Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 21 Jan 1960, p. 16

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SE ER RAN OR TI OR A SAR A aR 6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JANUARY 21st, 1960 BUSINESS DIRECTORY INSURANCE Are your Policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be consult EMMERSON INSURANCE YUkon 5-2421 PORT PERRY GILLSON, SLEEP & Mc¢PHADEN General Insurance Victor F. Gillson - George McPhaden Mrs. Evelyn E. P. Allen FOR RENT -- Attractive self-con- tained apartment with Living Room, 2 bedrooms, modern kitchen and bath- room. Also apartment with one bed- room! YU 56-2478. TF Auction Sales SAT, JAN. 28rd -- Giving Up Farming -- Auction Sale of 20 Hol- steins, New Tractor, 40 Hogs, Fowl, Hay, Grain, Furniture, the property of Mildred I. McCoy, Lot 10, Con. 6, YUkon 65-2841 Port Perry |East Whitby, just East of National Mar, 81/60 Stud Farm. Terms Cash, Sale at 1.00 p.m. ROOFING TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. FOR A BETTER BUY! 3 BETTER TRY! OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding Estimates given on all kinds Br ock EARL WALLACE Port Perry Ont, Motor Sales Phone 78, Sunderland, Ontario A General Motors -- Chevrolet - APEX TV SERVICE Television & Radio Repairs Port. Perry--Phone--YUkon 65-2282 Leslie McDonald, Service Man Dec. 31/60 REAL ESTATE MARGARET BALLARD Broker Listings wanted-- farms, houses, vacant land, ete. Phone 124 or 49 Sunderland, Ontario jan22/60 Oldsmobile Dealer 1958 Chevrolet deluxe 4-door V-8 turbo-glide sedan, windshield wash- ers, back-up lamps, radio, a low mileage, one owner, very clean car. Jet black. 19568 Chevrolet Del Ray sedan, dark blue, low mileage, one owner, back- up lamps, snow tires. 1957 Meteor sedan Niagara, radio, 2- tone, very cledh. 1967 Dodge Mayfair sedan, automa- tic transmission, custom radio, pow- er steering, color turquoise & ivory. 1955 Oldsmobile 2-door hardtop, au- tomatic transmission, radio, 2-tone blue and ivory. - 1966 Ford, a very clean car, runs per- fect, 2-tone maroon and black color. 1954 Chevrolet deluxe sedan, radio, 2- tone green. BRUCE V. MACKEY, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor Saturdays at 9 a.m. to 12 noon also evenings. At residence, Caleb St., Port Perry Phone YUkon 5-2127 March 81/60 1953 Meteor sedan, radio, very clean. 1963 Chevrolet deluxe sedan, 2-tone blue and beige, white walls. 1949 Chevrolet 2-door, very nice. 1957 Chevrolet l4-ton pick-up, long box. 1965 Chevrolet %-ton pick-up, We have a few 1969 Chevrolet new cars left. A. E. Johnston OPTOMETRIST 8 King Street, East, Oshawa, Office Hours--9 to 6 p.m. Wed. and Sat. till noon April 80/60. Immediate delivery on 1960 Chevro- let %-ton pick-up trucks. FOR A BETTER BUY! BETTER TRY! BROCK MOTOR SALES Phone 73, Sunderland, Ontario WE WISH EACH and EVERYONE A HAPPY NEW YEAR! Dead Farm Stock Prompt removal. animals removed free. Use our special telephone service. Ask for long distance ZEnith 32800, We are as close at no cost to you. as your telephone. Ed. Peconi & Son LIMITED Argyle, Box 11, Ontario July 80/60 Dead Farm Stock PICKED UP PROMPTLY Highest prices paid for dead and « due fUbL boys Re IF IT'S FUEL OIL YOU NEED ==AT ITS BRST-~ crippled animals according to size and condition. For fastest service Phone Collect Hampton COlfax 38-2721. MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone, Ontario Aug. 80, 1060 r Attention Farmers! Highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle, 'hories, hogs accord. ing: to size and condition, Prompt service, 7 days per week. Phone Collect 'Uxbridge UL 2:8801. T.F. cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT Have your tank checked now before trouble starts, 24 hour service. | REG. ARMSTRONG Port Perry Phone YUkon 5-2226 Jan, 14/61 Top prices paid for old, dead or disabled farm animals according to size and condition. Small APPLES OH YES "We Grow the Best" LAKEVIEW ORCHARD OSHAWA ROAD near TA HWY. Phone YUkon 56-2572 PORT PERRY ONTARIO RECA gL RAY FINA TA Ce Sli TNE A FEE NE ERE EARS 23 Rate--3¢ per word, Minimum charge 50¢. -- to local advertisers YU 5.2331 1] APARTMENT FOR RENT--Down- town Port Perry. Heated, T.V. Aerial, Phone YU 56-7946. TF. FOR SALE--14' Peterborough Ze- phyr. A-1 condition. Tarp. 2% HP. Johnson. $250.00 cash. YU 65-2686. Jan, 28 FOR RENT--2 bedroom apartment, YU 65-7328. Jan, 28 FOR SALE--Modern Bungalow, 4 rooms and Bathroom. All convenien- ces, Heavy Duty Wiring. Large lot. Garage. Outside work shop. Port Perry. YU b5-7760. FOR SALE -- Cook Stove in good condition. Phone YU b5-2490. - - FOR SALE -- Bed Chesterfield in good condition., Plone YU 65-2166. FOR RENT--Small house in Port Perry. 8 rooms with plumbing, phone YU 65-7940. WANTED TO BUY--Bungalow in Port Perry with 2 or 3 bedrooms. All conveniences. Low down payment. Write Box 2, Port Perry Star. FOR RENT--Apartment, self con- tained. 8 rooms. $36.00 per month. Phone YU 5-25661, Port Perry. Feb, 4 APARTMENT TO RENT--3 rooms in Brooklin. All conveniences. Oil furnace. Apply Gordon Bruce phone YU 65-2360. : WANTED--Lady to do housework, by the month. Live in. Apply 309 Guelph St., Oshawa, Ont. DARNING--Will darn socks, mitts, sweaters by machine. Please write namé plainly on parcel and leave at Scugog Cleaners. Prices reasonable, FOR SALE -- Oil Space heater, 60,000 B.T.U. automatic. Can heat a gix room house. Like new. Used only 4 months, Phone YU 65-2377 be- tween 6 and 8 p.m. PROPERTY FOR SALE House: to wreck--10 room frame on Hwy. 12. Must be removed by April 12th, 1960. Make offer. $500 DOWN--Carries for $40.00 per month. 8 rooms, 8 piece bath, oil heated, hydro. Garden. On Hwy. in village of Sunderland. Full price $5000. MARGARET BALLARD, Broker Sunderland. Phone 124 or 49. REPRESENTATIVE REQUIRED To enroll Motor Club memberships in this loeality. The Ontario Auto- mobile Association provides the fin- est_in Motor Club benefits. Pleasant work that can be handled either full or part-time. Rush your name and 'address for full information as terri- tories are being allotted now. No in- vestment needed. You should have a car and be from 25 to 50, male or female. Write Sdles Manager, Box 817, London, Canada, ATTENTION! -- What 'section of Reach Twp. do you live in? Do you have an Avon Representative calling on you regularly? If not perhaps it is an open territory which could offer you a good earning opportunity. If you would like to sell Avon Cosmetics write immediately to "Miss E. Outer- bridge, 8680 Yonge St. Toronto 12, Ont, Jan, 21 TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG Notice Re: Parking Please take notice that all vehicles parked on the Township Roads while the snowplow is in operation will be at the Owner's risk, By order. ' S. CHANDLER, Clerk Jan, 21st newly decorated. Separate entrance. RELIABLE WOMAN: will baby sit. YU 5:2289 FOR SALE--Hobgs, serviceable age and younger; also first litter sows. Calf for vealing, Fred Milne, Black- water. . Sunderland 38-r-8, FOR SALE -- Enamelled Coal and Wood Stove, good condition. Only $10.00. K. Pavlik, Perry St. Port Perry, » "SPECIAL APPLES $2.75 per bus. MacINTOSH, CORTLAND, ; SPIES. LAKEVIEW ORCHARD 'Oshawa Rd, at Hwy 7A a a a a a a a a Notice to Creditors - "In the Estate of ROY LEACH, late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, Retired Farmer". All persons having claims against the estate of the above named who died January 9th, 1960, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before February 22nd, 1960, full particulars of their claims. Immedi- ately after February 22nd, 1960 the assets of the deceased will be distri- buted among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry this 19th day of January, 1960. ms HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Feb. 4 Port Perry, Ontario. Solicitors for the Administrator. Milburn Meek Heads Ontario Potato Growers The annual meeting of the Ontario County Potato Growers' Association was held in the Department of Agri- culture Office. Uxbridge, on Thursday, January 14th. Mr. R. E. Goodin, Associate Direct- or of the Field Crop Branch, was the guest speaker. He spoke about the many changes that are taking place in the potato industry at the present time, He stated that each year a large percentage of Ontario grown potatoes were being processed in one way or another. He anticipated that this trend would continue in future years. He emphasized the importance of high quality well graded potatoes in the marketing of the potato crop. The annual meeting of the Ontario Potato Growers Association will be held in the King Edward, Toronto, on Tuesday, January 26th, at 2:00 p.m. A number of growers from Ontario County indicated that they would be in attendance at this meeting. The election of officers and directors for 1960 resulted as follow: President--Milburn Meek, Sandford. Vice-President--Albert Hockley, Claremont No. 1 Sec.-Treas.--Gordon Rynard, Zephyr Directors--Clarkson Arnold, Zephyr. Ches. Oldham, Zephyr. George Smalley, Stouffville No. 3 Herb. Simpson, Stouffville No. 2 Byron Risebrough, Uxbridge No. 1 Walter Savage, Uxbridge No. 1 Seagrave The January meeting of W.A. was held on Wednesday evening in 8. 8. room with executive in charge of the meetinv. The meetiny was 'called to order by vice-president Mrs. M. Bruce and hymn "Lord is My Life" was sung. Prayer was offered by Mrs, B. Wanamaker. Scripture lesson from Prov. 2:1.9 was read by Mrs. Keen. We were pleased to have Mr. McNeil with us, who gave the topie, | : basing his remarks on "The Spirit of Man is the Candle of the Lord" from the. topic card. A new year's read- ing was given by Mrs, E. Butt, and hymn "Forth in Thy Name O Lord" closed the devotional period. Mrs. Stone, the President, took the | chair for business. Owing to weather | conditions and sickness, the attend- ance was small, so only sixteen-la- dies were present to pay their mem- bership fee. Minutes were read and approved. Collection of $4.10 receiv- ed and $1.16 penny offering taken. Two Get-Well cards were signed by those present to be sent to two of our members in 'hospital. for 1959 were given--Mrs, Tobin re- ported for the secretary--10 meetings held in past year with average atten- dance of 19.and average collection of $6.36 with 80 on the roll. The treas- urer's report was given by Mrs. Rey- nolds--Total receipts for year $1829. Expenses $1004.98, leaving a balance 'on hand of $324.71, Mrs. Tait report- ed for sick box committee, the penny collections for year were. $16.24 and $50.49 had been spent in fruit and flowers during the year for the sick, Mrs. Clements reported for-the par- .sonage board that $233, -had been spent on furniture, ete. for parsonage. On motion during the meeting $15.00 was voted to pay a small outstanding bill. The organ fund showed $754. on hand, Everyone was asked to write®in suggestions for coming year. These were read and tabled to be dis- cussed at next meeting. Meeting decided to continue 'with group system for coming year. Congregational meeting was an- nounced for Jan. 21 and lunch was planned for that evening. . Meeting closed 'with hymn "Take My Life and Let it Be" and benedic- tion by Rev. Mr. McNeil, Mrs. Abraham conducted a Bible contest. Lunch served by executive and social hour enjoyed by all pre- sent. Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ROBERT WILLIAM DAY, DECEASED All persons having claims against the Estate of Robert William Day, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Mechanic, who died on or about the 23rd day of December, A.D., 1959, are hereby no- tified to send to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of February, 1960, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, Having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice, DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 8th day of January, 1060, GREER AND KELLY, Jan, 28th. Barristers &e., Box 131, Port Perry Solicitors for the above estate. - Paper by Montag 7. Personalizing by InterNational See thts Geantifil album wom at. . For an exciting gift . ++ one that is truly personal and practical cee select a box of "uaty Yours" "Personalized Social Btationéry Port Perry Star Co, Ltd. YU 65-2381 mA PAA A A A As ba, - : v gen x "PORT PERRY ¥ 4 Ayactar copy must be in by 11 am. Wednesday Reports | FIRST QUALITY Self Storing Door $38.50 ALUMINUM COMBINATION DOUBLE HUNG (two lights) Self-storing Storm ~ Windows (up to 100 unit inches) JOHN BALLARD LUMBER - LUMBER and BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Phone YU 65-2491 LOOK! pi ag Hear Better... Live Better - Do you have to strain to hear? Do you miss key words in conversation, in sermons, in TV programs Don't miss out on enjoyment of lifel Take this opportunity I to have your hearing tested -- free and without obligation-- at the' BELTONE HEARING CONSULTATION CLINIC in the Emmerson Motel. Port Perry, next TUESDAY, JANUARY 26th. No appointment necessary between 9.80 a.m. and 4 p.m. Mr. R. Ostrosser a Beltone consultant who has helped hundreds to hear again, will conduet the clinic. He will test your hearing for each ear, give an expert analysis of your "individual defect and show you \% how best to correct it. LEARN HOW YOU CAN HEAR BETTER! Whether or not you now wear a hearing aid, Mr Ostrosser will demonstrate exactly how you'll hear " with one of Beltone's amazing new aids. These im- proved models -are sensative, full-toned -- and so tiny they're virtually invisible! Fresh batteries and repair service for all makes of hearing aid will be provided at the Beltone clinic -- NEXT TUESDAY in the Emmerson Motel. DO THAT INSIDE find REPAIR JOB FREE ESTIMATE COURTESY -- SERVICE PHONE TO-DAY. YUkon 5+7391 LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER C0. LTD. A R

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