Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 12 Nov 1959, p. 1

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Ly ER 23 INI Rar hats Eo HO BR 2 ; rs 3 . - Lay penis 51 PORT PERRY, ONT, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, 1959 - $2.00 per year. Single Copy 6c. a "AL | c- Bid isd Saki y 5 . gi "ef High Scho 2 ; fon i | gh School Installation of Maybelle Commencement Rebekah Lodge Officers As has been the custom for the past Installation of Maybelle Rebekah : few years the annual High School Lodge No. 348 took place on the even- is difficult to visualize the nativity Conimencement exercises have been ing of October 20th in the Lodge Hall. scene with animals you have never divided over two periods--the Junior The officers were very capably install- known, but a large clever painting section, Grades 9 & 10 being held on ed by Sister Eva McMurter and her by Violet Teague of Melbourne, Aus- ) Thursday afternoon and the remain. staff of Beehive Lodge from Bow-|iralia is hung back of the Communion fa der of the Grades having their pro- manville. ~The floor work was ex-|¢qple in this little Arctic Church, "The gram on Friday evening. A good at + |ceptionblly impressive, with the com- painting is 8 ft. long and 5 ft high. tendance of parents and friends filled bination of pink and green dresses and In it the Madonna and Babe are in the auditorium on both occasions, white ones of our own members. regal. ermine; an Indian in buckskin Mr. Grant C. MacDonald, principal |- Our new officers are as follows: and snowshoes presents a live beaver of the school was chairman and" wel- Noble Grand ........ Sister Nettie Aldred |to the Holy Child. A Hudson Bay comed the parents to the school, as : Vice-Grand ............ Sister Ruby Beare [trader is there offering white fox well as telling a little about the school Recording Sec .... Sister Mildred Rodd pelts as his gift. Then there is the and its activities, Several musical Financial Sec, .......... Nettie McDonald | Royal Canadian Mounted Policeman; numbers were attractively presented Treasurer..........., Sister Anna Anderson | white and black sled dogs in harness; by some of the pupils and much en- Warden ............ Sister Norma Jeffrey | the Eskimo laying walrus tusks be- joyed by those present. However the Musician .......... Sister Lillian Harper | fore the Mother and Child. The Eski. main items of the program were the Sister Ruby Roach [mo woman with her babe, and beside presentation of prizes and diplomas, Inside Guardian....Sis. Marjorie Aldred | her fwo beautiful raindeer. In the Tile Tas sanig) out Host Srigiantly ; Outside Guardian....Sis. Eileen Dawson Dackgronnd re Igloo nd Guiana Y ho leathers 4 Brions & Chaplain ............... Sister Alfa Samells | above all the Star o ehem ghines aliing 1 hs idan ining RS.N.Guvroer... Sister Grace Love bn oh tle tp tn Alavi ben L.S.N.G......... ..Sister Elsi 0 ing students. : R.S.V.G. ... Sis Har sly Dogue its Nativity picture that might well a; the Pople I Grade Nine 5 L.S.v.G Sister Reta Boe | 878¢¢ the finest Cathedral. Ay ceived a certificate which indicates NG. ms ers every service the congregation o that they have entered into High hi Bison Syatis Belgrave Eckimeaux, Indians, and white men School. This diploma was started by i De ns r oma. Grazie can all see, and understand that the he High Shand Board vh i the Pe- sented Sister MeMurter. with - git, Christian Message ig for all, and each su- » per a en Lam We also honoured her supporters with way, Bring' hiy own" gifs in his 'sun the pupil tangible evidence that he gifts, ' . has achieved on school standing and : Brief speeches were given by Sister ) also serves this purpose for the pupil (Sh Myrtle Snelgrove, Sister Disney, Sis. : Co 1 who leaves school to seek a job be- (Canadian National Railways photos) ar Sidhe, Sister Nettlie Aldred, N. Scugog unci fore he has attained Intermediate : + and Sister Eva McMurter, D.D.P. . 3 time the Depart- - ' "ae Lodge was closed in the regular| The regular meeting of Scugog So ari h Siu the Doptes a CNR OPENS NEW RAIL LINE IN QUEBEC order and everyone enjoyed a sociat|Council was held inthe Town Hall titicate, ' ; . : evening after which a delicious lunch [on Tuesday evening, November 8rd, Scholarships: + Continuing its historic development role, Canadian shown at left, above, were, left to right: Quebec was served in the club room, at 8 p.m. ob Cldmall Honeydale Women's Institute-= Jr - = National Railways marked another transportation Minister of Roads Antonio Talbot, Mr. Gordon, , Reeve A) yay an a ne © Prize for Home Economics -- Doris" milestone October 28 when the first train from Mayor Rodolphe Lefebvre of St. Felicien, Federal ors ho BULEE, Smith. and-Fralie McLeod. : Chibougamau in northern Quebec rumbled into Transport Minister George Hees, and Jean-Noel S Ch meat the iit ineeting rele Honeydale Women's Institute -- Sr. -8t. Felicien in the Lake St. John area, 133 miles Tremblay, MP for Roberval. Chibougamau, rich in cugoy apler read and adopted on motion. = Cor- Prize for Home Economics -- Karel to the southwest. Welcoming scene, shown below, mineral resources, was linked by rail with CNR I 0 D E respondence read was as follows: si 2 SeliolirsbipoiTo the beat drew hundreds of residents of the region to the St. = system two years ago. Opening of the new link ool elllle 1. From Eastern Steel Co. re blades all-round student of Te Fede Matri- Felicien station as President Donald Gordon, wav- brings Chibougamau 200 miles closer to Montreal; The November meeting of Scugog | for snow plow, handed to P. Jeffrey culation Class--Jeanne Williams, = ing from the engine cab, inched the diesel-hauled opens up the heavily forested area northwest of Chapter was opened in the usual man- tor future reference. : : . LO.D.E. Scholarship--For the stu. ©. train to a stop. Among the dignitaries on hand, St, Felicien. New section cost $16,500,000 to build. ae vith he Bean lis. 5 Mossy N x r EP io at he ar tanding ' : : -y * eare in the chair. r the min-|lag » ay HN for oh fie guest sianling of the ' E ' a - utes were read and approved and the Twp. re the the distribution of the De- + vr ; a -- aon --_-- Pressurer's report given, the Educa- Doare Friveinal bhi; Et of 3 3 : ; A tional Sec., Mrs. Grant Christie ave 0,000.00, issued during or the ES lies Prize {Grads 1%) Athletic Awards Pp Pp R d nd Club . routes of the Voyaguers of old, plus a very comprehensive report on poe Central Ontario County District High Laura L. Fords Scholarship--~High- Track and Field-- ort erry 0 d un the scenery of the present. There were work. We have an adopted school at |School Board. Filed. : est standing in English, Grade XIII, '(Port Perry High School Track = ) moose and deer and lesser animals in| Carr, in Northern Ontario and Mrs.| 3. From the Township of Crowland, Value $16.00--Barbara Heyes. and Field Meet, Sept. 1959.) Annual Dinner their natural habitat against a back |Christie read a letter of grateful |re the administration of Welfare, and ' Lions Club Scholarship--To the out- | BOYS-- . B * | drop of rugged rock and virgin forest, thanks from the teacher there, regard. [a copy of a petition from that Coun- standing student in the Senior Ma.| Junior Champion--George Tripp. Something old and something new jvenors of the auction were still count- [Truly a lovely film and a very enjoy. ing the help we have given. Such as |cil to the Prov. Gov. re same. Filed. triculation Class, Scholarship and Runner-up--Charles (Ross, on Wednesday, October 28th at 6.30 ing the "take", able end to a successful evening. Thank |g picture of the Queen; Union Jack; | 4. From the Dept. of Highways, re - School Activities, Value $25.00--David| Intermediate Champion--James pm. in Port Perry. Many familiar| The Chairman's remarks were next [you Stan Hudson, and several libraries of books suitable hiring a new road superintendent, Milne. Burnett, David Milne, faces and old friends of the Port Perry [and Ott Hamilton gave a brief run- for Public Schools. Then 1.0.D.E. b. From the Dept. of Highways, en- Central Ontario County District] Runner-up--Wayne Powell. Rod and Gun Club gathered for the|down on the club activities for the | Calendars are given to all rooms in closing the Auditors' Report on the High School Board--To student with| Senior Champion--Philip Clark. annual "Duck Dinner" in the|year. Ben Smith the press agent for F T h ' our own public school. Also one to Road Expenditures for Scugog Twp. -- the highest aggregate standing in] Runner-up--Douglas McMillan, spanking new banquet room of the|the little animals then introdused the ormer eac er S our High School. Memorial Library | 10, 1988. Gr. XIIT--Value $25.00--James Gray. | GIRLS-- Boy Scout Hall. . guest speaker for the evening, Gordon - » and surrounding rural schools. 6. From the Dept. of Planning and Academic Trophies Junior Champion--Patricia Bailey Chairman for the evening, 0. O.|Buie from Lindsay District. Husband Dies in It was Panel gL Se Development, re Civil Defense finan- '1, Smallman (RB) Trophy--Gen- Runner-up--Marion Couch. Hamilton, president of the Club, called | Mr. Buie, already well and favour- Pp i Be rans poll able cial Assistance to Municipalities. eral Proficiency in Grade IX-- Bonnie Intermediate Champion--Betty upon Stan Hunson to ask the blessing ably known to the Club through his eru to donate blood, contact Mrs. Storey Mr. A. Teno was present to discuss Wallace, _Couves and from then on it was every man for [ten years in administering the rules ' Beare. Seugog Chapter is adopting the possibility of the Twp. assuming 2 2. Jackson (Gertrude) Trophy -- Runner-up--Sharon Beare. 4 himself. Some 110 dinners, give or |and regulations in Lindsay District,| Word has been received of the sud- a small child in Europe. $60.00 a year | Mi"tenance of the Road at Powell's For Home Economics in Grade XI-- Senior Champion--Elaine Me d, take a few healthy appétites started on pointed out that good regulations ex-[den passing of Donald Lee Bradley. gives food, clothing, medicine and Beach. Held over until more inform- "Faye Asling, Marie Parry the first leg of the delicious dinner. | sted between the Department of Lands | Mr. Bradley was the husband of a Education to a child, ation is obtained re the condition of 3. Peel (Ron A.) Trophy--For Shop| '"Mer-up--Elaine Butson. As wave after wave of tasty dishes |and Forests and the Rod & Gun Clubs, | former Port Perry High School teach- | This week completes our first [tid road. 5 " Work, Grade XI--Arthur Jefford, -- were carried in by'the trim-uniformed | Each in his own way is trying to pre- | er, Miss Joan McGregor. Marathon Bridge and arrangements| It a moved by Clarence Carter, 4. Hutcheson (Mr. and Mrs.) Tro- P) Girl Guides the rest of ug manfully [serve game by Conservation regula-| At the time of his death Mr. Brad. yer made for the party. Dec. meet- secon ed by Alvin Heayn, that the fol- phy -- For .Commercial Work, Grade . tried to keep up and waistline inhibi- [tions. ley was an accountant for Internation-/, takes the form of a pot luck lowing accounts be approved and the XI--Constance Hancock. : Obituary tions were tossed out the windows. He covered the Hunter Safety Pro-|8l Petroleum Co., and stationed in supper. Treasurer be instructed to pay the 5. Jackson (Zula M.) Trophy--Ma- : The head table guests included Miss |€ram in an attempt to stamp out care- | Talara, Peru. Although Mr. Bradley, 11 0ct. we voted money for Educa-[Same: Roads $1274.88; Gen. $495.18; triculation French and Latin--Linda MRS. MAUDE BAILEY iatri les handling of firearms. The Depart-|Was only 33 years old he suffered a tional work among the Eskimeaux.|Total $1770.03. Carried. | Ilene Fell (Maple District Office), 4 heart attack apparently brought on by ' . »| Motion to adjourn was moved by G Clements and Linda Diemer. nt of om of Blackstock, Ont,, for | Stan Hudson (Educational Director at |ment is safety minded and hopes by [heart attack apparently brought on by For Empire Stuy rr gre Roget Ps nidubior ain ; 6. Lawrence (A. M.) Trophy--Ma- ! d . this program to make the woods |® Virus infection. He is survived by "Epiphany in the Snows" telling of [* mit » seconded by C. Carter, to meet most of her life, Mrs. Maude Bailey [Head Office), Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith, p his wife and one daughter k d t Aklavik (120 [again on Tuesday, Dec. 1st, 1959 at 8 Wricuiation Seilenes and Mathematios passed away at her home Friday [Gordon Buie, Supervisor of Fish and |safer for the hunter. the gro) yor yh Cire ). It[p.m. or at the call of the Reeve Pasi Mine. : evening, Oct. 30, after an illness of |Wild Life Division, Lindsay District;| Perhaps the punch nne to his talk Wiles VoEta of the Artie Cirle) Jy ye. 7. Lundy (Dr. L B) Tomnyalle: one week, 0. O. Hamilton, Mr, and Mrs. Art |was his presentation two ladies and Wieslation Eng) Uy ond. Jigorg Mrs. Bailey was born near Nestle- | Brock, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Nesbitt. seven gentlemen their pins for good Remembrance na {H Ith St i H H 8. Cawker (A. B.) Trophy--Highest |ton, Ont., on Aug. 21, 1878, a daugh.| When tre last duck leg had disap- |shooting in the 1958-1959 season. The Minister o ea ales xiow re Standing in five Upper School sub-|ter of the late William and Hannah peared and the coffee .cups were | 8uecessful marksmen were Lola Me- Day Banquet T ub | » jects--James Gray, : McLaughlin. On Jan. 1, 1895, she drained, our good friend Bill Nesbitt|Eachern, Dorothy Naples, Albert As. : F eels Ahout er cu 0s1S 3 9. Letcher (W. M.) Trophy--Ora- | married Frederick A. Bailey of Black- | took over the program and started the |mour, Bill Chapman, Doug Edenbor- The Annual Remembrance Day Ban- * tory, open to any student--Linda Die- | stock. ; fun off with the first of the 22 auc. |0ugh. J. Healey, Murray Spears, Bruce quet of the Port Perry Branch, Cana-| The annual meeting of the Medical doing outstanding work in the field of | mert, Ian Beare, Mrs. Bailey was a faithful member ' tioned parcels. Chinese Auction it is|Simpson and the instructor himself, | ian Legion, was held in the Scout Advisory Section, Ontario Tuberculosis | respiratory diseases, one of the very of the Anglican Church and of its called, but I doubt even if the Chinese | Hilton Simpson. Congralulations all. Hall on Saturday, November 7th, with Association, was held in Toronto uninteresting ones being given by Dr. Extramural Trophies Woman's Auxiliary. She was also. an ' 61k could figure it out. Perhaps Ben| For laching on to.a 4% Ib bass and the largest attendance yet recorded at!Jctober 29th. F. M. Feldman, Research Director of "1. The William Aldred Memorial active member of the Women's Insti: mith comes as close as anyone as it [landing it, Sam Naples was presented [this annual affair. Dr .M. B. Dymond, Ontario Minister [the American National Tuberculosis Trophy and Scholarship--David Milne, tute.. : : is his job to remember who held up [with the bass trophy. We understand Mr. Nightingale, president of of Health, opened the meeting, wel-|Association. Dr. Feldman pointed out i ne Grif TeoPhy Sols May Predeceased by her husband and one | his hand at the amount of the sealed !that Sam was trolling with grappling | Branch 419, in a short address wel-'coming the many doctors who attended [that in his country tuberculosis was 8. The Stadent Council Trophy--to | on, Howard, she leaves another son, |bid. The auction is not without pathos |irons baited with a pigeons when |comed members and guests. Hon. Dr. from all parts of the Province. In his still in fourth place among the killing J " Liukan Ed Arthur, of Blackstock, and two dau-|and humour. _ The young lady who [the bass struck. It's all right Sam M. B. Dymond, Ontario's Minsiter of opening remarks, Dr. Dymond denied, | diseases, and that the number of cases od : fos "The Valedictorian Trophy -- to |Bhters Olive (Mrs, Nasmyth Henry) |had her bid run sky high and in des. | we are just jealous. ' Health, was among the guests. Dr. most emphatically, that he had ever|in proportion to the population ap- Lillian Couves. RR, 4, Lindsay and Laura (Mrs. W.; peration tossed in her piggy bank to At this point Gordon Buie wag J. B. Lundy sald Grace. Mr. Frank said, intimated or thought that tuber-|peared to be increasing, Secondary School Honour Gradua-|A: Dawson) of Oshawa, There are |nail down the parcel. Yes sir, she got (awarded a Port Perry Rod & Gun Club | Godley, Port Perry Councillor, intro- 'culosis is a conquered disease. He did Among the lay members in the tion Diplomas were given to gradua-|10 grandehildren and two great-grand- | it, When the wrapping was removed | Crest for service beyond the call of | duced the guest speaker of the even- say he felt it could be conquered, in audience at this most interesting meet- ting students on Friday evening, children. i she found she had a brand new and [duty and with it the best wishes of ing, Mr, Kelly, of Oshawa, !the not too-distant future, provided ining were the President and Execu- The Valedictory Address was pre-| The funeral service was held in 8t. very lovely hand saw all shining and |all present plus an invitation to return| My, Kelly/ delivered a fine address the present methods of case finding |tive Secretary of the Ontario County H sented by Miss Illlan Couves. Jolin's Anglican Church, Blackstock, | sharp, and along with it a gorgeous |whenever possible, on Canada's part in the world con-'and control were energetically carried | Tuberculosis and Heatlh Association, 55 on Rev. LK. Moffat, as guest speaker, | at 2 p.m. Monday, Nov. 2, Interment hack saw. Bea where Pop get a| Once niore the "piece de resistance" |flicts, wthning herself a place among on, and congratulated all those who [which is at present sponsoring tuber- | > -~ delivered an inspiring address on the |was in St. John's' Cemetery. Christmas present, was Stan Hudson and his film. This/| the nations of the world, (were working to this end, both in the |culin testing of school children in . Value of Education. ' Pallbearers were Wesley Pearce,| The donors of these parcels for auc- [time it was a "Canoelogue" over the Following the banquet many mem- , medical profession and. in the volun-|Oshawa and throughout Ontario Coun- Friday evening also saw the pre-|Marwood Dickey, Roy MecLatghlin, tioning are to be commended for their waters and across the old portage of | bers and guests retired to the Lagion tary associations. ty, in cooperation with local public sentation 'of the Athletic awards and | Gilbert Marlow, Harry 'McLaughiln selection and their "generosity to the! beautiful Quetico Park, It was a|Hall, where a musical program was Interesting and informative papers (health units and medical officers of 'the awards for the Cadet Corps. and Clarence Marlow, iclub, and at the last report the con+| father and son story recapturing the | enjoyed. [were given by four Doctors who arelhealth, : -- EE be A ib ii, ; F i" i? 'Brooklin w. Newma rket "re ry S at., Nov.

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