Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 13 Oct 1960, p. 3

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a, Member of The Casadian Weekly Newspaper -------- + Notes and Comments + The Most Objectionable Advertising The-kind of 'advertising rad o and television to sell us new is in our opinion sidious kind of advertising ever heen subjected to: It is vicious because it is horizon of subliminal suggestion; it is in- sidious because it harps on the symbols of sensation so cleverly and so constantly that you begin to feel that it is your car . . . in spite of the fact that your com- mon sense tells you that it is a lot of non- sense . . . but, that's just img is portrayed--as a bit noncense to coincide with your secondary reactins. Rawhide has been making fun of it on But the only thing that his program. Winnings Most people aren't going in a pool; nor are they going to clean up on But most people, at some time or other have taken some kind of a flyer on some kind of a give: And most people have wondered in a day-dreamish sort of way what they would do with the winnings if {hey were realty lucky enough to win, That's about "as far as -it ever gets--that . the Irish Sweepstakes. away gamble, is for most people. However for an outlay of 75¢ on a They were amazed to read, too,, that after having won all this money, give it away. The reporters wrote that he had- talked it over with his minister and his wife and family; that he decided it gamble in this way and even worse to take the winnings that came from it. District Doings RESIGNS AS UXBRIDGE Ly] Rae M. Ferguson at a special meet- ing of council on Tuesday night re- signed as. reeve of the town of Ux- bridge. He has served in that capa- city continuously for the past seven- teen years and before that had served as councillor for seven. Mr, Ferguson has accepted the appointment as mem- ber of the Oshawa Suburban Roads Commission and will commence his duties on that commission on Thurs- day, October 13th. -Prior_ to the resignation being ac- cepted, the mayor and members of council all made brief addresses in which they paid tribute to the retiring reeve's record of municipal service and wished him success in his new appoint- ment. BUILDING IN MARKHAM TWP. AT $536,176 New building went -over the half million dollar mark in September, the heaviest month of this year which has been marked by a "decline in building all through the area, Actual figure for September was $636,176.00, Of - this amount, $466,476 was for new homes. Public buildings amounted to $60,000 and industrial and commer- cial $19,260. } The Schickendanz sub-division took out 14 permits for houses $11,000 to $13,000. N. G. Lott, applied for a permit for a house at $26,000 and the Blue Ribbon Co. 2 houses at $20,000 each. Industrial and commercial fig- ures for the last few months have been steadily dropping. MAY DISSOLVE PICKERING HIGH SCHOOL AREA" The feasability of dissolving the present Pickering High School Dis- trict came up for discussion this week at Pickering Township council. Reeve Sherman Scott said that last spring, the town of "Ajax asked to withdraw from tthe area, He said that Pickering Village had their audi- tors prepare a report and the town- ship later did the same. Reeve Scott said it appeared from the report that Pickering Village is not carrying its load. The summation of the township's auditors is that if the present area is dissolved there would be a saving of $24,080 to the township. i The report stated that at present the area is providing secondary edu- cation for three municipalities at Téa: | sonable cost without burden to and of the most vicious and in- the English speaking world was thrilled to read this week about the voung Englishman who had won $80,000 REEVE being used on 1961 cars of position is the failure of this near- Liyasterical salesmanship to deliver the that we, have goods. In comparison the advertising in the newspapers and the magazines. is dignified and possessed of some meaning. just above the Much of the to destroy all how advenrtis of memorable vision. to win fortune down $80,000. ful gesture. of h's ality. up the money just as well. football draw. he proposed to Most of us was wrong to . a8 measuring should not result in -any greater share of costs by township ratepayers --that under present conditions it would be less costly if the township formed its own high school district and sold education to Pickering Vil- lage. EE " Reeve Sherman Scott said that sub- jeet would have a great deal of study and the legal aspects would have. to be probed. The village's report stated that if if the area was dissolved it "vould not be any more of a burden on the village that it is now. SHOOT RACE HORSE ON TRACK AT MARKHAM FAIR Two riders were taken to the Scar- borough Hospital.and one horse had to be destroyed following a wild pile-up during the second heat of the free- for-all race at. Markham Fair on Sat- urday afternoon. A prize mare, own- ed by. Wallace West of Scarborough, was ordered shot on the track. Both front legs were broken, Sgt. Chester 'Gilliat of Markham Village Police Dept. was one of the hundreds of -spectators who witnessed the accident. Stouffville veterinarian, Dr. R, Smith, was also on the grounds. He ad- ministered shots to deaden the pain. The horses were rounding the back stretch when 2 riders were suddenly tossed from-their mounts and one ani- mal went down.. In the melee that followed, a third horse became in- volved and it, too,' 'plummetted to the track. - It had to be destroyed but its rider escaped injury Two other jock- eys suffered only superficial 'cuts and. bruises. BRITAIN'S ACE RACING DRIVER MAY TEST PONTYPOOL TRACK Stirling Moss, Britain's ace racing driver, is reported to be one of the first drivers who will test the new | Mosport track near Pontypool, He is supposed to make the run on Tues- day, October 11 before a select group of Canadian sports editors. No of= ficial word has been received from Mosport. Contractors, us ng huge earth movers, has been working early and late in an effort to have the ground work completed before winter sets in. Already, they have made a tremendous change in the appearance of the grounds, enabling visitors to visualize what a superb track this will be. NORTH GWILLIMBURY TWP. $10 MILLION ASSESSMENT SUTTON.--North Gwillimbury twp. now has passed the $10 million in the three--that withdrawal by Ajax will rid us of this very objetctionable kind we are subjected on television is calculated «itempt to make the product the memor- al le thing regardless of what it does to th human being or how it js done. " The pitchmen of the early nineteen hun- dreds weren't a patch with all their skull- duggery and showmanship to-the modern pitchmen and pitchwomen of modern tele- Most of us wondered how he could turn regarded him as being somewhat of an ex- centric. We still thought it was a wonder Especially since he went out way to show that the new-found wealth could go far to destroying the well- being and the happiness of his family. He even talked about the importance of earning the money one received it was quite a lesson in contemporary mor- The next day we learned with re-. ! gret that the young Englishman had been | persuaded by his father-in-law not to give standing of the practical common-sense world of the almighty dollar; few of us I feel secure when other yardstjcks are used "where the President oi Chairman has assessment. THE STAR EDITORIAL PAGE kind of advertising to which human dignity in a vulgar We admired him for it and Allin all after all. Perhaps. it is have a pretty fair under- sticks for human achieve- ment and happiness. | Township assessor Jack May report- 1 ed to Council Monday that the assess- | ment this year which will be the basis for taxation next year is an increase of about a quarter of a million from | : the pr evious year. The permanent population of the | township has reached 5,388, an in- crease of 246 from the previous year. » PICKERING TWP. VOTE TO BUY $20,000 PROPERTY FOR MUNICIPAL BUILDING BROUGHAM,--Pickering township council by majority vote this past week decided to purchase 4.8 acres of land as a site for a municipal building at the north-east corner of Brock road and No. 2 highway. Councillors Har- vey Spang and Edgar dies voted against, The land is owned by Renal Clarke and will-cost $20,000. Reeve Sherman Scott termed the site as one of the choicest locations in the township. Clarke had turned down other of- fersat ~higher prices from oil com=+ panies who wanted to build gas sta- tions. He said Mr. Clarke would sell to the township with a proviso that if at a future date the council changed! its mind and wanted to resell he would be "able to repurchase at the same price, Cedar Creek | -Sam Oyler is visiting relatives in England. - He expects to return home | next week. Sam Parm was in Toronto last Thursday. Miss. Sharon Cummings is visiting her sister, Audrey, Mrs, Doug Kem- lin, and Mr. Kemlin at London for two weeks. My. Charles Parm is home. from Toronto for a week's visit with Sam. Mrs, Larocque's brother, Ford Mills of Magnetawan and other relatives were week-end visitors at the Laroc- que home, Miss Flossie Spencer and brother, Richard, were Sunday afternoon visit- ors with' Mr. and Mrs, Norman Bir- kett at Raglan, Karen Cummings is visiting her aunt in Oshawa this week. Charles and Sam Parm were Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, George Parm and daugh- ter at Oshawa. ra men possess all the components of "ing--firld;,------==Stouffville--"Fribunc [PPESIDING OFFICER Creat many of them have very little He said- that Mr. | | Clipped Comments Ar "THE COMPONENTS OF HAMPIONS The curtain "has fallen on another summer season, With the crowning of champions in both local sports 4' . . . . league and provincial playoff competi-} practise for the an end-of-the- season bangut ov patty. In this way the the past can be dig cussed and plans may be formulated for the year that lics not revealing any hidden secrets when it is noted that alcoholic are often consumed ina liberal man- ner. The Tribune learned recently that softball ¢lub at Mount Zion, cur- rent holders of the Ontdaiio Inte medinte "DD" title had held such a get together. A non-active member of the team-informed this paper that not one player on the club roster would accept a single sample of the lauor handouts, The party, waunld to remain anonymous, said that in his many experiences with Junior, intermediate and senior elas clubs, it the first time that an entire group had taken such a solid stand. for the Mount Zion. softball organization has gained the sincere respect and Figh recognition of all sportsmen; hoth Taeal and provinee wide. These young tion, it 15 ¢ mmon winners to meet for SUCCES es of ahead. Gne is beverages the free who wish Was this, and many other reasons chempions, both on and off the play- WHAT CONSTITUTES A GOOD, Many times men and women are elected as heads of different types of organizations and, sad to relate, a idea of procedure or décorum. It is a pleasure to be part of an audience complete control, where he or she has c planned an appropriate agenda and | have endeavoured to preside with fair- ness and dignity, A good presiding officer should not be impatient and bang the table when members of the organization are in- clined to study matters before ex- pr essing their opinions. keen business relling along but never | {tos hasty. A good presiding office: will consider the pros and cons of | Cdigcussion hefore extending his ow nl opinion, rident should be among thé first give leadership and should be able to sum up the facts and present this summary to the membership, Do not rush matters and let all the different view points be brought out into the open. Above everything else a Presiden' should preside with dignity. In other: wards he should always he a oni | man and she should always be a lady. Learn to aceept- the opinion of others although it may not be agreeable. Lastly, use good English. On the other hand the ee g i Watchman-Warder | DIESEL OR GAS! "AIR-COOLED OR They're here--ihe world famous Renault Tractors that bring to Canada a new standard of tractor economy. Handy for utility, jobs--they turn on a dime . . . rugged stamina for the "big" jobs . .. plus low aperating cost, low maintenance cost. You'll save moiey as-you never have before! Twelve ~ forward speeds and two reverses take you.from a low .234 m.p.h. transplanting creep to to 15 m.p.h. highway travel. You harness . power. | to the 'a Renault vos graniced to make speed you select. Just try farming profitubile again, NEW AIR-COOLED DIESEL maximum ASK YOUR RENAULT TRAC Tt is good to diesels available air-cooled engines. : Anglicon N Not: B yMary Becker The Afternoon Guild held its regular business meeting last Tuesday at the ho me of Mrs. Whithy. Arrangements were completed for the "Bakeless Bake Sule™ afd mehr of the ongrega- tion will hear more v mail this week. On Tuesday, October 12th, the W.A. held its monthly meeting at the home! I Mrs. Sonley; and the Evening Guild | met at Mrs, Boothman's home. The fCrmer meeting was a baby shower for the bale; the latter shower and vork meeting for the bazaar. A re- vort will be included next week. The Sunday School Teachers' group Ci ineet tonight, at the home of Mrs. Bocker, at 8 pan. It will be a great relief "to the teachers when our building is-completed;as conditions at the Scout Hall are, of necessity, noisy and crowded. The help of all the boys and girls, in being as quiet and or- derly as possible, is needed to make our Church School effective. Theve will he a service of Holy Come munion at 7:00 p.m. Sunday (October card). This will be munion for the Sidemen. service will be at 11.30 as usual, Next week (Oct. 30) a Holy Communion Service for Young People will take place at eight o'clock in the morning. issue of the 'National We read in a recent Canadian Churchman, our Anglican paper, that a new style jn Fpiscopal signatures has been started Ly the Bishop of Saskatchewan. Pre- sent usage is that our Bishop (Rt, Tov. Prederick Wilkinson), signs him- self "Irederick Toronto" --the name of the Diocese following his own given name. The new plan is that the sig: nature letters to his own flock would be "Frederick, Bishop of the Diocese"; and to others "Frederick, Bishop of Toronto". We hope the custom will spread from Saskatchewan to the rest of Canada, on outside, ae Sil A SALIENT dR Cle WS about this events a three, Bishops; new a Corporate Com- Morning * 3 HARMAMESS 4 Thursday, October 13th, 1960 : as it Is more informative Plaunt. and less likely to sound like Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Midgley spent a limerick (as so.nctimes Lappens now when both words begin with the same letter,) With the appointment this week of Venerable H. F. Appleyard, Arvchdeacon---6f Brant to the position of second Suffragan Bishop of Huron, our neighbouring Diocese there be- came. the second in Canada to have our own Diocese of Toronto being the first. Work seems to have stopped for the time being on our new building. We | trust that it will begin again as soon | as the plaster is dry. It is to be hoped | that it will be completed and in use jn November in sufficient 'time that "our Christmas bazaar may be held I there. The work of the Church School | suffers for cach week it must meet in makeshift surroundings. | The Afternoon Guild will hold its rnext meeting at the home of Mrs. Hayes, on Tuesday, Nov. 1st, at eight o'clock in the evening. This will take the form of a shower for the bazaar; and all members of the parish inter- ested in giving support to this event invited to attend and something saleable, . Prirer Alhavy Please keep in mind our church an- niversary next Sunday at 2.30 p.m. Last Wednesday afternoon Mus. Lloyd Hunter graciously entertained about twelve ladies of the village and others who are now residing else- where. On Friday night a trio of Lois Caw- ker, Barbara Davidson and Ricky Snooks planned a party. About thirty vouth enjoyed the evening at the Snook's home. Finally hot-dogs and pop, served at the Davidson house, proved a pleasant ending, Mrs. H. Jeffrey, Mrs. A. Brown, Mrs. L. Beacock, accompanied Mrs. L. Devitt of Oshawa to Lindsay, where they made their annual enjoyable visit with another friend Mrs. G. | are 'to bring | the week-end with. relatives at Rice Lake. "Mrs; L.. Bond were with velatives at Blind. River and Elliot Lake recently. Mr. and Mrs. B. Smith spent four days in Quebec during which time they were guests at the Webb-La Mirande wedding. Mr. and Mrs. L. Beacock, Don, Grant and Bryan were with the grandmo- ther on~8unday, Mrs. W. Beacock and family, Nestleton, Miss Marion Davey, Niagara with her grandma Mrs. L.. Smith for the holiday. Mr. Lloyd Wilson who is a member of the Port Perry Juhior "C" Base- bull Team, was among the bis load who spent the week-end in Capreol north of Sudbury. They report being treated royally and brought home the 'honours. Congratulations, Mr and Mrs, M. Luke and boys of Stoney Creek, spent Sunday with Mrs, Luke. : Visitors over the week-end holiday with Miss F. Holman were:--Mr. and Mes. David Holman and two daugh- ters; Mr. and Mrs. Don Holman and three children and Mrs. L. Timlack, all of Toronto. Holiday company with Mr, and Murs. Geo. Skelding included Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Skelding and Betty, Bowman- ville; Mr. and Mrs, Bill Skelding of Newtonville. : Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter have tor trip to Quebec, enjoying Uplands, Hull, and Gatineau Hills. © We welcome Mr, and Mrs. Ted Wil- liams from Oshawa who are residing in the village. Miss Olive RBeacock of Oshawa spent a couple of days recently at the home of her brother Mr, Les Bea- cock, Thanksgiving supper visitors at this same home were Mr. and Mrs. C. Hill and grandson Paul Rahm of Black- stock. WATER- COOLED! average 'speed cultivation up Diesel economy. that savas on operating and 'maintenance costs -- plus big-job performance, It's air-cooled , . . and that maans no power diversion to drive waterpump and fon. cu gol working power delivered. Otiier with wvatcr-coaled or NEW WATER-COOLID GAS @conuiny Tast-drive If your power needs are along more conven tional lines, choose this 4-cylinder, water cooled gas model. Power output high -- gas consumption low. Bullt with the same rugged stamina as the Diesel. Investigate the new of operation and maintenance. one soon. TOR DEALER FOR A DEi4CHNSTRATION Sweetman' 's- Garage, Seagrave Ontario. returned from a pleasant 3 day mo-

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