Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 8 Sep 1960, p. 5

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# ' a. > AR N Av. nay rr "J 4 ' IRB SE HEE rd PENSE LAT Ed » *L o'r LEAT Fs LGR TC AAA IR AE IE AEE x DRIAL = LE SN ALES er Wa TS BAS EERE Col Na ho Me IR SEA ARS ME 1 EMAAR A IN I Cr A a rr i ad at : TREE i Ne stibdond bison niostins mid iain A L 4 \ / THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1060--5 5 Flax and Rape fields in BSaskatche- ['the Judges in the Ladies Division. |Belgians-- "s Carriage Single, laf, .--=1st & 2nd | . All prizes were taken by Malcolm | All prizes were taken by Walter « Honeydale W.I. (continued from front page) of Mrs. Prentice, Miss McLaren; Mrs. 0. Stone, Mrs. 'W. Moase and Miss A. The motto for September was "Be- fore keeping up with the Joneses find "out where they are going", Mrs. wan, the large Calcium Mines at Moose Jaw. Other highlights were encountering a native of Port Perry unexpectedly two thousand miles from home, the Badlands of Alberta, which yield tremendous and unusual Fossil remains of an early tropical type:as well as later bones of Mammoths. Miss A. Dodd gave the members a These Directors and Mrs, Glenn Hill also worked during the day in the T.B. X-Ray tent where 11 people were given Chest X-Rays. The Secretary wishes to inform members that Institute pins are now available from her, Watch for Fires Brood Marg & Foal--Keith Hobden, Clarence Buckley, Lindsay, Two Year old gelding or filly--i. Hobden. A One year old gelding or filly--K. Hobden, 2nd & 38rd Len Stephenson, | Burketon. Foal by mother -- C. Buckley, K. Hobden, Yeld mare or gelding-+K, Hobden, B. Mana, 1st & 3rd R. Cochrane, 2nd N. Dennis, Gents Turnout-+L., Blight, Lady Driver -- Léonard Blight, L. Atchison, d Singlé" Road Race .-- Bill Reid, B. Mann, L Cochrane, B. Mann," Single Road Race under 15% hands --1st & 2nd B. Mann, 3rd I. Cochrane. Commercial Single Horse, light-- Bailey of RIR. 4 Port Perry except Holliday & Sons, R.R, 3, Oshawa. 8rd prize on heifer calf which was Best Fat Steer--Garnet Rickard won by Kenny Wilson, Janetville. Best Beef Herd -- Malcolm Bailey, . _ .G. Rickard. : Herbford heifer calf under oie year | -L1st Murray Brown. Continued Next Week. , . Holsteins ' : Moase spoke briefly on the wisdom Suess o hs Wisticka Sons 2nd & 8rd C. Buckley, Team Road Rice -- 1st & 2nd B. AAA AR SOR PORN, AAR AS 0 a of this saying pointing out the futil: 8 quo 3 0 atur Road or Carriage on Halter--- - Mann, 8rd I. Cochrane. bo ity of pinning one's goal on such |Uescribing species of birds, . This won \ foolish and materialistic .standards, The program convenors presented a delightful skit of Ma and Pa Kettle and Family complete with céstume and props. We only wish we had taken their pictures in the get-ups of overalls and straw hats, Mrs. O, Stone outlined her trip with Mr, and Mrs. H. Barry to the Rockies and showed pictures of the scenes. 'bers of the Institute and sold by sale a double mauve African Violet for Mrs. 'Glenn Hill who scored twenty- three. Mrs. P. Diamond won a Violet for having a lucky tea cup, Tea, sandwiches, and tarts were served at the close of the afternoon, In Hay Mows little tough this year, take this tip from safety expert, Hal Wright: check the hay twice a week the first month and once or twice a week the second month aftey haying. The rea- sun: fire danger, The Quilt which was made by mem- of tickets was won at Port Perry Fair by Mrs. Vie Willis. The Ontario Department of Agri- If your hay went into the barn,a: Brood mare & Foal Ralph Saddler, Nestleton; Lloyd Atchison, Newton- ville, . a Two year old colt --= Duvid Brent, Bowmanville. Foal by Mother -- I.. Atchisdn, R. Saddler, Harness Classes-- Heavy Draft Team--1st H. Down; Znd & 3rd A. Toll Light Draft Team -- A. Toll, H. Single Hackney on Rein--L. Hoskin, B. Mann, L. Atehison. vw * Single on rein Perch Draft Com- mercial or Belgian--V. Cookson, 2nd A. Toll, 83rd W. G. Shea. Saddle. Open--L. Hoskin, L. Atchi- son, D. Brent, Linda Little, Agincourt, Pony Classes-- . Brood Mare & Foal--Geo. Hayes, Columbus, 2nd & 3rd Ray Cochrane, Enniskillen. } "FOR SALE | ulldozing & Excavating Business INCLUDING T.D. 9 Bulldozer Equipped with Winch. or Also Land clearing Root rake for same. She mentioned the pleasure' of the good roads all the way across and during June the great green fields of grain. They were interested in the culture engineer: suggests you build Down, A, Toll a hay probe thermometer to properly ° Belgian Team--K. Hobden, C. Buck- do the job. Use a ten foot length of ley, 8rd & 4th Len Stephenson. hard inch electrical conduit or tubing.| Percheron Team---V. Cookson, W, Mrs. L, Honey, Mrs. C., Howsam, Mrs. Raines, Mrs. J, Owen, Mrs. P. Diamond, represented the W.I. as directors of the Fair and were busy Pony Foal--1st & 2nd R. Cochrane, 3rd G. Hayes. Single in Harnéss other than hack- ney 46" & under--Clare Vernon, Port International Truck Float equipped with heavy duty winch BEALAARARNAS AAS ros Sods 350 ampre portable electric Welder. Government Experimental Station at Friday through Monday setting up [Rivet a sharpened hardwood point to'G, Shea, V. Cookson, K. Hobden, Les Perry, 2nd & 8rd G. Hayes, ; of : Morden, Manitoba, the Oil Fields, the and arranging exhibits and assisting | the bottom end and drill 6. holes of Cochrane. . . Single in harness other than hack- | $$ ALL IN GOOD WORKING ORDER ' oh % inch diameter within the bottom 6 Commercial "Team -- Russel Cocl- ney over 46"--1st & 2nd G. Hayes. 4 FIC Ii wa vy inches of the pipe. Lower a dairy yane, Burketon, Norman Dennis, Bra- | Single in harness, hackney--C. Ver- | % i EC Ad thermometer on a 12 foot cord to the cebridge, R. Cochrane. non, 2nd '& 8rd R. Cochrane. o ON botton of the completed hay probe and Roadster Team=--Lorne Hoskin, Bur- Pony team other than hackney -G. o" N E M Al R S oY your're ready to take the temperature keton, Ivan Cochrane, Nestleton, Leo- Hayes, 2nd R. Cochrane. i ° ° 3 of your hay. k. nard Blight, Brooklin, Burritt Mann, -- : Ae N A "All that's needed now is a piece Carriuge Monin leh & 2nd B. Mann. tey, soa E, 'Coshrane, 4 Rd SIMCOE ST., PORT PERRY Phone YUkon 5-2202 pH Ih of sponge rubber below the ther- Commercial Single Horse--1st and o ) LJ : ] y Single Saddle -- I. Atchison, Rob ntti te ee eres AA A RR re mometer to act as a cushion and pre- gpg R, Cochrane, 3rd N. Dennis. Coclunne, C. Vernon NL RL NS LLG GL SNS ¥ , C. . ee vent breakage," says wright. 4 horse team--V. Cookson, A. Toll, we reams ese Pony Tandem--R. Cochrane. : . When ready to use the drove, push R. Cochrane. - Best Group of four or more com- ' it well down. into' the hay and leave *- Roadster Single, small -- I. Coch- : guarantees you ond your, * gf family carefree heating comfort it for ten minutes. Then, pull out rane, L. Blight, B. Mann, L. Blight, the thermometer and check the tem- I. Cochrane. . mercial horses--R. Cochrane. CATTLE i perature. Use these temperature Roadster Single, large--I.. Hoskin, |Shorthorns-- F. ? ' : Td guides: : L. Blight, Bill Reid, Orono, I. Coch-| Prizes were all taken by three Bow- » +160 degrees F. Entering th donger rane, B. Mann, ~ manville area breeders, Garnet Rick- zone. Make temperature obs vations | Cayriage Single, small--1st & 2nd 'ard, Russel Osborne and John Allin. 7 aly i 2 Dancser 31 . B. Mann, ) | Aberdeen Angus-- " 16 egrees F. Danger nspec - . every 4 hours to see if temperature is rising, r---- : 176 degrees F. Fire pockets can ; A i + i . be expected. Call the fire department © Mrs, Albert Raymond is sentimental. Each time Tr yah ie he 4 , dog The modern way to be 3.2 a : : A ' traditionally correct ho she visits her bank Safety Deposit Box she scolds \ 185 Segages F. Te a (ob a z . . _. e avaliable since flames w eve Z aid herself for not having her old fashioned family when air comes in contact with the The Bouquet . ha jewelry re-set . . . but somehow she hasn't the ' hay, 3 Coit Invitation Line Buy your Fuel 3 " : . . . 210 degrees F. Critica ay is CY . J - A ~ heart to change it. So it stays with her papers and Fait eee 2 Te : Wedding Invitations FAMILY UL g on our... : securities, safe in the bank vault, "Workmen shouldn't enter the mow g . Sh - Ri - alone or without ropes tied to their *Thermo-engraved (Ralsed lettering) g : PROTECTION he Ellen Ramsay doesn't own a diamond yet. . « waists," cautions Wright, Hii Thetmo-Engraving looks and feels like - ; : . . ket have developed and t} ~ ___hand engraving, but 0 iF: a but she'll have one soon in an engagement ring. Ee digi ot a reiored and there much-and ics ready within the wee | | No big, seasonsl__- FUEL PLAN; 11 [] Tl TT Like most girls she has plans for marriage and Long planks can be placed across the Thermo-Engraving eliminates the Sop: Fuel Bills fo pay i ; h . Savini A t in The C : top of the hay. Workmen can stand per Plate hit makes hand engraving oy Bark of Commerco is earmarked fof wedding | an wile nuking cirri: Fey 23 ie pening "lt blo bswrance i d hases for her 1 home " removing phe hay pe a Bay ii) distinctive sles a protection for stead of having 10 meet big fuel billy 5 SEpenNes DIY ".. ~ ]- > $9.00 for S0.and $1350 for 100, com. your family, at bichon omntyel obo J ) eh te wit dti " spread over the eal aor, Precious jewels from the past~~. happy plans for Blackstock i lke contlopsnand vision NO COSE 0 YOU Yo pay vero pores mere re com the future .. . The Canadian Bank of Commerce : logue! Matching "announcements, at venience... 0 interest charges ... ond hel tect both Whatever banking servicesyou ~~ | Fair | home cards, enclosure card, ete. oD Automatic died ee e S ro . : wr oo can be sure they are my kw at HORSES : : Fuel Deliveries Bars Sammon drole ov . : ; Clydsdale-- ho J OL : Nn vr ITMDY any branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce, Light and diafl on halter Clydadale--) 1 TEE | 1 a A | | | Bry qoldl ul. Lt, REESOR FUEL & LUMBER mm ee THE CANADIAN: lL oing--h. Tol, ee] WU SRN) PORT PERRY | PORT PERRY YU 67961 _. . BANK OF COMMERCE ber. Down, Brooklin, A. Toll, H. DOWN. | $66666640606606606006600066660 0666006660066 tt a ns VICEEPOIIIIIIIIIIILI ILI LHIIH ILLES LOTLII HVS 44 ; : 4 Heavy, Draft - : Call us your bankers "| Yeld mare or gelding--A.-Toll, 2nd { 4 | and 3rd H, Down, 4th A. Toll. 4 TR re AT tl A PORT PERRY, ONT. Brood Mare & Foal--W. G. Shea, : & ) ) Sunderland; V. Cookson, Bowmany le; : vn g Les Cochrane," Burketon. = PHONE: YU 5.2521 , Two year old gelding or filly--1st ; ; : ii \ . V. Cookson, 2nd W. G. Shea. } § : fund oe. hs : : . 'One year old-geldingor" filly--W.} & -- = ER a RL ree e------ G. Shea, 2nd & 8rd Les Cochrane, E € ry / 7 Foal _by mother--W. G. Shea, V. , B ye Cookson, Les Cochrane. Vink i ; o ) . Yeld mare or gelding--V. Cookson, . . . V. Cookson, W. G. Shea, Keith Hob- Il d run ; fm oh: "= 1s all you need-- ~ when it's wa paper! : ;: f CHRISTIAN : : IT Ce i : SCIENCE & £ Get yours now from BROCK S DEPT. STORE PA MONITOR i: i * With wallpaper you can Colors, designsand textures £0 ; rio at modernize, add style, warmth, to suit every taste. @ X i Yr ls ' } bh DAILY MEWSPAFER | charm ai loy cost, - Cd * Easy to apply because it's Ww LS ; : ; SN : i 7 Good Reading \ * Washable and fade-proof. ready-pasted. Te CAREF Ld ag BE for the um * Wallpaper makes such a wonderful difterence! a : thanks to Whole Family TW TIN RIN Braid. CEILI JERR N 7 : y p » a tri o News : : NEW F ALL LINES. DOMINION and BATA RUBBERS A aN ' : : y ; x a, EN N &ssO OIL Hl EAT ~ ofacts NEW 1961 WALLPAPER| PASUUM COATS --LADIES | fnuae Running Shoes ) : ® od adem br. Sudyors Fame tt « Family Featur A , pn $19 95 $29 95 $39 95 DOMINION CANADIAN MADE ! depen " : : ? . . . . ; Dalam 30 mts Srna Ths ooh im mom me ALL IN STOCK) ; I ae BOYS--$2.75, MENS--$2,98 in Eamon i By Ova Norway, Boren 1, Mow, PAPERS -- PRE-PASTED CRAFT SPORTSWEAR COATS -- Men's CHILDREN -- $1.98, $2.98 'or automatio furnace, there's &n Eiso heating fel ached Inciossd find my shack of | COATED qr Qk j hats czas sight fof hie Job ie Eno Of Hout aud Amoay oar, 13 pa uo PLASTIC 3 $14.95, $19.95, $29.95 es SAVAGE te -- : : a3 a | § the inte to come; -_-- esis pp IR : 9 hoi ERLE SCL NN. ht ee le AJ eo th dan lg po fe te sit aa rans ev snd sani ais DY --- rics ry aid I a ri AE tate ata ES CHILDREN'S SHOES, . ha IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST =roll = 69¢c [Chm Ro ALWAYS LOOK TO If HE BE -- Sc. r : SHOES PUMPS, OXFORDS and STRAPS | Vi 6 A. PRENTICE, Port Perry, min : AND, UP SAVAGE, HEWETSON, DACK, $4.95, $5.50, = $6.95 | a PORT PERRY -- Special books for special orders SISMAN, GRACIA TEEN AGE, $6.95, $7.05, $8,05 5 .. . PHONE: YU 6-2672 I 0000000000000000000000000000000006666446006806¢ : 4S

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