Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 8 Sep 1960, p. 6

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J aN 6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THU RSDAY, SE PTEMBER 8, 1960 ---- BUSINESS DIRECTORY eX ng fry VERY LATE Salon YUkon 5-7991, Port Perry _ Ol LL a Ll fg af (i (A (fond ¥ SOOO VOVIVVVIIPIIVIIVVIIIOVVIIOTCETOOTNV pays well and has repeat business coming in regularly. This is a full time position but we will start a man on a part time: "earn as you lern" plan, Write at once for full inform- ation to Sales Manager, Box 817, Lon- Ted Veenhof WELL DIGGING COMPRESSOR WORK PHONE Oshawa RA 8-3864 1.25 Sept. 16 INSURANCE Are ero, your insurance needs your Policies up-to-date? GILLSON, SLEEP '& General Insurance Mrs. Evelyn E. Y Ukon 65-2341 P. Allen FARM HOMES. MARGARET BALLARD, Realtor Sunderland, Gat. Dec. 29/60. MePHADEN ~ Phone 49 ot 124 Victor F. Gillson - George McPhaden Port Perry Oct, 6/60 REAL ESTATE BUSINESS LOTS ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Estimates given on all kinds Port Perry Ont. Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Television & Radio Repairs "Leslie McDousld, Service Man Port Perry--Phone--Y Ukon 65-2282 VY. P. BTOUFFER Piano technician and tuner. Backhoe Work SEPTIC TANKS NEW EQUIPMENT IVAN MOUNTIOY Phone Blackstock 87-r-4 Before 8 a.m. or after 6. p.m, © 1.h---Nov. 24/60 cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT Have your tank checked now before trouble starts, 24 hour service. REG. ARMSTRONG Port Perry Phone YUkon 6- 2226 Jan. 14/61 For TAXI SERVICE call YUkon 56-7365 BRIGNALL TAXI Offers courteous 24 hour service. (next door to Flamingo Restaurant) 1.6 T.F. Wanted - Farms We need good medium priced farms from 100 acres up, for waiting clients. Some with all cash. Phone Markham 710 or AX 3-7701 ee) I. Summer Tours and Cruises will accept bookings now to England and the continent by air or steamship. F. G. CROSBY FRESH MILK FED CAPONS Ready for oven or freezer, delivered, 'BRUCE MILLER, Prince Albert Phone Port Perry YU 5-2430 1. + Sept. 20/60 FOR SALE--New Brick, 8 bedroom WANTED -- House to rent in or | Bly BR ETE Wed Ld RAN ar ie econin uty dull ae alm had Saas dbeidic En an-asaid® LAMY -- lot, hen house, hydro, well and low CLASSIFIED Phone YUkon 5-2331 good condition. , YU 5:2656. Love Seat, 3 chairs, Rug 9' x 10' 6", Canariés, singers. and YU 5-7339. weeping tile, breeding cages. FOR SALE -- Beds, dressers, Tab- les, Chairs, Cook Stove, Electric Stove, FOR {SALE--Two used Mattresses, facilities. WANTED -- Child's -play pen' in 'good condition, YU 65-2765. : APARTMENT FOR REN'T--Modern Conveniences, space heater provided, FOR RENT--Three roomed apart- ment with bath, In Port Perry. Phone FOR RENT--7 room house, heavy beds, reasonable. YU B5-7690. FOR SALE --A number of single wiring, good location on paved road, 1 mile east of Blackstock. Phone Blackstock 98-r-8, ogdition. YU 65-2280. FOR SALE--2 Oil Space Heaters, stove pipes, copper tubing; 1 ran- gette. C, McGill, Union Ave. Sept25 | FOR SALE -- BOBCAYGEON, PI- GEON LAKE. Private Point, 3 fur- nished cottages; hoathouse apt; boats. Hydro, well. Write A. Baker, Port i Perry, Phone YU 5-2837. Sept. 16 FOR SALE--Harris Tweed Coat, FOR SALE Don't list with us, if you don't want it 'Sold. Due to the brisk fall sales, we are in need of more farm and property listing, now. Call us anytime. We have clients waiting. | --_-- 100 acres of Scenic hills, dales and valley, plus a trout stocked pond at Only $13,000. Good terms. -- --_--X-- Port Perry--4 room-house on double country taxes. Sacrifice for cash, ---- Call MARGARET BALLARD Realtor TRENCHING = BACKFILLING --|- ~~ Designed to give the maximum e Heavy duty motor, FAIRBANKS - MORSE © JC-PUMP materials in a low-priced pumping unit, This low price was achieved by simplicity of design -- not by reducing quality, low - cost Water Syston for SHALLOW or DEEP WELL use quality of construction and FOR SALE--17" T.V. in excellent, | Weldon, Ward Holmes, Clerks. } PERSONAL OLD, RUNDOWN? Ostrex Tonic Tablets help "pep-up" thousands of jus, women past 40, Only 69c. At all druggists, . Baler, New Power Spreader, Full line of Machinery, the property of How- ard Forder, Don-Roddie Farm, at the village of Blackstock, Durham County, 7 miles Kast of Port Perry, 16 miles North of Bowmanville. This will be one of the outstanding Auctions of the fall season, The herd is in ex- cellent condition, all young, many 2 Tractors, New Baler, New Power Spreader & other machines are what you would find at a well equipped Farm. Cattle Sold subject to Blood Test for Export.. Farm has been sold. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Machin- laundry and dryer Le if paid within 14 days. If it is necessary to send an invoice the minimum charge will be: 66¢c. or a billing charge of 162. added to account. * * Perry a Brownie camera with built in flash and exposed film inside. .Owner is anxious to get camera and film back, Mrs. Frank Eggert, 713 - i LL] Sewing Machine REPAIRS and SERVICE i Needles, Bobbins, ® Parts for all makes, Phone Blackstock 77 1. TF BROCK MOTORS 195656 Buick sedan, automatic trans- mission, a light blue color. 1066- Chevrolet = 2-tone green, radio, new battery. ' S$ 1855 Meteor sedan, radio, good con- dition all around, coral & ivory 2- tone, 1964 Ford sedan, radio and heater. low mileage. 19566 Ford 48-passenger school bus 1953 Chevrolet panel school bus: 19563 International carryall school bus ' Farm Equipment ery sale at 12 o'clock (noon) sharp. Cattle sale at 2 o'clock. : LORNE FRANKLIN and TED JACKSON, Auctioneers. THURSDAY, SEPT, 8th, Auction ed area R. O. P. Records, the property Guersney Cattle Breeders Assoc. of | Ont.. Box 99 Guelph. Auctioneer. "Ted Jackson; |- FRI, SEPT. 9th--Auction Sale of 1 John Deere 14T P.T.O. baler, used of James Batty with added entries from Murray Potts and W. C. Sonley Sale at the farm on 7 & 12 Hwy, 1mile 1 Fluery Bissell 3-furrow plow, trac- tor hitch with power lift 1 Cockshutt 4-wheel manure spreader, on rubber. 1 LH.C. 4-wheel manure spreader 1 two-furrow Hydiguty plow for 'M- tractor. Boats and Outboard Motors Reduced -to- -$499.00. 1 Peterborough Starfish fibre hg ! '14.foot with steering and lights, boat, all hardware, windshield, Terms Cash, No Reserve. Sale time 1.80 to 6 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Wm. Stock and Implements, Massey Harris P. Scott electric start motor, re- _duced to $895.00. 1 12 H.P.. Scott Motor... Regular-- No, 44 Tractor, Glutten Hammer Mill, H. D. Cultivator (on rubber), Etec. the property of Noble Dunn, Lot 8, Con, 6, Mariposa Twp., 2 Miles. South of Oakwood and 3 miles west of Mariposa Station. 'Terms Cash. No Reserve as owner is giving up farm- ing. Sale at 1.00 p.mi Wm, Weldon, Clerk. THURSDAY; OCTOBER SthiAvic- tion Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Furniture, the property of Wal- estate. Sale at 1.00 pm, REG." JOHNSON, Auctioneer, - SAT, SEPT. 17th--Avction Sale of Household Furniture, Electric Range, Washing Machine, Dishes, belonging to the Estate of the Late Mrs. E. A. Whiteley at 66 Deep Dene Drive, | gular $795.00,-on-sale-at $695.00, REG, JOHNSON, Auctioneer, | serve as sale is called to settle the | $305.00, reduced to $295.00. 1.40 H.P. Scott electric starter, re- G.M.A.C. time payment plan to suit your budget. ¥ BROCK MOTOR SALES : Phone 73, Sunderland, Ontarlo A General Motors -- Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Dealer _- FREB ESTIMATES - boat with steering and windshield, Phones: 3: . Scar. AT 2.0961 Wednesday night Ra 9 couples pre- sent, 4 Recreation was 4 charge of Dorothy and Jim Marlow and Noreen Malcolm was the winner of a contest." Club decided to' have a booth at Howard ed Howard and Dorothy Forder with a lovely inscribed leather bound hymn- ary. Both Mr, and Mrs, Forder made replies. Devotional was led by Harold Sympathy is extended Mrs. Lorne Griffin on the - death of her brother Frank Stinson, Wednesday; also to Mr. Milton Hanlan, on the death of of his father, in Pembrooke, Wednes- day. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong attend- ed the funeral of her cousin Mr. Elgin King in Lindsay, on Friday. Misses Jessie and Betty McArthur spent a few days with friends in Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hanlan spent the week-end with his mother and sister in Pembrooke. Murs. John Scott, and Mr, W. Cam- pell are visiting in Toronto, Mrs, Velva Bailey and Miss Cath- gine spent a few days last week in oronto, Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, Cheryl and Mr. and Mrs, T. Samells, Mr. Vin. cent Archer and Mr. and Mrs, W. Archer attended the Kinmount Fair on Saturday, ; Mr, and Mrs. Neil Bailey spent last week at a cottage at Nottawasaga Bay. Mr. Merlin Bailey, of Montreal is visiting at home. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Strong" and Beth visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Poole at Don Mills, on Sunday. 'end with Mr, and Mrs, Bev. Veale at Murdockyville, Quebec, _. Davé and Floyd Kyte, Arthur Van- 'of Highways, CLASSIFIED, ADS & COPY MUST CL REPRESENTATIVE REQUIRED BE IN BY 9 am. WEDNESDAY I. i : We have a much needed service . --_-- hia Beady for farmers as well as town dwellers. BOY'S BICYCLE FOR SALE-- . ee | % * 1 ' Asselstine spent last week on an en- / We require a representative in your{gacer: type. Cheap. YU 5-238). WANTED -- Light House work, B ackstock joyable motor and camping trip to ~' 3 Wie area. A car is essential 'and the man YU 5.2289. i RATES iy Kingston, Ottawa, North Bay; Wa. selected will have an opportynity to| prey EEYp---- "| Classified ads, 8¢ per word per lssue| The Town and Country Couples Club saga, Sarnia and 'Fillsonburg: WE GLADLY WORK 4 STUD establish himself in .a business that| FOR SALE --- Girl's Bicycle, 26", = |The minimum charge B50c. per issue | met in the Christian Education Room Mr. and. Mrs. Dalton Dorrell and Mr. Earl Dorrell attended the Golden Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. H. Felt at Barrie on Sunday. Mr. and "Mrs. Harold Kyte, Floyd, Linda and Bob spent the week-end at Tillsonburg. IR r , Phone y . do%, Canada: Sept. 15 Ley eh Cn sh Sess Puts Siig : : Forder's sale, Sept. 15th. Neil Mal-| ~My and Mrs. Ernest King and chil- ; ! * LOST -- At the waterfront, Port colm, on behalf of the Club} present- dren, Fort Perry, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Gey, Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Duff and Graham accompanied by. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Sinclair and children, Tara, spent a 48" x 72", very clean, reasonable. collect, Sunderland 93-r-3. jDunlop St. West, Whitby. - Phone | Kyte while lunch was being prepared, | fo days around Ottawa and the Sea- ww S Beaty YU 65-7472. ' eo MO 8-4580. a-discussion was held on: "Some of| way, ' y CLEAN OUT AND DEEPENING _| our United Church failings. Mr. and Mrs. Ted McMahon and children, spent aw ek at a cottage at Caesarea. Port Perry Rod And Gun Club The first meeting of the Club for the .fall and winter season will be : held in the Club room over Brock's may be consult * Xen oo - 4 ; Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, J A the 4 f Monday, Soot "argh CANNING TOMATOES for SALE A Sal ; Liwrence on the birth of a son on |store on the evening of Monday, Sept. ATARI RT AR AMBULANCE SERVICE | CANNING TOMATOES for SALE uction es FOR A BR Son ET Ei 12th, 1960 at 8.00 pm. sharp. YUkon 5-2421 PORT PERRY --_---- : lan. OL. 5-3949, Brooklin. Bring THURS, SEPT. 16th--Auction Sale 14 JB Mrs. R. Morrow, Hilton, is.spending | There will be a full report from a } your own container. of 75 Reg. Halsteins, Herd Listed, Ac- 195 Chevrolet ( radio, heater, a tur-|a few days with Mr. and Mrs, Richard meeting at the Municipal Building Queen $1, Post Perry credited, Vaccinated, 2 Tractors, New | duoise color. VanCamp and girls. with the Superintendant of the Dept. Port Hope Division, the Engineers and other personal from the Dept. of Highways Queen's Park, as to the Building of the new cause- way from Port Perry, and the new road for about seven miles, and tho detour. There. will, also be 'preparations for Contact GLEN WOOD | beige. Ladi i : : . 1954 Meteor sedan, a light blue Bill Toronto week-end ts [the fall and winter programme, as In viol ] ge. Ladies size 40. New. Sprig & waders just frash or wbriig- n, Ys » were week-end guests Thos. N. Shier Ltd. Real Estate |. pall. Cost $35. 00. Sale price $26. ing. In aed res] good Hoon 1953 G.M.C. %-ton stake truck. of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Henry and [Well as the annual dinner. Box 3, Markham, Ont. YU 56-2270. 8ept8| cial herd. The Implements including [1959 Chdvrolet %-ton pick-up, very Son, A report of the Gun Safety class. It is necessary that all persons who' have not a gun license at present will have to have a certificate of competence in gun safety, before that he can get a gun license. 0. 0. Hamilton) Pres. AUTOBIOGRAPHY People tend to speak the truth in a crisis and this was a crisis for the Travel Agent, Uxbridge your front door. 8 room brick house Miss Mable VanCamp attended a is J of work. UL 2-3411 1.6 Sept 8/60 | hydro, water on pressure, large bam, Salo of 40 Registered GUERNSEY 1 John Deere 3-point' hiteh 8-furrow | Dominion Law Conference in Mont- ke Ine an EARL WALLAC E ' on solid gravel road. CATTLE vaccinated, accredited, list-| plow real last "week and spent the week- : dor, he spoke his autobiography: "If I had ever figured that friends might be useful, I would have cultl- Ror 200 acre Beef Farm, good set of Camp, Brian Staniland and Leslie! vated some." --. APEX SERVICE 12 months of the year. farm Buildings, large modernized [north of Brooklin at 1.80 p.m. Terms' Buy Now and; Save!.- : : : % home, conveniences. $28,000. Cash. For sale catalogue write The 1 P eterborough Handy-Boy 16 - foot tie ed er a St ul CHAS. A BRADLEY & SON " Dec. 81/60 vouse. . Hardwood $100ts, Off Teele X= New and. Used Appliances,-40 TV's,| complete with Scott Royal 40 H.P. . y ; 2 Port Perry, overlooking lake--near- | 20 Stoves, 15 Refrigerators, Tires and | motor, reduced to $1195.00, (7 y, D C na Snes Ria hol -- Moje 1. ly new Bungalow, all conveniences on |many other. Household Appliances, ; Paceship, 14 - foot, complete with ecor ating onir actors 1 T » YU gy Sept 7 large lot. Owner anxious to sell, |the property of B. F. Goodrich, 225 | = steering, seat cushions, windshield, 1ano uning = ' ' needs larger home. Full price $8,600. | George Street North, Peterborough.| 41) hardware, convertible top, 25 H. INTERIOR and EXTERIOR : PORT PERRY, ONTARIO around Port Perry. YU 56-7866, Sept. 16. Sunderland 49 or 124 CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer. 1-18-foot -Hansa-molded plywood, m= Wall Papering a Specialty Phones: Office: YU 5-2821 - "| hogany déck, beautifully uphol- Res: YU 65-2334 = -- - stered.seats.--Regular $695.00, on ; |. THURSDAY; SEPT: 20th==Auction | P07 RSE WN SN - Pr pr Sale of 70 Shorthorn Cattle, Farm | S81e at $495.00, Oliver 5-4441 Hrooklin, Ont. Whitby 'MO 8.3559 ter Brien Estate, Lot 4, Con. 1, Veru- 'RENCHING li em ans on Hwy. 36. Torms Cash. No re] BXCAVATING $30.50 : |. Aluminum Combination Sell-Storing Cg IRST QUALITY SELF STORING DOOR Double Hung (two lights) ¢ Can be ddapted for deaper Highland' Creek. Terms Cash, No HIGHEST PRICES PAID ® No leakage where motor sings. Reserve, Sale at 1.80 pm. . | Water Lines -- Septie Beds, Ete. Storm: Windows : shaft enters pump, o Easy fo Instal, KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, | Septic Tanks and. Disposal Beds (up to' 100 unit; inches) ; for Live poulry j Suse Xepthers © Same [et assembly con be . Sewnermieet 10 Spureles Auctioneers supplied and installed. i 2. an eather 1ic for shallo d ® Avaliable as pump or MF d wel mings to 40. all 01 packaged units assembled SAT. SEPT. 17th--Auction Sale of KEN MIDDLETON ; FLATT Tigh ut with 12 or 30 gan Household Furniture, Piano, Dining| Phone 'YUkon 5-7648, Port. Perry Bs ca ; TO RR dy Bethany, Ol. aE ot ee Wbricaion. _ copadtytamks, Room Suite, . Chesterfield, . the... Pros : SURRY § 7 '- ws wr SR ST Rr . mera a As Th 3 es "Corner a A AR a a ah Phone: Tr 18 "Reverse charges =< Saw this aconomy PM Waker syifom a perty 'of Mrs; "Mary "Couper, 0000000000000 0000000000006 of King & Main St., Village of Mount LUMBER qd CTLORE' SUPPL 1B. Ld Og, 8.80 CKAR Albert, Torr Cash, Property Sold, |= seme an IES, nai Pl D AARDWARE : la af 130 pm. For RUBBER STAM Your LDA. Dealer? No Reserve. Sale at 1.80 p.m. Willbee, Clerk. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer, Reg. ~ Phone: t YU 52491 RENEW YOUR MAGAZINES : - Through The Port Perry Star 7 An . PORT PERRY PORT PERRY ONT. Phone YU 65-7962

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