- three cents was received by a thoughtful anonymous friend to be used towards the adopted child. Sug- gestions were voiced by several mem- bers _as to. 'money-raising schemes. 'A committee of C. Parkinson, J. Peel and E. Heayn to bring more de- tail Joan Peel collected the dues. Mrs. Lloyd Hunter kindly offered her home. for the Club in: November. A delicious lunch was provided by Pat Love and.Joy Newnham. Best Wishes go out to Mrs. Raymer who fs at present a patient in Osh- awa _General-Hospital. Mrs, A. Robertson accompanied her | - daughter Mrs, G. Hunter to Peterboro where they attended. a funeral. of a} great aunt Mrs. Rose Wilson, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. J, Simons, (nee Vance) upon the atrival 2 of a som, Mrs. J. Kirby received word last week, a former young fellow of this Vieinity, Mr, Sherriff Thompson, had passed away out West... > -- on ge = ONTARIO REPRESENTING 50,000 CREAM PRODUCERS REAM sroBUCIAS* MARKETING BOARD ---- information to next .meeting. | < GALAXE TOWN SEDAN--one of ford of Canada's fine cars... bvilt in Canada, - Takeo care of bs own Snieh= rhonda AT , Bost of the breed makes it carefree For 1961-the Classic Ford Look Roi Pp | You'll hel to the pleasure of a real PUT when you try the "'carefree : 1961 Ford. Although '61 Fords are shorter and narrower outside than last year, they still have every bit as --much- onthe 'inside-where-it-counts.. Rewarding to. own a 5%: pleasure. to drive. i. that's the: pronite. of the- nk | Ford at'your dealer's now, : Here is why "61 Ford is Canada's First Corolrés Ca. A Lubricates (Msolf--Your new Ford will normally 0 0.00 carefree miles without chassis lubrication, Cleans Ws own oll-- The unusually thorough oil filtering Son gives 3 Be : up 10 4,000 carefree miles between oil changes. 'Adjusts Bs own brakes --The new, carefree bse va aly "adjust themselves for wear. ! M5 Protects Hs - own body --All vital underbody- parts. are specially : processed 10 resist rvst and corrosion. Guards te. own muffler-- Carefree Ford mufflers are. doubleswrapped women GUE d to normally last three times-aslong as ordinary mufflers --wmors Cursing Diamond: lustre Finish never 61 5 ' 7 oan ap ae Far FP tnomey, "ona winner. ZY

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