¢--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST BSth, 1060 THE CHURCHES ANGLICAN CHURCH CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rev, E. W. Fuller, B.A, L.Th., Rector Sunday, August 28-- 11:30 a.m.--Morning Prayer with Mr, J. R. Findlay, Oshawa. v, ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Interim Moderator: Rev. B. D. Armstrong, B.A., D.D. Minister: Mr. William Perry, B.A. Sunday, August 28th, Divine Worship--11.00 a.m. During August, Joint services will be held in St. John's, The Session and congregation welcomes all our friends from the United Church and all others who would worship with us. "1 | PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. 8. Linstead, B.A., Minister Sunday, August 28th, Sunday School withdrawn for Aug. 11 a.m,--Union Service in St. John's Presbyterian Church. u The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE Minister: Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A. B.D. SUNDAY SERVICES-- AUGUST 28, 1960-- 9.16 a.m.--PROSPECT Church 10.16 a.m.--MANCHESTER Church 10.16 a.m.--SCUGOG "Head" 8.S. 11.16 a.m,--SCUGOG Church This will bring to a close our Sum- mer services, We hope that all our people will come and worship with us. And we hope that you will support the excellent services planned for the month of September. {Lk PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Stuart A. Mulligan, Pastor Sunday, August 28th." SUNDAY---9:50 Sunday School 11:00 a.m.--Worship 7:00 p.m.--Evangelism MONDAY--7 p.m.--Jr. Young People WEDNESDAY--8 p.m.--Bible Study v and Prayer Meeting \ Parsonage--Crandell St, YU 5-7888 Engagement Mrs. Doreen Butson, of Port Perry, wishes to announce the engagement of her daughter Elaine Annette to Mr. Kenneth Robert Barnes, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Barnes, Sunderland. The marriage is to take place Sept. 2nd. Card of Thanks THANK YOU, FRIENDS Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd W. Hunter wish to express their sincere appreciation and heartfelt gratitude to their many relatives, friends and neighbours who so kindly made such'a memorable oc- casion of their recent silver wedding celebration first on Saturday evening, August 13, at the residence of their niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Mer- rill VanCamp, Blackstock, also on Sunday afternoon and evening, Aug. 14th, at their home on Casimer St., Street, Port Perry. The many beautiful greeting cards, friendly good wishes and lovely sur- prise gifts, all furnish most pleasant memories of their twenty-fifth wed- ding anniversary. Guests were welcomed from Cal- gary, Orillia, Midland, Toronto, Bow- manville, Wroxeter, Haliburton, Ring- wood, Oshawa, Janetville, Nestleton, Blackstock, Saintfield, Prince Albert and Port Perry vicinity. Death BROWN---After a lengthy illness at her home in Caesarea on Thursday, August 18, 1960, Alice Amelia Brown in her 94th year. Beloved widow of Harry Brown, loving mother of Harry of Oshawa, Fred of Whitby, Mrs, C. Willoughby (Alice), Casearea, Ser- vice from the Gerrow Funeral Chapel, 890 King St. W., Oshawa, on Satur- da.y. Interment Union Cemetery. dear husband, Herbert Howard, who Coming Events SUPPER Supper will be served in the United Church, Blackstock, Fair Day, August 27. Turkey, ham, salads, pies, cakes Adults $1.60, Public School children Tbe. a" I] At Home Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Fielding, of Manchester, will be at home to their relatives and friends on Sunday, Sept. 4th in the afternoon 2 to 4 o'clock and in the evening 7 to 9 o'clock; this be- ing the occasion of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Card of Thanks A NOTE OF THANKS My thanks to the doctors and nurses and others at the Port Perry Hospital, Also to friend: for calls, gifts and cards. I am grateful to all for their kindness and good wishes. Daisy Thompson New Campus at High School Early one morning last week Ted. Leahy had the barn which he purchas- ed from Mrs. Hall moved to a new lo- cation on Scugog. The barn which has been a landmark for many years was moved as the property has been purchased by the High School to make a larger campus, Along with a portion of Mrs, Hall's property, the School also obtained land from J. C. Whitby and W. T. Harris. Bulldozers have taken out the hedge and levelled the land to extend the school campus, as more area is requir- ed with the addition to the school building. Card of Thanks Doctor and Mrs. Douglas Bilbey (nee Pear] Wright) wish to thank their friends and relatvies for the great kindness in giving them a re- ception and presentation at Black- stock Community Hall prior to their departure to Newfoundland. Card of Thanks I wish to thank the friends and neighbours for their many kind acts and expressions of sympathy at the time of my recent bereavement in the loss of my sister Marguerite Johns of Toronto; I would also like to thank Mr, Perry of St. John's Presbyterian Church and McDermott-Panabaker. Ltd. for their assistance. Audrey Hall. In Memoriam WAKEFORD-- In loving memory of a dear mother, Margaret Wakeford, who passed away August 21, 1969: Though her smile is gone forever And her hand we cannot touch, Still we have so many memories Of the one we loved so much. Her memory is our keepsake, With which we'll never part; God has her in his keeping, We have her in our hearts. Loving remembered by daughter, Jean, Son-in-Law Tom, and Grandaughters, In Memoriam HOWARD--In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, Herbert Howard, who passed away August 28, 1968. To-day recalls sad memories, Of a dear father gone to rest; And the ones who think of him to-day Are the ones who loved him best. Always remembered by his daughter Ethel, son-in-law Jim and grandchildren, In Memoriam HOWARD--In loving memory of a passed away, August 28th, 1968, Gone from me but leaving memories, Death can never take away, Memories that will always linger While upon this earth I stay. Loving Remembered, * By Wife Rosina, NNR bo {AR a Acs le GROMER AAT SPIE IIR RA CR A SEA BETTING TO THE TOP WITH AN EXD * EXPERIENCED QUIDE | RERAPLETITY Rt Nour, Ren AH : of BOUA 3, RA ei 33 od x Cedar Creel David Cummings has been on leave from Camp Petawawa and has been visiting his brother Bruce and Mr. & Mrs. Harold Holtby and visiting Mr. Neil Malcolm and family at Black- stock on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Willerton visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Stark at Udora on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Birkett of Raglan visited Miss Flosssie Spencer and brother Richard, on Wednesday evening. Ronnie Larocque and his sister, Carol, returneed from a motor trip to the Maritimes Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George Judd and son of Chalk Lake accompanied Mr. and Mrs, Ernie Willerton to Algonquin Park on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Farrwell and Larry of Toronto visited the Parms on Friday. Jim Parm returned to To- ronto with them. Mr. B. Benschop accompanied his two sisters as far as Montreal on their return trip to Holland. He returned on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Philip and family of Nestleton, visited Mr. and Mrs. B, Cummings Saturday. Larry, 'visited their sister, Linda and brotliér, Bob at Sunderland on Satur- day. ns Cummings and his brother, Ronnie Larocque and his cousin Gil- bert Mills, visited relatives at Mag- netawan over the week-end. Their uncle, Bud Mills, returned with them, Mrs. Frank Harris visited friends a Bobcaygeon on Tuesday. Miss Flossie Spencer and brother, Richard, visited Mrs. Norman Birkett at Raglan on Wednesday afternoon. Sam Parm was in Toronto a couple of days last week. : i Pom dee Dit. fe flother ERE H--" bene NW A A 4 Electrically] \ yow dig oloctric NI clothes dryer Short of pasture? Try strip graz- ing, advises C. Kingsbury of the Field Crops Branch, Ontario Department of Agriculture, Strip-grazed fields will give you 20 to 80% more grass than freely grazed fields, Use this figure: 1 cow will' handle about 1/10 acre. With a 20-cow herd you would need about 2 acres. the worlds FASTEST portable Swmith-Corona Fines? present you con give yous boy or girl. Marks go up whe notes, reports and themes are typed! This is the poriable with PAGE GAGE and many ether time-saving, smooth-typing feo- tures for big machine performance. Ari TORONTO Pood Roady did Join your neighbors ed, 2 1 t Hi i aik 2 AUG.24-SEPT.10 ADLAN NATIONAL EX ITICN TH BITHEI RN : (8 | DAY EID MONITOR i It is "hay fever time" in: Ontario. The cause of this discomfort in thousands of people is the common ragweed. It's an agressive annual, greyish-green in colour, ranging in height from about six inches to sev- eral feet, The leaves are finely div- ided or, more descriptively, ragged. The flowers, which produce the ob- Jectonable pollen, are a greenish spike at the top of the plant, Good Reading r \ for the ; Whole Family « News «Facts « Family Features pn ----" -- -- -- ------ -- -- The Christion Science Monitor One Norway St, Boston 15, Mass. Send your newspaper for the time checked, Enclosed find my check or money order. 1 year $20 [J [Ragweed grows anywhere. but it thrives particularly well on newly | broken unseeded land; for example new streets, unsodded back yards, in- completed housing and industria] sites and along the shoulder of highways. Ragweed control is simple, easy and effective, On the roadsides and waste places, it is readily eradicated with 2, 4-D treatment. On boulevards, in parks, and any property where the use of 2, 4-D is hazardous, the per- sistent and timely use of the mower will eliminate ragweed. And in the borders, gardens, and back yards, just 6 months $1000 3 months $5 0 pull it out, i Nard In all cases steps should be taken eg -- to kill the weed by August 15, since ; that is when the pollen starts to blow, (oe Tore. Bol and before the seeds are formed for ny next year's crop. ® USE A TYPEWRITER? '| For all your printing requirements 8ee THE PORT PERRY STAR See The Port Perry Star - THEATRE -- UXBRIDGE THURSDAY to SATURDAY, AUGUST 25 to AUGUST 27 SOLOMON and SHEBA . « ADULT ENTERTAINMENT. COLOR. CINEMASCOPE With YUL BRENNER and GENA LOLLOBRIGITA 'Carfoon and News OUR POLICY Thursday Night--First Run Movie starts at 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Bingo from 9 p.m. on -- Doors open at 6.30 p.m, Friday and Saturday--Two shows Nightly startiag at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. Doors open at 6.30. re HOWARD'S DRAPERIES by the Yard VENETIAN and CLOTH BLINDS BROADLOOM CUSTOM MADE DRAPES = DRAPERY RODS and TRACKS ¢ INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE e HOWARD VICE, Proprietor 926 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa, Ont. Phone: RA 65-8144 Aug. 25/60 THE WORLD AWAITS YOU Never before have so many flags of the world's nations flown at the Exhibi- tion. People and displays from aroundtheglobeandallof Canada's rovinces are represented in the ifty-four permanent exhibition buildings. eo Honorable J. Kelller Mackay D.5.0,, V.D,, Q.C,, LL.D. Lt, Governor of Ontarlo will officially open the 1960 Canadian National Exhibi- tion, August 24th, Don't miss his colorful ceremony. tion opera star, time day of ARCADE OF LIGHT The brightest thoroughfare in the world. The Princes' Boulevard inside The Princes' Gates. More than twice as bright as Chicago's famed State Street, FOOD PRODUCTS BUILDING Prizes aplenty and give- aways galorein the world'slargest Food Products Building. VN AT, FAMOUS BAND OF THE UNITED STATES NAVY ~Relax a while at the giant exhibition bandshell as this splendid band entertains you every afternoon and evening. WOMEN'S WORLD-to lease a lady, the latest in ashions, foods and furnish- ings, plus handicrafts and the arts. Daily, in the Queen Elizabeth Building. INTERNATIONAL CAT Slow biggest showing of cals in Canada, drawing en- tries from all over the con- tinent, A fascinating show in the Pavilion, upper floor Horse Palace, Aug. 26-27; ACTION-PACKED AQUA- RAMA-thrilling demonstra- tions by champion water- skiers, divers, motor boat races. Seats free for your enjoyment at the Water- _ front Grandstand. JON VICKERS All grandstand tickets admit you free to the grounds at any ; formance only, Evening Grandstand show, # nightly at 8.15 p.m. FOR THE FIRST TIME IN EXHIBITION HISTORY . , . THREE FAMOUS NAMES IN THE EVENING GRANDSTAND SPECTACULAR! FRI, AUG, 26th to FRI, SEPT, 2nd PHIL SILVERS TV comedian of Ser geany Bilko fame, and company plus extra added attrac- SAT., SEPT. 3rd to SAT., SEPT. 10th VICTOR BORGE World famous Danish stars in the Evening § Grandstand Show. THE BIG SHRINE CIRCUS-The thrills and excitement of a great circus such as few of us have seen! An unforgettable experience for children of all ages. Daily at the Afternoon Grandstand show, Aug. 29--Sept. 10 NATIONAL HORSE SHOW ~a grand display of superb horsemanship and horse- flesh from many countries of the world. Aug. 25, 26, 21, , 30, 31. MILE OF FUN-FILLED MIDWAY All for fun and fun for all on this glittering mile of thrill-packed rides, side-shows and James Large Miniature Mi way for the kiddies! comedian and pianist £ Lr guarantees you and your ; Buy your Fuel Oil on our. oe PORT PERRY family carefree heating comfort FAMILY PROTECTION Here's how the plan benefits yous ¥ protection for ----rT ' of having fo mest big fual billy during the colder your family, ap ~~ drbe te lier mei ud ey ey spread over the heating no, ... no cost fo you ior You poy not a penny more for this eon bh He You out Life mo Inkarest charge , ., ond Avtoma / ot, foo, protection withow Fuel Deliveries Perv bgt mpi dt." REESOR FUEL & LUMBER YU 65-7961