Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 29 Sep 1960, p. 6

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A ANIA NO an 4 % 4 A 3 tbat id) wha dn badd bh ih sa La i 4 6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th, 1960 BUSINESS DIRECTORY OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED FOR AMORE Mary St, Port Perry . BEAUTIFUL YOU Phone YUkon 5-2331 CLASSIFIED ADS & COPY MUST BE IN BY 9 am. WEDNESDAY FOR SALE--2 Qil Space Hinters; stove pipes, copper tubing; 'gette. C, McGill, Union Ave. 1 ran- .bedroom, self contained. Sept2h APARTMENT FOR RENT -- Two | Heated. In| Phone YU 65-2613. Port Perry. y W. J. Carnegie. i | Auction Sales : Furniture, the property of John J.!said. = "We've been kicked around MON., OCT. 10 -- Auction Sale of | "We wish to lead our own life," she i { Nesbitt, 100 Colborne St. East, Osh- enough by the press. We have' no SAT, OCT. 8th-- Dispersal Auction awa, Sale of Registered Sheep, Suffolk &) Terms Cash, Sale at 1.00 p.m, TED JACKSON, Auctioneer, FOR RENT -- Large - Modern two MAY WE SUGGEST Sealy Uh irr A DEAT we BEST/ =r he) MAKE ne ay Apron' BY ay: 33) \ Jessie's Beauty Salon YUkon 5-7991, Port Perry INSURANCE Are your Policies up-to-date? Whatever vour insurance needs may be consult EMMERSON INSURANCE Y1'kon 5-242) "PORT PERRY P General Insurance Victor F. Gillson - Mra. Evelyn E. P. Allen Y Ukon 5-234) Port Perry. Oct. 6/60 REAL ESTATE MARGARET BALLARD, Reattor Sunderland, Git. Phone 49 or 124 finer aad 000, 20/60. ELI ROOFING OF ALL KINDS kn estroughing, Asphalt Siding, I <timates given on all kinds of work: ! EARL Port Perry Ont. Televisiori~ & Itadio Repairs' Port Perry--Phone--YUkon 65-2282 Service Man Dec. 31/60 | Leslie McDonald, _ V. P. STOUFFER Piano technician and tuner. "PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Phones: Office: YU 65-2321 Res: YU 5-2334 1. Sept. 9/60 : ~Baiklice Work TRENCHING -- BACKFILLING SEPTIC TANKS 'NEW EQUIPMENT IVAN MOUNTIOY Phone Blackstock 87-r-4 Before 8 a.m. or after 6 p.m. 1.6--Nov, 24/60 SEPTIC TANKS ' cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT Have your tank checked now before trouble 'starts, 24 hour service. - 1 REG. ARMSTRONG Port Perry Jan. 14/61 HIGHEST PRICES PAID. for Live Poultry, Goose Feathers 'and Feather Ticks M. FLATT "RR, 1 Bethany, ont, boda " Phone 7 r13 1.5 Reverse Sarnes Oct. 6-60 RENEW YOUR MAGAZINES GILLSON, SLEEP' & MePHADEN | | George McPhaden = Sewing Machine ken 1 2 § APEX TV SERVICE 'I'hone YUkon 5.2226 | Hours: Wed., 9-12 noon. Mon.-Fri, Phone for an Appointment, YU 5-2383 RA $2721 Dec. 8/60--2. 7 to 8 pm. bedroom, apartment. All conveniences. YU 65-2478. Self contained. T.F, FOR SALE--BOXER PUPS - 2 male, 1 female, registered, 16 weeks old, Phone YU 5-2858. Sep29 For TAXI SERVICE call YUkon 65-7365 'BRIGNALL TAXI Offers courteous 24 Yoror service. | AMBULANCE SERVICE Queen -8t., Port Perry (next door to Flamingo Restaurant) 1.5 T.F. Shepherd Puppies, 7 weeks old, Black & Silver. Phone Claremont 11. : Sept. 29 WANTED--Practical nurse to at- tend invalid woman several nights weekly. Please reply to box 23, Port Perry Star. Sept. 29 WANTED--A ride to Oshawa every day at 7.16 am. YU 65-2162. rooms in Port Perry or vicinity. Ap- Wanted - Farms We need good medium priced farms from 100 acres up, for waiting clients. Some with all cash. Contact GLEN WOOD N. Shier Ltd. Real Estate Box 3, Markham, Ont. Phone Markham 710 or AX 3-7701 I'os. ; | TF. | Cg NN NN Na NN FRESH MILK FED CAPONS Ready for oven or freezer, delivered, 12 months of the year, BUSINESS LOTS BRUCE MILLER, Prince Albert Phone Port Perry YU 5-2430 "1. Sept. 29/99 ply 'Box 24, Port Perry Star. HOUSE FOR RENT--Very yeasont able, YU 56-2609. _. FOR SALE--International Forage ' Harvester C.20; Massey Harris Forage Harvester with motor on. H. R. Dob- son; Port Perry phone YU 65-2790. 10c. a bale. Apply Harry Hall, three miles south east of Lindsay. Phone FAirview 4-2903. Call at noon. FOR SALE -- Fencing Supplies; Steel Box Trailers; 3 & 5 ton wagons; Kelly Ryon P.T.O. Spreaders; 1 Ford Tractor; 1 used wagon on rubber-- REPAIRS and SERVICE - Needles, Bobbins, Parts for all makes. Phone Blackstock 77 WALLACE |®®®®® TRENCHING & EXCAVATING ESTIMATES FREE Vater Lines -- Septic "Beds, Etc. Septic Tanks and Disposal Beds supplied and installed. | KEN MIDDLETON Phone YUkon 5-7548, Port Perry T.F. INTERIOR DECORATING © 'SERVICE o Cusloni- Made Drapes ..® Broadloom and Rugs ® Drapery Rods and Tracks ® Draperies by the Yard - ® Slip Covers and Upholstering ® Vetenian and Cloth Blinds e Instalation and Measuring HOWARD ye os 026 SIMCOE ST. NorTH OSHAWA 4 RA 65-3144 i ~~ Through The Port Perry Btar A -------------------- } Yu 6-7410. .-- "| also Baby Sitting. -- | $36.00; 1 grain grinder $15.00; 4 weeping tile 10c.; Cement--Seal Bond --Lime; 200 gal Oil Tank. Frank| = Hoskin, Phone 2, Blackstock. FOR SALE--Coal and wood cook stove, white enamel finish, Good condition. YU 65-2644. FOR SALB--3 furrow Case Plough, narrow bottom; 9 tooth stiff tooth tractor cultivator. Phone YU 5-2046. Carriage, white with blue trim, 1 year old. Good condition. YU 5-7758. REE PERSONAL--Would the rliswien !'who took a lady and. a little boy from 'at corner of Thornton Road-on Dee. 31st, 1959, please call IRA 8- 0089 col- lect, Cleaning : Windows and Storms, cleaned .and installed; or any odd jobs. ~ Phone * =] 'WANTED--2 experienced men to do fencing. Apply Grant Underhay, Myrtle Station. ke "YU 56-2678. FOR SALE -- Beautiful donuts WANTED -- House to rent, 3 bed< i * FOR SALE--Twenty acres straw. FOR SALE -- Happy Time Baby $20.00. | : 1957 Chevrolet V-8 Bel Air power- APARTMENT FOR RENT -- Four rooms with bath, steam heat, hard-' wood floors, separate laund#y facili- | ties, downtown location, Available October 1st. "Phone YU 5-7361, Beare Motors Ltd. . TF _ $500. DOWN 6 room, 3 bedroom family home, large modern kitchen, bathroom, town "water, central location on corner lot, full price but $5,000, with easy terms, call L. S. Snelgrove Co. Ltd., 43 Park Rd..S., Oshawa RA 38-9810. HOUSE FOR RENT--4 rooms and bath. Phone YU 5-25626. i WANTED TO RENT--with option | to buy, 2 or 3 bedroom house in Port | Perry, with oil or gas heat. No child- ~ren. Send-replies to P.O, Box 201, ' Bowmanville, Ontario. Oct. 6 FOR RENT--3 bedroom apartment in Port Perry. facilities. T.V. Aerial Phone col- lect, Sunderland 93-r-3. " HOUSE FOR SALE -- 3 bedroom House. New complete. ~ Oil Heat. Dry Basement. Laundry Tubs. Hard- wood Floors, Apply Howard Gibson or Gordon Reesor, Port Perry. Octl3 + 1 RATES Classified ads, 3¢ per word per issue The minimum' charge 50¢. per issue if paid within 14 days. If it is necessary to send an invoice the minimum charge will be 66c¢. or a billing charge of 16¢. added to account, A TE SRE BROCK MOTORS FOR A BETTER BUY! BETTER TRY! AUTUMN USED CAR © SALE! ALL CARS REDUCED IN PRICE PRICES SLASHED! 1968 Oldsmobile Super 88 sedan fully equipped, jet black with white wall --$2495. 00. SPECIAL glide sedan, radio, 2-tone grey, red | the scene of an accident on Hwy 401 Bi 1956 Buick sedan--$895.00. trim--$1695.00. 1957 Chevrolet, radio, a one owner car--$1395.00. SEE TREE 1957 Oldsmobile Super 88 sedan, fully --equipped, automatic, Siding ete, red and grey---$1795. 00. and power "steering, 'turquoise. and «ivory, on. sale at $1595.00. 1966 Chevrolet, radio, a 2-tone green --$1060.00. 1956 Meteor Niagara sedan, radio, runs perfect--$895.00. 1056 Buick hardtop, automatic, radio, one owner, perfect motor and new tires--$995.00. 1954 Meteor sedan, blue--$695. 00, 1969 Chevrolet %-ton pick up, $1795. FOUND--near Utica Store, purse containing small sum of money and some keys, Owner may have same by identifying property and paying for advertisement. Phone Chester Geer. YU 65-2084, LIGHT HOUSE WORK--Wanted; ~ Phone YU 65-2414; LOST--German Shepherd Dog. All information as to whereabouts phone YU 65-7940 or UL 2-6644 Uxbridge. - © FOR SALE-New Brick, 8 bedroom house, Hardwood floors. Oil heat- ing. - Garage attached. Major St. Port Perry, Gall Grant Jeffrey, | YU, b-2868. Oct. 6 ---- FOR RENT==Lakestde Beach, Sleeps 6. Heavy duty' Electric Stove. Elec. Refrigerator. Aluminum Storms, Screens, Inside Toilet. Hot and Cold Water. Oil..Heating, Terms $55.00 month hydro inclpded. Tenant pays Oil. G. A, Mahony, KilKare, Lake- pide Beach. YU B-7872. \ i a ik If you are interested in a new or good black. Last seen in vicinity of Faire | _| grounds, Port Perry. Anyone with 'cultural Society, $260; Uxbridge Kins- 1063 G.M.C. %-ton stake--$395.00. Large reductions on new Corvair and Envoy cars, while they last. used car, now is the time to buy and save, - Low Cost G.M.A.C. terms 'to suit your budget. -BROEK MOTOR SALES Phone 78, Sunderland, Ontarlo A General Motors -- Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Dealer hd MAKE GRANTS TO SIX FAIRS Granfs totalling $2326 'have been made by Ontario County Council to support six rural fairs and as a prize to county youth, winners of a judging competition, The grants were made by by-law at a segsion of the county council 'meeting in Whitby this past week. Grants were paiditn: the following: "North Onsale: ARrisulturgl Socfetyy| $600; South Ontario Agricultural So. $600, Port Perry, Reach and Scugog | Agricultural Society, $600; Brock Ag-|- a ricultural' Society $360; Rama Agri- mens Club Agricultural Faiir, $150; Ted Lamb, winner of the Ontario Jud- lof Farm Stock, ; Laundry and diyer | "| tion Sale of Furniture & Real Cheviot, at the farm of K. W, Moses, ! 1 'mile East of Pontypool. No" Re-| serve. Sale at 1,00 p.m. TED SPENCELEY & r JACK PAYNE, Auctioneers. SAT, OCT. 8th--Auction Sale of Farm Machinery, Pigs, Furniture, the property of Roy Gardiner, Lot- 5 Con. 4, Brock Twp., 2 miles South, Imile West of Sunderland. Term Cash, No Reserve as owner is pg ing up farming. Sale at 1.30 p.m. 13 -- Auction Sale Implements, Hay, | Grain, Furniture, the property of Ray Howell, Lot 9, Con. 2, Ops Twp., 2 "miles West and 4 miles South of Lindsay. Terms Cash. No reserve' as owner is giving up farming. Sale at 1,00 p.m. Wm. Weldon Clerk, -THURS,, OCT. THURS., OCT. 6th -- Farm Sold 'Auction Sale of Farm Stock, M.H. Tractor No, 30, Implements, Hay, Grain, Household Furniture, the pro- perty of P, W. Davey, Lot 6, Con. 8, Mariposa Twp., 1 mile South and 2 miles East -of Manilla. Terms Cash. No Reserve, farm sold, Sale at 12.30 pm. Wm, Weldon, Clerk. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer. SAT. OCT. 1st-- Auction Sale of Household Furniture, the property of Mrs. Mabel Richardson, i in the: Village of Brooklin, Terms Cash. Sale at 1.00 p.m. } TED JACKSON, Auctioneer.' SAT, OCT. 8th--Auction- ~Sale--of- Furniture & Real Estate, the property of R. C. Mills, Scugog Road (Hwy. 7A), Port Perry... Terms Cash on Furniture. Terms on Real Estate to be announced day of sale. Sale at 1.30. p.m. C. Heayn, Clerk. * TED JACKSON, Auctioneer, WED., OCT. 12th--Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Grain, Fur- niture, A.C. Tractor, W.D. Ford Trac- tor, 2 Loaders, Etc., the property of James Meyers, Lots 2 & 8, Con. 11, Mariposa Twp., 2 miles Noith and 1 mile East of Manilla. - Terms Cash, Farm Sold, No 'Reserve. Wm. Weldon, Clerk. : B -{REG. JOHNSON; Auctioneer. | _TUES.,, OCT. 11th--Auction. Sale of! 40 "head of Shorthorns, Pigs, the pro-| perty of Mrs. E. Brown, Lot 12, Con. 1, Thorah Twp., 8 miles West and 8 miles' North of Cannington. Terms Cash. - No Reserve," Sale at 1,30 pm. | REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer; | ""SAT., OCT. 16th--Extensive Auc- state, | House & Lot, the property of Mary | E. Seaton Estate, at 223 Yonge St. South, in the Village of Aurora, Terms on Furniture Cash. No Re- serve. Sale at 1.00 pat; D. Golding, Clerk. Auctioneers. Implements & Furniture, 3 Tractors, Furniture, the property of Harvey Crossman Estate, Lot 1, Con.. 4, E Whitby, just' North of Taunton, 4 miles North:East of Oshawa. Cash. Sale at 1 00 p.m. coe, Clerk, + TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. Terms Cash, No Reserve, o KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Nl SAT., OCT. 15th-- Auction Sale of | Threshing Machine, Power Spreader, || Full line of Implements--Real Good. Terms | Harvey Pas. iff SAT. OCT, 8th--Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements and Furni- I'ture, 1968 S Case Tractor, * G. W, Threshing Machine, Hay, Grain, Hogs, "the property of Noble Strain Estate, Lot 18, Con, 6, Emily Twp., 7 miles : East of Omemee on Highway 7 and 2% miles North of Bethel Corners. Sale at 1.30 pm. "Wm. Weldon & Ward Holmes, Clerks. CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, OCT. 15th--Auction REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer. Sale of Saw Mill, saws, edgers, tools, Ford Cars and other items, the pro- perty of Milton Stone, Seagrave, Ont. Sale at 1 p.m. No reserve. Terms Cash. Roy "Scott, clerk. 3 'REG. JOHNSON, A SAT., OCT. 22nd--Giving up Farm- ing--Afiction Sale of Farm Stock, Im- plements, 25 Holsteins, 500 Hy-Line Hens, Pigs, Ford Tractor, Baler, Morris Sanderson, Lot 1, Con. ' Seott Twp., 8 miles South, 1% len Terms Cash. No Reserve as Owner # is giving up farming. Sale at 1.00 pm, y "REG. Lin tal Auctioneer. Mom Whyte Looks | |For ond Place To Go Summerland, B.C, Sept. 23--Mus. Bertha (Mom) Whyte Is looking for another place to go.. % The woman who has dedicated her life to looking after 'the needy has" been unable to operate in British Columbia because provincial author- ities refuse to grant her licenses to operate an .old persons or children's home. She came here last year after Ontario authorities closed her home for children at Bowmanville, In an interview at her old person's home at Okanagan Valley community --a home for which she can't get a 'license--~she would not:say where she hopes to move. | idea where we will go, but we feel we have too much to offer to have it wasted," 'She neither confirmed nor denied a report that she may go to Argentine. She and several of her workers will leave Summerland in a week and be ' gone about a month, said Mrs, Whyte. oi of Blackstock A pleasant evenjng was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lawrence, Saturday, Sept. 17th on t 'occasion of their 30th wedding an versary. The bride and groom were the re- cipients of, numerous beautiful gifts. Music for'a dance was provided by Don Prosser, Nestleton, Rick Renault and John Hubbard, Oshawa. Guests present were--Mr. and Mrs, i W, Fowler; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lord; Mr. and Mrs. W. Lawrence Jr. and Miss Judy Jenning, Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. Bob Lawrence, Oshawa; Mr. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer. Grain, Furniture, the property of #"d Mrs. M. Bryant, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs, Frank Lawrence, Bolton: Mr. and Mrs. M. Goodwin, Claremont: East of Mount Albert (Davis Drive). {Be and Mrs; John Lawrence; Mr. nd_Mrs. Geo. Prosser and family; Mr. "and Mrs. D, Mackie and Laura; Mr. and Mrs. John Mappin; Mr. Ken 'Hudson; Miss Sylvia Lawrence--all of Nestleton; Mr. Jerry Abbott, Bur--- keton. - The monthly meeting of St. John's | W.A, was held® in the Parish Hall, Sept. 22nd with 14 members present. | Mrs. Shemelt presided. After a hymn Mrs. Scott gave the scripture reading and prayer. ~ Minutes. were read and reports given by 1 Treasurer and Cor. Sec'y. Invitations were read from the W.A. of the United to attend a Talent Tea on October 4th and from the W.M.S. 'to attend a meeting and showing of a--Film in..the_ Christian Education Building, Oct. 12th. Church calen- dars may be ordered from Mrs. Scott. Deanery will meet. at St. Georgs's Church Pickering, Sept: 28th. It was decided tq have a chicken pie supper and euchre, Oct. 29th and a- Bazaar 'and Tea Nov, 17th. Roll was called and offering received. Mrs. Scott gave the Benediction and Mrs. Shemilt closed the meeting. For entertainment Mrs. T, Lang- (Continued 'on page 8) FIRST QUALITY SELF STORING DOOR - "Aluminum Combination Double Hung (two lights) Storm Windows (up to 100 unit inches) $17.50 ~ Self-Storing JOHN BALLARD LUMBER Phone: YU § 5.2491 LUMBER and BUILDERS' SUPPLIES "Your L.D.A=Dealer" PORT PERRY Heating vale PORT pemy i 7 ; ging Competition, $75. os sd ea SA EARS gh =r EZR i ais cos RAAT - AS 1 tr a Ye ta Vd Seba ain SE i HE A : SS SR SARNES CE A Enjoy. the perfect contort found in the warmest homes in __town. Buy. 'blue coa Lan et mo ~ the best a wm f money can buy. Ph PEs oe, heat... one us today. Yu Shit

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